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Posts posted by (PSN)supernova_girlie

  1. I kind of agree with OP. Hear me out on this...

    The Uranus spy missions and anything to do with Lua that is not just an exterminate or survival should be something anyone coming in to a sortie should be familiar with in order for things to go a little more smoothly. Full disclosure: there's one spy "puzzle" on Lua that I have trouble with and I just did that Lua rescue for the first time like a week or two ago. Also, a lot of players are not aware that they don't have to hack the initial consoles on certain rescue missions and that there are alternate routes to reach the hostage. I think it's only fair that players coming into sorties should be familiar with the objectives to some degree.

  2. Really what this game is missing is a mode in which more than 4 tenno can fight bosses and hordes, we need raids or long, quest-like missions for 4 member squads. I wouldn't dare ask for an open world where more than 4 tenno can join, because of the loading mess with PoE. Or maybe we should all start trying out Conclave on our respective platforms?

  3. My problem with Chroma is that he is tough to balance. I only use Ice Chroma, so I want to get that high damage buff, but sometimes I want to use his effigy, but this requires decent efficiency. His first ability does nothing, I think even if I went to Earth and tried to kill the enemies with his first ability it wouldn't work. So I bought a second Chroma. Now I have an Umbra Chroma and a Credit Dragon Chroma! I use Umbra Dragon to give squad major damage buff in boss fights or to see my weakest weapons do crazy things.

  4. 59 minutes ago, CoolDudeMcCool said:

    I had an MR25 follow me to an interception point, stay there with me even when the empty tower was being captured(I eventually went to that tower since they didn't respect first come first served), and use their Operator to let their Excalibur Umbra kill stuff. There was a low MR player in the game - they were ranking up a default looking Oberon and I even checked, they'd never done TSD. 

    So yeah, MR just means what it literally means, someone has maxed a lot of gear. That's all there is to it.

    This drives me bonkers! I'll yield the capture point if I think it's a kid or if they are under MR15, but MR15+ I will just stand there until they get message.

    To the OP: MR is not the problem, people with a delusional sense of their own worth and a need to feel superior are the problem. There are a lot of PvP players that play Warframe as if it is a competition. I laugh because it's literally enemies come from the same spots and we just kill, not much "skill" is required.

    The only thing I can add about MR is that I can tell the difference between MR25 who has played for years and MR25 who marathoned their way to MR25 in 30-90 days. There are some things a player can't know unless they've played a long time. 

  5. 5000 orokin cells

    a million credits in one week just in Oberon blueprints, 500,000 in ash blue prints because of the Manic

    I learned how to survive and mod warframes and weapons on Draco

    I feel that Hydron is nowhere near as challenging as Draco and Akkad, while good for credits, is boring because everyone wants to stand in the little pathways and block anyone else from killing the enemies.

    I laugh at the notion that a player who levels their equipment on specific maps is somehow less skilled. On Draco, you had to watch out for large eximus units, there was always a deadly arson eximus that managed to cover whole map in flames. I learned how to survive with only two mods on my warframe at Draco! There would be times when people would slack off and the enemies were catching up in captures, you're standing on C and a mob comes out of that door, you can't move because you need to capture the zone, so you end up hopping and flopping around while dodging thousands of bullets! It was so challenging and exciting at times!

    The Manic used to strike fear in my noob heart! I remember thinking that I might have lost all my marbles because I kept hearing three blind mice being whistled! Turned out to be the Hyekka! I'm always sad with each new warframe that I can test it out on old Draco. Imagine Nidus or Gara on old Draco! Yeah, I miss it.

  6. Tenno in the Carolinas and Georgia, don't eff around, GET TO SAFETY: DO NOT IGNORE EVACUATION ORDERS. I will pray to the Cosmos that you will ALL be safe and unharmed and I will put in an extra one that absolutely NO ONE loses their life or their home.

  7. I agree, there are way too many mods that will never get used (or barely ever get used). It kind of doesn't make sense that I would have to choose between coaction drift, Enemy Sense or Toxic Flight. We should also get a separate mod slot for Warframe augment. Think of those Peculiar mods. I literally haven't seen anyone use those since the first two weeks we got them on PS4. I'm guessing most players when they get them, put them on for a few missions and realize they're not all they were chalked up to be. 

    I realize why the devs limited slots in the beginning, but times have changed. Something needs to be done about auras as well. Some aura mods will never be used by most players until they've reached a point where they have everything in the game and are bored. The problem is not many of these extra mods are worth the sacrifice you'd have to make to use them. So they're just sitting there collecting digital dust.

  8. 8 hours ago, --Q--Phanini said:

    Not sure if being arrogant, mistreating viewers or being straight up rude should be considered "having a heart and a backbone" tbh

    damn, he must of changed since I last checked out his channel. My only complaint was that I have an attention span of a 3 year old and he would ramble for like 10 minutes before getting to the topic of his videos.

  9. This makes me all warm and tingly inside like coming in from a blizzard and having a mug of hot cocoa on a winter afternoon in February! I was too lazy to farm this time, I have about 110 million myself. The comments I get when trading are hilarious! For me it's about the numbers and the security.

  10. 9 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    I wonder which one was most responsible for Ivara's kit.  It just works so well for solo play in almost all situations.  😀 

    That's a good question. Ever since I saw Steve showing how he was working on that Kingpin mode, I've been fangirl-ing! Really they are all amazing people and I like that they have those cool live streams. For me, those live streams mean that they decided one day to stay true to themselves and keep it real. You rarely see that in any industry these days.

