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Posts posted by Raithon07

  1. Working plan for passives for all warframes in progress? status? anything?


    while were on the subject i know you guys have been working on extending the life of the game. introducing grind is a real way to drive players away. ( literaly only log in for daily rewards anymore if that) do you have any OTHER plans to more justly balance this issue? (drop table for the 8 player rewards is something like less than 2% real rewarding for something that has to be a freaking nightmare to run...this is not motivating me to run this mission)


    or what about staying in endless missions longer and getting better rewards? instead of the RNG the way it is now? PVP rewards? frugal credit bundles?


    on top of that to get the conclave story you HAVE to play pvp you cant just equip a sigil and run missions pve. please at least acknowledge these as problems. if you tell us "no this is as intended" or " we have to make money too" is not an acceptable answer.


    i challenge you to innovate as you have done before and i KNOW you guys are capable of so you can make money as a company AND make an awesome game.

  2. As Somedude1000 mentioned, we don't really have the time or the ability to read every single post that goes up in the forums. We're not all-seeing in that regard, and rely heavily upon forum reports sent in by players for tracking down posts that violate the forum rules.


    I implore you to use the report button whenever you notice a post violating the forum's code of conduct.


    Thanks for the reply and clarification, I expected as much and don't really place blame on you or any other moderator in this situation. Maybe i didn't say it right but i really don't have a high opinion of the forum rules in this scenario, specifically "no swearing" on a website to A GAME THAT LETS YOU CUT PEOPLES HEADS OFF. XD Seems like a bit of an oxymoron too me. Anyways,  to you Letter13 and all the other mods who I know work there !@#!$ off here THANK YOU for your work.



    This is going to be an open letter to DE on why I am no longer a customer in text review format. Sure I may still play PVE occasionally but you(DE) have lost me as a customer. I promise ill try to keep this less ranty as possible. If I swear Ill censor it for the forums. But frankly I think the rules are a joke. Consistently I see posts that violate the code of conduct and are not dealt with by the moderators. Ive recently got my first one for losing my temper. Witch was partially valid on my part but still totally absurd. Mainly because I saw at least 5 other posts in the same thread violating the same rules go unpunished and the posts still exist. I kinda feel like I got singled out for no apparent reason other than I was there and breaking the “rules” at the wrong place and the wrong time.

    I am not sure of this post is going down on warframes official forums but I really don’t care, this is going up on my Youtube, Facebook, and Reddit or any other form of media I can from a customer review standpoint. If DE chooses to censor my review and general feedback of their way of doing business it already proves my point about it and reinforces my decision. I feel anyone looking to get into the game should full well know what the heck they are getting into.


      Starting off im going to list out some pros and cons of doing business with DE. Then list my ultimate reasons why I have chosen not too for the forsee-able future.


    Nice unique game style and art style.

    Development (at least in the past) has heeded and even used player feedback to improve the game.

    An awesome community coordinators. Megan and rebbeca have done a freakin awesome job doing whatever they can week after week to touch bases with us as players and almost act as a morale beacon. I cannot praise them enough and admit why I still play the game may be because of them and a few other people at all.

    The dev team even though it has its faults is full of bright creative individuals.

    Awesome tech outreach. DE drew has kicked major @!#!@#$ posting and working to get feedback to fix graphical and even a few other issues with warframe that the community has had.

    The game has been (for the most part) enjoyable for about 2 years for me its definatly had its bumps but most of the time before they seemed to handle any major issues quickly and with some kind of compensation for the players involved.



    Updates don’t really release with the fully intended or expected functions they advertise. Im not sure if this is just a major communication problem within DE or just plain laziness. But I myself am at the point where if I hear something from a developers mouth im like “ uh huh and ill belive it when I see pigs fly”.

    No more compensation. Ive had a few issues with disconnects on the servers and losing some pretty bad $##% loot in the process. Support seems to want the time, date,second, and first born child of the household to want to help anymore. I filed about 4 tickets before I just gave up with support myself and I have a few friends stories where the EXACT time and date were given and the statement and sumery closing of the support ticket is “we have no records in our logs of this occurring therefore we cant compensate you anything even though you have a screenshot.” Yes there have been passive issues that I have received compensation for(like that strange broken booster issue). But I and many of my friends that played before had a lot of genuine lost items. Nope, nowhere to be seen ever.

    Future development vision seems confusing if not alarming. Now this one might seem a little weird. But let me flush it out a little. A specific drive to make PVP a essential part of a game that has set itself out as PVE seems…. Odd. Now throw in that there is story locked behind it so there is an aspect of the games lore you miss out on unless you participate… now that’s downright infuriating. Ive been in my fair share of PVP based games and have about a 15 min tolerance for bad ones. And this new rendition is bad.Though ti DE’s PVP team it dosent seem like you guys didn’t try it just seems like this is about 4 patches away from being playable. Don’t blame it on the hype being generated by the comunity please. DE kinda made their own beds on this one. It was hyped up by them In several devstreams, including tennolive. There are a multitude of issues that are down right infuriating. The worst part is, even if you aren’t a pvper but you love the lore of the game you still are forced to deal with it.


