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Posts posted by 0_The_F00l

  1. I am not sure we need more than we have ,

    Extra starting mod points , more standing , access to later areas is decent enough.

    What would be interesting is a boost to others around you , like an aura for the thing that is most relevant to mastery - XP/affinity.

    So if you are in a squad , the lower mastery players gets an XP boost equal to the difference between his mastery and the highest mastery in the mission.

    • Like 2
  2. I believe others have already highlighted this ,

    But just to reiterate.

    1) Toxin ancients and mutalist ospreys will bypass shields and do direct toxin damage to your health irrespective of the arcane resistance. This is usually an instant KO at high enough levels if you don't have enough EHP.

    2) Adaptation needs to build stacks of that element you are getting damaged by , if you can't survive the first 5 or so hits then adaptation is not going to help.

    3) Hildryn isn't the best against infested even with the augment , you could build for some Armor and health for these specific scenarios , but at SP level , your best option is to take out toxic ancients and mutalist ospreys from a distance before they do their attacks.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, TARINunit9 said:

    Granum actually surprised me in this event

    First off, one of his tenets is "charity is power. More charity is more power." But this event revealed what his definition of "charity" actually is. It's evil, but it's a neat reveal

    But that was nothing compared to the second reveal. At first we are meant to see him as a corrupt banker who uses his tenets of charity to whitewash his image. But after a few runs of Disruption I got a rare voice line from him and he let something slip:

      Hide contents

    He's not just trying to steal the Leverian for the sake of hoarding. He's looking for something specific. The corrupt loan shark image is just to throw us off the scent


    I think we are seeing different stories , 

    I just see granum being a devil wanting his due from an idiot. And what is due is for the devil to be satisfied. The devil will never be satisfied. So the idiot makes a deal with another devil (us) to pay those dues.

    • Like 3
  4. I don't know if banshee needs anything ,

    Granted she is a glass cannon that needs very specific cannonballs (weapons ) to work. She can be customized to be very effective at most things, she is a frame with a  very moderate floor and high ceiling needing a very active playstyle to reach that ceiling.

    Caliban I think is the next in line.

    I do have a personal bias and would like some tweaks to equinox to make her smoother.

    • Like 2
  5. 23 hours ago, UnstarPrime said:

    .It would lead to a lot of conflict if the devs incentivized players to be less helpful to their squad in exchange for greater rewards.

    I would like to focus on this particular aspect. I feel that the game already incentivises players to be selfish. Not intentionally , but by the nature of the game ( outside of very specific game modes ).

  6. 5 hours ago, makaloff95 said:

    sorry for the dumb question but what happened in the recent update? ive been out of the loop for a while.

    to answer OP: There sadly always will be toxic people in any community, luckily in warframe they seem to be far and between (you might just been unlucky with the squads you got into). If they are being nasty just put them on ignore or report them (depending on severity ofcourse).

    Let me give you the brief of what happened at the time (the situation has been calm now compared to launch) 

    1) Multiple augments released for frames , many of which depend on taking health damage to either sustain energy via hunter adrenaline/rage mods (inaros , kullervo , nidua) or to have their kit work correctly (chroma with combat discipline )

    2) This attracted many players to try said frames ,

    3) Coinciding with this DE released a new frame called Dante , as part of his kit Dante gives overguard on allies killing enemies and has a gate mechanism. 

    4) As is usually new frames also attracted players to try it out.

    5) We now have a frame that stops you from taking damage and frames that need to take damage in the same mission a lot more often.

    It is the equivalent of having a smoking zone in an asthma ward. It will cause a lot of coughing fits.

    DE also very quickly nerfed said frame , so quite a lot of anger for different reasons.

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  7. 11 hours ago, Voltage said:

    Nah, it's dumb, just like Riven Disposition. You're just rewarding people who understand that things are now homogenized and punishing those who pick their preferred choices. Stuff like research points that add bonuses for making a build work with flexibility and encouragement for gear completion are more beneficial than creating gear Dispositions for rewards. It creates an even more stale meta once content creators math out the optimal choices and share it to their audiences, then shifting the playerbase towards options that later on get Disposition nerfed for no real reason other than popularity.

    Riven Disposition is the exact example of why this idea of a mechanic doesn't work in practice.

    If you want "Self paced challenge" do it for yourself, not for me (or anyone else).