  11. I don't know if anyone brought this up yet, but to keep the finances flowing, they should introduce a "Legendary" forma. It works like the OP said, but will only add one polarity and it will cost 50p. So if you use one of these on a slot that already has Naramon polarity, you can use it to add Vazarin polarity and now you  can add either a mod with Naramon polarity or Vazarin polarity to that spot. These "Legendary" forma should only be available in the market for plat and to keep this from becoming P2W, you can either trade for plat and buy it or just buy plat. It should not be something easy to do, because it will cause people to pile up power strength mods. Imagine a max strength Chroma with enough range that you run around smaller maps and everyone can enjoy 800% extra damage buff. Personally, I'd love it, but I think we'll get many "This game needs more difficulty" threads than you can shake a stick at.

  12. 10 hours ago, schilds said:

    May I complain then? :-P

    Of course you can. I was just being silly, I have no control over what anyone else does.

    I think when people read my comments they imagine Hermione from Harry Potter when she's lecturing Harry and Ron on some spell or something academic. I'm really more like Bugs Bunny with a side order of FPSRussia. BTW I can't complain going by my list either.

  13. 35 minutes ago, Zeclem said:

    yeah cus playing a game is about making a checklist and not actually meaningful content. but sure

    did it.

    did it.

    did it cept founder weapons.

    did it.

    did it.

    did it.

    did it cept the tier4

    did it.

    did it.

    did it

    considering they are mechanically same for the most part. yeah. did it.

    did with konzu, saw no reason to do with quills further than rank3. 

    you can max out standing with 4 syndicates at a time, which i did. so overdid it.

    did it.

    did it.

    did it.

    ...why would anybody do that when you can just farm them as you need them other than lack of anything else to do?

    did it.

    on pc, but did complete all the stuff accessible on steam.

    been mr25 for a long time now.

    most people dont see the game as a list that has to be checked on every part. rn only content we have that resembles anything of an endgame is eidolons, and they do get old quite fast.

    you dont need the codex, it does quite basically nothing that provides a sense of accomplishment. nothing like a statuette or pieces of story like cephalon fragments and kurias. 

    you dont "need" to farm 10k plat for the sake of having 10k plat. if you arent gonna use it, it equals to having 0 plat anyway, nor its really hard to get plat. just time consuming. if it was actually challenging, yeah sure. but it aint.

    arcanes arent even that difficult to get either. 

    Okay, so you have done most of the list, but where do stand when it comes to the question at hand: Does Warframe have enough content?

    Are you a Warframe needs more shiny new things every two weeks kinda player? or

    Are you a Warframe needs to perfect the content it has already and deliver content that provides more lasting satisfaction kinda player?

    I'm the second type. I feel that Warframe has enough items to level up, quests to complete, individual experiences to take part in. I want to see some perfecting of existing content, some more consistency throughout the star chart, but I rarely ever feel like they need to add something new. Knowing that Fortuna and Railjack are on their way, I use this time to stock up on credits and resources, possibly some plat. I personally hate having to farm something like oxium on the same day a new quest has been released. I put a stop to that shortly after Second Dream.

  14. 25 minutes ago, Joe_Barbarian said:

    Sorry but who are you to make rules?

    No need to apologize. I did indeed appoint myself the Chief Content-Complainer Forum Police Woman. I'm very unapologetic about this.

    The only explanation I will provide is this: It is absolutely absurd to see people complain about content when there is so much to do in this game. I don't personally know the OP, for all I know the OP could have done everything on my list twice over, but the facts remain: most people work or go to school and have not come close to having completed all of that. I, on the other hand, am completely no-life-ing this game and have not completed all of it.

    This is about players missing the forest for the trees. Warframe is content-rich, it is vast and requires exploration. You know the saying: Don't quit before the magic happens? Well, that's how Warframe is and if players took the time out to try out each weapon and frame, perfect mission types they will find the magic. Nothing wrong with wanting shiny new things, but they usually bore us after a couple of hours. Think of Warframe as a thick pie, to enjoy you have to dig in deeply, get a bit of the crust, a bit of the filling in one bite.

    However, there are people that complain about content in a different aspect, these people are talking about enjoyable and lasting content, content with purpose, not some random weapons or new frames. Those people I get and agree with. These people are looking for substance over bling.

  15. I'm making a new rule: No one is allowed to complain about lack of content and be taken seriously unless they have completed this checklist:

    Leveled up all non-prime and prime warframes, including Umbra

    Leveledup all non-prime and prime weapons, including Wraith, Vandal, Stalker, etc.

    Leveled up all non-prime and prime sentinels, including Prisma

    Leveled up at least one of each kavat type, and at least one of each Kubrow type

    Leveled up all archwings including prime

    Leveled up all archwing weapons, including special ones

    Leveled up at least one of each Amp

    Leveled up at least one of each Zaw Strike

    Completed all quests currently available on your platform

    Completed all nodes and junctions on the star chart

    Successfully fought all three Eidolons

    Reached maxed standing with Quill Onkko and Konzu

    Reached maxed standing with 3 syndicates

    Have at least ten million credits saved

    Obtained at least 75% of the mods available in Warframe

    Completed Kuria, Cephalon fragment and Somachord scans

    Have at least 20 Detonite Injectors, Mutagen Mass, Fieldron and Nitain saved for future content

    Completed at least 75% of codex scans

    On consoles: completed all achievements/trophies

    Reached the highest mastery level at the time you are making the complaint. Right now that would be MR25.

    I'm thousands of hours in and still have to farm Lato Vandal, fight the last two Eidolons, Reach maxed standing with Onkko and Konzu, need to pass one or two trophy challenges, I have the difficult scans left for codex. So, when I see people asking for more content, I'm like what are they kidding me. Even if I completed that list, I'd still want to earn a full set of arcanes or two and one day I will be disciplined enough to save up like 10k plat.

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