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Posts posted by DuskLegendary

  1. I personally love the Tonkor, why does it need a nerf? I mean, aside from the obvious of it being able to red crit for tons of damage and destroy lv. 100 mobs.What I'm saying is, if you nerf the Tonkor, won't everyone just move on to something like the Sancti Tigris, Vaykor Hek, Synoid Simulor?... Then if those become more overused than they already are now and everyone drops their Tonkors in favor of those weapons, what then? Are people going to cry out for a nerf on the forums just as they're doing with the Tonkor all the time?

    I think it's fun to have overpowered weapons here and there, if everything was just perfectly balanced, what would be the fun in that? Half the fun is striving for that weapon you know is more powerful than what you currently have now. If anything at all is changed about the Tonkor, since it's so powerful, why not just make it an MR12 requirement? It has end game damage and viability, why note give it an end game requirement like the Rakta Cernos, Synoid Simulor, Vaykor Hek, Sancti Tigris, ect?....


  2. Well, about the only indication right now we have of our mod collections is that mod rating in the mod menu. Right now, mine is sitting at 94 million and growing. I think it would be really cool to be able to view another player's profile and view their current mod collection, at least then you could kind of get an idea of the loadouts they're capable of making at that point in time.

    Not that I would use this to determine weather or not I would play with them of course. I just think it would be kind of cool to have because I'm pretty nosy and I want to see other people's mod collections haha

  3. 3 minutes ago, _Rue_ said:

    Ceres, Vedic, Loki, greater lens on melee less than an hour.

    Go stealth kill everything.

    Thank you! I'll have to try this out because I'm honestly sick of organizing Draco groups just to cap the daily Focus, this will be a very nice change of pace

  4. Hey there man! I personally get all of my R5 Cores from Triton Neptune, or Hiericon Pluto since they both have the same drop rate. Doing daily Sorties can also help you out quite a bit. Just recently, I had a giant pile of 1,600 gold cores and a ton of bronze cores, most of which I spent on maxing a few Primed mods, so definitely do your daily Sorties if only for the chance of getting the x25 or x50 gold core pack, I swear it helps, if only a little bit!

  5. Hello guys, just as the title says, I'm wanting to know the absolute best ways to Focus farm. Currently I'm using Excalibur and going to Draco with organized groups. I have a Greater Lense on the Synoid Simulor, Vaykor Marelok, Nikana Prime, and Excalibur himself, and I usually end up capping my Focus in about 2-3 hours give or take. I heard there's ways with Loki as well but I personally haven't tried it, so if there's a faster way to cap the daily Focus, please share it with me... I'm trying to max out the entire Zenurik school and I want to make it as quick and painless as possible, any and all tips would be appreciated.

  6. 19 minutes ago, Momaw said:

    Even if you wait for a 75% off discount, that's 25 dollars.  25 actual real dollars for an item that kind of gives you health, when the dominant meta strats of Warframe is crowd control, not tanking, because there's a relatively narrow window between "taking health damage that I can heal from" and "smeared across the landscape with one hit".

    Get a Medi-Furis. Or a Telos gun. Or life strike. 90% of the utility for 1% of the cost.

    That's certainly true. I don't know why they're priced so high other than the rarity, when other stuff does bring more utility to the table. I just farm them because people are willing to pay an outrageous price for even 1 of them, this has been the source of my sometimes easy Platinum

  7. Those Arcane Graces are a bit hard to get, so I think 200 Platinum would be a fair price for one, and 2,000 Platinum for an entire set. Then there's the matter of actual trying to find a LOR group every single day. I've been trying to do both the Normal and Nightmare variant every day, but I can usually find one and not the other. I would host both of them myself, but you see, my connection is really bad and causes everyone on the receiving end to lag so bad they can't play, or never reach the actual LOR itself so yeah .-.

  8. Sorry you had to deal with this bit of toxicity OP. Yes, I paid 250 Platinum for my Argon Scope, but the seller didn't have to conduct business in that manner. Gets a response he doesn't like > immediately blocks you. All he had to do was calmly explain why Argon was such a high price, how rare it was, and his price range. If he wasn't willing to sell it that low, all he had to say was "Sorry, I'm wanting price for my mod, nothing less" and calmly move on without pulling out the block card.

  9. This happens to me sometimes. Not because I go AFK, but because there's always a player with an Ash in the match with me, and he kills everything so fast with Blade Storm that I can't get more than a few kills.

  10. Well, there's actually no real reason not to have an auction house, what exactly is it that we'll be losing if we do get one? Trade chat won't be spammed and there will be no more wafting through the huge wall of infinitely scrolling text. We can simply search for the items we want to buy, while listing the prices of the items we want to sell. Low balling and scamming will stop or won't be as bad because players will obviously buy from the person selling at the lowest price. So I ask again, why is an auction house such a bad idea? I mean, we have Warframe Market, what's it going to hurt to put something identical to that in game itself?

