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Posts posted by CaptainJLP

  1. Was playing around with Elytron and Ogris in a bounty, and I used Warhead (Elytron's 4th Ability) on a group of enemies and they were moved past the blue barrier. Unfortunately one of the enemies was a supply beacon enemy and I had no way of actually getting to him, without going through a cave 500 meters away from the prototype sabotage objective, which ended up making me fail the bounty, due to "abandoning objective".

    - Shrine of the Eidolon: Hotfix 22.15.1

    This is location where this bug happened. (Near "Hillside Ruin").


  2. I don't know if this is intentional or this bug can't be fixed, but sometimes when I come back from the plains, and go through the Cetus passage, the area is invisible and if I enter the "invisible area", I just fall a couple thousand meters below where Cetus should be. If I fast travel to a Vendor (Hok, Konzu etc) from inside the passage, I'm get taken into Cetus, but then this makes the passage have the weird "invisible area" glitch / bug instead. Two Images down bellow might help explain what I mean. This usually seems to happen mostly when I come back from completing bounties and also worth mentioning, I see players walking in and out of this area, but I physically can't go in. I think it might be a Cetus server issue, or something and fortunately I was in a squad with someone else, that can be seen on the map in the Cetus location area and as seen in the 2nd picture its like Cetus is much further away from the "Actual passage" for me as, the other squad member could not be seen on the map. This might also be a bug where Cetus for some clients is much further away from the passage, but for others its in the normal locations.bSgcLyE.jpg


    Also worth mentioning the "invisible area" whats supposed to be cetus / the passage on the map is not shown for some reason.


  3. Very Straight forward, The guards don't spawn in rescue bounty missions, I've got this to happen to me two times already by doing nothing except using archwing to get to the hostage. I was playing on Public Matchmaking and had No squad mates with me. Also worth Mentioning I was doing the 3rd Bounty and the first time i got it to happen was on the 2nd Mission, and the second time I got it to happen was on the 1st mission. Other times when i got rescue as the third bounty mission, it worked perfectly fine.

    Hotfix 22.12.2

  4. As far as I'm aware the boss fight is very cool, has a lot effects but, its not cool when these effects deal like 800 damage per 0.5 seconds and I can't give them credit for time spent over focus earned. Because 1 radiant shard = 40k focus, you get a brilliant and a radiant shard after you kill it (the teralyst one you have to sacrifice) which = 65k focus, which is equal to 2.6 teralysts, which is a decent chunk of focus, but if it requires me to go through a bossfight that feels like your versing 3-4 teralysts at once, the teralyst boss fight will be far more efficient in terms of focus per night. I think the new Meta will use a Titania because the top half of the Gauntlyst is very hard to hit and I'm guessing the hydrolyst is much harder to hit. But then again, the Hydrolyst drops 2 Radiant Shards and 2 Brilliant shards on top of the one from the previous boss, which equals 40,000 x 2 + 25,000 x 3 = 155,000 focus in around 1.4 hours for a good enough squad.

    Its kind of unbalanced I guess. Mainly the point is, is its damage output needs to be toned down just like they did with the teralyst rain and the frequency of regaining shields from the 1 million vomvalysts should be toned down.

  5. Also I should mention that raids will be replaced with this soon, and well thats a very bad idea. Raids are much more easier than this, it doesn't require such specific squad setups, but this is a nightmare, you don't die as much in raids as you do against a Gauntlyst and a Hydrolyst and you don't use as much time as you do against a Gauntlyst and a Hydrolyst (which I've only seen videos on)  and you also get 100 credits instead of 250,000 credits when you kill all 3 Eidolons. Comparing that to raids, Raids win at the end of the day, the only difference is you can only do one raid every 12-24 hours.

    Sure we shouldn't get 250,000 credits from 3 Eidolons since you can run them over and over again but at least 50,000 - 100,000.

