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Posts posted by FREQ1989

  1. Yeah they made an unnecessary change to that power. Even with the change though, it still doesn't go where you originally aimed it 100% of the time. I have been testing this and I have seen the ball go literally 90 degrees from where I was aiming (keep in mind with this tests I did I left my mouse alone and didn't touch it.) They need to roll back this change as it was completely pointless to do it.


    I made my own thread about it here. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/309113-mirage-prism-acting-strange/?p=3502168 Too bad it didn't really go anywhere. Oh well, at least you all can see what I am talking about in better detail.

  2. Alliance website almost ready for launch

    You heard right, we have an alliance website incoming. thanks to solidsp33d. After it has been launched Solid will begin work on making our very own forums. We hope to make the forums on the alliance website our central hub so as to avoid all this “But I don't like steam” and “I never check the warframe forums” that we often see. The site is still under construction but Solid wants to get it up and running so we can test the various functions of the site and make sure nothing is horribly broken. This mean expect placeholders for a bit and don't be surprised if we see big changes on the website

    The website will be going up as soon as he gets the dosh to pay for it. The website will cost $7 a month, with a $20 yearly security payment. once it is up we will be able to add a donations button there. However until then, due to internet and coding shenanigans, the donation button is on Soldsp33d’s youtube channel

    In other news, be on the look out for more casual warframe events (hopefully) coming in the near future

    As always feel free to check out our alliance steam page


    Awesome! I can't wait to see how it turns out. Big thanks to Solid for taking the time to do this!

  3. So they changed how prism is aimed, which was totally not needed, but since then I have noticed it not working correctly. Obviously with this change you can't aim the ball after beginning the cast and I understand that. The issue I have been noticing is sometimes the ball doesn't even fire in the general direction I have aimed in. For instance. I aimed one direction and began the cast, without moving my aim at all, the ball decided to be cast a full 90 degrees  to the left of there the cast was supposed to go. It usually isn't as drastic as this but it does happen. I propose that whatever is changed gets reverted, because there is really no reason for this to have happened. If this is off the table for any bizarre reason, then I think it should at least track the cross hairs like Antimatter Drop. I really hope this gets changed back to the way it was since there was no real reason why it was changed to be like this.

  4. Why does this exist? It is entirely unfair to those clans or alliances that have not yet attacked the rail. The real problem is that with only a few groups can hold the fate of an entire sector, trading off each other and denying the chance for anyone else to try and contest. The fact that DE actually put this in the game, and thought it was a good idea, is a testament to why this game will fail if true balance isn't implemented into the game.


    I have two examples of this. A few weeks back, I was waiting for a rail to come up. I set an alarm and everything. I got done with my personal doings early so i sat down to make sure i would be on time. This was thirty minutes before the armistice timer was up for me. To my surprise I found out that and opposing rail had actually been deployed forty five minutes before I had sat down. My second example is about  twenty minutes ago. again I have been waiting for about an hour to deploy the rail. With 8 minutes and 59 seconds before the timer was up i decided to reload the screen, only to fin out that three minutes before, a rail had been deployed.


    So with this knowledge, I feel that one of two things should happen. Either A). Any previous attackers/defenders should have a penalty, not a priority, or B). Everybody has the same countdown timer displayed, and there is an equal chance for anyone to attack. Obviously B is the better choice, but knowing DE with some of the past decisions that have been made, I think that actually neither will be chosen, and the same unfair advantage will be kept in the game.


    Overall I hope that there are others out there outraged that this was knowingly implemented in the game. I call for any of those fellow players to post in this thread and ask for this to be changed.


    • PvP Bladestorm balancing:

      -Reduced maximum number of attacks to [2, 3, 4, 5] to address issues with players getting stuck in Bladestorm-ed state for up to 15+ hits.

      -Increased the PvP damage multiplier from 0.1 per hit to 0.5 per hit in an effort to keep damage output in line with previous values.



