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Posts posted by FREQ1989

  1. Oh come off it. "brown nosers"? "people who actually want to help shape the game.."? Ok, I can accept that you're unhappy with the change, and that's fair, but stop with the self-righteous posturing and quit acting like you've somehow got a more important opinion than people who are happy with the change. The people who are happy with it have opinions that are equally as valid as yours.

    Sure, and I understand people have their own opinions and views and they are entitled to them I am not, however only referring to this particular scenario. Arcane helmets, frame nerfs, weapon nerfs, the clear unbalance in PvP that has exhisted since conclaves, there are more things I refer to when I say there are people who want to shape the game, and those who just take what they are given without question, or critique. All I am saying is some people fail to see the big picture, and that is ok, but when some issues clearly cause the game to take a more negative turn within the game play and the community, it truly becomes a problem that needs to be fixed, and more often the not DE doesn't seem to take an overall objective look at things and typically do not listen to all possibilities before they just "fix it".

  2. I am actually planning on making an support ticket about it tomorrow if they don't say anything else.  Figured I'd give them a little time.


    I would actually be totally fine if they had 2 versions of all these colors and either 

    a) let the people who bought the colors keep them the way they had them and make those that wanted the 'fixed' versions buy them

    b) give me another set of 'broken' (the ones I actually bought) colors to go with the ones they fixed.

    Good luck with that support ticket. I was waiting for 4 hours today to get a quick response only to find out it was time for them all to go home, after I had been talking to the guy all day before. Either way try it and let us all know how it works out.

  3. Yeah.. except some of the colors aren't the same on the palette as they are on the frame. Take the bottom right grey on the smoke pack. Either my monitor contrast is off or that isn't a deep gray like it used to be, because it is not straight black. I think you guys might have over done some of these colors.


    Edit: Hands down these changes, while with good intentions, suck for our frame color customization. I, like everyone else here, minus the sheeple who think everything DE does is great even if it breaks the game, can't revert any of my colors back to what they were. Sure, I get it, they wanted to make the colors better, but when maroon on the palette turns to black on the frame, is just ludicrous. Simply put, the way it was before all "washed out" was a better representation of the colors then they are now.

  4. default loadouts are boring. look, as it is right now, each weapon has its pros and cons. the brakk has damage falloff, so you dont go charging in to get shot in the face. copter away and shoot from afar. soma has wind up time, which is actually a burden in fast paced pvp, and it needs a lot of mods to rank up to be good since it's completely crit reliant. even in conclaves the wind up time really is a hassle. for weapons that 1 shot kill, people have already been dealing with that in conclaves and it's still a lot of fun.just need better skill to have better aim and twitch reflexes. yes there are some weapons that are more op that might need some tweaking. like boltor prime and orthos prime to name a few. however boltor is not hitscan, and users will have to lead into the target if they move fast enough. orthos primes range is ridiculous, but it can be outcoptered to escape and dodge more easily. ogris and penta are op sure, and need a fix. but luckily most of those people using them arent very good at it and can be melee'd or shot first with hitscan. i like all the different weapins and it keeps you thinking about what playstyle you have to use to counter the weapons they use. because using the same playstlye no matter what weapon they use will surely get you killed. i kinda like that.

    First off you have PS4 in front of your name, so unless you have a PC alias as well, and have tested this system, you have no room to comment on what I listed out. Second, you say people have been dealing with it in conclaves as if people have actually played in any of them since the first month after the release. It was broken then, and with them applying a concept that doesn't work, leaves it still broken. Telling people to stay away from a Brakk is also completely stupid, seeing as the only way you find out what your opponents are using is when they run up behind your'e while distracted with the endless line of specters on you, and shoot you in the back. Also telling people to "have better skill" is just plain douchey. I have been playing the game for a while, so I know how to move around. Here is the problem, other players can do the same thing and stay on you, regardless of individual skill. New players also will not have this experience, so telling them, to paraphrase your words, "get good" is idiotic, and makes the community look like a bunch of arrogant morons. Lastly how does one change their play style to avoid being one hit by, Bladestorm, Invisible Brakk to the back, being killed by an already downed enemy, and a broken rank up system that clearly wasn't thought completely through? You don't. They need to actually fix things and make it balanced. Sure default loadouts may be boring to you and others, but it would at least make the game more balanced, fair, and fun for those of us who want it, and not some unfair terrible game that is worse than playing CoD. If you don't like my idea, then that is your right, but it doesn't justify what you said with the possibility that you haven't tried it. If you have then good for you, and I am sorry if you fail to see the point that I and many others are making here in this thread.

