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Posts posted by BadAimbot

  1. I don't feel Detron is a positive for damage buff, IMO.


    Since it does its unique Radiation damage that confuses a wad of enemies if modded correctly. Making might a decent late-game weapon.


    Edit: Plus, it's a Heavy-Grineer-killing weapon, since Radiation dealing +75% to Heavy Grineer Armor.


    Magnetic + Toxin deals with Corpus nicely, and Corrosive + Fire isn't too bad against Infested. Radiation is a really useful damage type.


    Note that this has nothing to do with potential DPS.

  2. if 200 is 2 times bigger than 100 then 100 is half of 200. This wont change anything. 3/4 cost reduction will be changed into 4 times amount of casts for same energy, cause in math both are equal. What does it solve??


    If you increase a number by 100%, then take that number and decrease it by 100%, it becomes 0. Increases and decreases by percentages are completely different.


    The difference is that if Efficiency is changed to mean x less casts, then 100% efficiency will lower the cost of an ultimate to 50, then 200% efficiency will lower it to 25, and so on. It means that DE doesn't have to put a hard cap on, and you can release more Efficiency mods without breaking the system.

  3. Reasonably, +X% power efficiency should result in +X% casts, that's what you're mainly interested in anyway and it would be a very easy fix.


    This is exactly what needs to happen. With increases you need +100% to double, then another 100% to triple, then another 100% you get the idea. Reductions however aren't like that. Reductions work by -50% to half, then an extra -25% to 1/3, then a -12.5% to 1/4 and so on. In fact, all mods that work on reductions need this problem solved, or else we're going to have some serious scaling issues with new mods in the future.

  4. The thing is, the Infested are a hive mind obsessed with consumption. 

    It's their way or the highway. There are no truces, or agreements. There is only infestation. Escape with the Faction protecting the area, or join the Infestation as their ilk. Not as their ally. 


    I think the Infested could be deeper than that. Maybe they have some bigger thinkers in their collective that can think ahead and see that working with us is sometimes in their best interests.


    Besides, it's not like the Grineer or Corpus want to be allied with us, either. We all want everyone else gone but sometimes we have to work together to fight a common enemy.

  5. The only faction that has a mixed bag of resistance that requires sacrificing a 4 elemental mod build on is for Corpus, because the best combo is "Magnetic + toxin". Toxin bypasses shields and directly damage health, and easy it is easy to prove this with Ebolist and dual Ichor that can kill without ever causing shield damage.


    The other Corpus builds "Magnetic + Fire", and "Magnetic + Gas",  each have an issue. There is no universally good build for them because of Flesh units surrounded by Robots.


    My point was that if the 8th slot was being contested Expel>Magnum>Pestilence>Deep Freeze>. If there was a 9th slot it would be Magnum>Pestilence>Deep Freeze.


    Not correct. Against Grineer if you want to primarily hit Ferrite Armor (like in the Void, for example) you would use Corrosive + Fire or Corrosive + Cold, depending if you want more damage against Cloned Flesh or Alloy Armor. Against Corpus if you're using Impact damage and want to hit Crewmen then using Magnetic isn't ideal since Flesh resists Impact, so you're better off using Viral + Radiation, although Electric isn't that far behind Radiation so you can sub that out if you want as well. Unless you want to obliterate Fossilized from Infested you would use Corrosive + Fire or Corrosive + Cold to get better coverage across all Infested units.


    Even if you disagree with some of those ideas, it's not as simple as rainbowing it up against everything.


    Got Battle pay for Grineer.

    Ran a few invasion missions for Grineer.

    No dice, no message.


    Currently my spread is 


    Grineer 20.

    Corpus 45.




    Dear Tenno.
    Roses are red, violets are blue.
    You betrayed me.
    My heart aches for you.
    Yours truly: Stalker.



    You won't get the message if you're already marked.


    Also nice poem. I see that idea making a good thread.

  7. Buff status chance across the board to be able to 2 shot any enemy in the game?


    I'd gladly accept nerfs elsewhere to make status chance actually do something on more than a couple of weapons (btw why aren't there any secondaries with high Crit power).

  8. Talking about invalidating most of the content and gear in the game. Oh I can't wait till it gets hit with the bat of nerfing.


    Unless they decide to buff status chance across the board, agreed.

  9. First up i'll say that i do believe weapons need tiers. You start with weak guns, find yourself getting overwhelmed as you progress thru the starchart, look for a gun which can handle things.

    However once you get "to the end" it would be nice to have a plateaux, with a number of guns essentially all as viable s each other.

    The current problem, for a casual player that wants to experience the higher end planets and T3 survival/def, is how do you tell if a gun is good enough?

    I made a Flux Rifle and love it, but i dont have enough potatoes and forma to make it viable, hence its much "better" to use a Soma, which requires less mods, and is more versatile.

    The system strongly encourages you to check dps to ascertain if the gun you like is worth a potato and 2+ forma.

    Yes you can use any gun, but high dps definitely makes the game easier.

    I mean you don't see crop farmers still using hand hoes or horse-drawn plows? Tractors and combine harvesters are "overpowered" but far more efficient if you want to make farming as profitable as possible.


    What's worse is that we don't know the intended power level of any weapons. Maybe the Flux Rifle is supposed to be stronger than the Soma, but they haven't gotten around to changing it yet.

  10. snip


    Seeing as we're doing this, I might as well chime in.


