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Posts posted by TinFoilMkIV

  1. yea, but it's not officially documented anywhere here, I'm not sure whether it's intended or not, but for now it works.


    As for more mod specifics, Serration (base damage increase) and the multishot mod (don't remember the name for rifles) should be top priority, as they increase your core damage which all other damage types scale off of. And Depending on the type of enemies you prefer to fight, I would say generally armor piercing damage is a good first specialty type to pick up, as it has major benefits against some of the harder to down units in the game without a huge penalty on the ones its not great against. The enemies AP is weakest against are mostly the standard infested units, which you wont wan't to be trying to fight with a snipetron when they get anywhere near you anyways.

  2. Snipetron benefits more from crit mods (both chance and damage) than most other weapons. I wouldn't recommend focusing on lower rank crit mods right away, but at higher ranks they can make quite a difference. The main thing you want to aim for is raw damage, as the ideal for a snipetron is to never take more than 1 shot to down a target.


    Also a random tip, your clip is actually loaded at 75% of the reload timer, so you can interrupt it with a quick action like a melee swing, or tapping guard to cancel the last bit of the reload and still have your clip ready to fire when you recover. Only has a significant impact on slow reloading weapons, which the Snipetron is, and can make a big difference in your overall downtime with it.

  3. They could actually. They can just let a player leave once they reach Extraction without ending the level for the rest of the players until either


    A; They reach extraction and extract




    B: Die a slow and painful death. :D


    Rusher can rush, explorer can explore. Simples.

    First off, that would not solve "all of our problems", that would solve one of our problems, which would be people doing conflicting run types interfering directly with eachother. It would still hurt group play when everyone is running off in their own direction, and possibly cause even more chaos in public groups as there would be even less incentive to attempt to stay anywhere near the main group.


    Secondly, host migration. As this game is currently run peer to peer, theres no way around it without completely restructuring the multiplayer hosting system, which is unlikely to happen anytime soon to say the least.


    How about we lay down a little simple code of conduct for people to follow when they play, nothing too complex and those who don't follow it can rot since they don't want to expend even the least bit of courtesy to other people.


    1. When you start a map make your intentions clear to the random players that join you. Simply say, this is an exploration run, rush run or blueprint run. The host decides the run he started, there should be no complaints about it, if your joining a random game then expect to follow the rules set in it.


    2. If you don't want to do what the host wants to do then disconnect and look for another group, the game is good enough not to place you in the same group you just were in or host your own open game.




    4. When playing in any mode mark the drops you see with your "G" key, this goes for mats and mods.


    5. Keep up with the team and don't wander off on your own in any mode, you lose exp/mods for yourself and slow down the team.


    6. Wait for everyone to get into an elevator before starting it.


    7. If your the host of a blueprint run make it clear you will reset the map, this will cause everyone on your team to begin a host migration so allow everyone ample time to pick up the mods/mats/blueprints and to disconnect before you do. YOU SHOULD BE THE LAST TO GO AS A HOST IN A BLUEPRINT RUN. Its common courtesy and makes the transition from one run to another much smoother.


    Simple right, common sense stuff, I know that if folks can use even just this it would make their lives a lot simpler.


    This is exactly the sort of thing we should be discussing, and a good start. Although I would disagree with point 1. I would say its the responsibility of the person joining to ask the host/group what kind of run they are doing, unless they are willing to go with whatever the group happens to be doing, and then decide whether they want to stay or not. The exception being those rare cases where you end up joining a public group before the actual run starts.


    I do particularly like point 7 though, as this makes a lot of sense but it's something that often gets overlooked.


    In a utopian online world the rules or guides many of you have posted are good sense, many of us are old enough in games that these rules are second nature. However, you are not in a utopian online world. You are on the internet populated by real life masses that lack the respect, manners and intelligence required to be civilised in the real world let alone the virtual "no rules" internet.


    When a player does not do what you want, well unlucky, get on with it.


    While this is true, Dark Souls has proven that a community can set their own ground rules for common etiquette with fair success. You'll never get everyone to play nice all the time, but having rules that are common knowledge to the kind of people willing to follow them is better than utter chaos.


    Also I'd like to point out that we actually do have a bit of this going on as it has become commonly accepted that it is good manners to always mark any mod that drops in a run.





    Winner: Dark Souls.


  4. I don't think you could truly have an official grade speed run time for this game as there is too much variation in clear time solely based on the random procedural level generation. Even if there were no enemies and it was just a race to the end, two perfect runs could come out to two very different times.

