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Posts posted by Drakontis

  1. I think some of the Power Creep also has elements of fun stuff with it as well. The Angstrum is a fun weapon to use, not because of the damage, but because of how it works. Raining hell from above is great fun with this weapon. The zappy Amprex is amusing to use. And YAY RED CRITS. The new crossbow is fun as well, though not really a power creep weapon. The Penta is fun to use, in my opinion. And the Boltor Prime certainly brings some entertainment to the table from the old Boltor with pinning enemies to walls. 

    Fun is subjective. Numbers are purely objective. Something to keep in mind as well. 


    excal prime

    braton vandal
    snipetron vandal
    strun wraith
    Dex furis
    lato prime
    lato vandal
    wraith twin vipers
    Ether daggers
    machete wraith
    prova vandal (not counted in total equation)
    skana prime

    45,000 mastery xp total

    Then there's the gorgon which is login reward only, I didn't count that.


    You might throw the Cronus in there as well. I'm uncertain if it's still bugged or not, but I could not get it from Vor when I made a new account to test how much of a chore being a new player is. 

    (It can be a real pain in the rear, by the way.)

  3. I think something that people are forgetting is that there's not just exclusive weapons to take into account here. There's also weapons that have been REMOVED entirely from the Market. 

    From the top of my head, here is what is not available to new players.

    Snipetron Vandal
    Gorgon (Logins, not in the Market)
    Gorgon Wraith
    Strun Wraith

    Ether Daggers
    Machete Wraith
    Lato Vandal
    Lato Prime
    Skana Prime
    Braton Vandal
    Dex Furis
    Twin Wraith Vandals

    Excalibur Prime

    This is a pretty significant amount of Mastery that is lost to new players, excluding the Gorgon, but due to RNG, some players may never get it. You never know. 

    P.S. Please note that this is by no means a decisive, final list. This is just what I could think of off the top of my head. 

  4. Sentinel - Anger

    Ability - Fear


    Tenno abilities are disabled for a short period, other enemies search for cover or hide behind heavy units (Corpus Tech, Heavy Grineer, Ancients, etc). 

    Weapon - Suffering

    Sniper Sentinel weapon with increased status chance and higher damage. Specializes in drawing out an opponent's pain whenever possible while also having far reaching effects. 

  5. I don't see what the problem is. I mean, there are other nodes to play for credits. Other missions to play for them. If a clan is just using Dark Sectors for credits, then what's the problem? These aren't going to the members themselves, are they? I figure they're going into the coffers of the clan as a whole for either Dojo construction, rail construction, or battlepay. That's about it. So what's the big deal? 


    Not going to lie... this really and truly disappoints me. I was really hoping this would be on PC. Oh well. I'll just play what I have. Finally managed to get Saints Row 4 working on my Desktop. Hoping Steam Sales come up soon for some other games I want. I can do without Destiny. 

  7. The latest update is a enormous middle finger to the CC frames. With the enemy cap in T3 Survival, the only way to survive is to kill the enemies as fast as possible to keep the life support as high as possible. There is also no need for CC as long as there is a Trinity making you invincible.

    In Defense missions, though, I would say that some crowd control is pretty important. I could be wrong, though. 

  8. The first two abilities do nothing but tickle the enemies a bit. Of course they can do a little bit of CC, but in that time the tentacles have already killed the enemies.

    CC tends to have more use at higher levels than straight up damage does, however. 

    Also ults are supposed to be that way in the first place. Personally, though, I would like to use Tidal Surge in conjunction with my Undertow. 

  9. All the abilities Hydroid has, excluding Tentacle Swarm, are currently pretty much useless. I would like to see your suggestion added to the game.

    Underwhelming, maybe, but certainly not useless. Undertow actually stops proc damage (ssshhhh don't tell DE) and allows you to recharge your shields and health ANYWHERE. And also makes an adorable tiny Hydroid. Tidal Surge and Barrage both are okay for CC, the former especially.

    Also, Void, I think they could figure out a way to make it work with just Tidal Surge allowing movement instead of WASD controls. That being said, there is a tiny amount of movement you can do before you pop up, but anything outside of a few centimeters pops you out of the skill. So it's not a true movement lockdown skill like Sound Quake is. 

  10. Does anyone else feel like Tidal Surge should be useable while in Undertow? While you might have a smaller surge, you'd be able to snag more enemies for drowning and I think it would be a good thing to add in. It would be great to be able to surge forward to grab an enemy that's just out of range. 

  11. Around U11/Last fall, people were begging DE for more clantech. It was a daily thread.


    So, DE decided to give them what they wanted.


    Edit: Now, people, like Bob said, are begging DE for market BPs. MAKE UP YOUR MIND COMMUNITY!

    The problem isn't that they're releasing clantech or Market BP's, it's that they ignore one for the other. This isn't healthy. Last update (13.0.0) was okay because at least Hydroid wasn't Clan Tech. But for the most part, for the last dozen or more updates, every single weapon has either been a huge RNG grind (Void, Detron, Brakk) or Clan Tech, which means a guaranteed 3-4 day wait. Where does that leave us? It leaves people who have everything simply buying the research out and then logging off while it cooks, then logging in again to buy the BP, then logging out to let it cook. It benefits no one. I've been there I AM there. 

