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Posts posted by TinFoilMkIV

  1. 2 hours ago, Midas said:

    So I assume a higher % from the lich is better? So if a weapon had blast it would “steal” a percentage of it into toxin if my lich was progenerated by Saryn?

    Most definitely based on the data we got already. It's not quite the full percentage of the bonus, but it's pretty close. And since it all counts as base damage. High percentages are really good.

  2. I think a really big improvement would be some way to retrieve stolen items before you completely defeat your lich. Preferably being able to target a single stolen item/resource to track down so it's not just another RNG-fest to retrieve that one item you actually want before going through the lengthy process of properly taking the lich down. Of course the tracked stash should have more than just the one item/resource, but the one you target should be the one thing guaranteed to get back.

    That could potentially add a fun new thing to do, and make the liches less frustrating when they steal particular items. I personally like them being able to steal literally anything, but that's only if there's a way to recover specific items without having to completely take the lich down to get it back.

  3. @Midas After looking over some numbers a bit. I think it would be good to add an entry for the raw codex stats for each weapon so we can more easily compare them to the rolled versions in game. While it's not certain that the codex is entirely accurate right now, just due to the nature of the weapons and how recent the patch was. I think the data could be helpful to have side by side.

    I can certainly add those in if that's alright. Since I don't have any other weapons myself currently.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Midas said:

    Yep yep, read a bit above I failed to @ you correctly haha, the distribution seems to be between element and IPS randomly

    Yea I caught that after I posted, heh. There's definitely some statistical strangeness going on with some of the listed weapons. Not sure if it's RNG or a yet to be discovered calculation for certain bonuses. Spose we'll see when we get more data. And possibly some hotfixes.

  5. 1 hour ago, Midas said:

    Essentially you are saying that weapon % on the Kuva lich increases the overall damage of the weapon (IPS)? Or does it affect IPS and the Element on the weapon?

    Just need to be 100% sure, we'll continue gathering data for physical proof but that would give me something to focus on.

    EDIT: Elements may affect how much damage is applied to the weapon and how much is distributed.

    The weapon % for elemental types is counted as base damage. Much like how weapons that have built in elemental damage is considered base damage when calculating elemental mods. As opposed to the IPS mods that are calculated against just that damage type within the base damage. The big thing is that they aren't treated as "modded" damage. It's not quite clear how this interacts with the weapons "natural" base damage. Just saying that it's treated as a base damage type.

    I tested by adding an elemental mod into my cold bonus Kuva Ogris and calculating how much was added versus the base stats. The added damage lined up perfectly with the total base damage including the inherent cold bonus.

  6. While I'm sure this would be discovered soon enough from the data gathering. If you guys didn't already know. It turns out the inherent bonuses on a kuva weapon count as base damage. Which kinda negates the one upside that the impact bonus might have had... Oh well. Interesting nonetheless.

  7. Oh yea. As far as the die for not having the right combo when you try to execute. It does feel bad. On one hand. Death isn't actually that big of a deal. On the other, it definitely feels unfair.

    EDIT: For the grab, I was referring to the one they try to do just while fighting them. Not the parazon sequence stuff.

  8. 12 hours ago, Xenox_Ilz-ot said:

    So, in other words, DE brought us an update introducing Liches & Melee: phase 2, but melee will get you killed if you get too close, f*cking genius

    I'm a melee player, telling me I can't play how I want is just dumb

    EDIT: On top of having an ability to charge me

    I got blindsided by a charging Lich as well. It does certainly suck. The first time mine spawned, didn't even realize it was there til I was being grabbed and died. Second time one of it's thralls knocked me down with the charge, then got grabbed by the lich and died.

    One key here is the Lich's execute is it's own move, with a cooldown, where they do a somewhat telegraphed grabbing animation. So you can run in, then back off, which will bait it out and give you free reign to melee the heck out of it for a little bit. Depending on it's other abilities. The basically insta-kill grab can definitely be frustrating at times, but long as you don't get totally blindsided you can play around it, even in melee.

