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Grand Master
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Posts posted by Drakontis

  1. I don't know about anyone else. But I am finding this game to be a complete pain in the genitalia to control! Difficulty is all in trying to get this twat to do what I need him to do. Running is just aggravating. The Glaive is aggravating. The aiming is aggravating (I hate the bloody circle). Using cover is aggravating. Moving around in general is aggravating. And trying to kill this damned Shield Grineer bastard is ESPECIALLY. BLOODY. AGGRAVATING. 

  2. They a from the far flung future, on a long enough time line everything becomes an amalgamated construct.

    On a long enough time line, the survival rate of everyone drops to zero.

    Also, I have to agree to an extent that it'd be nice to see some more variation when it comes to decorations. 

  3. How will it make the credibility go down? Okay, maybe remove the whole 'semi-nude' part. Maybe they can have some cool exosuit looking things like the Tenno hostages we rescue, and make them somewhat acrobatic like a Tenno.


    But I'm thinking they'll be very smart, with centuries of experience in diplomacy and combat. They'll be very persuasive, they can like try to get the Tenno to work for them, they'll also sometimes act like they're the good guys, and do stuff that will help persuade Tenno to help the Grineer(when I meant work for them, I meant kill more Corpus than Grineer). But in the end, they're really just manipulative, sadistic monsters, more twisted and ugly than any Grineer soldier who had been cloned and implemented with cybernetic attachments, in the inside. They're goal is just nothing but complete domination of the entire Solar System, but of course, they'll be very indirect, making the player doubt their true objective.

    Always two there are... A master and an apprentice. 

  4. Being able to refight bosses is the same reason we can refight bosses in any game: game mechanics. Although you may have a point in some regard, Vor was able to rebuilt himself not only once but twice after being cut in-half (first in the PS4 trailer, then by us in-game) and Kril is able to survive one of his two assassinations to appear at the second. Although that may just be a case of Vor having that Orokin power sustaining him and Kril looking like he's just INCREDIBLY difficult to kill.


    All in all, though, I think it's more a case of "mostly dead, we'll patch them up later" than "they're dead, scavenge what we can, we'll rebuild them later".

    There really is a fine line between life and death and people wiggle on that line a lot of the time. So really, it's hard to tell whether they're actually dead or they're just near death or any variation of the two.

  5. It'll be Volt. He was a one of the starters, and tbh, It would be better to have him than bloody loki

    TIL Volt and Loki are female. 

    Also, in regards to patterns, technically speaking, with only 5 primes released, there isn't much to base a pattern off of. If this was 9 or 10, then maybe. Additionally, the title says Next Female Prime. The next FEMALE Prime. The next male prime is irrelevant whether it is immediately next (Loki?) or after seven more female Primes. 

  6. I don't think Grineer cloning works like that, though - or at least based on how I'm reading that line. It seems to be suggesting that "if we lose Vor, we just clone Vor again" but Sargas Ruk's leaked lore says he OBTAINED his position, was not bred for it. So it seems that the Grineer military is set up just more like any traditional military, and clones develop their own identity (instead of being shackled to the identity of their original).

    What if it's a mix of the two? What if certain things, like the brain, are kept when a boss is defeated, cleanup teams come in and cryo the most important parts (such as the head) and then anything else is recloned and then the brain implanted. Military leaders become almost immortal, explains why you can refight bosses and how leader Grineer are able to move up the ranks. But only substantially important Grineer are subject to this type of treatment. The grunts are disposable. The leadership isn't. 

  7. Technically speaking, Warframe is what Dark Sector was SUPPOSED to be before corporate fenagling got in the way and all that. If I remember correctly. 

    Also, maybe it's just me listening to it while having headphones for a call in on a separate computer, but the Dex sounds like farting to me. XD

  8. Some sort of Founders patches would be cool, though would probably be a limited print run. I think a shirt saying

    All Hail Kickbot 

    would be pretty amusing. I see that on the various chat areas every now and then. 


    I would LOVE to see Warframe team up with Megabloks, though. I think that would be just the best thing ever, especially with their work on the Halo figures. Hnnng...

    In regards to pricing... I don't mind it. I think I paid around $60 each for the two hoodies I have now, maybe more, maybe less. 70, for the facemask and hood, seems somewhat fair to me, as well as the added embroidery. I'm not sure how much that exactly tacks on. 

  9. I don't know the exact mission. I was just checking my Recent mods at the end of the day. It wasn't there before. I didn't even know it existed until then. I think I've only had two Serrations drop for me too. I've only been playing since slightly before Valentines day.

    I did, however, get all the pieces for the Braak in 12 missions... 4 marks, 4 G3 encounters, 12 invasion missions, including what it took to get marked.

    RNG is harsh.


    Too harsh indeed. I was more referring to how in all of RNG did you not get an HS till that late in the game, but yeah. Crazy. :/

  10. Don't get SNIPpy with me. 

    I don't think tutorials are the way to go. While all of these rewards are advantageous, the problem isn't the tutorials. I, as a veteran player making a new account, could not output enough damage to beat the first mastery test with the mods I was able to find. It is NUMERICALLY difficult, not TACTICALLY difficult. That, honestly, is just a little bit of a problem. While it would be wonderful to see new players pimped out with potatoes, I'm not sure I see it happening. I mean, if they were to simply readjust the MK1-Braton's damage triad to be more even or to even head towards Impact (assisting more in Venus which is where I personally am hitting a slight wall), it would do a lot towards making the new player experience just a little easier on newbies. 

    The mentoring program is awesome, though. I like that idea and I would be glad to participate in it. 

  11. I would have to agree that Loki isn't a great choice for a starter frame. I'm trying to do it now and it's just... kinda awful, not going to lie. So squishy. Utility that doesn't work well without mods. Etc I've yet to actually buy slots, but that is my first goal. I have... no idea how I'm going to pass the first mastery test until I get serration or SOMETHING for primary damage. 


    It is very easy for situations this game to be NUMERICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to beat. I got lucky in that I started to play this game before it became hell for new players.

    This is the unfortunate truth of Warframe. Especially with how mods drop. I've got an idea that would counter this in another thread (All mods giving a passive damage boost). 

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