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  1. Can't wait for Ember's LoS fix, fire blast has always been notoriously unreliable, to the point of enemies blocking the effect on enemies behind them...
  2. Nyx' Psychic Bolts STILL sometimes don't work (an ongoing problem for 10+ months now), they sometimes only briefly stagger a target without removing any armor. On top, Pacifying Bolts is ALSO bugged now, it only shoots 6 bolts instead of the promised 9! And on top, the X-targets-affected indicator (e.g. "x6") on the skill icon has also not been showing for several mainline patches now.
  3. Waiting for the fix to Nyx's psychic bolts not working reliably for 9+ months now.
  4. When is the fix to Nyx's psychic bolts not working reliably coming?
  5. Here is a video demonstrating the issue: https://streamable.com/w529dd
  6. Please fix Nyx Psychic Bolts being dysfunctional, it's been this way for at least 8 months. 75% of the time, the mob will simply be staggered but not affected by the ability at all. And the counter on the ability icon (x6 / x9 / etc.) is also broken. It broke a few mainline patches ago, update 32 or so, it worked perfectly before. It's her defining ability together with Chaos...please stop ignoring the issue just cause she's not a popular frame...
  7. Hydroid tentacles STILL BUGGED. NOT grabbing new enemies when the initial enemy is dead!! Cmon guys... It's his ult and it's supposed to grab new ones...
  8. "Fixed Hydroid’s Tentacle Swarm Kraken despawning before the ability has expired." Hydroid Tentacles STILL don't grab any new enemies when the initial enemy dies, please FIX!!
  9. Hydroid tentacles still do NOT grab a new enemy after the first is killed! Please fix.
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