    I dream of a day that I won't have to open a tab, go to a website, and list the things I want to sell my fellow Tenno. And until that day comes, it's will still be just a dream. DE is pretty good about listening to our feedback, so I'm sure if enough of us asked for an auction house, they would probably be more than happy to give us one in time. Not so much feedback this time around though, more of a requested feature.

  11. I try to do a normal and nightmare raid every day, but the main problem I keep encountering time and time again is actually assembling a team. Assembling the team is arguably the hardest part of the entire raid. If I had a regular raid group that got on every day at a specified time just to raid with me, I would raid way more often. But, as it is now, I spend more time searching for a raid than actually doing the raids themselves.

  12. I've ran into this a few times. As you yourself said, since there's no set price on anything, we the player base decide what prices to put on items, we ourselves determine the worth of said items. I've been selling my Loki Prime sets for 200 Platium each lately, even though he only goes for about 100. Why do I do this? Because not only are the systems a pain to get (21 T3 Sabo missions and counting, still no systems) but he's next in line to be vaulted. To me, he's not worth just 100 Platinum. People are free to argue this as they wish and are free not to buy from me, that's fine.

    What I'm saying is, since there are no set prices on anything, we ourselves decide the prices. You go on to Warframe Market and you check the lowest prices, and this is what people use to argue that item is worth this much, but what would happen if the person that set the lowest price were to change his/her prices to an even higher value, and everyone else followed accordingly? Then, that would be the new lowest price, and this is what the item would be trending at. 

    Don't be angry about the salty people in trade chat who don't have any manners, it happens. I want to buy Legendary Cores for 400 Platinum, but I don't go cussing, reporting, and blocking everyone who don't bend to my price expectations, that's just wrong. Sell your items for whatever you want OP, it's your right as a player, trading is a privlege.

  13. Loki is just fine in the new event, I used him all the way through for all 3 sections. You want to stay invisible while disarming the enemies, and then proceed to pick them off, or let your team members clean up. Here is the build I use



  14. I got the set, and ended up selling it. I was actually pretty happy to get another 50 gold cores in today's Sortie, that's just more cores I can use to max another R10 mod, which I can then sell for some very easy Platinum. I feel like I'm one of the few people who don't look at gold cores in the Sortie rewards table as some kind of vile taboo. 

    And besides, I'd much rather have a gold core pack than a lense that's not wanted or needed by me, that's just insulting... doing all of that work for a lense.


  15. I personally think it's a fantastic idea to put globes on the points, I do it all the time, especially when I play public. The main reason I do this is because when you play public, there are a lot of people going to Draco to level frames, and that means?... Bingo, they're probably going to be squishy, and I would rather have them hide in my globes while defending the points with a good weapon while leveling their frames than dying constantly. That's time I have to spend reviving them and letting the enemy capture a point. Not to mention the speed reduction while inside the globe is god send, all you have to do is hop into the globe and kill the enemies, it's really not a big deal.

    Now, it an organized Draco match, this might hinder the group more than help it, so it really just depends.

  16. Well, EV Trinity is supposed to be squishy. Her only role to play is to give the entire team energy and maybe cast a very fast Blessing if things start to go sour fast. EV Trinity is not a tank. Keep in mind that not everyone is using Zenurik, some people prefer other schools, and new players starting out, some of them don't even know about the schools and I sometimes get asked "What is that floating person coming out of your body, what is that?" She plays a very nice role. In higher tier Void mission, it can be very nice for your team to be able to spam as much CC and DPS as they want, and sometimes when the enemies start scaling to lv. 70+ you can't immediately get the kills and energy you need. Then there's the issue of Draco and Raids, EV is very muchly needed. In fact, neither can really be done without her, and if they can, definitely not as efficiently at all.

    Now about the Blessing, I will say that I've been killed right after it ended while trying to cast off another one, it does happen from time to time, and it is indeed a lot of work. But let me just also say: it does have it's uses. In the recent protect the hostage missions in Sorties, did you know the prisoner gets the 99% Blessing, so you don't have to baby sit him? That's right, he can be smacked around by lv. 80 mobs all day and nothing bad will happen to him. Sortie Interception? No problem, Blessing. Raids? Blessing is almost never not requested. There are tons more scenarios where a Blessing Trinity could shine, and I just named a small handful. I think you're missing the entire point of Blessing. There are times in the game where you maybe can't opt for a fully invincible team such as on mission where you need to guard stuff where a CC frame would come more in handy than an invincible one, you can keep your entire team immortal AND have proper CC too. Trinity is far from useless.

    As for Link, I use it as a supplement: I don't expect Link to be killing off enemies by itself, but rather aid me in a swifter kill. This is especially useful against Corrupted Heavy Gunners and Bombards. Now, I've told you why I personally like to use her, but it appears she's just not your cup of tea, and that's perfectly okay.


  17. I just hit MR13 a few days ago, and I also tried cheesing the test with Loki's Switch Telaport... needless to say, it didn't work. But, seeing as Loki is plenty agile enough, I just picked the enemies off with my Soma Prime since I couldn't cheese it and it all worked out in the end.

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