  9. 1 hour ago, HerpDerpy said:

    Heavy attacks have never been useful. so them not being useful now makes no difference.


    I'm going to go ahead and be that guy. This statement is factually incorrect. There was a time when the meta was nothing but heavy attacks. Granted that was ages ago so I don't actually fault you for not knowing that. Think like around U7 or something.

    Otherwise I generally agree. I don't think they're useless, but they could use a little bit more. I have found a couple weapons that are alright with em. Scythes have, I believe, guaranteed bleed procs on heavy attacks. Which can be pretty nice. Corrupt Charge also gives base combo count allowing for heavy attack spamming.  I wouldn't say it's practical, but it's fun with some weapons.

    I've got a Caustacyst,, which shoots stunning corrosive waves with it's heavy attacks. I was going to go Corrupt Charge on it, but I ended up rolling a riven with 98% combo efficiency meaning the heavy attack usually only costs me -1 from my combo counter. Stuff like that makes it kinda good, though that's obviously a very specific case.

  10. The aerial combos, while situational, are pretty fun to use so far. However they have highlighted an issue for me that had been easy enough to overlook previously. The required angle to trigger a slam attack rather than an air attack is incredibly shallow. Previously this was very rarely an issue as the air attacks had little reason to be used outside targets that were fairly high up. Now with the lift mechanic, it's a lot more common to have a chance to swing at low altitude targets.

    I recognize shallow dive angles are very useful for slam attacks, and I wouldn't want to take those away. What I propose is that slam attacks are disabled while gliding. Or have the minimum downward angle required to trigger one greatly increased. Only during a glide, so that the current slam angles aren't removed. This would give players more control and flexibility with aerial melee combat.


    The other long standing issue I've had with melee, that I initially thought was being addressed but wasn't, is poor visual indication of actual melee range. Currently the only indication of things outside a weapons trail range getting hit, is a small particle hit effects. It doesn't look or feel good to me. I really dislike seeing a clear blade swing effect, and seeing something 5 times that distance away just keel over and die. I would really really like to have the base weapon trail extend to the actual range, or at least the extra particle effects that are at the edge of the trail be extended out to the actual edge of the attacks range. Many shorter weapons already have their trails extend very noticeably beyond the weapon itself. So please this to be accurate with the actual hit range.

    This problem is worse on some weapons as certain animations have really funky trails that make it incredibly hard to determine where the actual attack is hitting. This seems to mostly occur in heavy attacks that seem to fall back on old channeling effects and the trail ends up following the handle glow point rather than the blade. The two examples I can remember right now are nikana heavy attacks, and dual dagger heavy attacks.

  11. Wall latch melee attacks keep you locked in place until the actual attack is finished. This kinda seems like a bug since they used to launch you off the wall. Regardless, it feels terrible and make a niche melee technique all but useless.

    I must also echo the sentiment that "forwards" combo strings that heavily restrict movement feel bad. As well as standing strings that have significant forwards movement are not great either.

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  12. 17 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    There are always solutions. Something that may impact Inaros massively may impact others less, it may be an attack that does 90% less damage to anything with a shield, pretty much how corrosive is piss poor versus shielded enemies in a game such as Borderlands 2. All such mechanics and penalties seen in other games can be good sources of inspiration.

    Damage gating would obviously be a thing, or more active defenses. DE just needs to balance it around where they know out top end is when it comes to damage output. Our damage currently isnt the main issue, the real issues is DE not wanting to rework the scaling system of enemies, so they'll always be paperbags with a hidden nuke inside.

    I think you underestimate the level of BS we can pull off. For example. Being able to boost damage that's so low that it doesn't even display, to the point where it's murdering level 260 enemies, seen here.


  13. 52 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Ah yeah I can see how it may have come across as that. 

