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Posts posted by DuskLegendary

  1. For the most part, no, not really. Most people will take time to lend you a hand if you ask for it. However, that's not to say we don't have obnoxious players every now and then that love to run their mouths, it happens, just like in every gaming community. For the most part, we're all pretty friendly here.

  2. I personally think this was the touch Volt really needed to make him shine. I prefer a more defensive or supportive role, and giving Volt's 4 reliable CC makes him a lot more desirable in my eyes. He has speed, he has shields that can block basically any ranged attack, he has reliable CC that stun locks enemies for 19 seconds at a time on my build, and his augment gives overshields... Volt is fantastic now. Volt is actually good now for something other than running around the map like Sonic the Hedgehog.

  3. I would actually like for the Stalker to become a regular boss at some point at a later date. Once they get more lore sorted out and everything, make it one of the most epic boss fights ever and make him really tough. I know this would defeat the purpose of him... you know, stalking you, but it would be a lot more convenient, and a lot more fun in my opinion. 

  4. So I checked yesterday and the lowest price I saw was 1,300-2,000 Platinum. So are people here really trying to argue that any frame is worth up to $100 of real money without a discount or $25 with 75% off? Yeah.... sorry, but no. I understand it's a free market and everything, and the worth of the frame comes down to the seller and if the person buying said frame also thinks it's worth the price, but that is pure bs. No frame in this game is worth that much, Ember Prime is a luxury and she's rather low tier as well compared to other frames.

  5. Truth mate, I found trade chat to be the worst part of the entire game that I actively avoid if I can help it. I've been blocked multiple times for simply shooting down offers I didn't like, and I find it both comical and pretty sad that these people have such a lack of courtesy and social skills that they have to resort to that.

  6. Yes, in the end what one considers to be "good" and "balanced" is truly subjective. One can argue that balance means cheesing end game content to contend with enemies that are arguable every bit as cheesy as us. One could also argue that cheese tactics are absolutely not necessary whatsoever, and at the end of the day, it all comes down to who exactly you happen to be speaking too, and what their idea of "balance" truly is.

    So let me just say that to me, balance means not being overpowered, but not being so laughably weak that higher tier missions become a total headache or just downright impossible to complete. I like to be powerful, I like to be prepared when I go into missions. I like to challenge myself by doing the hardest content DE can throw at us, and to me, if a specific frame can't roll with the punches in said content, then it's not balanced. Is this biased? Is what I just said very subjective? Certainly. I'm speaking for myself.

    However, I don't think that nerf, after nerf, after nerf will make the game any more balanced. DE is looking into what I think the core problem of this game is: enemy scaling. Once that's fixed, I think it would be wise to rework the frames to fit the enemies difficulty and decide exactly what we're aloud to get away with, and what we're not. DE doesn't want the game to be press 4 to win, and they're making that more and more clear with each update. This is okay, this is fantastic, as long as they continue to balance the enemies.

  7. So to the people that keep claiming that EV is broken, even if it is, why is this an issue? How is EV broken to you? Yes, Trinity grants unlimited energy and healing, but she's a pure support frame. I don't think DE wants Warframe to be a slow paced, generic shooter. They do like to give us a lot of different options to tackle any given situation. So my question for the Trinity haters: Why do you want Warframe to be a slow paced shooter with very limited use in abilities?

    Do you like throwing down tons of pizza pads for energy? Do you like relying on Zenurik Overflow for energy? Do you like dying in tight situation where simply casting one ability could have saved you, had you had enough energy to do so? Sorry, maybe I'm just an idiot, but I just don't understand why EV is an issue here. You guys played many MMORPGs? Every one of them has a Mage class that can heal, debuff/buff, CC, and grant either themselves or team members energy depending on what MMO you're playing. So, Trinity is our Mage class, the Mage of Warframe. Why do people want to throw Trinity under the bus and make her mediocre? 

    I mean, I understand that the Oberon players get mad when Trinity is brought up because Trinity > Oberon, but that's an Oberon problem and it just means that Oberon needs a major buff if anything, as he's mixed support and doesn't do it that well.

