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Posts posted by TinFoilMkIV

  1. Recently there have been quite a few threads and debates showing up about the whole rushing vs not rushing issues in groups from the rushers side. Now that extraction requires 2 players to proceed, some rushers feel that the non-rushing players are interfering with their game play. And before that it was mostly the non-rushers saying rushers were interfering with their runs by ending them early.


    Now part of this problem is that many players are solely looking to DE to resolve this issue, which will never completely happen. It will be impossible to keep all players in a group happy if they all want to play their own way but make no effort themselves to deal with issues that occur from playing this way. This isn't about which side is "right", or who should go play solo. Both sides have legitimate reasons and equal claim to play the game the way they chose. However there is a LOT that we as a community can do to improve our experiences with players of the opposing view in game.


    An example I'd like to bring up is PvP etiquette in Dark Souls (I'll try to be brief as I could ramble forever about this game). The game itself has virtually zero in game management or control over how players chose to act in pvp, and as expected there is a fair amount of griefing, trolling, ganking, etc... What I found to be quite interesting was the evolution of player interactions for "honorable duels", which was essentially player set guide of what to do and not do if you were trying to have legitimate non-troll pvp, including things like allowing the host to finish any PvE enemies nearby, backing off and giving both sides a chance to prepare for the battle once they clearly see each other, not interrupting another 1v1 fight, and bowing before the actual match begins. And this wasn't just some niche clan rule that a few people go by, its fairly well known and is used by a lot of the community, and there is almost nothing anyone can do against a player that chooses not to follow these rules, other than deciding not to extend the courtesy of attempting to follow the rules against a player that has already shown they do not intend to follow them.


    So as for warframe, our public group games are in a similar situation to public PvP in Dark Souls where no one follows any rules of any sort. It's a mess and often leaves many players upset. What we can do is learn as a community to communicate better and have some respect for players of varying views of how best to PvE, otherwise we can run in circles forever with the argument of "why don't you just go solo then?".


    Lets assume for a moment here that eventually one style of play becomes the widely accepted normal or "correct" way to play. There will always be players who either want to try something different or simply got where they are without understanding or know the accepted "rules" on how to play. Do we really want to be constantly yelling at people for being "noobs" and not "learning how to play" and chasing them out of games? Do you want to be part of a community that forces you to play one specific way or "go solo"?


    Anyways players need to understand that when you play public games you have little to no control over the other players "interactions may vary" and it should be understood that you'll encounter all kinds of situations and players both good and bad, as should be understood with pretty much anything involving the internet. 


    There are at least a few basic things I can think of that we can all do to improve the community and our individual experiences. One would be to understand that a public game is not a good place to go if you have a very specific idea of how you want the run to go and do not like the idea that others might interfere with this. Secondly communicate, it doesn't take very long to ask if the group is rushing/farming/whatever when you first join, and if players start to understand this is common practice you can expect them to start asking the same of you when you want to do a general run style and still allow public players to join. Also we have global chat, you can form a group that way if you really want to do a specific run with random players that can agree to a playstyle. Along with understanding that public games are less than ideal for strict run types, is to be aware of the other options we have that are better suited to this. We have both Clans and Friends lists that you can use to keep track of and coordinate with players that like to play the way you do and know wont mess with your runs.



    Anyways TL;DR


    DE cannot solve all our issues of conflicting play styles for us. Communicate with others if you want them to communicate with you. Don't join public games and expect everyone to play the way you want. We have tools to make the game and community better, use them.

  2. Well since you're asking, I thought the video was pretty bare and full of a lotta broad generalizations leaning heavily on your own views without going into any real detail or showing much of the actual game at all. Was basically, "here are some menus, and there are a bunch of areas, oh and yea some guns, and all these guys look like guys from halo to me, and its a cool game", thats pretty much what I got out of the video. Glad you are interested enough to make a video like that in the first place tho.


    While I don't agree with some of your views on the game comparisons, those are your views and I can't say that its a bad thing for people that see it similarly. Probably a bit overenthusiastic posting something with such a basic and shallow overview, but welcome to the community, and hopefuly if there's any real negativity here you won't let it get to ya.