    We are having a discussion right now , so currently what I want is to engage in discussions. The reason I made this topic was to  identify means to have a reasonable agency in the hands of players for defining their own difficulty and get some rewards for engaging in said difficulty. It is of course not a replacement for proper balance , but more of a stop gap measure.

    I am currently looking at all the ideas and while I personally do not like popularity as a measuring stick it is the closest that can be quantified via disposition.

    It's not the only thing I have considered as an option. And am open to more mechanics which will give players to pause and change ho their loadouts.

    4 hours ago, helioth137 said:

    A little unrelated but could also be merged with your request, 
    add dynamic difficulty based on how quickly you're killing, until you're so overwhelmed with mobs that your kill speed slows down a bit. 

    If you have played it , I loved how God hand did this. The more flawlessly you played, the more aggressive and deadly the enemies got. It was all tongue in cheek , but it was really effective.

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  8. 5 hours ago, Karyst said:

    Now we know why there are no harrow players in the basement

    I think there was one in my last EDA ,

    Worked very well with the self damage modifiers (as in the covenant helped reduce some damage and the damage itselfs crit boost helped deal with enemies) 

    I think a skilled player won't be too affected (they will probably not use the knell that often) but it will reduce the effectiveness of doing damage quite a bit for obvious reasons.

  9. 5 hours ago, AlienOpenAir said:

    All I can see is you guys bullying Kat and want to make yourself look good.

    Disagreeing with a persons opinion and calling them out is not the same as bullying them. I honestly don't care about the individual , it's the specific topic they bring that I am against.

    It would be bullying if i insulted , abused or ridiculed the person every opportunity i got. So do highlight specifically where you think i have done so.

    What I have mostly done is try to have a debate  , if someone is incapable to holding a civil debate and just wants to keep saying the same thing over and over then they are not providing feedback , they are throwing a tantrum.

    Everytime someone has said why things are the way they are , asked for more clarification and alternatives have been recommended those have either been ignored , rudely pushed aside or ridiculed.

    And , Making myself look good ? You think bullying people makes anyone look good ? Please , the forums are neither a high school popularity contest nor are they a drama series where either of those things matters. Nor do i care for such things.

    Anyway , this is getting off topic , a person should be able to hold his own in a debate or discussion. They should be civil and have an open enough mind to atleast understand the opposition even if they don't agree with it, mad if they don't understand they should inquire and explain so there is no blocks and misunderstandings.

    • Like 7
  10. 6 hours ago, Voltage said:

    This seems like a convoluted way of re-introducing Conclave rating, and I rather not to be quite honest.

    Even within Riven Mods, there are several powerhouse weapons that are just unpopular. The Synapse, Miter, or Convectrix equivalent in Warframes are Banshee, Equinox, Mag, etc.

    I suppose it is , but if players don't want RNG to control their choices and DE is either unwilling or incapable to set a proper balance between various gear and missions,

    i think it's closer to self paced challenges where the rules are defined.

  11. 1 minute ago, SneakyErvin said:

    One thing I'd love to see would be "mission" rivens. Simply a mod or two or three you can slot on your frames that adds modifiers to a mission similar to maps in Path of Exile or Danger Room Chips in Marvel Heroes. Have them drop anywhere with different rarities then let us upgrade them and reroll them a limited amount of times, then after we've used them they are consumed. In return for negative modifications on a mission we'd recieve more loot, while some things seen as negative could be combined into positives given the correct loadout used with it, just like how it works with maps in PoE.

    Ooh , yes , interesting idea and can work smoothly with my original thoughts.

    A mod (peculiar type) that adds modifiers /points , the mod cost itself would be one thing and the negative effects it adds would be another.

    I think having conditions to be met (like those needed to unlock rivens) would be an added layer to enable whatever modifier it has (positive and negative) , so you can't just slap on the mod and use it everywhere , you need to actively give up a slot and play a particular way to unlock it.

    5 minutes ago, Zakkhar said:

    This will sadly lead to numbnuts deleting majorty of their inventory to only have the best outcomes, like they did in Duviri/Circuit (and still complained they cannot delete certain items).

    Why do you say that? I am not sure how having a lesser number of gear helps anyone ad it's tied to disposition and not ownership.

  12. 2 minutes ago, SneakyErvin said:

    Tying it to gear is bad bad bad bad bad bad bad, since the gear wont become better just because people start to use it. Having mission modifiers will however show DE that the gear that isnt used is crap, so they can adjust it instead of leaving it as is because "it is used this much!" due to people wanting more loot.