    So... what I'm saying in the end is, I would really rather not rely on Zenurik Overflow, Energy Siphon, and pizza pads just because people are salty that Trinity is good and decide to push for a nerf until it happens. No doubt we'll see less Trinity's around, but why do you want that? How is having more energy so you can use your abilities to complete the objective ever a bad thing? Masochist.

    But. I didn't post just to rant. My top broken abilities

    1. Bladestorm- This is press 4 to win at it's core. Frames of invincibility, low cost, insane damage output. Might as well use a macro, go afk, and have some dinner.

    This is the only true broken ability in my eyes. All the other frames have niches, one or two powerful abilities to build around that I think are okay for the most part.

  8. I do agree that raid rewards for the most part are not very rewarding in themselves. To me, only the credits you get and the possibility to sell some of the Arcanes for a high price really appeal to me. On top of that, raids are definitely not noob friendly at all. On top of having to lock down the entire map with some form of CC, you don't see many low MR players in raids due to the host almost always requiring you to be very experienced to join in the first place.

    I want some kind of raid that's more than just mass CC and standing on buttons. I do kind of enjoy the boss battle at the end of the raid, but it can't make up for how boring and mindless the entire raid is. CC this, CC that. Stand on this, stand on that. We need better rewards on top of possibly lowering the enemies levels. Raids are easy once you get a proper team going, but they truly do leave a lot to be desired. Now, I don't want to bring this up, but our raids should be something like... Destiny's. 

  9. Re-ranking weapons and frames is honestly a pain for me now. The first month or two, I didn't really mind it, but it got old really fast. So now, every time I have a lot of weapons and frames I need to make builds for, what do I do you ask? I buy an Affinity Booster, and then head off to Draco... gg DE. I know we can do Spy missions and the like, but Draco is indisputably faster, and I don't want to spend ages sloshing through levels just to have to re-rank a weapon or frame 3-5 times. 

  10. Sentients and Manics are my favorite enemy in the game right now. To a sub-boss/boos extent, I would have to say the Stalker. The Stalker just reminds me of that mini boss in some games that brings the heat, more so if you aren't prepared to fight him. He has a lot of diversity in his attacks and he always keeps me on my toes, very fun to fight.

  11. Wasn't he that MR21 guy that had about $1,000 tied up into his account? My my, it would be a shame to lose something so valuable, a real shame indeed. Well, we don't know the real story behind what happened, so who's to say. Either way, losing an account worth $1,000 would be the ultimate bad day.

  12. The best way is to just farm them out in the Void. Check the Warframe Wiki for the part drop locations, go to that specific Void, and just pray to the RNG Gods that the part you need drops. If farming isn't your style, alternatively you can shell out some Platinum and buy the parts or sets you need.

  13. 47 minutes ago, GDSK-NXS said:

    To be fair, promises (including keys and beacon shares) are not in DE's hands, the trade chat message says they don't condone it, so you take the risk, don't cry after you get scammed. Now, in some cases, like bad behavior and harassment, you can contact support, so they can take any action needed. Still, most people don't know they can do that, but you can. You actually can go to support and, providing evidence of the players actions, get them to "justice".

    Bad people will keep doing bad things, good people will keep doing good things, this systems makes bad people repent for their behavior. Even in the same amount, bad people will be stuck down harder than good people. comments like this, with no hope in the community, are the far cry of either a bad player who doesn't want to have their *ss handed to them, or a fearful newbie who thinks there's any kind of bad thing that could happen to them.

    Also, votekick is a different measure altogether from a reputation system, comparing them is useless since one is a one-time vote from 4 players in a mission and the other one is a permanent upvote or downvote to a player account. They bring different issues into the table, for instance, if a player gets angry, they can downvote another player, that will do NOTHING against the player since 1 downvote has no value, while getting kicked from a mission not only means the player wasted time, but he also got kick for no real reason (if, he was actually behaving).

    If you think this two issues are the same, or are related to each other, you don't understand the measures that are being discussed here. 