    Back in the day I always argued for sidegrade weapons, and there are 3 big reasons why:


    1: It allows everyone to use the weapons they like, without being too concerned about having to chase the OP unless you're doing infinite game modes and other bleeding edge content

    2: Progression through the game is gated by Mods, which apply equally to every weapon in its class (with the exception of Crit Mods)

    3: It prevents the need to create a bigger version of every gun, which chews up development time with weapon clones


    First of all, number 3 no longer applies today because of Damage 2.0; because there are now 3 basic damage types asking for one of each for each weapon type as well as making bigger versions of them is simply out of the question. For example, for revolvers we have the Magnus and Vasto, which covers 2 damage types. Are we going to request a Puncture revolver? Then in the future ask for upgraded versions of all 3? Also, let's look at a recent weapon: the Drakgoon. It deals Slash damage. Are we going to get more flak cannons for other damage types? And, in the future, are we going to ask for Drakgoon 2s? It's simply ridiculous. More on topic, this problem can be solved with balance because you only need one Slash flak cannon.


    But why even bother? Why can't people just suck it up? Well, gunplay is a core part of the gameplay, and having a variety of guns to choose from means you have more control over how you play. If there's going to be a tier system, then we need to have weapons of every type in each tier. If we don't, you're basically saying that if you want to have fun with this weapon, you have to gimp yourself. One day, the Penta will no longer be a top tier weapon. If DE doesn't make a better Penta, then you'll have to use an inferior weapon if you want the Penta experience. That's not fair.


    Onto my final point, the Mod system is a perfect way of gating our progression, in theory. In practice, there are many problems preventing it from doing this well, the main one being that the difference between having a mod and not having a mod is too great, putting a lot of emphasis on the obtaining of the mod, which is subject to often-cruel RNG, instead of the leveling of the mod. But, this is not a mod discussion. Instead, gating progression through weapons has that exact problem. Imagine if the Detron was the highest tiered secondary. Getting it is total hell. In order to be competitive, you'd need to slog through RNG, and when you do finally get it, you'd be a god. Rapid jumps in power do not make good gameplay in a never-ending game such as this. A smooth curve of power is better in the long term.


    And one more point: exclusive weapons. What tiers are those? We don't actually have tier indicators, but if we did I guarantee people would be unhappy if their reward for being around for so long got outclassed over time.

  11. I believe that people who force other people to play the way they want them to play is wrong. However, I have seen many times that people will blame the tools that people use rather than the people themselves. If someone is telling you to stop using a gun because its DPS is bad you shouldn't blame the DPS calculations. If you want to use the gun despite its badness that's fine, and you should avoid people who are paranoid about minmaxing.


    Alternatively, ask the devs to actually balance the weapons.

  12. elemental weapons like the synapse, embolist and ignis are really underpowered they should be buffed to make all other weapons even more pointless than they are now


    Embolist should deal Gas damage. Why doesn't it deal Gas damage?


    Also they should just revamp Clan Tech. Move some of the weapons out and put some new ones in. The Dera does not deserve to be in Clan Tech, especially when the Cestra isn't, and it makes more sense for the Lecta to be a Clan Weapon than the Prova, since Corpus units actually carry Provas around.

  13. I'm going to continue telling people who try to say that there is some sort of solid tiering system in place that justifies balancing differences that they are wrong, because they are dead wrong.

    Is the Soma a better version of the Grakata? Yeah. Is the Hind a better version of the Burston? Yeah. Are there a myriad of other weapons that are decisively more powerful than weapons that function in a similar manner? Yeah. That's true.

    What isn't true is that they are the "next tier up" or anything like that. There is absolutely nothing to indicate that a player should progress from a lower-tier weapon to a higher tier one. There are a number of weapons that jump into high tiers with no comparable predecessors. I can guarantee that people will complain if "lower-tier" versions of the Orthos come out as "new weapons." Yet, for a tiering system to hold any validity, lower-tier versions of weapons need to exist. There needs to be a continuity of progression.

    Mastery level providing tiering? Please. The Orthos is Mastery 2, just like the Orthos Prime, when the Prime version can be considered a "higher-tier" version. If people want to reference Mastery requirements as an indication of weapon tiering, then weapons must always outperform weapons of lowery Mastery requirement, and never outperform weapons of equal Mastery requirement. The system is either stringently consistent or useless when discussing "balance," and as things stand the system is useless. Weapon tiers in Warframe are an illusion born from a tendency to rely on standard conventions as a point of reference. Sure, some weapons can be classified as "higher-tier" on account of a noticeable difference in power, but they by no means adhere to any sort of tiering system. Their superiority is arbitrary, and from the example set by the Devs with the introduction of the Soma, arguably accidental. Warframe weapons are a completely disorganized array of varying power levels lacking any semblance of explanation or justification, not isolated parts of some sort of incomplete progression tree. Even if the Devs want them to be part of a progression tree, it's a bit too late for that. Nobody is going to pay money for a weaker version of the Galatine when the community already knows the Galatine exists.


    As such, it makes much more sense to balance existing content around a standard level of effectiveness, and work from there. Need weapon progression? Weapon. Upgrades. Specifics aside, it just rustles my jimmies when I hear people justify ignoring overpowered and underpowered content with "weapon tiering" when such a system is nonexistent in the game. It may have been there at one point. The devs may want it to be there. That doesn't change the fact that it isn't there, and that as of now there are no practical means of putting it there. I put up a thread describing a way of organizing the current system into something that could be expanded and built off of a while back, but people were more concerned with deciding whether or not Damage 2.0 was the best or worst thing to ever happen to Warframe.

    Essentially, the problem here boils down to the fact that the game needs to be balanced, and balance is not something that is achieved by ignoring existing flaws on account of what is ultimately an empty justification.


    All of this. The biggest issue I have with this game right now. Thank you. DE already said they want weapon progression (and I'm not counting on them changing their mind) but there are a significant amount of holes in that right now; the #1 issue being that tiers are not indicated anywhere.

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