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Posts posted by BadAimbot

  1. I have 2 problems with your premise. The first is that earlier Mastery weapons tend to be worse than later ones (at the very least, it's what's intended), so using Forma on them is a waste of a Forma. Second, is that once you have the Mastery rank to get every weapon, you don't need Mastery anymore, so Forma doesn't need to give any.


    However, you are implying that it creates a problem. Mastery as a system was intended to promote players to use new warframes and weapons, not constantly reuse the same thing.  Overall mastery rank outside of 6, an easy enough rank to get, is pretty superfluous on its own anyways.


    Semantics maybe, but its less of a problem, and more of a personal preference to the changes you'd like to see.


    In your silly example of person one and person two.


    Person one, each level was getting easier and easier to level, he stuck with a powerful gun and had little difficulty leveling it.


    Person two, leveled a variety of guns, however was still on par with someone taking the easy route to mastery rank.


    Same scenario, different word choice.


    I believe Mastery was originally intended to prevent new players from being overwhelmed by weapon choices, but that's not really relevant anymore.

  2. The problem with a sidegrade system is that the 'n' word will have to be brought into play, and people will kick and scream and hate it happening despite the fact that their weapon of choice will still be good, except people who aren't them get to use what they like and do good too.


    The problem with a tier system is that the 'n' word will have to be brought into play, and people will kick and scream and hate it happening despite the fact that their weapon of choice shouldn't be the best because it's too easy to get, or they made a new, shinier, requires more grinding version of their gun. Or, we get a shotgun style secondary destroying every other secondary in power, and those who don't like the shotgun style just have to suck it, and people will STILL COMPLAIN WHEN IT GETS NERFED TO STILL BE BETTER THAN EVERYTHING ELSE.


    The problem with leaving guns the way they are is that there is no consistency to a weapon's power, and the only way you can know what's strong is to look it up. Not only that, but the guns coming out will randomly overtake other guns, and people will kick and scream and hate it happening because their easymode destroyer of worlds is no longer top dog.


    In short, DE can't win. They should do what they think is best for the game. And then they should tell us what that is, so we can use our feedback to move the game toward that instead of futilely arguing on the forums.

  3. Grinlok can build Crit on it thanks to that sexy 2x Crit Damage and the Rifle Crit mods not being garbage (Hammer Shot in particular). It's also far, far more easy to use due to the nonexistent recoil, leading to lots of headshots. If anything, I would be complaining how the Grinlok makes the Latron Prime look like a sissy.


    Also, the Marelok might as well be unusable. The AkMarelok will come, mark my words, and on that day, the gun will be obsolete, like the Lex and the Vasto before it.

  4. As far as frame mods, quick thinking rivaled redirection for a time.


    It was implemented a bit sloppily and there was the invincibility thing around valkyr's release but it gave a way to add massive survivability with a tactical element to high-health low-shield/armor frames.


    I agree, you don't need Redirection when you're unable to die.


    OT: Situational mods have never worked so far. Either they're not powerful enough compared to generic mods and they're useless, or they're powerful enough that you're gimping yourself by not using and abusing it. Then there's this nasty middle ground where you only put it on if you're prepared to abuse it, which isn't a great situation either. I just don't see how this can work, unless they make the 'abuse' 'gameplay' instead.

  5. Single element weapons have poorer versatility since they can only get a maximum of 2 damage types whereas physical and combo element weapons can get 3. Having said that, it's not necessarily new weapons that are stronger; it's random how powerful a weapon ends up. Plus stop complaining about the Galatine; yes it's way too good but Melee 2.0 is coming, and remember how OP the Soma was on release, and that it was only unbalanced because Damage 2.0 was coming and when it came out oh never mind.

  6. Anyone who believes they were positively affected by this update, please look at your character after a good night's rest and REALIZE most of your accomplishment in this game is not through space ninja-ing, it's through a marketplace of bottom priced goods with no action and ALL THE SPAM!


    I decide my accomplishments by what I did, not what others have done. But of course, that's just my opinion. An opinion that's better for both me and for everyone else.

  7. Volt, the proficiency idea looks really nice. It's a bit complicated, but it would be a good fit for the game. It's good to see that you haven't really given up on balance. I'm similar to you in the sense that balance is the way I give feedback for this game... well, gave. I don't post about it anymore (although by my post count you can clearly see I wasn't as active as you), however it's because of the community's reaction to balance rather than the actual task itself. I think a 'close enough' can be reached for the majority of the weapons in this game, with only a few weapons being inherently unbalancable (Warframes on the other hand is the opposite, but DE at least said they will try to balance all of them), but I think mods are a lost cause ever since Corrupted mods came along. Still, I hope that DE will do something about balance eventually. Proficiencies would go a long way to helping that.


    Also, on the subject of Serration and such being mandatory, I don't think it's such a bad thing. While having a mod slot being devoted to something isn't great, we have 8 of the slots to work with. Of course, right now we have about a minimum of 4 mods being mandatory (Damage, Multishot, and 2 elements) and that should be cut down. I wouldn't miss +Damage in the slightest though. It's always the thing you need to make a polarity for, and it certainly makes modding low level / low polarity weapons less fun.

  8. The way I usually build my weapons is to start off with Serration, add 2 elements depending on the faction (Grineer = Toxin + Cold, Corpus = Electric + Cold, Infested Electric + Toxin), then Multishot and/or Heavy Caliber if it fits the weapon, then change the elements to fit a 3rd one on. There's room for other mods if you want though, but that order maximizes damage.

  9. With how fast enemies die giving melee more damage won't help in the slightest, because by the time enemies live long enough for the damage discrepancy to make a difference they will kill you too quickly. People are also against decreasing the power of ranged weaponry so I think the best solution is to make melee less risky and much easier to initiate. Give defensive maneuvers and gap closers / high mobility and that will go a long way to making melee better.


    Also, I'd like to point out that ranged weapons and melee don't occupy the same equipment slots, so melee doesn't need to be so good that ranged weapons aren't usable. Alternatively, using different elemental combos on your preferred ranged weapon and your melee weapon would be a good way to make use of both, as switching weapons could take longer than moving in to melee someone. However, right now there isn't many situations where you need multiple different elements in a single mission, and people might be against changing that.

  10. Maxed Blind Rage with Focus gets you that 129% power strength, throw in maxed Steamline with 4 Fleeting Expertise then throw in Continuity and Constitution. This creates a ~8000 HP shield, ~35 energy cost, 32.4 sec duration snowglobe. This leaves space for Snowglobe and your choice of Vitality or Redirection.


    Which will still get shredded in seconds at T3, Ceres, or Pluto level content.


    Frost is a battle caster now. The amount of effort needed to make snowglobe spammable, strong, and last is simply too much, and it is nowhere near enough for late game content and Frost sacrifices too much to do it. Power range just makes snowglobe worse because it increases the amount of area that absorbs the damage.


    I did several T3 Mobile Defenses with a Rank 6 Blind Rage and had no issues whatsoever. It was even a 2 man party. See? I can throw in anecdotal evidence too.

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