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  1. HUGE SPOILER WARNING, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED After the appearance of the Operator Report page and it's contents have become a hot topic leading up to the WITW update. I'm not sure whether people have discussed this before, but I want to voice my opinion on this and see what you guys think of this relatively small question: Who are we, the player? A quick note: I am not as deeply lore read as other people like TheDsIEGE or StallordD, so I'm open to corrections and feedback. Be constructive, not hateful. Some nomenclature to remove some confusion: We/Us/Our: The player, the Tenno that we control in-game, the persona is singular but using we/us/our removes the ambiguity from me (the post writer) Tenno: The clan/faction itself, or the generic Tenno, like "the lone Tenno operative" that Lotus always says in survival Operator Report: The catch up website in question, the site URL and tab title calls it Operator Report so I shall do the same Author: The one(s) who wrote the Operator Report The texts refer to us as the Chosen Operator, the sole Tenno that had been through all that the questlines had shown. Before this, I thought the story and the gameplay are separate, in other MMOs like Dragon Nest or Maplestory; Whatever the quest story tells us, it does not inherently link to what we do in public lobbies or parties. Maybe there is some lore links to events and quests, but nothing was confirmed until the Operator Report appeared. Before the release of the Operator Report, my assumption is that either (1) We are the only Tenno that was awakened, and that's how we encounter everything else in the game, or (2) We are one of the many Tenno that exists, maybe a little special given the events that we had went through in quests. (1) did not make sense when events like Scarlet Spear happen, where the story involves parties of Tenno fighting the sentients, The New War also shows Kahl picking up a Corinth Prime from a dead Rhino (AKA a dead/random Tenno). So (2) makes more sense, but how special are we? What makes us the Chosen Operator? Let's talk about how special we are, not the spectrum, that's Rell. From the flashback events on the Zariman Ten-Zero, we can see that we are the ones that comfort our classmates and made the deal with Wally. That itself shows that we are unique and is probably one of the spearheads of the Tenno. Other events and cutscenes also shows our uniqueness, like being part of the 6 Tenno that deleted Erra in....Erra, or the Grineer Queens wanting to use our body as their Yuvan for Continuity, or us killing Rell. Logically, the events of all the quests should only happen to one Tenno, us: it doesn't make sense for the Lotus to *gasp* 7 mil times for every Tenno that found a sentient, which means we are the only ones encountering these events. So we can conclude that we aren't just ordinary Tenno, but someone that is probably the top of the class, and is probably highly regarded amongst the Tenno. This also explains how our presence could power the whole Zariman Ten-Zero ship, literally bringing people back from the dead, and that our Drifter counterpart made Duviri, unknowingly. In the Operator Report, the 8_Queens.txt file is the first file that refers to us as the Chosen Operator, but the Author has been following us since The Awakening, which further anchors the fact that we have been different/special way before we were put to sleep. The notes refer to us as the Tenno candidate or subject, but immediately refers to us as 'The Tenno' after we went through the events of Natah (5_Hunhow.txt vs 6_Stalker.txt), which means that us figuring out the Lotus' true identity caused the Author to zero in on us, removing the need to observe other candidates. We have been the Chosen Operator since the Second Dream, but only suitable after The War Within. Does this mean there were other significant Tenno that could have been noteworthy? Are we the only ones that woke up from the second dream? Or are we the first of the Tenno to manifest those powers, causing a catalytic effect that woke the rest of the Tenno? This shows that we are not just special, but the center of everything that has happened in the Origin System. I think we are the ones that made the Tenno, the one who made the deal and maybe passed the Void powers to other Tenno. We then powered the ship to move to a more visible, rescuable location for the Orokin to find the ship. Maybe when we awaken any new powers (Focus, Transference etc), the other Tenno followed suit simply because we gave them the powers in the first place. We might be the First Tenno, the Original. We found Lua and found Lotus' helmet. We killed the Elder Grineer Queen and we killed Rell. We brought the Entrati family back together, but we allowed Narmer to be made. We caused the growth of Solaris United, but we caused the death of Teshin. Ballas hates the Tenno, but he hates us the most. We are closest to the Lotus, but we are closest to Wally. We attracted the Author's attention, but we also attracted The Indifference's attention. We triggered the Kalymos Sequence. We are the Chosen Operator. Tl;dr We are the only Tenno that went through all the sh*t in the quests, and that makes us special enough to be the Chosen Operator.
