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Posts posted by (PSN)supernova_girlie

  1. I'm a melee freak and I find that those damn armor boosting sentinels are the most annoying. The first ten minutes my galatine can slay everything and then all of a sudden it can't even reach the damn thing even though I'm aiming at it. Also, I always end up dying because the damn sentinel shows up while I'm already chomping on a crowd with my blade. The worse is that there is so much energy spam on the screen and I can't even see the sentinel to shoot it.

    I agree that the Corpus are the strongest. I don't think they even need that stupid sentinel, because with those Nullifers and Red Suited-Douches you don't really stand a chance after 30 minutes. Unless, you're the God, the master...INAROS...of course!

  2. I mean...it was bound to happen. I loved that game, but every three months they wanted $40 and tried to cut you off from what you already paid for. On console, there's the added cost of paying Sony or Microsoft just to be on their networks, so I had to get out of dodge. I don't think Warframe killed Destiny, rather the expense was increasing while the quality was decreasing.

  3. I'm so jealous of people that can do those Grineer sortie hacks with such ease. I can do Corpus sortie hack like it's nothing, but those Grineer ones nearly put me in a seizure. Every once in a while the Force is with me and I manage to put the ball in the last peg. I'm MR25 been playing 3 years, I don't think that has anything to do with it. It's probably more like I don't really have the hand-eye coordination and also I panic! So if you see me going really slow to one of the Grineer sortie vaults, I'm just hoping you get there first!

  4. 2 hours ago, stormy505 said:

    Pay plat for them if it bothers you that much. Only thing I want is a crafting q for resources like formas, cyphers, and energy pizzas

    THIS! I want to be able to build 1000 pizzas with the press of a button, I don't care if it still takes 1 minute for every 10. I just don't want to sit in the orbiter doing this. The only time I ever rush these is if I have like 3 plat left.

  5. 19 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

    Srs answer: Fishyflakes is right

    Much like how Grineer are degenerated humans, Grineer language is degenerated English. "Klem" or "Clem" is the Grineer word for "Them"

    In game, you have probably heard Grineer shouting "get clem!" Since the fandom used to find this hilarious they would treat "Clem" like someone's name

    One day, Datareaper was playing an Invasion mission, and an allied Grineer lancer followed him to extraction. He began drawing comics of "Clem, the grineer who wanted to be a Tenno". A few years later, DE decided to make Clem canon. While Datareaper's comics showed Clem speaking normal Grineer language, DE decided that "Clem" was the only word Clem could say

    All this time I never knew this! I've been telling people they are angry with Clem because of Man of Few Words! 

  6. Welcome to Warframe!

    1. Yes

    2. A little above average active on PS4

    3. Community exhibits two extremes. If you really need help come to this forum, you will get "mystery meat" results from region chat. I'm a hermit crab myself.

    May I add a few tips?

    Take your time with this game.

    Enjoy each and every weapon!

    Use Warframe Wikia to get details on this game's modding and damage system.

    Stock up on slots for warframes, weapons, archwings and companions. Do not miss Nitain alerts! Even if you don't have the planet open for the Nitain alert, get someone to take you to it. Always go to these alerts.

    Have fun!

  7. I want it all! I want to see what exists in the world of Warframe  be improved upon and I want to see new features added as well. I can't get enough of this game!

    Survival: Please stop punishing solo players by denying life support even though we're killing the living daylights out of the enemies as fast as realistically possible. Sometimes nobody joins me even though I'm set to public and I just keep playing and would keep going but then the enemies stop coming and the life support dwindles. Also, I agree with others that want solo extraction, because I can't count the times some noobs actually forced extraction at 9:49 or 19:49. Furthermore, I'm tired of fighting over enemies. If hardware allows for it, please make them spill in droves from their spawn spots. Sometimes even when all four squad members are in the same room, the enemies just trickle in or get stuck in some corner. For me, survival is the pride and joy of Warframe and it needs improvement.

    Resources: Nanospores need to be slightly limited. I'm swimming in 40+million of them and the only way I can see sinking them is by sitting for hours in my orbiter making energy pizzas and ciphers. Generally speaking, we need new fun items that go in the gear wheel that use up resources so that resources remain desired.

    Collectibles: I love kurias, ayatan sculptures, cephalon fragments, somachord fragments, frame fighter fragments! I love stuff like this! I love that they force you to visit all the different nodes both on and off the star chart. I don't even care what they actually give me, I just love searching for and collecting them!

    Plains of Eidolon: The mark was slightly missed. Going into the caves, I feel so underwhelmed. One cave could have a random Ghoul boss. Another could even involve ancient Grineer artifacts that require running around the plains to gather resources and Konzu gives you an Ayatan sculpture or something like it. Perhaps, a mini-game with Dagryns (sp?). Basically, the plains need something that makes it feel more dynamic. There's a particular incursion type that is frustrating, I forget what it's called but we have to run to these circles and kill enemies, but sometimes they're not there and incursion fails because we're running around like chicken with head cut off searching for enemies.

    Map Remodel: While I don't consider this necessary, I do desire it. I would like to see each planet, planetoid or satellite get its on set of "land" maps. For Grineer and Corpus ships, I'd like two more schema introduced for each of the factions. It would be like they have three different types of ships. Right now it would take two or more years before I started to miss the current tile sets. Basically, I feel the overall environment needs variety and enhancement.