    Regarding Inaros. It would probably just one of several different attacks. This attack would be punishing for frames relying on buffs. Then there could be another with massive damage output (possibly with a high auto slash and viral proc) and a no-healing debuff for 3 seconds or something. There are plenty of things they could do to make different aspects dangerous in different ways for different frames. 

    Sure. But anything that's a threat to Inaros will be instant death to any other frame. Then on the boss's end, you're going to need some form of damage gating to stop it from getting disintegrate by say, Chroma shooting through a volt shield. Or some other such combination of damage boosts. If you don't do that, then any team comp that doesn't have stacking damage bonuses won't be able to scratch the thing.

    As I said before. I don't think it's impossible, but it's not nearly that simple to design an encounter without several major loopholes. I bet any encounter you can come up with can have some weakness found that completely trivializes it, found within an hour. And it would be for no fault of your own. Not unless you resort to wide range power immunity/disabling and outright invulnerability and other such absolute protection.

    And that's essentially the problem with difficulty in Warframe currently.

  14. 23 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    The difference is that Lunaro and Conclave in general requires minimal upkeep. Raids however needed alot of upkeep, so it was just smoother to remove them since their use was so low. This is also not the first arpg where this has happened regarding raids and probably wont be the last either.

    Just as warframe isnt suited for raids and never have been, even prior to the massive power creep. There are several things they can do to make worthwhile bosses, they simply need to scale them properly and give them punishing attacks. Attacks that will not only punish normal frames, but attacks that will punish Revenant, Nezha, Rhino etc. if they get hit. Things that will force you to evade and not just facetank because your skill will save you 15 times in a row. Lets say an attack, that if it hits it completely removes your buffs and sets them on a CD (not a long one but still). This attack would also be graphed so you would have a chance to evade, it would also have a cooldown so it wouldnt be spammed, I mean like real boss fights have. What we currently have in WF is inflated regular damage on everything.

    The first part was my original point. The abnormally high upkeep was the main problem and most likely real reason Raids got pulled. Popularity was almost certainly a factor, but not the main one. Your original statement made it sound as if the population was the only reason Raids got removed.


    For the boss ideas. You're correct in theory. But there are too many outliers currently. Such as your example of a buff stripping attack to threaten tanky frames. Why should Inaros, and possibly Nidus, give a damn about that sort of attack? What's to stop the ideal squad from just becoming those frames and whatever weapon kills it the best with some healing source thrown in for good measure? You put enough power behind it to threaten Inaros? May as well make it an auto kill attack, because that's what it will be against every other warframe.

    It seems like these sort of attempts end up having to devolve into generally unfun mechanics in order to get past the ridiculous levels that players can push their performance to. I believe that we'd need major rebalancing and an overall nerf to player power to have much hope for making a highly challenging encounter that wasn't full of cheap unfair mechanics. Either that or some very creative solutions that I have yet to come across. It may be possible. But I think reigning in player capability is a more realistic and method to achieve it. And I don't expect that to happen anytime soon if ever.

  15. 2 minutes ago, DatDarkOne said:

    Here's the thing that kills me or makes me really laugh out loud.  If the Hema is really such a "whatever" weapon, then why are there so many complaints about getting it.

    Think about this for a second.  Even if chasing MR, that 3000 points doesn't really matter.  Also if you think the weapon is subpar, then getting it REALLY doesn't matter. 

    This pretty much leaves the final complaint to be nothing more than "I WANT it because it's there." 

    Well it does have a reasonably interesting mechanic. But that doesn't make it's performance actually anything special. Most of the best weapons are the most basic things that just have particularly good stats.

    Hema is special for more than just it's cost, but that doesn't make it worth being such an outlier in research cost.

  16. 2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:

    The user percentage tells another story about it. The dedicated raid community was extremely small, they were a fraction of the already tiny part of the playerbase that actually ever did a raid. Kinda the same size as we see when it comes to conclave, something that simply isnt worth investing in.


