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Posts posted by Wind_Blade

  1. No it's his first deluxe skin.


    We have two differents collections in warframe now.

    The Deluxe Collection


    The Proto collection


    Nyx has already his proto skin but still don't have his deluxe skin
    Volt has an proto skin but don't have an deluxe skin
    (before some month proto was considering deluxe but DEV cleary say their is two differnts collections recently)

  2. Actually DE make update to allow every missions of main quest where their is no choice more than 1 player, i test a long time before with me friend every mission with cinematcis was solo only and i test yesterday and i was able to do the beginning of the war within and 3/4 of second dream with my friend. For those who wonder you see yourself in the cinematics even if you're not the one who have the quest

  3. il y a 1 minute, DrBorris a dit :

    I mean, the barrier for entry is basically "are you no longer a new player". If you want to start hunting, all you need is to finish TWW and have a single target DPS weapon spec'd for Radiation damage. Of course you won't be one shotting limbs, doing a full Tridolon, or anything like that, but you are doing the content. You don't have to be optimal in order to complete a hunt, the more you progress in the game and the better you get mechanically will reward you with an increased value for your time.

    Well, raids are designed that as long you know what to do and cooperation you can do it so yea newbie can do it with some friends.
    But eidolons ask a bigger level and more mods and weapons.. I'm not against, after all their are not designed for newbie to do it. Some gamemode in the game need to be not for newbie i'm not against that, so yea more you progress in the game himself more you can do eidolons hunt faster?.

    Both are not create in the same level deisgn way

  4. il y a 1 minute, DrBorris a dit :

    I mean, [DE]Steve did explicitly tell us this in Devstream 100 (one of the most overlooked things in that entire stream IMO).


    Not perfect quotes, but he said "We want Raids in Warframe to be something everyone can do, but veterans can do better." Now, Eidolons are not "Raids" per se, but they are most certainly a 'Raid' boss. And I think this is a great approach for DE to take with this.


    And this brings me to the Eidolons and the night cycle. I know it is hated by a fair portion of the community, but the time limit of the night cycle is what makes Eidolon hunts an end-game activity. The night cycle effectively makes your time three times more valuable in Eidolon hunts, meaning that the "skill" curve for being able to quickly take them out is three times as valuable. This is, IMO, a good thing. Without this value multiplier Eidolons would be too easy to get value out of to actually reward 'veteran' players. I can say personally that without a clock on Eidolon hunts the "ting" audio cue of a kill would have much less of an emotional payoff.

    Well honestly i love eidolons to but their are more meta than raids.
    And raids can be for newbie to if some people teach newbie how to do them .. but for eidolons without the good stuff you can't really do a triodolon

  5. il y a 4 minutes, ----Legacy---- a dit :

    I wouldn't label content where first the host is allowed to delay mission start until everyone meets their self imposed rules, then players have to stand in a button watching the bomb carrier do their thing; then have to either disconnect to make the puzzle easier for players staying in and then reconnect once the stage progresses because the puzzle is complete or have to stand on buttons again while not being allowed to kill anything nor move because everyone else dies; only to then do the bomb thing again but this time in a small arena with vay kek "difficulting" things only to be killed in a few seconds once his invincibility is removed as "the best endgame content we get". And that's without even talking about that buggy mess called JV. Raids were badly designed, were unintuitive, bred toxicity and elitism, and also encouraged the abuse of bugs and glitches to be as efficient as possible in them. The only reason why players miss them is for being the only 8 player coop mission but that's far from turning them into engaging content, let alone "the best endgame" in warframe.

    If you had fun that way, good for you, but don't try to paint them as something they clearly were not.

    Wow. Toxic and elitism.. can we pause one second and watch for eidolon that ask for 200-300 caps.. yea no that only for people that want 5x3, so no max run asked was like 20-30 run only for most elite one and even. Most of people that play raids was friendly .. (that not because you meet some bad guys that represents the whole communty)

    The fact it's was daily without ask to farm it allow player to meet their friend daily for 3 runs of raid (3 raids or 2 if you don't do the nightmare are enough) without speaking that no one want to teach new players about eidolon. The raids ? their is a whole community created for teach the new players into the raids. So yea .the community is not toxic it's even frendly, don't confound people that want to speedrun with normal runs.

    So yea endgame mean it's can be even when you finihs the game, the raid was the only gamemode where their community still play them after years. (the reason are sayed) early

    And the bug, yea that a big cliché of the raids, they was bug .. but the true bug that break the gamemode was rare. We got some of theses bug but it's often get patched quick, i do raid daily for mounth and i get gamemode bug breaking only one time for 2 month of playing

    So yea this cliché is totaly false


    The game design of jordas was really cool, why ? because it's was the first gamemode of the game to using the arcwhing correctly. Arcwhing is good but don't get any cool gamemode where it's correctly used, that why nobody play arcwhing. Jordas Verdict use perfectly the parkour system of warframe, you know the parkour system that make warframe really unique in his genre. And it's was the only gamemode that ask true cooperation between players. yes some people don't like the fact that you need to play coop in a COOP GAME.. it's pretty stupid. And yea some gamemdoe can't be solo, that because it's was never intented to be playing solo, it's a GOD DAMMIT COOP game, that why some of the gamemode in Warframe are not intented to be played solo.

    Raids also introduce the 8 player gammode, it's also the essense of the raids, because it's help for people to coperate between them and allow for newbie to play with veterans because their is enough space for them to come. Without speaking of the fact it's allow players to bring what they want. Meta in raids don't exist.. when you don't know really them yes cc is better, but after you litteraly can do raids with 8 zephyr and only mk1 weapons as long p:layer are cooperative. Which is good in a coop game where some people don't like forced meta.

    The only bad point about raids is the introduction of them, most of player only know the existence because some friend told them about or a youtuber make a video about it. They was hidden in the market without any introduction. + the fact that game don't teach you how to do them but that nothing to do with the gamemode himself more how the game introduce them.

    That was raids is truly are i don't paint them don't stop a gamemode only because you don't unserstand that some people want to do speedrun, play with your friend if you don't find casual squad in region chat but don't blame the gamemode.

    So yea all your argument are cliché and false things about raids

  6. I farm khora and that was a S#&$ty hell to get.. farm like 2 week each day and now twitch drop give it ? i'm salty ? no because it's already been a long time ago i get it and you keep it for a long time ago (and twich drop are so broken anyway that it's faster to faster to farm it)

  7. I love how people say it's the worst grind ever but it's really not.. every weapons of any syndicats ask more time to be get, and a lot of frame are harder to get to..£
    AND WE STILL DON'T HAVE TALK ABOUT LOGIN REWARDS (but don't talk about login rewards, after all.. they are login rewards)

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