  5. This new PvP system is hands down the biggest, most one sided, piece of crap I think I have ever played. While I absolutely love the idea and concept of it, the actual balance, or lack there of, leaves this new game type with much less desirability. First off lets start with a bug, one that happens to drop the lobby before you even get into the battle. I'll assume this will be fixed as soon as possible, so I will leave this alone. The one I did get into , however, was totally unfair. It does not matter if the weapon is unranked, or isn't, an OP weapon will be OP, no matter the presence of its current state. Now lets get into the details of my horrible encounter.


    1. Weapons - As I have just stated an OP weapon will always be such. I had to go up against at least 2 Pentas, 3 Brakks, one Soma and the rest I could not identify. So how does being one hit by a Brakk make up for the fact that it is a great idea of a game type? It doesn't. Plain and simple people will fins the OPs and take them. They also obviously will set it up so you get the most OP mods first i.e. max serration, heavy cal, etc. Now I understand that is what you have to do to get the most out of it but that doesn't make ti more fun. People will level faster than others therefore getting stronger first and snowballing the rest of the game.


    So how can we fix this. The answer is actually a rather easy one (and this will apply to basically everything I will talk about later in this post). Level the weapon playing field. Look at good old Halo. Everyone would start out with a pistol and an assault rifle, and around the map there would be other weapons players can pick up to gain other tradeoffs with the basic weapons they were given. I feel to make the weapons seem more on par with each other we take the Halo idea, give everyone the same weapons, and maybe have some around the map we can interact with and pick up instead. Make these weapons have set damages all around, balance them with each other and then we can throw out the ability to gain immediate advantages over other weapons by having a well placed mod layout. We can also apply the same thing with heavy weapons, by giving them a limited spawn time and not letting players be able to replenish the ammo for them, therefore making it a little more balanced so people don't get to just spam grenades or rockets.


    2. Frames and Abilities - This is the difficult part. Individual frames are what make this game great, but there are some frames that can clearly have an advantage over others. Ash. This was the biggest, cheapest tactic I came across in rails. Having the ability to get your Bladestorm first and insta-killing the entire enemy team is downright unfair. I am sure there are others out there that can be applied to this as well but I have not personally run into any others than Bladestorming Ashs.


    So how can we fix this? Well to be honest I don't have too many ideas on how to balance different abilities between the frames. One thing I can think of is a Damage cap. Cap high damage abilities at a point where players can still react and get out of danger before they die before they have any idea of what is going on. With a damage cap should come a resistance cap. Set all players in these battles to have the same Health shields and armor levels. This will help to prevent certain players from having a direct advantage when the game is first started, even with all frames being unranked. Again the Halo approach. Each player had the same health same shields and same resistance to various weapons, therefore making the game a fun experience.


    3. Attack and Defend - Attackers basically are at a disadvantage right now. With everything I have stated already, it is difficult enough for attackers to get to the objective without losing Lives. Since it is clear that this feels a lot like the Rush game type from Battlefield, I feel that there are some good ideas we can borrow.


    3.1. We give the attackers more lives and remove the option for revives. This will not only make it a little easier for the attackers to have a chance to be successful (Like having to destroy the core only to be gunned down over and over until they fail) but it will balance both sides overall so we don't have to risk being killed by a downed enemy as we try to push up on the objective


    3.2. Cap the amount of defenses the defending rail can have deployed. I ran into so many specters that it was almost unfair to be against 2-3 of them per person attacking. I don't know if this is a glitch or not but it does overwhelm the attacking force and therefore drains their lives faster.


    3.3 Have the last objective be less of a push two buttons and shoot it over and over, and turn it into a timer. It makes more sense from a PvP standpoint to have players focusing on keeping others off an objective, rather than having to worry about that and shooting an object that sits in one place. I feel that attackers should have to push the buttons and then focus on keeping enemies away for a certain amount of time before the core detonates and letting them win. On the flip side when the attackers have, in a sense, primed the core to self destruct, the defenders have to push back and hit the buttons in-sync to stop the timer and thereby forcing the attackers to push the buttons again and restart the countdown.


