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Posts posted by 0_The_F00l

  1. 2 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    Yeah, but... I'll just copy your own words and say:

    And yeah, I did read the entire post, then decided to cut it all down to just these two lines as they strike me as the most interesting. And raise a simple question: wo why are you even here, in this thread?

    Go, create your own thread, with positive feedback. Post your opinion. Don't come to this and criticize my negative feedback. Otherwise... Just as much as I should expect criticism for my feedback, YOU should expect criticism of your attempts at criticism of my opinion. It's a two way road, after all. OR... you could have just created your own thread, with positive feedback, how you liked it and all that. And avoid creating conflicts in the first place.

    In essence , I am here (in this and a few other topics) to oppose changes to the game which I feel would make it less fun for me. It's really as simple as that.

    You seem to be under some misunderstanding as to who can or cannot give inputs. 

    You are free to criticise and find flaws in my statements , I never stopped you.

    Conflict is part and parcel of any debate and discussion. If you don't want conflicts I suggest you only write in a text file and avoid forums where players with actual opinions have an option to contribute.

    1 hour ago, Geometries62 said:

    Nah I'm not arguing. As for divide between average meta and trash weapons and frames, it's up to DE to adjust specs of down tier items to be more valuable in endgame content. I hope that instead of adding new weapons and frames they will rework old ones. We have many intresting guns that work well only on low level missions.

    I hope so too , but there are different ways to get parity, whether that be filling holes or breaking down mountains.

    • Like 3
  2. 35 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    I used my own words. In this and other threads. Before this video even appeared. If you check the date on that one - you'll see that it's brand new, while my thread (and other posts here in this sub-section) appeared here much earlier. I'm not nitpicking or dumpster-diving either - the vid just appeared in my recommended YT vids. I gave it a watch and decided to share.

    You are free to share , but another opinion cannot be used as a justification, it is only one more opinion , and it is nitpicking if you only focus on 1 minute of a much longer video.

    37 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    There is an alternative to changing this thing. Which is providing another source of equal amount of the same rewards. Just the same as it already is with all other items in the game. But I'm pretty sure we've already discussed this before as well, didn't we?

    No we don't actually discuss , it's mostly you running away when asked why you actually want those rewards beyond appeasing your FOMO.

    38 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    First of all - the game is NOT centered on RNG. Loot - yeah, sure. It is. Percentage-based chances of crits/statuses - sure, absolutely. But you still always have control over the initial starting point - your GEAR. Your warframe, your weapons. Then you further mod them to your desired state, boosting up the chances of crit and whatever, directly affecting that RNG. But either way - you still have a choice, you are still in control. DA/EDA takes that control away from you. And gives nothing in return. So I still stand by my point - RNG gear should be removed.

    Besides... What is easier?

    • Option A - remove gear randomizer from one mode, returning full agency over how to engage this piece of content to the players;
    • Option B - rebalance LITERALLY ALMOST EVERY PIECE OF GEAR to be fully viable as an equal thing in the full randomizer mode.

    I'm thinking Option A is much more viable. For a whole long list of reasons.

    The game is very much centred on RNG , the primary reason anyone uses a particular set of loadout is to optimise their chances of getting an RNG drop , the "reward" that you so vehemently want and is the crux of your argument.

    The EDA flips that a bit (though not completely) now the RNG is more at the source instead of at the destination.

    Do not be naive to think that if they remove the RNG at source they won't introduce it at a much worse form somewhere else.They haven't done this to shower you with rewards , they have done this to keep the rewards relatively rare on average but achievable.

    The faster you understand that, the quicker things will click into place.

    There is also nothing to "return" to , it's a completely new game mode , you aren't losing anything , you are however restricted from getting new things. This is primarily why your "feedback " comes  out as whining. 

    You are free to have your thoughts , it's also easier to simply give players free platinum when they log into the game every day. They don't do that , cause the "ease " of implementation needs to be balanced by getting some actual results for DE as Developer and a business.

    53 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    What does it matter to you, if someone WANTS and LIKES to use, say, Reventant + Torid Incarnon in their gaming sessions? YOU are not affected by it. It does not influence YOUR gaming experience how someone else plays their game. You play how you like and they play how they like. Separately. Why does it bother you so much that someone would want to opt in for using the "best in slot" aka "meta" stuff? Be it for the reason of it being the most effective... Or simply because they like it.

    Why does it bother you OH SO MUCH that you come here, again and again, to the feedback section and trash-talk on literally every single thread here, that criticizes this mode? And especially my posts in particular. And I only see two possible reasons: either you like to see people suffering through frustrating and annoying, anti-fun and anti-Warframe stuff... or you're just white-knighting for DE, because "they can do no wrong".

