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Posts posted by OzoneSlayer

  1. On 7/9/2016 at 11:01 PM, Obviousclone said:

    I took my adarza into the 200-9999 alert....


    it lived for a surprisingly long only downing in the presence of sapping ospreys

    Umm last time I checked none of the enemies dealt any damage at all during that

  2. 1 hour ago, Zezakh said:

    To be fair, there is already precedent for prime weapons getting syndicate abilities.  Just add some syndicate mods for weapons that have primes and be done with it. 

    ^So much this. Primes not only overall get bigger buffs than syndicate weapons, but some and more In the future will have augments that not only give them syndicate weapons main unique quality, but also offer a bonus on top


    6 hours ago, --Kenric said:

    I wasn't sure about the invisibility, but with all the exalted-blade-style abilities there is some sort of addition to the weapon, Valkyr with immortality, excal with range, and I wasn't sure what would fit ash other than invisibility, if you have anything better I'd love to hear it. 

    Sure I'm willing to help add something that doesn't make any of his abilities redundant. Note that these don't have to  ALL be together in one. They're just ideas


    -Sharply increased sprint speed and parkour


    -Innately fast finisher animations(to help the flow of combat)


     -Slash Procs on every hit 


    -Seeing enemies through walls, and seeing vital spots for increased damage(?)


    -Reduced threat level


    -Increased finisher damage(Or even innate covert lethality on finishers, might be broken but just a thought)


    -Clones that attack alongside you





  4. Sure except for the invisibility. Your just 1) making his 2 useless, 2) making it unbalanced and 3) making people want to dump duration like we've always been doing

  5. 1 hour ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    Nothing balancing about the trigger. So I waste a shot now and then.

    What is balanced is the 2 rounds per clip. Honestly that's the reason I prefer Hek unless I am using Nova or Frost.

    Well Scott himself stated "firing mechanic has pretty hard draw back. - so this thing needs to hit like a truck!"


    So it's not too farfetched for me to say that

  6. 51 minutes ago, Kenshin98 said:

    well that's what I find myself have to do too. I also love the firing mode of it, it's cool and unique. but personally, I just can't handle waste 2 shots on an enemy that can die in 1 shot XD

    That's literally the only thing that balances the Tigris IMO. Just hold the shot, manually reload, or waste 1 SHPT from one of the most ammo efficient weapons in game. That or something you probably won't wanna hear, just use a different weapon

  7. Just now, R34LM said:

    Why not? Saves from having to press twice to do the exact same thing if it has even 4 shots in the mag, which it might as well.

    Thing is, any large increases at all would make it unbalanced. A magazine increase is even more of a dps upgrade than just giving it 20% more damage, as giving it as little as 2 extra shots basically doubles its already insane burst damage. And I don't want them to pull a Vectis prime again and mess up the core mechanics and manual reload tactic of the weapon


    I'd like to see more utility rather than dps just being slapped on. When the Sancti already instakills anything you point it at, more damage becomes irrelevant and it will end up being generally worse due to the lack of the syndicate proc, but beefing up and already OP weapon is like putting a middle finger up to balance. So we have problems either way. Also the low mag size is literally THE ONLY thing that balances it


    I just wish they would've gone with a weapon that 1) Didn't have a variant and 2) WASNT one of the best weapons in the game to begin with. Tiberon, Daikyu, Attica,panthera,  heck even Strun would've been a better choice to prime

    I don't know how I feel about these prime weapons to come. Galatine prime will most likely mop the floor with war especially with its slash damage, and then they choose to buff the most powerful series of shotguns. And it probably will be less than mr12...

  8. 5 minutes ago, R34LM said:

    I think we moved passed that ever since Sancti Tigris was released.


    I'm hoping for a larger magazine and a secondary fire to completely dump the entire magazine in a split second.

    So you want to do 4k+damage in one click not counting mods? With mods I could see it hitting 240k+ damage not counting headshots or weaknesses/resistances

  9. Just now, Date_Terumune said:

    im pretty sure it can turn 5% crit weapon into red-crit spitting monstrosity.

    Geez that's broken as all hell, even better than bloodrush. The secura penta could out dps the tonkor with that kavat. And I wonder if it works on powers that can crit like exalted blade, etc.

  10. 51 minutes ago, Date_Terumune said:

    Smeeta Kavat is actually way too much overdone if not bordereline OverPowered.


    With its buff, i can score 100% of the time Red-Crits using Daikyu with no crit mods at all! this is insanity! and the buff also affects the amount of drop you pick up per stack, increasing it by about 300%, [normal void drop is 4-6 parts, with buff you get 16-20]

    Its all fun and games, but the Kavats totaly made Kubrows useless thanks to their buffs.

    Wait so if I use a Sancti Tigris will every pellet red crit?

  11. Vectis Prime is overall the best sniper, since this is a horde shooter and it has the most stamina, and doesn't take the scope off while reloading. Sure Lanka has damage, but its a sniper, with the highest zoom in game, but for some reason has travel time and a jiggly scope, not the mention the requirement of a fire rate mod because of the charge

  12. 6 minutes ago, WrathAscending said:


    Paris Prime deals better with armoured opponents, especially if you don't have many/any Corrosive Projections in the squad.

    This isn't necessarily true given the fact that the average damage per shot vs armor on the dread is barely lower, but it will red crit more often and will frequently inflict bleeds(Which ignore armor) that can hit for 10k per tick and stack, along with the fact that a higher percentage of your damage is dealt in elements, and the IPS percentage is a fraction in comparison.

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