    Player feedback seems to be all but ignored these days. There have been a few instances recently in witch I will briefly name that seem like they just effectly told the community “we changed it this way and that’s the way itl be cause we said so its not like you play the game or anything”  Excalibur changes seem to be the strongest of note recently. Credit farming issues. Increased RNG and grind in a game that sorely needs less of it. And removal of a certain warframe from the void drop tables. Or the removal of the void in general as a concept that was talked about like it was basicly in stone and only a matter of time away…

    And this leads into one of the biggest of my cons. Poor communication with the community. It seems that not only un-listed changes to the game come with this. But listed changes that are very ill explained. Take the changes to Excalibur. Im still not sure I understand what they said they did to him. Ive noticed a drastic DPS loss from Radial javelin myself. But that’s it. And its something that excalabur didn’t need because of how much as a frame he didn’t  need any nerfs.

    And finally no consistency at all in their dev decisions. The example can be a comparison to recent changes to dark sectors AND Excalibur. “we nerfed Excalibur because it wasn’t as we intended him to be” vs “we nerfed dark sectors by accident but we totally un-fixed it because reasons”. I mean… what? Im not even upset about it. Im just plain confused on the comparative decisions. Do you guys want un-intended parts of the game to exisist or not? Again this is only one example. If I were to list them all I would have a post MUCH longer than this one witch is already looking to be two pages in MS word.


    You will notice the cons section is much more filled out that the pros. Honestly there may be things I left out especially in the pros section but the cons over-shadow them so much right now that’s all I can see right now. But im one guy that’s doing this of his own volition attempting to stab at the sheer rage educing frustration with a game he loves and a company he wants to love but can’t anymore. Ill be the first to admit im not perfect. Take it for what you will. Decide to do what you will. But defiantly take into consideration any of the points I have mentioned and ask yourself dose a company deserve business in exchange for the the way they represent themselves. Im a firm believer in holding anyone accountable for their own actions. Including big business because they *gasp* tend to be the number one contenders for getting away with murder and making up the most confusing answers to get you to walk away and drop it. Im sorry, but I belive DE is already headed down that path.



  4. Wow, so much butthurt. Sounds like he didn't even read the patch notes if he isn't even aware of the Excal changes.


    Also doesn't want to play the game longer than an hour per day or something? You can gain rep by doing anything and everything, it doesn't require draco farming, and never did.

    Even though im pretty sure your trolling, i do see some constructive issues pointed out in your post!

    DE's rather poor method of conveying changes or even comunicating with us (the community) as a whole. no snubs at Rebbeca or Megan tho they seem to be doing the best they can with what they have. and have openly come out and admited confsuion themselves and better explained changes than other devs in the past.


    Oh and btw he the redditer did say its possible to do these things. JUST NOT IN A TIMELY OR REASONABLE MANNER. in witch going to school full time id have to agree with.(and also say because of the randomness of RNG that tasks can take anywhere from 5 mins to 4 hours of gameplay.)

  5. Although Jupiter's Moon may have water. Jupiter itself would not. Since some game locations are actual moons (i.e. Phobos) I don't think having a specific tileset on a planet because it fits with a moon would make sense. Yes, some nodes are named after moons, but those are just nodes, it doesn't actually take place on that moon, imo.


    I believe the Water Tileset will be Uranus, which is odd, I thought Neptune would be better suited but either would work I suppose.

    new hubble data supports This image here



    See? lots of places for multiple water tilesets. i think it would be great if we got corpus water bases too. and infestation missions would just be downright SCARY. can you imagine an infested shark? *shudder*


    Honestly i just hope they start adding planets to fill out the solar system to maintain continuity... all of the planets are interesting enough in our galaxy and dont need to be dumbed down to a "node"

  6. A) Jupiter's surface is primarily gas clouds, hence the already existent Gas Cloud City tileset on Jupiter.


    B) Ganymede is one of Jupiter's moons, not the planet itself. look it up if you dont believe me( Luna on Eearth you know THE MOON is a node , Ganymede is a node on jupiter..)


    C) The water tileset is going on Uranus already, as far as I'm aware.

    A) a tileset singular. meaning like a node or two. or remaking a planet. The idea was to be an idea sparker as feedback. not troll baiting anal crap. in a feedback post instead of telling me im wrong why dont you contribute to the feedback? please? no? *sigh*


    B) why not, moons have been nodes on planets for a wile.


    C) their is no 100% confirmed location of the water tile set yet. keyword SOON TM

  7. If Ganymede was made a planet, I'm fairly certain it'd be under Corpus control (ie, completely surrounded by their forces on Jupiter and Europa). However, Ganymede could be used for a Corpus water tile set, as apparently it has vast underground oceans that are layered with ice.


    However, I'm fairly certain the coming Grineer water tile set is going on Uranus.

    or an event or conflict? i see a quest coming out of that too. and im sorry. territory has changed SO much its just as likely the factions get tossed around territory because of the sentients or some other reason. i also remember when earth was corpus controlled. with how many times the map has changed we cannot rule anything out.