    That's is one aspect of it, it's among other things that this will make obvious as time goes on.

    Like always I have multiple wrinkly layers on this , like a cabbage. (Unlike an onion which is usually smooth and results in tears)

  13. 10 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    heh... how is that supposed to work? They don't even want to sit down and think about balance... instead they just produce new cheap junk food content...

    And here they have to think carefully and do a lot of brainstorming.

    Ah , but we are going to do most of it for them. That's why it's important to have discussions , so others can learn from them.

    8 minutes ago, AntifreezeUnder0 said:

    We just need game mode where we get to play what we like to use, to get the new shiny stuff. Even if it means current meta getting tad more op, yet opening doors to something like stug join in overkill club.

    Game needs to have certain things, like sp circuit for incarnons are grind and effort to get equally good rewards, i do dislike the rng on loadlouts , but for most part rewards are worth the trouble to swith to lesser liked frames and weapons.

    Deep archimedia, well it suffers same thign as sp circuit- its as hard as bad your go to loadout rng is. Once you get it or them its just breeze and few hiccups on the modifiers if any.

    Pretty much both of theese sytems indirectly forces you to make working builds for things you deemed unworthy , since they give acces to stuff you may need.

    Deep archimedia is as good as one gets full set of r5 duplicate and cescendo then its just off chance achon shard and even then those are just meh rewards.

    I don't see how this is directly related to my point of letting players pick their own loadouts and tweak things just right to meet certain conditions.

    Would you to say , use one less mod if it means you can use your preferred gear.

  14. I was thinking , Can reward choice be left in the hands of the players to decide?

    While most of what I have read is pointing me towards a big glowing NO! (Big surprise ) . I do want to share a risk and reward choice loop that is more dynamic.

    This also (partially) relies on disposition as a concept so do bear that in mind.

    Currently frames don't have disposition , but we do have the usage stats that we can use to come to a simple enough reverse calculation. 

    So heres my thoughts.

    Similar to DA you have certain modifiers and certain points and also have preferred RNG loadouts , but you can have more points through other means than just selecting modifiers and loadouts.

    Eg. If your gear has 5/5 dispo you get half of that as dynamic points rounded down. So you get 2 of them.  Anything with a dispo of less than 2 gets you no points (just an example)

    Maybe , Having fewer "mandatory mods" gives you some more points ,

    And perhaps certain , peculiar mods with their own negatives can be considered instead of just not picking mods.

    With this you can still just use RNG loadouts , but you can also tweak things to work with the tools available to you. You will still get slightly less points than simply going RNG , but it will be better than choosing nothing.

    Would it be complex ? Maybe , will it have more player agency ? Maybe. Would it have players that will complain for some reason or another? Most definitely.

    I would like to have this discussion just to gauge the communities views on such things.

    Added peculiar mod option.

  15. I will have to say that caliban isn't that bad , he is capable enough to keep going for quite some time ,

    That being said , able to keep going does not mean he goes there well. Many frames are capable , but they either need some extra effort where others can do it effortlessly or depend on the skill of the player , which can be said about any frame honestly. He tends to fall short in everything just a bit to make him more cumbersome than he is worth.

    What Caliban definitely lacks is good kit synergy ,

    his 1 is absolutely pointless ,considering how much it limits you and how little it does. Why anyone except a Beyblade fanatic would want to keep this skill is beyond me. I can't even think of a way to make it work with the rest of his kit that still retains its properties.

    His 2 is ok CC and debuff , a fun little thing but the lifting and floating away can be annoying for some missions (pretty interesting for things like interception where killing isn't that essential) I would love it if it worked with his 3 and 4 , such that any enemies struck by 2 will always get sucked towards the 4s blast point and his progeny would heal /give more shields when striking such enemies.

    His 3 , is ok , i would love an augment to actually change them into more effective variants.

    His 4 is actually pretty good but needs faster time to cast and a more clear indicator of the area , paired with the synergy with his 2 I recommend above it can be a good area strip. And maybe his progeny passing through it (or struck by it) can also remove Armor at slightly reduced value.


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  16. I had some hopes with voruna ,

    DE is either unwilling or unable to manage that with the tools they have.

    We do have means to shift the warframes  slightly (equinox , Sevagoth shadow , titania pixie, hydroid when he could turn into a puddle, grendel to some extent) , but they tend to maintain the humanoid aspect.

    Would love a proper quadruped frame.

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