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  1. Lets disregard premade groups. Its a hassle to to do this with randoms, even when explaining the misson at the start and droping a treasure detector that puts markers on the pickups, I've ended up standing at the exit with 1/4 or 2/4. I get its a "new" misson type but there are sadly the silent players that just run to the exit and dont care to engage with anything else (Its like hitting defection in a sortie and having people defend the life support and thinking they are helping). Also, players lagging behind is more annoying than normal exterminate, since the extraction timer does'nt start till 4/4. This might be first world problem and will be gone when people learn the mission, but if you want to farm all 284 vainthorns fast, solo is the way to go
  2. Sun and Moon is only in the game tho justify the crapsouls like combat in duviri. Its bad on purpose. As soon as we get another drifter weapon the whole thing flies out of the window. Its made to be replaced.
  3. I can live with the randomness, but what kills it for me is the inability of DE to make a single useful build! And i dont mean the weapons dont have the latest meta build! If i go in right now i find ONLY guns with status duration + magazine size + ips mods. Melees with CO but no other elemental or status mods. ALL warframes are basically the same build with seemingly 1 flex slot and a random aura. Most of this stuff is unusable to defeat the worm on normal Story mode. An even buffed with decrees in the duviri expierience its a horrible slog. and it wont carry you over 2-3 rounds in circuit. it seems DE have a fetish for mods that are only ever used in very spesific builds of edgecase weapons. Why are the damn carnis/saxum/jugulus mod sets on all the weapons? and pure IPS mods havent been a thing since the atterax nerf 5 years ago. and holy crap do they love their melee prowess, no matter if its a crit weapon, i have yet to see a melee weapon that does not have it. There are no elemental mods on ANY weapon with ips! dont even think about combined ones tl;dr I'm ok with randomness. But if the choice is a frame/weapon i built myself without forma and reactor or DEs "default" builds.... it feels literally like the grendel missons. Make the stuff usable and we will use it! So we arent forced to use our usual stuff
  4. I feel the whole sun&moon thing is just to justify the horrible darksouls like combat design in duviri. Seriously, as soon as you pick up another melee weapon like the staff for the drifter, it turns from crapsouls back into a slow version of WF. I think is bad on purpose so they could have the samurai dueling s*** from the previews
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