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Posts posted by Zzz-Somnus-zzZ

  1. Well I got a riven with a similar challenge, though mine only required 14 kills. 

    Loki helps. (stealth and 10x wall latch duration)

    i used disarm on corpus crewman so that they would try to atk me with their provas. Gather them into 1 room. (kill those that are trying to set off alarm)

    Stealth killed MOAs so they wouldn't shoot (try to leave a few alive cos its not easy gathering them.)

    Finally, I used aoe atks to wipe them out (for me I used simulor).


    Also, yea infested missions are impossible for this (thanks to their hive minds, one alerted = all alerted. No need for them to have alarms)

  2. 1 minute ago, ultragen said:

    I was thinking about doing this today during my bus ride to work (making a duplicate Ivara for different polarization). And then thought, NO WAY I am putting this time and effort :D

    For me I just use another frame/weapon altogether. Seems kinda boring to use the same weapon/frame all the time (unless u are outta focus lenses and only have the select few weps/frames to choose from)

  3. I agree with the fact that its not really the simulors fault though, have seen many mirages do crazy dmg with tonkor and zarr too, now thats its available on PC.

    As a whole, I would prefer it if say weapons were actually tested before implementation so we won't spend like waste time nerfing and buffing it till its considered viable but not OP. I'd rather they focus on new content, or making PVP more rewarding (would prefer if arena matches like Rathuum and Index fights actually gave conclave standing and stuff like that)

    That said though, my only issue here is the affinity radius. Say u brought a Frost/Vauban (slow cc frames) to like...a kuva flood exterminate mission. Whats gonna happen here is that the mirage/ember is gonna speedrun the map and bye bye affinity (once u're outta the affinity radius) though u were more essential towards destroying the kuva siphon but they were more suited for doing the extermination. 

    Where's the fairness in that?


  4. whelp, wanted to post something unique here but seems like I stepped into a salt mine.

    A 17-page- deep salt mine. 

    (Yet this is totally understandable, personally I've gotten a Grinlok Riven at the start unrolled and had to spend 2 days finding players that actually use it so I can sell it away)

    Glad that all my suggestions were covered, thanks to all those who has already given their feedback :)


  5. TBH I don't really want the Riven mods to be buffed/nerfed. I just want the mods to be able to be cycled between weapons. 

    Some weapons are meant just for mastery. Even if this was not the intention of DE, this is how the system looks like to us.

    Farm for sub-par weapon > craft it > max it for mastery >sell > get a better one.

    I guess this is why certain weapons are not commonly used for end-game, considering the fast-paced nature of Warframe.


    The RNG here is maddening, not just cause Rivens buff the OP weapons by an insane amount but for me, some Rivens are meant for weapons that I've already thrown away and hardly anyone uses them. 

  6. I'll just build it for status cos it already has quite a good status chance and meh crit chance. I don't run berserker for that reason too(low chance to proc for me) and it has quite good starting atk spd.

    Try swapping body count out for drifting contact, 2 sec reduction in time required for combos for a 40% status chance Increase seems quite worth it on this weapon. The element you want it to proc is up to you though.

    But since its atk spd is quite good, I guess u could run a crit build if thats your thing. For now, try to max the weapon and your mods.

  7. Each sentinel has a specific role in game so just get the ones u are most comfortable with after trying them all for mastery.

    Yes I think the enemies will target u 1st but even if ur sentinel is not aggressive, its hard to dodge aoe atks sometimes (bombards/scorches)

    Try using regen mod/have auras that try to increase tankiness of sentinels. Personally I only put squishy sentinels like diriga on warframes that can heal e.g. Trinity

    guardian mod? its quite common in void. Most drop from orokin drones.

    Serration should have effect on sentinel wep, unless its bugged or is not a main wep (like deconstructor/burst laser pistol)

  8. @Thereddic

    Yeah I know I know, we're supposed to not spoil the lore of the game for those that haven't tried it yet. 

    But I'm at the stage where I'd rather they spoil it for me.

    The focus system is nothing but a major grindfest tbh and I'd rather hurry that up and get the perks instead of waiting to enjoy the lore. Besides, EVERYTHING here is a spoiler for the new guy. I'd rather u guys jump in and fill in the blanks so he can actually enjoy playing thru the stuff he missed.

    Still salty over the fact that focus is ironically, distracting as hell to farm for. Seriously, I'd rather they decrease the percentage of exp going into it BUT let exp go into it gradually without having to pick up the medallions. I mean, most missions have a main objective but the medallion thingys kinda just sidetracks u from it.

    BTW if the terms I used are unfamiliar, use warframe.wikia

    Hope u guys have fun :)

  9. Well, nikana prime overshadowed dragon nikana.

    The other 3 frames have primed versions as well (still waiting for ember prime to be unvaulted in December...or so I hear)

    Keep a lookout for mara detron cos there's a new mod exclusively for detron and mara detron that will be coming up when The Index is officially live. (Thermagnetic shells)

    Vacuum mod is now applicable to all sentinels.

    if u got bored with dogs, there are cats now...chk kavats

    Archwing still sucks.




    Stuff I recommend u to do:

    Finish second dream. Get ur focus system up.

    Clear the pluto-sedna junction in preparation for TWW.

    Try to get Inaros (mission bp available when baro comes next week), cos he's the go-to frame for all nightmare missions.

    Also, get the halloween stuff if u have loads of plat.

    As for clans, I recommend that u enter one that does daily raids, cos the prices for arcane energize is going nuts. (Expect it to rise higher when they remove the need for arcane distillers)


  10. Idk, personally my team uses a limbo to dodge the orbital strike but idk whether that's recommended cos I've not gotten him yet.

    I find that the snow globe's kinda squishy against the orbital strikes. Was useless when it came to the sortie assasinations against Kela

  11. 1 minute ago, WhyNotBro said:

    Wait, what!? We have to pay to sell Ayatans?

    yea (u pay to sell it for endo...conversion fee)

    And to OP, its usually a server issue. Reloading/re-entering the relay helped me for my case

  12. pls fix DE, not the first time this bug has occured and its really annoying

    similarly for the ui crashing upon host leaving, 

    reactants not showing up in void fissure missions and etc. (Not that the drop rate was low but the reactant counter wasn't even there)


  13. same problem here 

    idk how though, I was able to get to last stage and get chroma but the chroma mark was not crafted

    am guessing that this was cos they edited the mission to no longer require it when they changed ui for mission lobby

  14. That sniper stance sounds like a stationary ballista mode, 10/10 awesome 

    and yeah, have had similar ideas in changing the mechanics of the weapon zoom. 

    Personally though, I would kinda wish there was an ability to make Diriga less likely to die. Like when at 25% of health, Diriga would automatically drain ur shields to replenish his health. Having problems keeping him alive when his shields and armor are crap.

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