  6. The Gauntlyst 

    As of Hotfix 22.12.2, I've gotten very annoyed with the new Gauntlyst. First of all, the boss is well lets say, Too Strong it kind of needs its damage toned down against lures, Right now if you die inside one of those gauntlyst laser beams that come sprouting out of the ground and you have lures, well those lures are dead, because their AI allows them to walk into lasers and get killed instantly, keep in mind trinity was also casting blessing for that 75% damage reduction and I had an Oberon that was using renewal as well (He ran out of revives after destroying 3 limbs due to the lasers), They still pretty much die in a matter of 3 - 6 seconds. And combining that with how much other Area Of Effect Damage it does, its way too overpowered to deal with, such as a combination of "Mega Stomp" I like to call it and then activating laser beams right beneath your feet. But that's not all, The thing practically feels like it uses vomvalysts to heal its shields way too often and also vomvalyst spawns skyrocket so there is usually 10 of them attached to it, In combination with the previous factors, how on earth are you going to kill the vomvalysts? Also there is a bug with the shield beam on vomvalysts you may want to fix. And one other thing, Whats the point of killing this thing if it takes a squad with Rhino (Roar), Titania, Trinity, Oberon all night to kill it. Really? 65,000 focus? I could do 2 - 3 Teralysts in half the time it takes to kill that monster.

    Eidolon Lures

    So I'll start off with the famous Onkko Line "Sunrise nears. Sentient retreats. Strike now, for in moments, the future decides itself!", BANG all the lures on the map are dead, Hey wait a minute, the Eidolon Teralyst / Gauntlyst is still here, it hasn't disappeared and you can still kill it, but not capture it. Yes can the lures please die when the Eidolon goes back to its swimming pool, well lake or pond, because it is super frustrating when it dies in your face and your so close to your dreams coming true about capturing your first Gauntlyst. I have killed the gauntlyst two times because of this and it is super infuriating when the lures die when its on the very last phase and only has 15% health left and then BANG there goes your reward otherwise known as your useless and "hard-earned radiant shard" because you put all your trust on that lure not exploding when sunrise nears.


    Now yes, I didn't make this post too serious, but that's mainly because I'm hysterically laughing at how impossible it is to kill these things with out a super co-ordinated squad. My first run was using the old Teralyst setup and that didn't work particuarly well, this time around my new hunting setup worked much better, but because of "minor things" everything failed.

  7. The Gauntlyst 

    As of Hotfix 22.12.2, I've gotten very annoyed with the new Gauntlyst. First of all, the boss is well lets say, Too Strong it kind of needs its damage toned down against lures, Right now if you die inside one of those gauntlyst laser beams that come sprouting out of the ground and you have lures, well those lures are dead, because their AI allows them to walk into lasers and get killed instantly, keep in mind trinity was also casting blessing for that 75% damage reduction and I had an Oberon that was using renewal as well (He ran out of revives after destroying 3 limbs due to the lasers), They still pretty much die in a matter of 3 - 6 seconds. And combining that with how much other Area Of Effect Damage it does, its way too overpowered to deal with, such as a combination of "Mega Stomp" I like to call it and then activating laser beams right beneath your feet. But that's not all, The thing practically feels like it uses vomvalysts to heal its shields way too often and also vomvalyst spawns skyrocket so there is usually 10 of them attached to it, In combination with the previous factors, how on earth are you going to kill the vomvalysts? Also there is a bug with the shield beam on vomvalysts you may want to fix. And one other thing, Whats the point of killing this thing if it takes a squad with Rhino (Roar), Titania, Trinity, Oberon all night to kill it. Really? 65,000 focus? I could do 2 - 3 Teralysts in half the time it takes to kill that monster.

    Eidolon Lures

    So I'll start off with the famous Onkko Line "Sunrise nears. Sentient retreats. Strike now, for in moments, the future decides itself!", BANG all the lures on the map are dead, Hey wait a minute, the Eidolon Teralyst / Gauntlyst is still here, it hasn't disappeared and you can still kill it, but not capture it. Yes can the lures please die when the Eidolon goes back to its swimming pool, well lake or pond, because it is super frustrating when it dies in your face and your so close to your dreams coming true about capturing your first Gauntlyst. I have killed the gauntlyst two times because of this and it is super infuriating when the lures die when its on the very last phase and only has 15% health left and then BANG there goes your reward otherwise known as your useless and "hard-earned radiant shard" because you put all your trust on that lure not exploding when sunrise nears.


    Now yes, I didn't make this post serious, but that's mainly because I'm hysterically laughing at how impossible it is to kill these things with out a super co-ordinated squad. My first run as using the old Teralyst setup and that didn't work particuarly well, this time around my new hunting setup worked much better.