    So we now die in 1-2 hits instead of 3-4. Yeah, this is still fair. /sarcasm


    In all honesty why can't there be a system put in place that just doesn't allow certain abilities/frames, weapons, and mods in PvP. It seems that DE is trying to balance PvE with PvP and making any changes to affect one drastically affects the other and throws the game even more out of balance than it already is. This is why many of us call for the systems to be 100% separate. There needs to be a version of EVERYTHING separate for PvP in order for PvE to continue it's current style. This will take a lot of time and work, but it is needed to keep the overall game play in balance with itself.

  6. Wednesday = Update day


    Update day = potential cool stuff


    Unless I missed a memo Wednesday is update day. 



    And there is usually a tonne of hype threads on update days.



    They have a week long alert system in place. I doubt there is going to be any sort of update. Maybe a hotfix or two but who knows. I'm not holding my breath lol.

  7. Now who said anything about growing accustomed to the bugs? I sure as hell didn't. I hate bugs as much as anyone else, but that doesn't mean we have to be jerks to the devs just because a bug has shown up.


    We don't have to be jerks to the community either. /thread

  8.  So far they're doing better than other game companies are when it comes to bug fixes.




     It's not our job to tell them how to do their job. 


    Actually if you think about it, it is. Sometimes it is painfully obvious that they don't play test their game to the detail that we as players actually play through the game. There are still plenty of places that you can get bugged out, glitched, or even fall through the world. Take this last update. Sure yeah, the new ice tile set was implemented as a test, but how does this actually justify that there are literal holes in the level, missing textures, that we as players fin out. Why is the defined path of travel constantly met with small invisible walls that halt your movement, and practically get you killed in the process. If we don't report these sort of issue to them, then how do they ever fix it. Sure that seems more like reporting instead of saying "hey do it this way and do it now" but it has almost come to that point. There are still issues in the game that have existed for literally almost an entire year, and if we as consumers of the game don't universally say "hey do your job and fix this long standing issue, instead of making cosmetic items and other useless junk" then we will NEVER see this game actually leave beta.

  9. Got into the first intro mission thought the button layout was odd (b instead of industry standard x to interact)


    I don't know what games you are talking about, seeing as almost all shooters these days use X as the standard reload button. You can change the layout though if you so choose, minus the whole roll and crouch/slide being on the same button no matter what, which was a terrible choice by who ever made that choice.


    Fixed clients falling through the ground in the Ice tileset upon entering the mission.






    ..... No... You didn't fix this...



    Edit: It happens when people skip the player dropping from the ship. FYI

  11. Have you tired it with Critical Delay? I haven't gotten the weapon yet but hearing this disturbs me. If anything that mod can in theory help, but like putting it on the Amphrex, I imagine it won't do anything. I also can't imagine adding crit to it will help just to try and justify a slower fire rate. All in all I love the continuous fire weapons in this game, it is something other games just don't do, but when they make one that deplete ammo as fast as the Amphrex and so on, it kills the vibe that those weapons can create.

  12. Dear Steve,


    I think you have exemplified the meaning of "Right Action"


    Not only have you fixed a long time bug you felt needed fixing in order to correct a mistake you made in the past, but you have also taken the time to listen to the people you serve and come up with a solution for their needs, regardless of whether or not you had to get wonky to accomplish it.


    I think sometimes the members of the community (yep i'm looking at you) forget that when we signed up for this adventure, we did so with full disclosure that things may and would change. 


    Personally even though I feel that the color palette is a minute issue in the grander schema of things (see explination/rant below) I applaud the fact that it was taken care of timely and with respect for the communities wishes. Ultimately it was a well played move by DE and Tenno are beyond ignorant as usual (hyper focused on a pawn when they should be watching the entire board).


    My Fellow Tenno,

    Really? REALLY? of all the things wrong with the current UI you wanted to go after color palettes? This is such an illogical objective. Let me explain. There are two types of people, those that buy color palettes and those that don't.


