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Posts posted by (PSN)i7081277

  1. His 1 needs to cover more space and scale... and maby have a circle that shows the area it covers when casting like in dragon age: inquisition his 2 is way too situational and ultimately worthless so is his three(an ability used to afk). Idk how I would change his 4 to but his 2 and 3 really need to go.

  2. The lanterns are nice but please I beg of you no goatee plez those rings feel awkward. 

    Omg tho will this have metallic?

    will them lanterns dangle?

    the more I look at them the more I love the lanterns 

    btw i like how his hood feels like hair I would love to se something similar to hair on banshee 

  3.  though her prime is nice It doesn't share the same model as base banshee, and her deluxe skin had a lot of potential but that potential was eliminated when we received a plastic dress and unimpressive robot arm. The only part that i personally liked was the vinyl shoulder piece and her floating head phones. It's kinda sad to see such a great frame with such poor customization options. So... I just want you and everyone who reads this to consider her.

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