  8. Then they might actually be helpful.


    If i can get over 20k from a Player owned node in 3 minutes, why on Earth (or any other planet) would i want to waste my time in a Alert offering x4 times LESS (even more times less in time comparison)


    Add a '0' on the end.


    If an alert was offering me 7,800 change it to 78,000 and you might have yourself a deal. Dont waste our time, and fix the economy!

    Alerts have definitely needed a revamp for a wile. but if you have noticed they do the ocassional good resource or mod alerts... at least it shows DE still changes it up a bit every 3 months or so >_>

  9. ooh boy that video again, so maaaany false claims, so much BS, just ugh.


    what Lars is doing is not actual war archery in fact it barely counts as archery, its just trick shooting, and he isn't even the first person to do this type of trick shooting

    The point of posting the video was for animation feedback. or are you saying you have problems with warframe as a whole not being more realistic? *COUGH* SPACE NINJAS AND NINJA SPACE MAGIC *COUGH* Please dont take my posting the video so literally and actually READ my post? If my OP wasn't dead on enough for you: IM SAYING THAT "stunt archer" LARS ANDERSON'S VIDEO IS A GOOD REFERENCE FOR BOW ANIMATIONS BECAUSE THEY LOOK WARFRAME OKAY? >:D

  10. i recently saw Lars Andersen. AND I CHALLANGE YOU ANIMATION TEAM! Lars makes a lot of points about using bows. you could use this in the bare minimum of how the bow is held shot and the quiver is held. (on the hip vs back.) and so forth. When i first saw this video my mind was screaming WARFRAME and this also seems to scream parkour 2.0 ...


    If you guys(de devs) are thinking of doing this just post challenge accepted :D
  11. I believe DE has said they won't add voices to the Tenno, because they could never get the voice you expected them to have. It would also make it a Tenno killing tons of Grineer, rather than You killing tons of Grineer as a Tenno.

    This is more of an excuse saying "cant work right now so we just wont do it." Im sorry but  the RPG silent protagonist excuse (yes it is one) only works on systems with the tech where it seems like the main character talking would be too much and in warframe where you can RUN ON FREAKING WALLS AND STUFF having minor voices for warframes isnt too much to ask. too many times ive been annoyed at RPG's giving that exscuse. IM NOT MUTE SO WHY WOULD IT IMMURSE ME TO PLAY AS A MUTE? >_> *twitch* Can you tell that "breaks the immersion" explanation has been beat to death for me? ;D no offense to you dude, but you stated a reason(excuse) not to do something thats been around as an excuse in RPG's since the dawn of gaming.

  12. This almost seems like Warframe is becoming a number crunching game / pick the right equipment game. hmm sounds like WoW. Call me crazy but it almost seems like design is shifting. To something that would bring in more stable cash from the most people instead of trying to innovate and do that crazy &#! thing that no one has dared to do before? I mean we are playing as SPACE FREAKING NINJAS. Do you(DE) think the majority of the community would like sitting down and spamming buttons or actually running around and feeling like a ninja?


    OP brings up some serious issues with the game at current. Its not like said abilities have to be removed... Challenging people with parkour (meaning that cleaning it up should be a higher priority than this stupid 8 player raid crap that already has major issues in concept.) and puzzles that wouldn't infuriate people for accidental hitting one key wrong for example. I know DE wants to challenge people but challenge vs quality of life in play is a rickety balancing act. and hopefully they affirm that this is a problem that they have been attempting to tackle in dev.


    But with tenno live coming soon DE will be tight liped about everything to not spoil their "big reveals" 


    TLDR: OP brings up valid points and dev could tackle the problem better, but we wont get decent feedback from dev until after tennolive.

  13. One thing that may be an interesting twist is increased aoe for some abilities an example being shuriken only geting two blades now geting 4 at med and 6 at high charge... otherwise i tottaly support this, though their should be a way to maintain mobility with a mod or something.

  14. Well yeah, it has alot do do with dev choices this year and last. im already starting to mentaly check out. the T4 keys was the last straw for me. solving problems with RNG within RNG within RNG is a cop out. other alternatives were availble for fixing DE's issue with the reward itself but no. we get an overpriced RNG BASED tower key "booster pack" im not playing MTG im playing warframe god damnit. please keep the game and its rewards "Warframey"

    DISCLAIMER im sorry this sounds ranty. but i am really freaking just done.

  15. being able to see your actual "reach" of the weapon is very helpful for the melee weapon in question, witch is why i typically never use the mod , special cases arise like with whips because the only part that actual dose damage is the blade on the end. giving that reach helps it out tremendously.

  16. the new settings that were added, the "dynamic lighting" and "addaptive exposure" cause some strange crashing. video card pops out of full screen and drops load, can still hear the game and am forced to close warframe to get it to respond, squadies last night confirmed my random behavior before closing the game. no way to really screen shot this....

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