  8. This is a visual bug and has no effect on gameplay, well it does. Vomvalysts that are healing the Gauntlyst will still be have their shield beam visibly touching the Gauntlyst when they are in ghost form, they do not heal the gauntlyst but their beams are still attached to the gauntlyst and its kind of annoying to get around this, because the gauntlyst likes to heal its shields every millisecond of the mission and its kind of annoying when you have to run around and find what vomvalysts are attached to it and what aren't and then you realize the ghostly vomvalysts are also attached but aren't doing anything. I was NOT the host when doing this.

    Shrine of the Eidolon: Hotfix 22.12.2


  9. When playing with my friend we discovered that when in archwing underwater or getting out of the water crashes warframe, and if its the host that crashes, the rest of the squad crashes.

    Shrine Of Eidolon Update.

    If its a squad member that is not the host crashes, the other players will not crash. But its likely this will happen a lot in today's sortie.

  10. Your not going to tweak Limbo? A lot of players don't like how the new limbo can't bring enemies into the rift with his 1st ability while in the rift. How can this be bypassed so easily?

    Limbo used to have a play-style that used the ability to bring enemies into the rift while in the rift. So he could deal with enemies much more easily, but now its not possible.

  11. Well these changes look great, seems like some people will also start running around with Arcane Helmets even more than usual, specifically ember and mag helmets, Sigh Excalibur Prime all over again essentially, I can survive with that but not with Arcane Helmets being a thing no one can obtain without buying them off other players.

    Wheres Dev Workshop: Arcane Helmets Revisited? I've been waiting 2 years, and if I was on when they were removed them I would have been waiting for an eternity. Please re add a way to obtain the effects of these helmets at least, its unfair, kinda like maiming strike at start until you actually bothered to make them farm-able every 6-9 months.

     I do realize this is quite irrelevant to the topic but come on, they are quite game changing, because you don't have to use that extra mod slot for much more minimized effects than arcane helmets.

  12. 4 hours ago, [DE]Connor said:

    Resonating Quake (augment) - Upon cast, places a Quake that does not require channeling to maintain, meaning Banshee can move freely. Has a short duration, and does not move with the player. Has double the range of a regular Soundquake, but does more damage near the center.

    Seems like it might be useful on a sonar / silence build when you have to revive a teammate, thanks for the info!

  13. 7 hours ago, the1ian said:

    I took some screenshots but I don't know how to attach images.

    As for this problem I suggest using something like imgur.com and uploading images to there. After that is done you just copy the BBC forums code found in a drop down menu on the image that says "Get share links." As far as I know this doesn't require an account for as long as I've been using it.

    The BBC code usually looks something like this. Also the image wont pop up while creating / editing until you post the thread or finish editing or whatever it may be.



  14. Up close it looks fine. But your never close enough for it look fine in regular missions, i'll show you what I mean:


    Low FOV. The cube is pretty easy to see and doesn't look like a blurred cube.


     High FoV turns it into a blurred cube.


    Zooming in on the last image to show what it looks like.

    Yeah there is a considerable difference.


    Highest Gameplay FOV (Not Captura, Looks like a blurred cube, which is what you will see most of the time).


    Lets compare this to other void trader accessories with a similar looking cube.


    Looking at the side of Excaliaber's arm we have roughly the same colored cube as seen on the operator.


    And if you zoom in on this picture you will see that it doesn't "Blur" with distance. This is how the Atomos Diadem "Hologram" should look like, not be a transparent blur. But also can you make a tertiary color selector for the accessory, because some of the accessories use another color you can't change directly, i.e on my operator part of the accessory is red, which I'm assuming is a mix of the Yellow and Black colors i put on my accessory.



  15. After completing the Apostasy Prologue quest, Lotus transmissions show a ghostly-cephalon Lotus "mesh", though one of the transmissions known as "The resonance frequency has changed, you're onto something Tenno"  found in Kuva floods and Siphons uses the previous Lotus mesh instead of the one players are stuck with after the completion of Apostasy Prologue.


    Transmission shows, "Old Lotus" speaking.


    More evidence of this.


    Current Lotus in a transmission other than "The resonance frequency has changed, you're onto something Tenno" .

    Yes I posted this about a month or two ago still doesn't seem to have been seen by any developers and its been in the game still as of right now.