    Those that buy color palettes do so to customize the look of their frames, sentinels, etc. Now let me ask you a question. If the old color palettes never existed and only the new ones did, would you have bought a color palette? Of course you would have, why? Because you are the kind of person that buys color palettes. Why? because you like to customize your warframe, setntinel, etc. So, knowing yourself, and knowing that you would have bought some kind of color palette at some point; is it really worth arguing with DE over?






    This tiny little win for Tenno gives DE the leverage they need to ignore greater problems within the game. It is like a thief tossing a watchdog a steak so they can rob it's owner blind. It quells the community outrage since now many will feel as though they accomplished something "important".


    That being said, I now expect every last one of you that complained about your colors being bad to Post a "Thank You" to Steve for hearing your complaint and responding. And if you don't, well I guess that just means you don't have what it takes to be upright (a true man/woman).


    And just so we are clear, I am the kind of person who buys color palettes (nearly all), I just have enough common sense to realize that it really should have never been an issue.



    DE: +1  VS  Tenno: -1

    So what you are saying is that there are issues with the new UI, fail to list any of them, then complain that people got DE to change something, then say you are one of the people you were complaining about. Sure you might not have complained but the issue is that they did this change without any prior warning and it ruined a lot of peoples colors, and the appearance of their Kubrow. You are entitled to your own opinion and all, but raging at those of us who were mad at the fact that it was a change that didn't really need to happen in the first place, is kind of absurd. You yourself mentioned UI problems, but rage at the fact they fixed this, essentially twice now, when they could have ignored it in the first place and fix these UI issues you haven't listed out. Personally, I have had no issues with the new UI and don't understand why people are raging about it. So take your rage and flip it, with the color issue not being a true issue, don't take anger out on us. If you want other things fixed, go generate your own thread, present logical and validated points and be civil about it. Then you can try to get people to back you and support your thoughts. Just don't rage at those of us who fought for what we wanted changed. Also, assuming that DE will ignore other problems in the game is rather ignorant. They want their game to be the best it can, and assuming the opposite I imagine would be rather insulting to the devs. Finally, with you essentially demanding people write a thank you to Steve, while it would be nice of those people as I basically have done already, is kind of arrogant. You're not my dad, so you can't tell me and others what to do, and if you were my father, I still wouldn't listen.




    I already thanked them for listening to our feedback, however your strawman is unnecessary and a little insulting, just because I care an almost insane amount about customisation does not mean I, or any of the other people who didn't like the change, don't care about bugs and issues with the UI. 

    Obviously, by the way you assumed so much about people, you don't understand that it's different strokes for different folks and for some people the issues you think are larger are smaller issues and the issues you think are smaller are larger for them. 

    Also think of it this way, things like the time it takes to simple get to the mission start and frames blocking the mod screens have been reported and will be fixed, but the colour changes were more polarising, some people loved them, some hated it and others didn't care, without complaints and feedback how are they supposed to know people don't like it?

    Tl;dr: Don't assume everyone quantifies bugs and issues in the same way as you, although sometimes the feedback does go over the top.


    You sir, hit the nail on the head. +1 to you.

  13. Can the future colors without this option NOT have the left side colors all turn to black? Cause having this does destroy the point of several pallets.


    I'm sure they won't do that seeing as how they have seen that people don't like that side of the palette being that dark.



    Bring it out quick cause prices for colors now are through the roof.

    The printer was way better than what it turned out to be without it.



    Don't ask them to rush it either because they should take time and make sure it is with as few bugs as possible so we don't have to start another community outrage/argument thread. If they take time and make sure it is as good as possible then we are all happy, devs and players, and that's good for everyone.

  14. Additional Kubrow coloring options are definitely in the works. Resetting Kubrows was not in the cards (burned into their traits, not color palette) but I will see if we can't do some gifting to get you in a better spot when the new Kubrow system is finished... fair?

