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Posts posted by Alvengerz

  1. 12 hours ago, (PS4)Quantaminum said:

    Is this still true after the AoE butchering?

    Propa and many other scaffolds have fall off damage now, ranging from 30% to 70% damage reduction. Propa has 70% damage reduction.

    I did some testing and, yes, it is still good but not as good as before because of the AoE falloff. sometimes you might get very low damage output even on crit because of that. My hypothesis is that Eidolon's hitboxes are large, Proppa's AoE is wide, and the hit flag can randomly be registered in the intersection between the hitbox size and Proppa's AoE. so, yeah...

    But, I might be wrong though

  2. I can confirm this. It only happens when exiting skywing mode by pressing melee button but not performing any melee attack. In other words, smooth landing disables all interactions except walking.

    Reproducing this bug is easy. Just move close to the ground as close as it can be, and press melee button.

    We can fix the bug ourself while in-game by entering skywing mode again and succesfully perform melee/melee slam attack to exit skywing mode. But this is just a temporary work-around and hope DE fix this for real.

    • Like 1

    6 hours ago, (XB1)OdinAsteroid said:

    Raplak - Propa - Certus (177) is probably best if you know how to use it. Current solo 5x3 was done with it.

    yeah. but sorry I'm not a player who wants to do such thing everytime I do eidolon hunt. It's a waste of resources. I'm sure the person who do that has a purpose of making y**tube content. I'm sure that, probably, you and said person won't do that in every solo eidolon hunt either.


    8 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

    I tested the Klamora last night. If you're standing between the Eidolon's legs aiming almost straight up, you can hit both legs and the torso for tons of hits per tic. I don't know if it's meta because I haven't tested enough braces with it, but it certainly feels effective

    yeah. I think I'll use it from now. It has a pretty high sustained damage output and doesn't highly depend on void strike.

    • Like 2
  4. 1 hour ago, xcrimsonlegendx said:

    the buff is indicated by a very tiny icon on the bottom of the screen

    Thank you for pointing this out. I just found out that the actual ability icon can change, but that's very counterintuitive and hard to notice. plus, it is covered by timer when the ability is active. something like this would better give players the idea about what it is and what it relates to.


  5. 34 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    HOW to join a group that is doing the same thing you are

    there's a feature called "Recruitment Chat" in your chat tab. It's a place where you can/might find people whose goal is the same as you.

  6. 54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    #1 and shift them so they cant kill you



    54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    but you have to cast again to goto Limbo to kill them

    wait. cast what? To enter Limbo's Rift you can just simply perform a dash by tapping SHIFT(default config) twice. and the same way with exiting the Rift.


    54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    The other is a bubble that really dont stop anything Outside the bubble

    Of course. it's outside of the bubble. your target has to be inside your bubble if you want something to happen to your target.


    54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    1. you cant banish from inside the bubble..

    If what you mean is to "banish something outside the bubble when i am inside the bubble", then of course you cannot. It's like you are in your own space which you can control. It's the same when enemies are inside your bubble and you are outside while not in the Rift. You cannot do anything to the enemies inside the bubble, because they are in your room, but you are outside of your roomYou have to be in the same room in order for you to be able to do anything.


    54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    2. you cant do much of anything from inside the bubble..except what only has affect inside the bubble..

    my explanation above already explain this. "You cannot do anything to the enemies inside the bubble, because they are in your room, but you are outside of your room. You have to be in the same room in order for you to be able to do anything."


    54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    3. While you are shifted to limbo you cant CAST #1 #2 or #3 and affect much of anything, 

    Again, "You cannot do anything to the enemies inside your room, because they are in your room, but you are outside of your room. You have to be in the same room in order for you to be able to do anything."


    54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    what else is there to know??

    a lot.


    54 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    you can run around in Phased mode and do anything you want, UNLESS you break an alarm, and get 4 stars and Nulifiers show up.

    Of course. Nullifier can neutralize most of the warframe's abilities. Limbo's Rift is one of them.

  7. lmao dude. you're the best. you DO understand limbo, but... you don't know how the rift works? Those people told you same things and corrected you yet you still say that you DO understand limbo. I don't think this is the game for you dude.

    32 minutes ago, ECACA said:

    BEST Eval of this game..


    Every thing cost you money, including the Washer to wash your Colthing, Cost money to RUN...Just LIKE THE USA.

    wat? wtf are you trying to say? XD

  8. Grendel doesn't have one because it's not switchable by UI. Currently the way you can get different buff for Grendel is to 'Feast' then 'Regurgitate'. So you have to remember the order of the enemies that Grendel has eaten. And yeah, that mechanics suck. I would like it be changed similar to Vauban's and Ivara's.

  9. 4 hours ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:


    The calculation you provide there only valid if the health of Warding Halo and Iron Skin are treated as the same. I would agree. But, nezha's warding halo works like regular health, while rhino's iron skin doesn't. As for Nidus, I don't know how I can determine it's tankiness simply by playing numbers since Nidus' health is constantly regenerates.

    Also, arcanes and augments can affect their tankiness. So, you can't say this one is 'tankier' than that one based only on EHP without including all the factors which can affect warframe's survivability in actual gameplay.

  10. 31 minutes ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    there's an actual calculator that can do it for you

    which one? and which is the one that is a legit calculator with the right formula that is currently being used in the game?

    what is the point of ehp calculator if it doesn't reflect the actual conditions and all other possibilities in the game? also rhino, nidus, and nezha, each of them has many different ways to gain their tankiness.

  11. 13 hours ago, (XB1)XG1anBl4derX said:

    YEAAAH, he needs Arcanes to reach 200-400k EHP with Iron Skin, meanwhile: Nezha and Nidus doing the same thing, with no arcanes, while having a decent kit.

    That's the point bro, you're actually proving my suggestion even more necessary.

    I am proving your point?? The video I showed you there is to give you the idea of how high rhino's tankiness can be with, probably, the most optimal way to utilize rhino's iron skin. Show us that Nezha and Nidus can match or even surpass rhino's tankiness that you claim. Words alone aren't enough.

  12. I am aware of that. Eximus' aura also still runs when the enemy emitting the aura got impaled by Garuda's blood altar. I agree that every enemy's special abilites should be disabled when under blood altar's effect. That will give blood altar another good utility besides healing.

  13. Ancient Healer (regular and corrupted), for unknown reasons, now able to dispel Garuda's blood altar whenever it applies its damage reduction effect to enemies affected by blood altar. It also prevent enemies from being targeted by blood altar as long as said enemies are under the effect of its damage reduction. I don't think it is what Ancient Healers supposed to do. Nullifiers are enough for blocking and neutralizing warframes ability.

    Tested in simulacrum and in mission.

  14. I can already see

    PlayerA: LF Hydron exp farm. must have booster

    PlayerB: LF titanium farm. booster required

    In Warframe where everything is about grind, this "booster sharing" will (highly) cause boosters a mandatory thing for every farming activities considering how easy boosters can be obtained and then limiting players from joining squads from recruit chat because they don't have the boosters required in order to be able to join. I don't think I'll like that.

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