    Releasing mostly Market blueprints and a few Clan Techs everynow and then is what SHOULD be happening. NOT this. 

  12. I don't think that any frames are useless. However, there are a large number of weapons that are vastly overshadowed by everything else. Among these are the Mk1 Braton against anything past Mercury when you're a newbie. (Come on... Primary slash damage when Infested aren't even in that area of the star chart?). List probably goes on, but I'd have to pick everything up again and give them all an honest try before saying one way or another.

  13. There's not necessarily any proof that the Tenno's physical form is inside of the Warframe. They could just pilot them via VR. It all depends on how your head-lore works. 

    Me? I see the Tenno as a person controlling them, a pilot outside of the frame. That or an ethereal being that can shift forms to fill the suit itself. But there's definitely a lot of room for interpretation. One Tenno multiple suits, one Tenno per suit, etc. 


    I don't see a Zanuka-esque Warframe being any sort of problem at all, whether lore or animations. We already have both the Zanuka and the Kubrows. Melee weapons can be used via claws and merely be stat modifiers similar to Valkyr's claws. Ranged weapons can be mounted on the shoulders. 

  14. Just for the sake of trivia, 



    120 damage

    * 2.65 (Serration)

    * 1.9 (Split Chamber)

    * 1.7 (shots per second)

    = 640 average damage/second



    160 damage

    * 3.20 (Hornet Strike)

    * 2.2 (Barrel Diffusion)

    * 2.0 (shots per second)

    = 2253 average damage/second


    In order for the Marelok to end up at the same damage/second as the Grinlok, given the inherent and laughable superiority of the core pistol mods, its base damage would have to be...   45.

    That huge gap is largely due to how Pistol and Rifle mods are scaled. I really think that should be changed. Maybe it's just my opinion. Mods really do make the largest difference with weapons. 

    Although there was an idea about fusing all weapon mods and making them all the same. Between Shotguns, Rifles and Pistols, making them all the same and interchangeable. 

  15. I honestly think that either the Marelok needs a slight nerf or the Grinlok needs a buff merely because the rifle really should not be that much weaker than the sidearm. Especially when you factor in the mod multipliers. (Serration vs Hornet Strike, Multishot mods, etc). 

  16. I can realistically see Ammo Mutation being able to be rolled into one and just being dependent on the weapon you put it on and the ammo it takes. 

    I would however find this to be interesting for a few reasons. Number one: More elemental mods for more weapons. Aside from melee mods (which I kind of feel like those should all stay exclusive), you would be able to mix a great number of mods for all weapons. Namely the nightmare mods, which, in my opinion, are really bloody useful. But could also get kind of overpowered. (Think of Max Poison and Electric Stance mods, Hammershot, Stunning Speed and regular stance chance all rolled into one. Could be pretty overpowered.) 

    I like this idea, but it's risky. 

  17. It's not about intimidation, You get a better bonus from one weapon, so you can use it with that stance instead of another. Or, you forma it and change it. Your argument is the same as arguing against aura slots.

    See, I have NO problem with Aura polarities. You know why? THEY. MAKE. SENSE.

    The tactical ones are tactical. Energy Siphon, Corrosive Projection, Ammo Scavengers. Those make sense.

    The defensive ones are defensive. Rejuvination, Physique, Infested Impedance. Again, those make sense.


    The offensive ones are offensive. Rifle Amp, Steel Charge, Dead Eye. Again, makes sense. 

    Some of the polarities on the Stance mods DON'T MAKE SENSE. Ability slots for the stance mods just do not make sense to me. That is completely arbitrary, completely without reason except "Hit the random button, whatever happens, happens." And that's what it feels like. I don't have enough stance mods and haven't played with enough to say for certain whether any with defensive polarities are particularly defensive or tactical polarities are tactical or offensive polarities are offensive. And then there's the brand new polarity. I do not see why they don't all have this new polarity because THAT makes sense to me. If you're going to slap on a new polarity, why not use it for the whole set? There's literally no reason not to do that. 

  18. Yeah, that would work, since the Stance is a new content, there should be a new polarity for it... I really don't mind that fact... What I do get my gears grinding (pun intended xD) is that the melee weapons have differente Stance polarities (For some reason that I don't know) when they already are Weapon-Class locked... Why I need to be "Penalized" (" " because you still have the bonus energy but... Only in a really small ammount) because I want to put Sinking Talons on my Fang Prime? If they wanted each weapon to have their own Stance why would DE simply made so? By making every weapon with a different combo? Totally useless this Stance polarity... Heck even if DE take out the polarity will be better... No extra 10 energy points for weapon? I can deal with that... Only 5 is good already...

    I don't know what the issue with Melee 2.0 stances is. It's so... weird to me. I mean, ability polarities? Really? :/

  19. My Kama has an Ability polarity in its stance slot. Both scythe stances are Tactic. And, when I try to add mods to my Kama, Reaping Spiral doesn't show up as a compatible mod. It's the only stance I've found.

    I think Kama counts as a sword as far as stances go? I'm not sure. It's not a scythe, though, too small. 

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