  3. I'd just like to add that multi accounting actually sets back progress as far as being "denied" several hard to craft items/gear, since you will be splitting your pool of available mods, which in the current system means less high ranked mods. As well as the added time leveling and farming mods for the starting equipment to be able to handle the higher level planets for warframes and materials. Also you can buy every weapon and warframe in the game, if you don't play and gather a decent collection of mods you'll still be worse off than the guy with zero supercharged items but decent mods in his rank 30 gear.

  4. I always thought the Kraken was a great gun, but it isn't for everyone. Sounds like it's just not the weapon for you.


    Takes some getting used to before you can get full effect, but it deals out serious damage with fair rate of fire and ammo efficiency in the hands of someone who knows how to use it.

  5. Well if they increased the power of the main weapons will it be stronger than a sidearm? Or will it be more Balanced towards the sidearm?

    That is entirely a matter of how much they increased the power by. We won't know until it happens. That is also off topic soo...


    On Topic Tip: put at least a low rank armor piercing mod on your sniper weapon unless you plan to solely fight infested with it, as most grineer have armor, and Corpus helmets are apparently futuristic bricks of solid steel.


    Also all special damage mods scale off of your standard damge, so a mod that increases your normal damage will also increase the ammount of any special damage types.

  6. right now Lex is superior to the Snipetron, but that is due to rifle mods being gimped at the moment. When they get rebalanced, that will likely change.


    Also a tip, your magazine is actually fully loaded when the reload bar is at 75%, you can interrupt it with another action ( I like to use a quick guard to cancel it) and your weapon will be ready to fire again. Only really useful on the slow reloading weapons like snipertron, but it makes a pretty good difference on them.

  7. Snipetron hits harder, has significantly higher zoom, but very limited ammo per clip and long reload time

    Latron is a semi auto rifle, so less zoom, significantly larger clip and better reload time, I've heard the latron's recoil is harder to control, have yet to use it myself so I cannot say for sure.

  8. Bow is used a lot because it is relatively new and is very different from any other weapon currently available, basically used a lot for something different. The bow is called the Paris, and it is also currently the only silent weapon, so that could be another reason to use it.

    As for a sniper frame, not really sure, although I would imagine you want something with a move to either get away from enemies to close, or straight up kill them. Also excalibur does have superjump, which can make getting to good vantage points easier, although that mainly only really matters in defense missions.

  9. Mods are similar, although we don't have any that affect zoom or weapon accuracy, yet... New mods will be introduced in the future, and the Devs already mentioned we may have seasons or series of mods as time goes on, so I would expect to see things like this show up, especially when we get into more weapon specialty mods (ie: exploding arrow mod for the bow)

    Also there is currently one sniper rifle, and a bow, which is a sniper class weapon as well, although functionaly very different. Oh and the Latron is a quite accurate semi auto rifle which may fit what you're looking for as well.

  10. Sorry for my absense, getting on to update and confirm what I can

    EDIT: also going to add a section under each map type for issues with unconfirmed rooms

    EDIT2.0: hmm something seems really wonky with the post editing right now, and I really don't want to completely break the OP. will have to put updates on hold for now until I can figure out if its something with my computer/browser or the forums

  11. updated all the stuff Tenebraex posted that I could locate myself. Two of the grineer ones aren't up yet because I couldn't find the room and couldn't tell what room to put them under from the videos.

    EDIT: got all but one now

    is the video that I couldn't put to a room
  12. Shout outs to the raddest game community out there :) Hang in there Tenno! Alot of the team plays and we want to kick back on the weekend and destroy some space badguys too! We're in this together :)

    Pretty sure most of us appreciate the communication from you guys, keep doin what you do and we'll be here.

  13. I remember reading somewhere that Steve was working on this issue.

    yea, I posted something very similar to this thread the day of or after the steam release and he mentioned something to that effect there. I'm just bringing it up again because nothing has changed and I wanted people to be aware. I do think that something is probably being looked at, but we can only know what we see and what DE tells us.

    And yes having the beta terms is better than nothing, but I'm willing to be a fair number of players just breeze over that and don't even realize its not just a standard ToS thing.

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