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Posts posted by Raithon07

  1. I don't know about you, but I (and a lot of other players) really enjoy Archwing. And I have not experienced any bugs or glitches in Archwing, can't say the same for regular missions though.

    i hated archwing when uranus (no pun intended you dirty people you) was impossible.now its finaly not a freaking impossible mission, and now that more weapons are out and actualy aquarable without plat i kinda like it. but the eyes of blight event kinda kills it for me. examples of glitches are mid mission crashes, players moving wile dead, magical spawns of doom (like literaly 10,000 guys or something spawning RIGHT ON TOP OF YOU randomly in the event mission) ,flcutus not regestering damage on anything in that event AT ALL, players loading in dead and having to burn a revive. connectivity issues. oh did i  mention crashing? its not like its just me, the squad i usaly group up with has expereience ALL of these things in the event and even some of them outside of it. i belive all of them are also known gltiches but it really seems like the dev aditude was "F*** it, its christmas were finaly off work so GOOD LUCK!" and "oh you lost a relay? YOU SUCK AHAHAHAHAH"


    Well, I barely even played this even as I spent time with my family back in Korea, but I did play a little bit of the event and I did not like it. Personally it seemed like a waste of time and I felt kinda burned out after 13 runs, having to get the cryotic, getting isotopes and then  having to get play the mission, it just wasn't fun and I hate it when a game becomes work.



    Exaaactly. its more like a fetch quest from *gasp* WOW!? what the hek!?

  3. I dunno bout all of you. but im really tired of this event. it seems way more drawn out than it should have been. the bugs and glitches have been horrid. and the relays going down just effing pisses me off. i love the relays and dispite how many of my own personal resources i burned on that relay its death or salvation seems utterly effing random. im just done with it. im collecting my event points and moving on. i think what really burns me is the negative detriment to the comunity mainly caused by the fact that people couldnt ither log in to do said event some of these days, or the fact that archwing was difficulty locked untill recently so NO ONE HAS THEIR S#&$ LVLED.*twitch*  in general people hate archwing because of its difficulty curve. its like saying "HEY LOOK GUYS YOU GET A SHINEY NEW JET! wait your ninja youl never be a pilot DIE! DIE AGAIN AND AGAIN! MUAHAHAHHAAAAAAAAA oh wait lets fix that RIGHT BEFORE A CRITICAL COMUNITY EVENT MUAHAHHAHAH YOUR RELAYS ARE DEAD FOOLS AAAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAA"  erm sorry inner cobra commander just got out.  soooo um... yeah. eyes of fail. what do you all think?

  4. Yeah, frankly this "event" is depressing. formorians have way to random of health bars and cost way to much resource to constantly attack. not to mention all the connectivity issues and all the bullcrap hours on these things ON THE HOLIDAYS MIND YOU. this by far has been the worst event ever. >_>

  5. DE has known people follow the carrots... it's logical.


    Earth relay is currently in danger of being destroyed, and few are going to save it, because saturn gives a bigger reward.


    There's also relatively little incentive, so far as players understand it, to save the relay... most have NO idea what they're losing out on.


    *I* have no idea what we're losing out on, but I'm at least aware of some of the stuff you guys have planned in general.


    There's little incentive for the random players to fight for earth. It's less money, and "the relay vanishes" doesn't mean much of anything to them.


    There's also much talk of "we'll just build it again", which, given the age, that's an understandable issue.


    I'm not particularly looking forward to finding out how the penalty systems for this work, but right now, there aren't enough to inspire people.


    Now, if, say, having the relays go down made it impossible to deploy rails, and clans could offer incentive bonus battle pay? You'd get swarms of people knocking this thing down in 20 minutes.


    As-is, it's just not profitable enough to encourage the standard player base to fight for it.

    That and the fact i couldnt log in for like hmm hours and hours for the time i was avaiable to play? and im not the only one. dissconnects were horrible for the past few days

  6. i could kinda see this going as a working pretty good for the existing gear slot system and building disposable weapons like specters... you could do this for more than just blades, but that dose seem pretty warframey. hmmmmm i see disposible rockkett launchers , plasma blades , and other crazy silliy things that could work. balancing them wouldnt be that hard ither, because well RNG or whatever or you could tie this in to the syndicates for rep rewards and just not make them too op.

  7. You sprint to another radio tower.  Mobs tend to focus on one tower long enough to let your shields recover.  Most archwing primaries are at their best as a comfortable distance away from enemies anyways.

    this dosent work , agro gets you in the grineer missions with the auto targting punks. you run and hide, sure you get your sheild up but the guys that rapid fire missles will kill you instantly, you really cant sit still. it kinda sucks..

  8. "All Archwings now have different base Health/Shield/Armor stats that can be modded (with the newly buffed mods)."

    So what about all the other things that bled over to archwing. like base move speed, energy pools and power strength and what not mods? i feel like base health sheild and armor stats could be ignored but base power pools speed  stamina and the other mods that affected archwing should be ok to stay it leaves a certain utility to whatever frame you pick if  not why not add archwing mods that affect these things?

  9. Questions. questions questions!


    1. Kubrows vs Sentinels  will you adress the power problem with them? mainly in the fact that you have very little reward for using a kubrow. you cant be tactical with kubrows unless you spend the 15 plat every time to attempt to use them tacticaly IE switch them out on the fly vs the 3 hour wait or you REALLY like opening lockers. AND they cost money to have. where a sentinel can boost your xp ( scans from helios) pick up your loot (carrier)  and out dps them with guns and their frankly better made AI.


    2. THANK YOU FOR FIXING ARCHWING. the grineer auto targeting crap was just out of hand. on that note tho, what about mixing up the RNG needed to get any variety in the equipment youd like to just use different things? another porblem with archwing is how its introduced, literaly being thrown at a balor formorans guns without being told the controlls or anything like the new player experience.  i also belive it be fair to start with some broken mods to also releive some power gaps at the first part when you get archwing initialy. the difficulty curve from normal missions to arch wing is multiplied 10 fold when all these factors come together.


    3. >_> i really try to stay nice and civil with feedback. but what the F*** was with how you guys released this boss? i think the least favorate boss BEFORE alad v got all infested was vey heck because of the RNG crap needed JUST TO FIGHT HIM and you multiplied the factor and put mesa behind it. WHAT THE FARK!? what motivated you guys to do this? will you ever change it!? why relase a boss and make it so hard to even confront him? BLAAAAAARG

  10. I still havent seen any dev adress the pretty obvious issues with the grind for mesa,(correct me if im wrong with a link to a dev post.) and the issues related to it... is anyone even going to take 30 seconds to stop and say "we understand your fustrated but this is our (blah) opinion on the matter" admiting their is a problem or saying that the problem isnt an issue is a great way to funnel feedback. when you dont respond at all it just seems like complaints are falling on deaf ears. you guys have practicaly responded to almost everything BUT this the alad v nav cordinates... we gonna start calling this mesa-gate?

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