    Codex Revamp: Again, not necessary but would be nice. The Quest tab: Divide the linear quests from the random quests. It would give the new players a visual checklist for required quests.

    Hire me for User Interface Optimization. It's what I was born to do and you already paid me for it. Right now when I look at that inventory menu I have to sit no more than 3 feet from my screen. It's too vast and the print too small; it leaves me feeling so overwhelmed. The look of it is beautiful and awe-inspiring, but for me it is not functional. However, instead of hiring me I suggest bumping up the overall brightness, add intensity and color so that we can recognize different objects. Currently, everything looks the same. You can use different shades, tints or hues of the gold color to accomplish more visibility.

    Strange stuff I want but know it's strange:

    The ability to put out four of the same specter. I've been dying to see what fun it would be if I made an army of those rollers or Moas. I don't expect warframe specters to be available for this because that might be overkill.

    Go old school and add some "floor is lava" elements to some of the maps.

  8. 1 hour ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    War = Rhino. he literally has a helmet called the Warlust Helm.

    Famine = Inaros, he's a skinny boi for his size, and deserts can be associated with the idea of having a lack of food and water.

    Pestilence = Nidus, literally the embodiment of disease, but for the sake of variety I'll also note Saryn.

    Death = Nekros, the most obvious choice.

    while I don't know about Four Horseman style skins, I do hope that DE does something this Halloween, besides the Juggernaut alert. we'll probably get that anyway, and some DotD skins, but it would be nice to see something new.

    This is perfect! Thank you for this!

  9. The problem is this: Controversy brings views.

    If I were to make two forum threads, one thread about how great is Warframe and another one that's so stupidly salty about some aspect of Warframe; which one do you think will get more replies? People, today, love to get outraged and to show that miserable so-and-so just how stupid they are. 

  10. 52 minutes ago, SinKershel said:

    There was red text everywhere, it's the same boring blue now. Nothing feels like it has any impact.

    Here's the only picture I found online


    No wonder. I use the dark theme, red text, unless it's on a black bg, drives my eyes insane!

  11. On 2018-09-23 at 7:21 PM, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    as others have said, not worth it. to me, Metallic textures are like Chocolate: they're REALLY good, but you wouldn't want it on everything. Mag's Pnuema Deluxe is pretty much 100% metallic, and at first I was excited. coloring her became a pain, as while I normally like my metallics to be gold, it was just too much on Mag. if you color her all white she can blind everyone on your team with her insane shine. 

    metallics are very appealing to me, but you have to do it right, Fashionframe is Endgame, and endgame is very challenging.


    I'm in shock! I love golden Mag Pneuma skin! She literally looks like the Hel robot from Metropolis!

  12. I always wonder about what will happen when Equinox Prime arrives. I'm ready for and welcome that grind. Relics grind I can do, but waiting for ESO to drop one last part for Lato V. is annoying.

    16 minutes ago, --Dark_Rage-- said:

    Sadly, but at the first sight just after reading the title of this topic, I thought that you would ask for Equinox's Maim nerf coz it's absolutely effortless sefi-AFK gamebreaking $%#t, which provokes new players to do nothing except vegetable like "gameplay" without aiming, moving, shooting and etc.

    Then they're doing it wrong! 

  13. 6 hours ago, Kaotyke said:

    Wrong. You WILL be able to get them up. But you wont have Revives to spend in case they dont help you.

    In the one I watched, it had Rebecca and Megan and one of them died and there was no revive available. I think if they give us revives then it is not deserving of "Elite", in this mode you should be able to do dps and survive. I've been looking for something like this because I'm tired of going to the Mot and getting people that bring frames that can do damage but I have to spend my whole time reviving them. To me, if the player gets lots more kills but everyone else has to keep reviving them, then they're not elite. My husband, INAROS, will be there regardless!

  14. I'm sitting here and thinking...one life...no revives...won't see anybody but Inaros, Nidus and Rhino. Possibly, Valkyr. First people will try to show up with their Saryn, Ember, Banshee, but this time no one is going to be able to revive them. I'm all for this mode even if the rewards are chitty chitty bang bang, but I'm skeptical because it will be yet another mode where only a few warframes apply.

    I say make more warframes "more survivable first." Like Nezzie, what the eff? I made an Umbra Nezha and with all that armor(Armored Agility, the Aegis mod and the Umbra Fiber) I had on him his warding halo still gets melted! When's the last time you've seen someone with a maxed out (in other words, not in Akkad or Hydron trying to level her up) Titania doing anything but trying to cheese one of those Void puzzles? Harrow is not bad at all, but you've got to be quick if you go for the damage buff.  All I'm saying is, I want to be able to use a warframe other than the obvious tanks.

  15. I have the opposite problem. I have to force myself to get the forma, because right now I think I have like 9 built and like 4 blueprints left. Well, regardless, I'd like a hike on the drop rates of the very rare parts as well.

  16. I want somachord in dojo, because when I'm decorating I'm tired of hearing the same ole' Orokin funeral music, which I've titled "Who died?" Since I'm pretty much all by myself in my clan, when I go to trade it would also be nice to listen to music, especially that Hitchcockian Akkad, Eris tune! I also want to have to search for the fragments again, because it gave me a reason to visit ALL of the nodes on and off the star chart!

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