    Totally fair! Thanks for the response. I know the community will be much happier knowing we have an option coming in the future.

  15. I've added a config option that performs the gamma-incorrect distortion on any legacy palette. It's queued for the next hotfix and will be included on PS4. This option checks if the palette is a legacy palette (ironically all of them except for the Gamma pack which was made with the new code).


    It will not change anyone's set up colors, Kubrow color are unaffected. This simply mangles the color picker interface for the palettes in question. You will notice that the new UI is now properly displaying the gamma-mangled colors instead of having the swatch out of sync with the result on your item.


    I apologize to those that have been with us for so long and were fond of the old scheme - this hacky option lets you get back there. Future palettes will not be affected by this option.


    Thank you so much for this Steve. But why not let us revert our Kubrows? I mean I don't want to sound ungrateful but my Girlfriend and I had awesome white Kubrows and now mine is so grey you cant see he tiger stripes and my girlfriend's is some sort of nasty green that comes along as the same hue as tarnished copper. Even putting the scrambler back in would be a start, but I think we all would like to color our Kubrows, even though it doesn't make sense genetically. There are plenty of us here who can help you all out with ideas on this topic, so please let us know what can be done on this front.


    Edit: I cut out the images so we all don't have to scroll as much.

  16. Great got my three day booster extended finally after the fiasco with U14s initial weekend and now I cant stay connected due to whatever the heck is going on here now. This is very frustrating but DDOS attacks are S#&$e and so are the people who do them. Hopefully this all gets worked out soon but till then, I think I'll wait it out and submit yet another ticket so I can actually use this booster.

  17. But it doesn't matter how many times I suggest this, or something similar to this. Those who want to pretend like the color changes are perfect will slam this post as "whining", and it's stuff like this that makes me fed up, especially when community mods fail to see the rational arguments being made, and instead try to claim that it's just "my opinion". That kind of attitude only fosters the one - sided negativity in these forums and hinders the effect of constructive feedback by marginalizing/devaluing any feedback that highlights a problem with the game. Yes, it creates a community of "yes men", that only say yes and never no. The analogy, and point of that, is that positive feedback is praised, and negative feedback is shunned as whining. . Some may consider that mere name calling, but it describes the atmosphere that is fostered when every piece of negative feedback is considered whining or crying or mere complaining. DE's lack of response here only serves to contribute to this atmosphere.

    Yes this! A thousand times yes! I agree with these words 100% It does seem that any constructive criticism or feedback and an issue on any issue turns out looking negative only because there is someone to post afterwards saying they are complaining, therefor putting anything they say in a negative light. The "community mods" from what I have seen basically are there to cleanup and lock threads that people start to try and get the rest of the community with them on an issue, but they never get a chance since they are shut down before people have a chance to share their opinion.


    On to the continued issue of the color changes. I ran the game on my fiance's computer and it looked better. Now this is why I take issue with these changes. Not all people can see the same colors in the same way they are portrayed. Also, not all monitors are the same either. So here is my problem. I have never messed with my monitor colors and neither has she, and they look way better for her, only due to the fact she has a newer rig and monitor than I do. I will admit, yes, we can make the colors match by messing with our gamma in-game, or adjust our monitor settings, but why should we have to change our graphical settings to make the colors match now. Sure they didn't match before, and while I am glad they have fixed this "issue", they should have asked us before they forced this update on us. With DE not giving us any sort of response so far, it is clear to us that they will not do anything to potentially revert this, or even provide a workaround for those of us who want the old style back, or for the colors that still simply don't match. Sadly the best thing to do now is just get over it, and while I don't want to do that at all, its just what we will all have to do since they apparently don't care about our thoughts or suggestions. Hell I have been waiting for almost 5 days now to get a support ticket resolved for good, and this is after two and a half days of going back and forth trying to get problem replicated and logs sent. My point is, if I can't get a simple response of " ok great thanks for working with us", we shouldn't expect to get a retroactive fix for our colors.

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