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Posts posted by TinFoilMkIV

  1. That's fine with me, hence why I said "may have" above, wasn't entirely sure how you were going about it with people that may agree with points on both side. You might want to clarify that in the opening post, although it is likely not necessary.


    I have no problem with how you're handling this thread, just want to contribute to good constructive feedback when I can.

  2. I didn't skip your post, I just did exactly what you asked me to. ;) I don't reply if it's straightforward enough to not require one.

    Ah, seems to have been a cache issue, showing an outdated version of the first page of the thread,  in that case that was my bad, just didn't want to get skipped over.


    EDIT: seems like you may have missed my vote for the second 'good' point by Tyrian3k

  3. I have to say, you guys probably never played a p2p connection game with a significant playerbase then, as these problems are essentially impossible to get rid of completely. You can't code a game to account for every kind of connection and interaction between players networks. I expect there will be some fixes/cleanup to improve overall connections, but there will always be players with issues, or players that have issues with specific other players just due to connection conflicts, not necessarily a bad connection in general.


    Also unfortunately as a side effect of having a fair amount of active games in any given mission means you actually have an increased chance of hitting those bad hosts relative to the number of good hosts, as the good ones will fill quickly and go on their way, while the bad hosts are more likely to have players leave clearing up new spots for you to get thrown into.


    Anyways while I agree that we could definitely use improvement these problems are never going to go away completely. You can't simply switch over to a server based setup, it's a heck of a lot more complicated than just saying "set connection type to server" and may not even be reasonable to attempt at this point even if funding new equipment and coding wasn't an issue.


    As a tip, if you have a friend you play with, or even get someone who wants to do the same area as you from general chat, if you create a group in the lobby before entering a mission, the group leader will be the host. If you join solo you will get thrown into a random persons game most of the time. If you're running into a lot of connection problems with random hosts, best bet is to avoid them when possible.




    As for the nerfs, welcome to beta. Bugs will be bugs, not like they bug weapons when they make changes on purpose. And yes, the changes may have been too extreme, but DE is very good at listening to us and making adjustments, sometimes you just can't be sure how something is going to work out exactly till it hits the actual game.

  4. You can add me to the three points listed below


    Debut Is Bad 


    Blatantfool, Story4 - The Glaive release was poor, but not because of the Glaive. Previous Tenno Reinforcement patches introduced weapons in a smoother, fairer fashion. One that meant you could make a real goal out of a weapon. You play to get anything new or you pay to have it right away. The BluePrint being tied to Alerts doesn't present this. Instead it cares none if you play a lot or not at all. Only that you are there when the RNG says its time. You can't truly make a goal out of RNG and this takes from the game and the player.


    Quetzhal, CaligoIllioneus, Story4, Shion963, KingTaro - The anticipation of the playerbase for the Glaive was mishandled. It should have been clear from the start that the blueprint would only be obtainable via alert. Since that wasn't the case, it led to excitement and expectations being dashed upon checking the market, and ultimately resulted in the current backlash. The alert system is not an appropriate way to introduce an entirely new class of weapon. While the excitement of getting a rare upgrade or new weapon belonging to an existing class fits the random nature of the alerts, a new weapon class that borders on gameplay changing does not.


    Debut Is Good


    Tyrian3k - There are not enough good weapons available as alert rewards. The glaive is a new and interesting weapon. The glaive needed to be an alert reward. The glaive was highly anticipated. Player demand had to be satisfied immediately. Platinum purchases are a way to satisfy player demand. Platinum purchases are a source of income. The glaive needed to be available through platinum purchase.




    While I am okay with the current implementation of the glaive, I do agree that Alerts are not entirely appropriate for the first weapon of a new class. Also there was the lack of clear communication, while this is probably as much of a lack of communication between the parties involved with the weapon release within DE as it is with the information they gave to the players. Could have been handled better info wise, and I believe DE is aware of this as well.


    That being said, we really did need new alert weapons, I like to see cool new stuff that can show up in alerts, although the system itself could use quite a bit of improvement.



    Also I just wanted to point out that the Paris is not in the same classification of the glaive, the description said it was "based off one of the oldest weapon designs", not that the Paris itself is an old weapon.

  5. Gryphticon, on 20 Apr 2013 - 4:05 PM, said:

    Failing isn't our fault but quitting is, there is a big difference.

    you mean failing isn't ALWAYS our fault. Also if we straight up reverted all penalties for failing from death, then leavers just have to spend another 15 seconds to find an enemy to kill them.
  6. It doesn't add anything compelling or anything more than what we have like those games. People loved the hell out of the game without it and had no problems playing, so I don't see how there should be any problems when it's removed.


    You can do a ton of more skillful movement without it. There are a lot of hidden combos and skills you can do that don't derp up the engine's physics. You should give it a try. I'm being serious, that's real encouragement. Wallrunning is freakin' fun and it looks awesome! You can be so creative with it!

    Definitely, I sadly see all too few people ever wall run at all. I use it almost every chance I get. Not only is it fun and look cool, but there are a lot of neat things you can find in the maps that you probably wont notice if you never wall run.


    So serious question for you guys who rarely/never wall run. I know that wall running isn't really properly documented and doesn't have many good guides that are popularized like the slide/dashing ones lately. But would you wall run more if there were proper guides around to get you into it or is it more a matter of just not wanting to be bothered to figure out which surfaces are wallrunable vs a relatively universal tactic?

  7. just FYI guys, you can still slide dash. The change only put a brief cooldown time on the speed boost you gained from dashing. If you aren't chainspamming slides this should barely affect you.



    Also the super walljump is an animation bug as far as I can tell, very similar to the zoren super leap, where having the animation end before the proper velocity control part of the coding comes into play causes massive acceleration that doesn't get removed when it should.


    I personally much prefer the wall jump version, although it could stand to have the acceleration tuned down a bit on it, its rather extreme when done right, and of course get a cleaned up animation.

  8. you didn't miss anything, right now standard melee damage is far behind what charge is capable of. in update 6 we had +melee damage mods that you could equip to your warframe itself causing normal attacks to be insanely strong if modded for it. Seems like there is yet to be a replacement for these and that this wasn't considered properly when the standard melee damage mods were created for U7.

  9. That might be polarity you are describing ( I assume). Match that symbol up to the symbols on the cards and they cost less points. But I thought Dark Sword had no polarity slots....

    Bascially this. There is a symbol in the top right corner of all the mod cards. This is its 'polarity'. If a mod slot has a polarity symbol, then a matching polarity mod will cost less to put in that slot, and a mod that does not match will cost extra.

  10. Are you sure it was Tyl regor?He's melee and should bypass shield.

    This was pre U7 so I couldn't tell you wether there was some bug involved, or if the lancer got really lucky, but it did happen.


    but bosses do take just as long to recover from the shield bash as we do.

  11. I'd actually recommend one of the infested missions in Sedna, as it is the only planet that drops both Rubedo and Alloy Plates, which are currently the two most difficult to obtain high demand materials. I haven't noticed any significant difference in drop rates on a per mission basis, so pick the mission that suits your preferences best.

  12. Steve actually commented on this a while back, They know this is happening, basically code hasn't be optimized to make full use of higher end machines. It will eventually get fixed but it's not an immediate priority, and I have no idea what kinda time frame to expect on it and I would guess that DE doesn't know yet either.

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