    This is how I feel these battles should work. They should be fun and competitive, and not a frustrating one sided  battle that makes me actually want to do the much less fun and boring mobile defense variant. I know, this is not Halo or Battlefield, but Halo (I'm not saying BF cause that starts a whole new argument XD) back in the days of CE,2 and 3, had a great formula for PvP multiplayer. Keep it simple, keep it balanced, keep it fun,and the people will come in droves to have fun, and experience what makes games great.


    Sincerely FREQ1989



    P.S. Hopefully people don't flame me too bad for this one but it needed to be stated. Also I left out Reach and 4, because if you thought reach or 4 was fun and balanced, then you are probably one of the Bladestorming Ash players that makes the current state of Dark Sector PvP not fun. Have a good day everyone!


    Edit: I know there is a lot of text and it may seem like a rage post, but I truly am trying to give my feedback and what I feel should be done. I love this game, and I wouldn't have posted this if I wasn't worried about how the balancing issues would effect overall play.

  6. I am still having issues where the game goes unresponsive for 10-15 seconds. It happens in any mission and in the loading and end mission screens (basically it happens everywhere except in my ship). This has been causing me to not be able to play due to it being either totally random or almost every other mission. I have submitted a support ticket (on sunday actually and I'm rather irritated I haven't had a response yet) but its strange to replicate as it is totally random.


    Edit: Also at random times, usually after i have the game unresponsive and it comes back, something happens for a split second where my mouse doesn't register its in the game and when i got to right click to aim, the next thing I know I'm right clicking my desktop on my other monitor. I play on windowed mode with dual monitors and have never had this problem. I know I can probably fix it by switching the display type but that will juts band aid the problem and not get it actually fixed. Also the only info I can provide on this is that it started happening after the first hotfix after U14.

  7. You know what else can make them tough to kill? Good coding. Really? Find a mod if you're having trouble? Thats the best advice you have? You may as well have told new players pre update 14 to find serration if they don't do enough damage.

    I laughed so hard I almost pissed myself. But seriously, this is the best point I've seen come from a community member in a while. Why sure getting the mods would help, but how the hell are we supposed to get them from a limited spawning enemy? Not to mention the fact that most of these mods that will be mandatory for having a Kubrow stay alive, are, you guessed it, RARE! Who made this decision? Seriously, I am thankful for not having to grind that is now my favorite warframe in the game, but why did we have to revert back to old and terrible practices by putting necessary mods on the rare tier? This game is surprisingly making me want to stay and weather the storm, but at the same time hating it and wanting to take a break until issues like this are ironed out. I know bugs are to be expected with new updates, and ambitious ones like this, but when you tell us that our problem with having a Kubrow that dies instantly, has less than a half second window to be revived, has terrible pathing, and is in general like trying to tell a fat chick to not eat McDonalds (when it comes to its desire to fight stuff all the time and runs away for no apparent reason), will be fixed by a handful of mods on a rare drop table just isn't acceptable.

  8. Good fixes, but any word on the whole losing connection to host problem, or the game just going unresponsive for a few seconds? These are really crippling my game play and therefore is forcing me to waste an affinity booster

  9. I' still having issues with my game going unresponsive for a few seconds intermittently throughout various missions. Also there seems to be an issue with Hall of Mirrors where anything the user starts firing, it drops everyone's frame rate and in some cases causes the user or party members to crash. Lastly I'm having an issue staying connected to my squad. Anytime we complete a mission ill get a message that says I lost connection to the host and then I am kicked by default.

  10. Interesting, I was experiencing this last night as well.  Seemed to happen totally at random, not necessarily during high action times. (though it tended to like to screw you like that either during landing a jump or taking a shot)  The effect was similar, though limited usually to 3-5 seconds tops, then the game would return to normal.  I also noticed that any actions I took during the 'freeze' seemed to execute fine. (taking a shot at an enemy after the game froze, for example, would generally return with the enemies downed when it came back)  


    System spec:  Xeon E3-1245v3 (basically an i7-4770), 8GB DDR3 @ 1866, GTX770 2GB, game is running off a 4-disk RAID5 using Constellation ES drives off of an Adaptec 6805 w/ ZMM.


