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Posts posted by BadAimbot

  1. While personally I think this is a great idea, DE has proven to be very touchy in regards revealing any information about RNG subjects, even through the Codex (which is what it was designed for; the very thing you're suggesting). I'd love to see this and other things like it happen, but something tells me they simply aren't going to. I'll believe otherwise when I see it.


    They don't need to go into too much detail. Just something like 'The Harvester pursues Tenno who support the Grineer over the Corpus' Or 'The Harvester pursues Tenno who have been rewarded for supporting the Grineer over the Corpus'.

  2. This thread brings up the biggest issue I have with the game right now. Short story time: I used to post here somewhat frequently on weapon balance, but pretty much every thread devolved into either 'don't nerf my gun' or a debate on whether weapons should be sidegrades or upgrades. At the time I supported sidegrades, and there was plenty of evidence on both sides, but the derailing was a really big issue and people couldn't agree to disagree. Eventually it was announced in a livestream that upgrades were DE's intention, which really annoyed me, not just because the cause I supported was wrong, but because it took so long for that information to come out.


    As beta testers it's important to know where this game is heading. We had no real idea what weapons were supposed to be balanced. Heck, we don't even know now what weapons are supposed to be good and which ones are supposed to be garbage. This is information we need to know. Otherwise we run around trying to decipher DE's cryptic logic, which may or may not be correct, and waste a lot of time arguing over it.

  3. You can get the advantage of the old system by 1: vastly increasing mod drop rates and 2: vastly increasing the amount of fusion energy required to level mods, and 3: awarding Fusion Cores whose fusion strength is proportional to the level of the enemy. This solves the problem of vital mods being stuck behind RNG walls and prevents us from becoming too powerful too quickly by gating the effort required to level mods behind ever increasing levels of Fusion Cores dropped by harder enemies.

  4. I think it's kind of sad that players have to feel like their weapons are going to get nerfed..

    Instead of nerfing everything, shouldn't everything be getting buffed to be on par with the other stronger weapons?



    Nerfs, buffs, I don't care. As long as the game gets balanced, it's not important which direction they take.

  5. It still baffles me that people are okay with play time consisting of grind, instead of substantial content.  Oh well.


    It's only a grind if you're doing something purely for the experience. For example, you can do Infested Mobile Defense for the reward and get weapon XP at the same time.


    Forma already make the level up process faster by letting you put your mods in at lower levels, meaning the weapon is in a usable state more quickly.

  6. There was a time that all rare resources besides Morphics were true to their name. The countless hours of killing Hyena just to make clan weapons haunts me to this day. Then they upped the amounts of some of those resources. However, they felt that Neural Sensors and Gallium were better choices than Neurodes and Orokin Cells. At least they stopped making tons of weapons that use the latter and plenty more that use the former, right?

  7. Napalms for Grineer, since grazing their fire is basically a death sentence. Corpus I would say Fusion MOAs but I don't find any one unit that devastating, but rather the combination of units that each pose a different threat. I'm going with Fusions though because they can spawn another unit. Infested is Disruptor, hands down. If you get hit by anything you're basically done for but Disruptors remove basically any chance of recovery. Orokin would be either Heavy Gunners or Fusion MOAs, depending on what your weapon is modded not to kill.

  8. You can't hit every kind of defense with just elements. Sure, you can pick the best average element(s) and brute force anything you don't beat with it but it isn't optimal. You can use Radiation + Toxin or Corrosive + Cold against Grineer, but none of those elements have a bonus against Cloned Flesh, so that's where Slash damage comes in. I would never advise the physical damage boosting mods though. They're flat out terrible. Well, maybe not on melee weapons.

  9. Well, Serration is dropped by about 100 enemies, but they're all so hard to find I get Hornet Strike much more often. Of course, the thing that makes the most sense is that Point Blank is by far the most common Damage mod for guns, yet it's the only one that doesn't have 10 levels.

  10. I don't want to see Forma being removed from the drop table in Defense, but rather they redesign the way it's done to bring it in line with how much effort other Void mission types require. Defense is significantly harder as well as much longer, and while I'm not opposed to the challenge it brings I am opposed to arbitrarily making some Prime gear harder to obtain.

  11. They actually did this with Cernos, I think. Wiki said something about Cernos BP having high drop chance at first, then decreasing every time you visit Tolstoj. (Seer parts also had the same pattern before fix)


    I'm pretty sure this was removed. The only reason it was done in the first place was because selling BPs was the fastest way of getting Credits at the time.


    OT: There are two issues with PNG. One is that you have to account for multiple people because rewards are shared. Whether you check just the host or everyone in the group, a person can become a jinx after they get a good drop, discouraging them from contributing. Also, in order to raise a chance of something dropping, you have to lower something else, so it's actually quite complicated to change drop values around, because in order to be fair you have to either modify every drop in the table or arbitrarily change only a few.

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