    Well no, it's not that I'm a bad person or even a noob. I say this because what if for example you're playing with someone in a match and they don't like that you're spamming the Synoid Simulor or the Tonkor. They decide they get fed up and give you a bad rating all because they despise those weapons and anyone who uses them. So, they then proceed to down vote you or lie in some way just to give you negative rep, all because they didn't agree with your play style. How can you not see this becoming an issue? And this is just one example, I could list many more. The community shouldn't have that kind of power, nor should they have a vote to kick option.

    No, not necessary. While they are a different system all together, I simply stated that like a vote to kick system, a reputation system would be heavily abused as well. My most recent example is me doing a raid. I was doing a raid the other day and it started storming all of a sudden really badly, and I lagged out at the worst possible time: the button part. Well, I lagged out and caused issues with the team which wasn't my fault. The host then told all of his clanmates to steer clear of me, because I leave LORs and I'm not to be trusted. Naturally, they listened to him and a clan mate brought this to my attention, and he then explained what actually happened and cleared up the misunderstanding.

    So, in a situation like this, what do you think would have happened had we had a rating system? That salty guy, along with all of his close clan members, would have down voted me and given me a bad repuation, all because I lagged out of match. I do understand the measures being discussed here my friend, I think it's you who doesn't understand what I'm getting at. I never stated that they were the same, I simply stated that the community isn't ready for that much power, that much control. In the end, this would simply cause many more issues than than it would really solve.

  14. I'll be honest with you here. For a Blind build? No, not really. For a DPS Hall of Mirros build? Yes, absolutely, it still wrecks everything. But if you're not interested in DPS at all, then sell her. Of course, this is just my opinion. A lot of folks will still say that a Blind build is still viable on her, but honestly, Nova, Vauban, and even Excalibur do it better now. Yes, even Excalibur due to the fact that his Blind has no charge up or casting animation.

    But hey, once again this is just my opinion, take it with a grain of salt.

  15. I do believe that they probably keep a very close eye on all of our feedback. But I also believe that this community is split most of the time between very big issues, and they simply can't please everyone. If something gets nerfed, you're going to have a lot of angry people, and rightfully so. If something gets a buff, likewise, you're going to have a lot of angry players because some players believe that some things are already powerful enough as is and only contributes to further breaking the game.

    So, like I said. In the end, DE can't please everyone, I guess they just do what they ultimately think is best for the game. And once again, I'm almost 100% sure they do read our feedback, though they don't cater to it.

  16. I agree that MR really doesn't mean all that much. I'm currently MR17 and the only thing that's changed from when I was MR12 is a number and few more mods added to my collection. I feel sorry for that MR4 guy though, he was probably just wanting to try out his very first Sortie and wanting help from the community. I doubt he'll be doing anymore Sorties anytime soon.... that is, if he can get into anymore sorties. People have a rude tendency to immediately leave upon seeing a frame or weapon they don't like, or seeing someone with too low of an MR.

    Now in this case, I can understand why you were upset. It's not fun carrying people in higher tier content at all. But at the same time, I like to show new players like that what the game has to offer, so I don't generally get too flustered when things like this happen., I understand exactly what it feels like starting out, as I've only been playing roughly 3 months now.

    So, my proposal? Simply raise the Sortie minimum MR requirements to 8. Alongside this, maybe we should be able to see the mod rating of whoever we're paired with, or something of the sort. Take this with a grain of salt though, I'm just brainstorming at this point. Maybe you should be able to see people's complete loadouts as well while in a lobby with them, mods and all. 

  17. 22 minutes ago, Troll_Logic said:

    I don't think anyone is against it and I don't think there are any downsides.  Once the change has been thought through, it is a lateral change.  No good nor bad.

    But you don't.  Let me try to explain it a different way.

    Let's say you forma a catalysted weapon and you're at MR11.  You now have 22 mod points to use.  You add a few mods to the weapon.  Now your weapon is the same as if you leveled it the old way to level 11.  They both now have the same mod point capacity and you still shouldn't use either to level.  You should still be using a pimped out weapon.