    If you like suffering through RNG - just use the randomizer button yourself. Hell, go an extra mile and unequip all mods, go "basic". For an extra "challenge" on top. If you like suffering - go ahead. Nobody would judge you. Nor would care about you doing it. Just like you shouldn't care how others want to engage with the game.

    My oh my such powerless rage towards things i didnt even say.

    I don't particularly care about you personally or whatever loadout you wish to use , your opinion is as insignificant as my own afterall. 

    I enjoy the current EDA setup where I have incentives to try out new and old things , i enjoy brushing off the gear that has been collecting dust , I enjoy trying and failing and trying again until I can get the loadout to work. I have fun in the attempt , it's like solving a puzzle. Some puzzles are easier than others of course.

    And anyone trying to take my enjoyment away from me is going to gain opposition from me, it is only natural.

    So again , I don't particularly care about you, using whatever setup you want to use (or not want to use). The reason you seem to think I am targetting you is mostly cause you are pretty much the only person still adding to the posts that have logical flaws according to me. If it was someone else I would oppose them as well (and I have)

    1 hour ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    At the end of the day tho... My point stands. You haven't changed my mind. Mandatory gear randomizer should be made entirely optional - aka not affecting rewards at all. Or, better yet, outright removed. Period. It's anti-fun and anti-Warframe, against the core of what this game was and is supposed to be, against the reason why people like and play this game. With randomizer optional/removed - DA/EDA will be at least bearable weekly rotation thing. In its current form, it's an obnoxious annoyance and un-fun experience, which leads to people seeking work-arounds. Including pub-leeching... which I'll just keep on doing as I did every single week, running Dante in the flex slot to spam overguard for my team (trivializing the challenge) and letting them complete the missions for me. Just how a lot of other people already do as well.

    Hah , you keep saying this "anti warframe" and "core" as if it means anything at all , 

    Warframe has undergone many many many changes over the years , and it will undergo many more ,

    the concept of what warframe is, is so fluid that it's hard for most people to even categorise it. Most players tend to stick just whatever they enjoy and ignore the rest (there is plenty of that) 

    You are free to brute force it and be a leech if you want, that's your prerogative. You start asking for changing it I will have my own opinions for that.

    • Like 2
  3. 1 hour ago, Geometries62 said:

    There is and always will be meta in games like warframe. If people want more challenge they can use non meta equipment on mission. If people want to complete mission with maximum efficiency they can use meta. It's mostly matter of preference since WF is not competitive type of game. 

    EDA advertised as endgame content for experienced players who mastered most of the ingame equipment. Yes it needs more effort than normal mode (besides teamwork), but not so much.

    I mostly agree , meta will exist but is the difference between meta , average and below average so large that it practically invalidated options?

    Sorry , I am not sure if there was any particular point you wanted to argue or discuss on. So I don't have more to say.

  4. 32 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    First off, you could stop calling my feedback "whining". Because it's not. It's feedback, not whining. And you can kindly muck off, if you keep saying otherwise. Because it does not make YOUR opinion any more valid either, when you calling MY opinion "whining". In fact, let's replace the terms used. Hell, let's change the meaning of words, while we're at it. That works too. So, could you please stop whining about my whining? That would be hella great! Because your whining about my whining will not change my mind on the topic.


    I will call a spade a spade. You are free to call it whatever you want.

    My point was that you should use your own words to put forth your opinions , not try to piggyback on some other tangential topic with very little on what you are spouting.

    Besides , never said you couldn't whine , but trying to use a YouTube video that only has opinions as any sort of "proof" is pitiful.

    1 hour ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    Second, he literally says the same thing I do - DA/EDA is Sortie 3.0 all over again, just with extra annoyance. And I won't repeat myself (or his words), because a lot has been said already. Both here(and other threads), as well as the video that I've linked.

    As for "calling out people like me" earlier in the vid - that's true. But it's also about people like you as well. And everyone else who participates in giving feedback at all. Because overwhelming majority? They don't. So we're all in this together - you, me and everyone who posted on this forum. Besides. I never said I find it difficult. I never said I can't complete it either. I did complete it ever single week. I just didn't find it fun, because it's ANNOYING, rather than challenging. Which is - again - exactly what this guy says.

    Again , you are nitpicking. I also don't see a problem with there being sortie 3 if I am honest. 