    Been in the game for like 8 - 13 hotfixes.


  16. The problem here is DE probably will not want to buff a mastery 0 weapon, You know, people can complain about comparing literally all  of its stats to galatine prime or fragor prime, and then they will say "But fang prime is Mastery 0" but really, can't you just buff it, it's still a prime and it should be an upgrade over its original counterpart, not a side-grade, it should also deal all the IPS damage, not just puncture and a useless amount of impact damage, and if these changes are game changing, change the mastery required from 0 to 5 or something like that, so its not known as the first weapon you should start trying to get if your new to warframe.

  17. This does sound quite cool, but I don't know how many people would be fine with this, I'm not the biggest fan of the idea, but it does make sense, but maybe not for warframe. 

    15 minutes ago, Azamagon said:

    Dual Daggers trait 1 -> Can be thrown with chargeattacks, which causes guaranteed slash and impact-procs. Uses limitted but regenerative ammo (all have 6 "ammo"), but thrown daggers can also be picked up early (think of the Spearguns, but with multiple weapons), so using the throw at melee range means the attack instantly has its "ammo" replenished.

    Me personally I can go with the buffs down bellow, but I don't think regenerative ammo makes sense, but then again I'm not really thinking of the regen delay, I don't wanna sound like I'm saying its a bad idea, but I don't want them to be better than glaives, always glaives will be less used, obviously glaives will be better still but, I don't think DE want throwing daggers, when we already have throwing knives as secondaries.

  18. Yeah, Because when you hear dual dagger, it should mean the dual version of a weapon should be slighty better or a side grade, but even daggers are better, I'm not talking about, Covert Lethality, I mean Look at their stances, the damage they deal, the procs they deal, make them endgame viable, but look at little tiny Garbage Prime sitting here, in the pit. I think im gonna end this semi-rant-complaint thing here. But if I'm completely honest, I don't think any of the people at DE will consider this, like they didn't in the past.

  19. It's just so weird how this just flies over DE's mind, It's a prime and YET you let other dual daggers take over, like at this point DE is just ignoring it, like seriously, A primed weapon released in Update 9.0 HAS NOT been buffed? Way to Over shadow things DE. Now obviously this sounds quite mean and harsh, but I rather Someone actually paying attention to this and saying "yeah, that needs to be fixed and buffed."

  20. 19 hours ago, TheSecondCaptain said:

    #1: Higher Finisher Damage

    This change honestly just makes sense. People using daggers aren't exactly known for wanting a fair fight, most commonly they're associated with things like assassins in video games, and I don't know if there's a better assassination tactic than Prowling up behind a group and putting them to sleep with an arrow and stabbing them 37 times in the chest.

    #2: High Damage, Medium Speed, Low Range.

    Imagine Galatine Prime but not slow. Sounds like an absolute monster, right? But what if that was balanced out by low range, y'know, that thing that daggers are not really balanced around that much but is still a problem for them? Of course, if handled improperly this could just make a monster, and we already have plenty of problems with Power Creep already so if this was implemented I'd like to see it done with caution, maybe starting with lower numbers and then raising them to be in line.

    Higher Finisher Damage: Really why is this needed? Have you looked at [Covert Lethality] yet? Because there's your super high one shot finisher attack? Like I mean adding more finisher damage will not do too much, but it might increase the usage of daggers, but it is kind of is overshadowed by Covert Lethality.

    High Damage, Medium Speed, Low Range: Fair enough, but it really depends, I personally enjoy running my rakta dark dagger with channeling efficiency and dispatch overdrive, so I don't feel like it needs much damage added to it, plus the stance has many multi hits and damage increases in attacks which is quite good, but if you compare this to something like Garbage Prime (Fang Prime), Then you will see less damage being done compared to a solo dagger like rakta dark dagger.

    Overall daggers can use a little tweaking here and there and I don't really know anymore, It depends on your playstyle, mine is just going in with an Invisible warframe and using my dagger like its a sword, its obviously super wierd, but i find it fun. But, Yes the big "but", I've only played with 3 daggers, Rakta Dark Dagger (With Augment), Ceramic Dagger (Mainly in the old days used with Ash's old Bladestorm due to covert lethality) and my Zaw which is just plain attack speed and critical chance (which i now use with ash's 3rd with its augment).


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