    DE giving player bonus mods points on a 0 weapon doesn't make it a viable weapon to use.  It simply makes it a less gimpy weapon but it still is a gimpy weapon.  And the player still has to level the weapon up each time.

    It's not a good change.  It's not a bad change.  It's just a change that, in the game, will not really change anything.

    Ooooooh, it looks like I misunderstood somewhere along the way. Yes, once you put it like that, these changes do seem kind of.. meh. As you said, not really good or really bad. But I must admit, after the can of worms that have been open the past few days, this is still relatively okay news all in all, at least until we get to the juicy stuff: Those sexy sexy enemy scaling fixes ;p

  18. Well derp, disregard this post, as I didn't really know what I was talking about. I thought the mechanic was going to work in an entirely different way... I thought wrong. But the news is still welcome nonetheless.

  19. 41 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    I kill bombards with weapons, I facetank bombard's rockets with Link.  Not every ability has to kill something.

    You're playing her wrong.  I don't want to be that guy but seriously, some frames require weapons for killing and abilities for other stuff.  To hell with Overextended low duration EV builds.  If your squad wants energy, they should be kissing your ... as for killing with trinity, I don't even do the self damage link crap.  I kill with weapons.  Not even tonkor, which is boring, inaccurate and slow.  

    I can stand in Juggie puddles with link on an survive, in sorties, whilst reviving fallen teammates.  Other than Valkyr, tell me who else can do that please.  Even Rhino/Nezha are going to have their extra 'skin' eaten away quickly. 75% DR is incredibly powerful and provides more than enough oppurtunity to  heal yourself or just blow the living crap out of whatever you are fighting.

    Not even sure what the point of this post is, there have been two updates in a 5 day period (friday to wednesday) that deal with balance and cheese.  Give it another week?  A month maybe?  Yes these changes are and have been long overdue (I'm guessing, haven't been here but a year), but they are happening, they just cannot happen all at once.


    Yes, we're all very well aware of the utility that Link has, but that doesn't falisify my previous statement: that is that Trinity is a support frame and doesn't have any offensive moves. Link is self support that allows damage reduction. Yes, you can face tank all day long and kill enemies at close range, but that doesn't make it an offensive move, if anything, that's just self support. But in no way does this make EV overpowered, which is what I was discussing. If anything, this is a Link problem and not an EV problem, in itself. I never doubted Trinity's ability to solo, I've done plenty of hour long T4 solo's with her to know what I'm doing, I'm not using her incorrectly. 

    What I'm saying here is, Trinity is support, and she needs to be left alone. Yes, she can reliably solo content and she further shines in a group, but she has no offensive move pool. Your weapons will be killing the enemies, even though I did notice EV takes off a sizable chunk of health... but this is one target, and not a group. And to be honest, I'm not sure what the point of this post is either. To rustle some jimmies maybe? Well, gg. Jimmies rustled. After all of these recent nerfs we get another post about why it didn't go far enough, it's gone plenty far. Let me lick my wounds and re-Forma my gear before we get anymore nerfs.


  20. 15 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

    again, what's with the black/white thinking? she can still heal the whole team at once and give em 75% damage reduction. i never encountered a game in which support class could supply the whole team with mana indefinitely though. that's just... well... broken. why do we even have differing energy costs i ask you? why do we have an energy system to begin with??

    Yes, she can heal the team and provide damage reduction, which is fantastic. But at the end of the day, we all know energy is the real money maker in this game. You can have all the health and damage reduction you want, but at some point in the game, it really does become less about your weapons and damage output and more about the overall utility of your frames and abilities. Providing energy is a role we need in this game, because God knows your meager health in this game just becomes a formality between you and the enemy after awhile, so healing becomes a bit useless rather fast. 

    In fact, more often that not on Sorties and such content, I find my team getting killed so fast I literally can't get off a Blessing before they die. Which is why I say while healing is great in this game, overall utility of abilities will really be the only thing that save you in higher tier content.

    Oh, and of course weapons like the Tonkor, but that's an entirely different beast all together.

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