    You are also only focusing on the 10% of the opinion that agrees with your narrow view and not the holistic thought. The ask is for a full rebalance of warframe so it is approachable (not the same as dominated) by different kind of players , not to remove RNG from EDA.

    I just find it sad that anyone has to go dumpster diving in the sea of YouTube content creators to try to validate themselves.

    Nobody is forcing you to have fun in this game nor is it wrong to say "it's not for me" , but asking every single option to be catered to you and you alone is just whining.

    1 hour ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:


    And lastly... Why I even bring it up? Youtubers and other sort of "influencers" have power. Power to change things. If enough people agree with them and other such folk join on the opinion - things start to change. Especially in gaming. And I'm not talking about "5-viewer Andies", but actual content-makers with a huge audience. And this guy is one of them. So... If my opinion, my feedback closely resembles something that is being said by this guy... Perhaps my opinion isn't too farfetched or "too out there", as you white knights are trying to tell me? Perhaps there is more to it than "whining"? Perhaps it is indeed true that DA/EDA is simply ANNOYING, rather than difficult or challenging? And the fact that you're locked into randomized gear - only three choices in each category - is a huge part of it? Along with other issues, of course... But that's the main one for me, at least. I'd be down to playing without "whining" through this stuff just fine (with all the rest of its flaws), if the randomizer was removed and we could use our own pre-existing setups without sacrificing rewards.

    It's possible sure , with enough traction it can work , i don't see it happening cause the issue is not RNG itself  (the whole game is centred on RNG ), it's the core balance in the game that needs to change to make more gear reasonably viable , cut down on some of the runaway power and get things more streamlined so the difference between best and average is not too high.

    Also you may want to look up the definition of white knights , i consider myself more of a neutral druid. I will oppose or agree with ideas that make sense to me no matter whether it's for DE or against DE.

  5. 27 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    So anyway... Recent video by one of the Warframe's content creators. This part starting at 11:28 (time-stamped link to the vid below) sounds... "Awful lot familiar", tbh. The whole video is interesting for sure and does raise other interesting points about Warframe overall, so the whole thing worth a watch. But that part starting at 11:28..? Very... "on topic" with this thread. Guess I'm not the only one who thinks like this, eh? And it's not just random strangers and nobodies in the community (like me), but an actual popular and noteworthy content creator who says pretty much the same things as I do, eh? So maybe... Just maybe there is something in here to consider, after all? Instead of dismissing my point entirely and trash-talking me for criticism/feedback.


    What are you looking for exactly ? validation ? Pity ? That people stop cricising your whining ?

    You think one youtubers opinions (which you are nitpicking btw , he is mostly focusing on setting balance between casual and harcore gamers, and how you need to actually do the content to get the rewards , but it would be better if the content was better balanced)  somehow makes your whining more relevant ? He even calls out people like you , 30 seconds before the part you have timestamped.

    He is not saying the same thing as you do at all. I mostly agree with this youtubers opinions too, but that does not make his opinions any more important.

    • Like 1
  6. 35 minutes ago, Black_Cat_Jinx said:

    I said an *evil* Scrooge McDuck. As in the antithetical version of him. Theres an entire expansion about Parvos building a surogate family. 

    Parvos' Flintheart would be Nef Anyo. Bombastic, bungling, self defeating, and prone to insane, overly complex schemes that revolve around things going exactly the way he plans them to. I mean, Anyo is at most competent.If he weren't hell bent on screwing other people I'd say leave him to destroy him self. 

    Ergo Glast would be Zan Owlson, who thinks that everyone involved is certifiably insane. 

    So , bling kong vs kachingzilla ? :D

  7. 1 hour ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    So much mental gymnastics right there... without actually talking about the problem itself, but rather pulling the attention away from it and instead trying to switch focus onto different topics - such as assuming things about me, as a person.

    How about you don't?

    I would call it fault analysis , and your repeated rhetoric has made it pretty easy to do as there is an obvious flaw in it.

    I believe I will continue to debate and discuss, and if you check my post , you will observe that I have actually provided a solution unlike others that do nothing more than whine.

    You are of course free to actually answer my questions , but I expect you will throw some insult and stop engaging for some time as has been your MO so far.

  8. I havent used qorvex much , and it's mostly for aesthetic reasons.

    I can't find a suitable combination of Armor and weapons that work well thematically and look good on him (and I stopped bothering to get his signature archguns ) 

    So until we get a hammer or a sword that's basically a piece of wall with rebar as a handle I will be unlikely to use him.

    I also absolutely hate the disometric guard , as both an ability and it's appearance. 

    The walls felt meh in my opinion , they don't even group enemies correctly in most of the times I used it. 