     I verified that the RAID was in a steady state and checked logs to ensure there were no write backs, verifies, etc that would cause additional latency.  Total memory usage was <5GB and VRAM usage was not maxed out either.  This did not occur before the update.  To be honest, it isn't what I would consider a high priority issue either.  


    Otherwise, the Mercury Nav issue is causing me some consternation.  =/

    Hmm you have a much better system then me so this must be some other sort of issue with the game and not the system. Although whenever I boot the game all my fans start running faster like they are trying to counter act a high internal temp even though I just turned it on and started the game. Hopefully DE can get to the root of this problem.

  11. Doesn't matter which mission I run, my game goes unresponsive at random. Happens usually during fighting but it is very random. I play in windowed mode so i see that up on the top windows lists it as unresponsive, but it usually comes back after about 10-15 seconds. I have run the game defrag and I verified the cache as well and still don't know what to do. I don't know if anyone else has had this issue but I thought I would post it. Also it has only been doing this since the hotfix last night, hopefully that helps a bit, but I am sure there isn't much I can do except have to deal with it.


    Edit: For the Howl of the Kubrow quest, I am waiting on the lil' pup to grow up, but while I'm on this part the quest notification on the navigation console and when i re-enter the ship pops up with the file location.

  12. After completing Vor's Prize tutorial, nothing in player ship is accessible.


    After opening the esc menu and selecting navigation, camera is locked facing the main cockpit of the ship. Warframe can still move around and go out of camera, but I can't see where he's going. At the navigation computer, there is a large black rectangle with a white x on it. I walked up, mashed x, nothing happened.


    Tried to relog, no success.


    Check your info.

     This is exactly what I have mentioned in a previous post as well. Just has better detail.

  13. It is quite obvious that people are having connection issues, and adding one more voice to the list won't really mean much, but yeah. I'm having terrible connection issues as well. Other than that, I got through the new tutorial just fine and I loved it. My only real problem was when i came out of the mission, and before I got kicked, I couldn't access my star map. After being kicked and barely getting in however, it was up and working. So I honestly don't know if this was due to a connection problem or if it was in fact a problem. I thought I should share that here just in case.

  14. Hello everyone

    Due to exams, work, sports, and my family I currently have no time to do anything with the alliance, So ill be taking a vacation from leadership. Hopefully I wont need more then a week or two. During this time all leadership actions will be handled by NinjaRican and Creid, Thebrainbrain is still unable to help manage the alliance as well. I might still be seen on from time to time, but that's because I want to relax a bit from time to time


    But before I go I have a new moderator to announce: BuffTucker

    NinjaRican can easily be reached on the Offical Warframe fourms, The steam group, or very often in the raidcall ID=8559225 (if you have trouble making an account in the RaidCall program itself, go to the website and make your account there)


    Hope all goes well for ya buddy. Also a big welcome to BuffTucker as a fellow mod.

  15. *opens vault* *receives weapon already have* *see nothing else coming back* *table-flip*


    Honestly why did I ever think opening the vault would let me get something cool that I missed. I really hope we get more than a machete, because if that is all then what was the whole point of talking about it like you all did on the devstream.


    Not too happy about this.

  16. Who wants something that's horribly ironic and horribly saddening? Because here's a certain DE Dev talking about DE...


    Go to 24:35, enjoy the feels (or something).

    That 24:35... I wish that the owners of DE can keep those words true. That is the whole point of this game, make it without anyone stopping them from doing what they want to do when in comes to game direction. These words need to be kept and remembered everyday, that what they are doing isnt ultimately for money, but for the enjoyment and growth of the devs and gamers as a whole, and for all of us to help mold a game that will last, and not be torn down by bad business.

  17. I don't trust Steve's words at all. Until we have full proof that PWE wont have ANYTHING at all to do with this game I will not be supporting the game.


    Edit: All these "told ya so" posts mean nothing until they can actually say what is going on with this. So say what you want, but I will still not believe it until we have solid proof PWE will keep their hands off of warframe.

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