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Posts posted by (PSN)i7081277

  1. My bald operator is starting to drive me crazy. on the recent warframe twitch stream Danielle told us Poe won't be shipping with more operator hairs. I always use my operator with her hood opened 

    therefore my operators hair is a very important part of .... the LOOK. How do you feel about our limited amounts of operator hairs, and that more operator hairs won't be shipping in Poe?


  2. I would just make individual face options. I feel like the faces are to limiting and there is like only one I actually like. and by European he means more angular heads longer pointier noses .

    we need more skin tones, longer hair options, maybe a hair customization system where you could change segments of your tenno's hair.

  3. Do you think de will ever make a short prime syandana like the officium, or with channeling energy effects like the citadela prime syandana?

    recently, most prime accessories have been extremely lack luster compared to older items.

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