    Yes, but that's not why they went as far as to remove raids. It was part of the reason they were eventually okay with doing it. But if it was just a matter of popularity then I imagine Lunaro, and possibly conclave in general would no longer be a thing. But they are. So that's clearly not the reasoning behind removing an existing part of the game.

    2 hours ago, SneakyErvin said:


    I'm just wondering why people obsess so much over having raids added when it would simply be better for DE to just come up with good boss fights that are interesting both solo and in groups. That is what the game lacks, proper boss fights. I dont wanna run around and carry some gimmick item in order to beat a boss, I wanna actually fight a boss with the arsenal I've obtained throughout the game. Exploiter was fun, but it got old fast, I actually havent done more than 3 runs of it, which was the time it took me to get the hildryn BPs and shocking step. It is not a fight I'd want to do elsewhere, certainly not as some endgame activity where I'd actually like to use my guns and skills.

    To me the "raids in WF pl0x!" threads are about as annoying as the "Can has BR in WF pl0x?!" ones. There are other game out there that already do it well, why slap it on here aswell when the game clearly isnt designed or balanced for it?


    Because Warframe in it's current state isn't suited for that sort of thing. The capabilities high end players have access to are so absurd, there's basically no way to pull that off without just disabling a wide range of abilities and such. We can stack effects to such a high number that if you balance around it then that becomes mandatory. When you can deal or take 1 billion damage, anything not capable of such basically does nothing, or gets disintegrated instantly. That's the problem right now. Also without practical CC immunity, we can more or less permanently disable enemies as well.

  17. 12 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Except that is why raids died in the first place, well not that they were challenging, but that they required cooridnated group play. It is kinda the reason why raids die in every single arpg. The whole genre, from isometric hack n' slash games like Diablo, looter shooters like Borderlands and horde looter shooters like WF works best solo or in small groups (that arent forced). Raids will never be successful in these games since they lack the trinity and without the trinity, encounters are always still based around 1-man mechanics where the forced grouping is nothing but pointless. 

    That's incorrect. Raids weren't incredibly popular, but there was a pretty solid dedicated raiding community from everything I've heard. They got nixed because DE was having regular technical problems with the Raid missions themselves. They made the choice to put all the dev time that went into maintaining them, into other things. I do agree that classic raid mechanics that are based around stuff like the trinity do not work for Warframe. But that doesn't mean it can't have it's own raid-like content designed for more people.

  18. 4 minutes ago, ReaverKane said:

    Yeah, but that's the thing, squad linking isn't in the same realm as raids. It's a parallel implementation. Also, you already saw Steve adding that "asterisk" in the tennocon presentation.

    Oh I know. I know Empyrean is not going to be raid tier content at all. I'm saying the tech itself for squad link could be used for a new type of raid. One where the teams aren't directly fighting together, but they have parallel objectives that everyone needs to do properly. And everyone succeeds or fails together.

  19. 1 minute ago, ReaverKane said:

    They wanted to do that with the Orbs... And didn't really work...  Although exploiter is almost there in the sense that it runs smoother if you split the squad into people sniping the coolant raknoids and people throwing coolant at the exploiter.

    Yea. They sorta do that. Though all the "jobs" in those fights still happen in a relatively contained area, so it's pretty easy for people to more or less all do the same thing together as usual and occasionally have someone pay attention to something else. That wouldn't be possible as a strategy if you were physically in different missions. Though I would not at all be against putting sections in where you might see signs of the other team and such. Or literally see them though I imagine that would be much harder to pull off.

    Either way that's just a thought I've had. I would expect a squad linked multi team mission to still use squads of four.

  20. I think we have the potential for a new type of raid via the squad link tech they're introducing. I could see a series of synced missions being run where each team has their tasks that need to be done together to complete the mission.

    For a while now I've been thinking the most realistic answer to make really challenging content in warframe is going to need to split people up rather than allow the 4 man invincible death ball to just do it's thing towards an objective. Course they could still go for 4 man squads all working on one thing with other squads doing something else.

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