  5. I don't really think the "tickets" system would be a reasonable explanation  or at least just to a certain extent. I've spent the last 3-4 days farming bosses for the broadest range of reasons possible, and he didn't attempt to kill me once. Also, I was always in a group and never as a host, or alone. Then, yesterday evening I started an alert alone since nobody was playing that one, and finally he came after me (only to find a room full of MOAs and cr*p, but that's another story).


    The point is - yes, the more you kill bosses the more you should be "eligible" for a special visit, but sometimes you just need to &!$$ some boss off once to cause his arrival.

    This actually makes me wonder if only the host is a valid target for stalker attacks. I've only encountered him a very few times and I rarely host games myself, but I'm fairly sure the last two times he targeted me I was the host.

  6. Utility over damage obviously


    Go hit a Corpus with Elecrticity

    The problem with this is that the % of electricity damage has zero effect on its ability to stun enemies (that I am aware of), so it is essentially ideal to use a rank 0 shock mod if you use one at all. That just seems a bit silly imo, as you get virtually no advantage to using up your mod space upgrading a shocking touch mod.

  7. To answer the OP, as far as I'm aware no, it is not common at all, and I would imagine relatively recent for no one else on the forums to have noticed it yet. I haven't watched the video as youtube refuses to load it right now, but yea, hopefully this wont become a thing for warframe, but it is basically only a matter of time before any game has some sort of bot made for it, whether those bots actually accomplish anything and become a problem or not is something completely different.

  8. Guys, the armor ignore is a bug. While I cannot give definitive proof, I am quite sure that the armor ignore is supposed to be on the ether daggers and not the dual ethers.


    When the dual heatswords were first released, they were the worst melee weapon in the game as their charge attack was either bugged or there was an oversight which caused their charge attack to not have armor ignore, making them do terrible damage all around. took a while, but they were fixed when they rebalanced the Gram which was released alongside them.


    As the daggers are missing the armor ignore on their charge attack, and the dual ethers are literally good against every faction with practically no downside, I am quite confident that there are some incorrect values there.


    While I am somewhat surprised that the armor ignore was not corrected with the hotfix today, I don't know how their weapon properties are code so it is likely more complicated than we are aware.

  9. Hey all, If any artists want in on the War Friends project let me know! (NY area?? :O) I could use the help and I have been thinking of some fun ways to manage outside resources that will still be productive. Get involved! Also, I am pretty sure that you don't receive clan invites if you are in a clan. (confirm?) Thanks guys.

    I'm down in PA, but same timezone and I'd certainly be interested in helping out. I'm decent at pixel art (in my opinion anyways) and I know a thing or two about animating, but I wouldn't mind helping out with anything really. It's a cool project and I'd definitely like to see it continue.


    As for the question, I'm fairly sure clan invites are not sent if the target is in a clan already, it just gives the message that the user is already in a clan and does not send anything to them as far as I'm aware.

  10. The problem is not the rushers, its DE's system of letting rushers deny non-rushers the reward money. There's no reason for it, other than it allows more seamless gameplay with less host migrations. I'm willing to bet most slow explorers would be willing to wait on a host migration to get there 1k credits.

    That is only part of the problem, it's just one more reason for people to complain about it, but it is also part of the problem that is up to DE to solve, not us. We can tell them about it and express how much of a problem it is, but we cannot change that. What we can change is how we interact with eachother in game. If that player is willing to wait for a host migration, then that player can also decide to find a different group to play with if he decides to ask upon joining and finds that the rest of the group intends to rush the level.


    My point is that what we do as players can contribute to either making the problem better or worse just as well as changes that DE makes to the game. And the part that we have control over, is what we do, not what DE does. So it would be just as beneficial to us as players to discuss what we can do and what we can ask other players to do to help make our gameplay experience more fun, as it is for use to let DE know what changes we would like.

  11. regardless of how the game is setup or what the devs do, there is still a lot that we as players and as a community can do on our end to make things better. You can't rely on DE to do all the work for you, they cannot fix all the problems that players create between themselves.


    Sure having more features to be clear on the gameplay and whatnot would be nice, but the point of this thread is more about what WE can do on our end. Social drama only goes as far as we let it. Every conflict can be a huge ordeal or we can get over it and figure out what we can be doing better next time to avoid it.

  12. I don't think the rushers are wrong really, it's all relative. The problem is people expecting to play "their way" and everything else is "wrong". No amount of limitations or advanced systems by DE will ever resolve these kinda issues if the players don't put out any effort to get along.


    Personally I think it would be more productive to discuss how we can fix things on our end as a community. While aggressive, the point of this thread is fair. If no one is willing to give ground then the argument will just go in circles forever.


    I started a thread to look more at how to solve things on our end, bit of a wall of text but for anyone concerned it would be nice to have more input from the community https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/29656-rushers-explorers-and-common-courtesy/

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