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Posts posted by OzoneSlayer

  1. Vaykor jat Kittag and Ack and brunt are most likely. I feel the jat Kittag is the most likely because:

    -The syandana

    -Justice syndicate with a rocket gavel

    -Syndicate proc opens enemies to finishers, and hammers have the highest finisher damage barring covert lethality, so there's synergy

    -Explosions, and the syndicate proc does blast damage

    -Bailiff defectors are affiliated with steel meridian, and they wield Jats 

    -Valid since its a relatively old weapon without an alternate variant, and its the 4th best hammer damage output wise


  2. 8 minutes ago, Irregardless_Existence said:

    Without much skill? You must be joking. This isn't an FPS. Sonicor even has a horrible reload speed. Balancing weapons for trash mobs is really stupid too. Some melee weapons do the same thing and you're not yelling nerf because of them, now are you? It's because people use mostly Nikana type weapons with really horrible range.

    You're just lying to yourself. If people get kills with their weapons they must be deleted, right? No. 

    Nerfing to the ground is pretty much deleting at this point.

    My point is that if synoid simulor needs a nerf because its easy to use, then they need a nerf as well. That's the only point I'm making. I don't want anything to get nerfed

  3. 29 minutes ago, Irregardless_Existence said:

    Did you really say Ignis? It's REALLY bad without Ember's accelerant. You even said Sonicor, I don't even... How is Sonicor even broken? It is our CC gun. We can't have a CC gun????

    They both kill everything in them room without much skill. And endless missions are irrelevant now

  4. 1 minute ago, SortaRandom said:

    I haven't used the Simulor so I can't say for certain, but I think the main issue here is that the damage radius was more-than-doubled with the SSimulor's release.

    The Simulor has one of the smallest base AoE radii in the game, at roughly ~5m (needs testing to be certain). The SSimulor, on the other hand, has the largest base AoE radius of any weapon in the game, at 11m (which I've tested and confirmed myself)-- being beaten only by Firestorm Tonkor. Let that sink in for a bit-- the Simulor can clog doorways and chokepoints, whereas the SSimulor can wipe out small rooms with the same amount of effort.

     And its balanced by the fact that it can't even use fire storm. If it gets a radius nerf that mod needs to be available

  5. Just now, (PS4)ChiefsFury1984 said:

    No it won't If people keep there big mouths Zipped & just enjoy the weapon people need to earn to just play the game..


    If it gets nerfed be ready 4 your keyboards & posting privileges to be nerfed..


    Let's enjoy the game & the weapon thx

    Lol you say that like I implied one bit that I wanted it nerfed

  6. 27 minutes ago, BBOTAA said:

    Obviously Synoid Heliocor is comming.

    And its gonna get nerfed just like the other two. Its already one of the best melee weapons in the game

  7. 24 minutes ago, XRosenkreuz said:

    So a long while back, the Gammacor- the first Cephalon-styled weapon- was released alongside the syndicate secondaries, most notably the Synoid Gammacor.

    Then a bit later, the Simulor -the first Cephalon-styled primary- came out for Simaris, followed shortly after by the syndicate primaries, which included the Synoid Simulor.

    Now, we have the Heliocor, the first Cephalon-styled melee weapon. Potential release of syndicate melee in the near future?

    If they make a better version of this people will cry for nerfs just like simulor and gammacor

  8. I like how everyone complained about how bad the regular simulor was due to no supplementary stats and then when all it gets are utility buffs(and a slight max damage nerf) and a syndicate proc(not exclusive to the simulor)Its op all of a sudden :facepalm:


    Everyone complained about how clunky it was, especially since it had a bad aoe AND couldn't use firestorm. Now we get an aoe buff and still can't use firestorm and there's complaining

  9. 2 minutes ago, FINNSTAR7 said:

    Well 60k raw damage is great...until you hit anything armored that's over lvl 100. Which is why I recommend status to anyone wanting to go endgame, cause your effectiveness will not diminish as enemies get stronger.

    Why are you letting level 100+ enemies have armor?

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