  2. I've said my piece quite a while back that's transferred to this thread, so I'm not gonna add another essay to this essay-ridden thread. EDIT: It's kind of like an essay now lol, but it's way shorter than what I've seen before! I'm going to park this video from a whale whose arguments are what I'm very agreeable with about the collection: https://youtu.be/YrWsZcqZASA?si=GhB22OvlqS0JX23I He didn't touch on Regal Aya, but I still believe Regal Aya is versatile enough to not be called "useless" as some people had put it. Honestly, I'm at the point where I don't care what people say about the collection anymore... DE trying to remedy it with plat is a bit of a gray area tbh, but they acknowledged it and I'm okay with that for now. I'm buying the Celestial pack soon, because I really love DE and the skins. And I have money. You do you if you think DE sucks because of this collection, don't start crying when DE stops producing Heirloom quality skins after this fiasco. Heck, I'd probably cry if those two signas end up being the last of its kind. Maybe you wouldn't cry because Tennogen skins are good, sometimes better than DE skins, and "DE shouldn't bother with making super high quality skins anymore" right? Btw, I get that outcry is about the RA and inflation etc, but I'm talking about the justification of the skins' value; these things costs (probably a lot more than usual) money and man-hours to make. And you guys don't like it. This is the message you're sending across. Can't believe this is getting more attention than the hype of Whispers in the Walls and 1999. I'm also excited for Dullahan frame lol Go to Starfield or whatever game you said you rather play instead of Warframe. I'll be with Warframe and DE until it crashes and burns, it's not about the prestige anymore, I just love being a Tenno.
  3. I want to start this post with: I don't support how the collection is bundled, and the 'packaging' is the only reason why I am hesitant on buying any of the bundles. However, I don't think the way it's packaged is completely unjustified. We have to acknowledge the fact that the Heirloom skins are considered very premium and exclusive, they will cost more than an average warframe skin; Having an inflated cost per skin should be considered normal business practice in this case. Pupsker did a rough cost breakdown in this video and I will use that as a base: In the Celestial Heirloom Collection, it costs 70 USD for 2 skins + signas and 6 Regal Aya 6+1 Regal Aya costs 40 USD in Resurgence, and let's say you give it some bundle discount to about 35 USD This means that 2 skins + signas costs about 35 USD, or 17.50 USD per skin + signa Tennogen warframe skins costs about 5 - 7 USD each, while warframe armor/syandanas costs about 2.50 - 6 USD each (taken from wiki, I don't live in the US) Getting a Tennogen warframe skin + an armor/syandana would cost at most 13 USD Since signas are universal, they are similar to armor/synadanas/ephemeras, and with the exclusivity + premium status of the Heirloom skins, the pricing isn't that fair off from Tennogen skins (17.50 USD vs 13 USD) Note: I am using PC Tennogen prices since the collection is cash only, comparing them to plat prices didn't make sense to me. Therefore, the bundles offered are arguably quite worth it if you break it down properly, it's not the best deal but it's worth it. But of course, this isn't the main point of the outcry of the community, a big argument is that most players don't have a use for 6 Regal Aya since the main point of having them in the bundle is to be able to buy both Mag Prime and Frost Prime (not their prime packs) from Prime Resurgence. But people seem to not mention that Prime Resurgence also offers other Prime things, you can buy 3 weapons or 3-6 cosmetics with the same 6 Regal Aya. And if you really don't like the current rotation, it's not an expiring resource (thank God) and you can just wait for a rotation that you really like to buy the Prime stuff that you've been eyeing for. My argument is that the bundles aren't as overpriced as people think they are, I still think that they are priced correctly with what they contain. But I also agree that the bundle options they offer aren't the best, even I'm still actively weighing the pros and cons of paying an extra 35 USD for 6 Regal Aya that I may or may not use; There should be some alternative bundles that are more accessible to the millions of faithful Tenno that truly want to support this game sustainably. I also feel that the FOMO argument isn't as strong as people make it seem to be, one reply in another thread made a really good point regarding this: I would like to point out that the Founders Packs are the only other cash-based FOMO that DE/Warframe has offered, which is a really respectable thing that a game of 10 years has done. I want to see people find other successful >10 year old MMOs that has equal or less amount of cash-based FOMO in their game. It's really hard to say that the Heirloom Collection is predatory when you compare it with other MMO bundles in the market now, have you seen the state of Warframe China's microtransaction economy in it's pre-Tencent days? That's predatory (not DE's fault btw, ChangYou sucked, look it up yourself). I see the Heirloom Collection as a 10 year anniversary Founders Pack, it will never live up to the prestige of the Founders, but they serve as an indicator for your support for DE's next 10 years. What if the profits from the collection are all pumped into making 1999 the best update since New War or Second Dream? Have you realised that the New War was the last update that they had to truly postpone and released Heart of Deimos first? Whatever DE promised in a TennoCon, they have been able to fulfill most of them by the next one, how do you think they could do that more effectively recently? I hope that after reading this you will voice your opinions at where it matters, like accessibility and how they bundle the collection, instead of just calling DE/Tencent greedy predators and hoping for a change to happen. We are all Tenno here. We All Lift Together. P.S. I've felt more FOMO that I had to cancel my plans to attend TennoCon 2023 than this collection would ever give lol
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