    Sorry but I will be sticking to the OG rock boi , Atlas.

  9. The nuance is in the application and the timing.So I will wait for release before final judgement.

    Granted it looks OP as per current standards , but Armor is getting a major rework , so Armor stripping may not to be as good or important as it is now.

    Having health regen as a percentage in a small area .... sounds good , except the part where it's for a short duration and staying still in a small area may not be ideal for keeping your health topped.

    Shield regen though , could be strong but if it has a condition like calibans it may be well balanced.

    Damage boost ... Additive or multiplicative ? Depending on that it may be well balanced or broken.

    Also not sure on the drain for the slow and range.

    The flight , may not be as much of a mobility boost , if you keep banging your head on door frames in most tilesets. And exalted weapons have their own issues with damage scaling.

    The passive is quite useful though.

    • Like 2
  10. 11 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    You're both not seeing the main point I'm trying to make: taking away player's entire agency over HOW they wanna play, by forcing randomized gear goes against everything Warframe was through all these years and STILL IS in all other modes except this one. All while locking away valuable rewards behind it.

    Sure. I can use magus anomaly. Sure, I can use nautiuls. But I also want to use my own pre-made combination of a warframe+weapons, not something the game randomly chooses for me. All while not abandoning rewards - because that's literally the whole point of the mode in the first place.

    Taking away player's choice only brings frustration, not fun or enjoyment.

    Because it's not a solution to the problem (which is the randomizer). It's yet another work-around the anti-Warframe system. Yes, anti-Warframe, big "W" here, aka anti game itself. It goes against the core "rules" of the rest of Warframe - which is "play how you want". It takes away the choice AND the rewards, if you refuse to participate in the randomizer.

    Muck off with your "whine" nonsense.

    I predicted this would be the response.

    I have no doubt you are frustrated  because the game mode is not catered to your preferences. And you are grouchy cause you cannot control your own FOMO.

    So I ask this , what exactly do you plan to achieve with the rewards ? I have done every run with a potential reward for shards or new arcanes (archon hunt , bird/stock shop, netracells , EDA) until the last week and I have not been particularly lucky or unlucky so far.

    And even then I have enough stockpiled that I can kit out half my arsenal with shards ideal for their playstyles (and they are surprisingly averaged out in quantities) 

    Then there is you , who don't even use most of the frames by your own admission , so what exactly are you missing out on that you whine and throw a tantrum every week ? 

    It can't be the rewards , cause you won't even use most of them , Is it just a problem with hoarding ? Or do you not wish to socialise and form a competent group ? 

    Why ? Is it really fun for you to stockpile things you will not use ?

    • Like 6
  11. 15 hours ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Or Vazarin if a pull was needed. 


    13 hours ago, Drachnyn said:

    Magus anomaly?


    13 hours ago, Lord_Drod said:

    Why not use nautilus?  It's a better grouper anyway.  I don't think it's a big deal to use helminth on a warframe for the challenge.  It's not required though and shouldn't be, but if its a tool to make things easier, then its fine.  It helps to have an open loadout for EDA and you're likely not going to use EDA builds elsewhere or even save them since permadeath isn't common elsewhere in the game.

    There's also the zaw arcane , exodia hunt , granted you would need to use a zaw which may not exactly be possible.

    But some people don't want solutions , they would rather whine.

    • Like 2
  12. 41 minutes ago, pinkxblack said:

    thats more frustrated when i failed in a gruop, i really dont wanna waste other peoples time, yeah i rather go NETRACELL its way more easier to achieve by myself.

    I recommend that you not worry about others. Anyone that joins public will have to accept a certain level of luck when getting a squad (I have my own opinions about the poor matchmaking parameters , but that's a different discussion ).

    It's perfectly ok to go with things that you are more confident of than try to break a wall with your head.

    • Like 2
  13. i would imagine when they warn you that it is intended for a full squad it is implied that it is not solo friendly,

    i have managed just once solo , but i have managed multiple times with a squad of two - this tends to be the sweet spot for spawns , enemy health and failure management (getting downed or not having strong enough players). 4 player  squads have failed quite a bit more often if there is too much skill/gear difference between players.

    • Like 2
  14. I always get a bit of anxiety playing gyre on public , 

    It tends to be a feast or famine situation , I am either fast and powerful enough to outdamage the squad or I am following behind being moderately useful if at all.

    I do feel the 60 seconds is a bit much but is an acceptable side-effect of nearly unlimited uptime, I would be more comfortable if it was closer to 30 or 40 seconds.

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