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Posts posted by Wind_Blade

  1. Yea their are great, not the best but still better than eso. you never are so cared about dying and watch closely every time what happend but their is something that break everything.... host migration ... yea their is too much of them.. because when players dies, they just leave directly because they just waste time to keep.. if it's just a normal players it' s good but when it's the host it's just annoying


    Yea i can play with friend to avoid theses issues but they are not every time around to play with me..


    Host migrration brok too much things. on excavation it's reset actuals excavators and i don't speak about abilities and others

  2. Only eidolons... that a pretty good start xD it's a new mechanics (yea ... it's been years but years is nothing to DE) and we surely get new mechanics for spiders in venus which is cool so not worry (i still wait the aw contents... maybe in railjack)

  3. Il y a 4 heures, Meri_ a dit :

    Nearly no one played raids, they were bugged as hell -- we had to restart one of three raids due to a wide diversity of bugs. Especially Jordas Verdict.  It's a huge development time cost compared to the negligible fraction of players who will actually enjoy it.

    If they happen to fix the bugs without having to actively work on them (which will not happen), then they should not bother. There hasn't been any content put out on Warframe for some time now, so taking ressources to bring back a gamemode nearly no one ill enjoy isn't a wise decision in any existing way. The vast majority of people would rather have Fortuna and Railjack than bringing a gamemode that was for the most part already dead before it was unplugged.

    nearly no one ? it's was an 10~ digit of percent.... that maybe seem low but in term of millions players that definity a lot.. and that not because you don't player them that the others don't play them and stop about bug. i have done thousands of raids and they was rarly majors buggs and even for the others.. this argument is an argument from people that have do really a low number of time the raids

    So all your argument is irrelevent now.. and that was the only gamemode that achieve to be a end game mod so it's not a waste to keep veterans in game every day

    Il y a 20 heures, (PS4)KiillahX a dit :

    The whole point of the raid is allow more than 4 players. With 4 players it will be just like regular mission except longer with more objectives. 

    No being at 8 players make the choice of ladout more large because we have enough players that already do the roles .. so a lot of complains about eidolons are already gone with this gamemode


    and now .. the fact that was a unique tileset with uniques missions (the way to killing nerf) was really good because it's was nothing like others gamemode.. put them in a open world map and random mission will be just another sortie... the true reason behind the remove of raids was not the gamemode himself but the fact that the core of the gamemode in term of codding need to be recodded (because they was a lot of bugs yea .. but only minors bugs that you don't even care about in fact)

  4. consoles .. where .. consoles are not a thing anymore, NES was a console, ps4 is not, now it's only low cost glorified computer.. sorry but their are totaly low coast glorify computer, just look at their hardware.. for the same price you can get a better hardware with a pc...


  5. Il y a 23 heures, (PS4)KiillahX a dit :

    Sometimes carrying was fun, as long as you have time and not trying to speed run. I have carried countless noobs thru their 1st run. A 4 man raid will be no different from regular mission though. The whole point of the raid was to allow more than 4 players.  

    well.. i don't think it's will be like regular mission, the style of raids is very unique compare to normal mission (a style that i really like by the way)

  6. il y a 3 minutes, Chronometria a dit :

    There is only so much we can be shown content in devstreams before people get frustrated with waiting. Fortuna looks good and we have all been hyped for it since before Tennocon and then even more after Tennocon....and every few weeks we see Rebecca on a cool hover skateboard thing.

    We want to be on the hover skateboard thing and the longer we have to wait for that, the more we start feeling the negative effects of the hype.....and the emptiness of current gameplay.

    Add that to a coupled of self inflicted issues (Baro 100th) and its a recipe for a lot of upset. Lets hope the next patch can help us to the finish line.

    and how... it's an "mainline" update without any contents... just a lot of fixes and tweaks... i still don't understand why it's mainline

  7. Le 03/10/2018 à 23:56, SpicyDinosaur a dit :

    I do like Equinox's primary appearances, even if I am confused and disappointed at DE for stating Equinox is a "Female" frame, as opposed to gender fluid or what have you. (There will always be detractors, keeping with the right thing to do should override the "half our playerbase would lose their mind over this!" thoughts.)


    I would like to see the concept of equinox, which is effectively Yin and Yang, the way that some suggested the "alignment questions" during quests are based on a Yin/Yang axis rather than good/evil, be explored more on a visual level by creators.


    Technically, a creator *could* design a tennogen skin in the vein you are talking about, but they still have to keep the base model unchanged to some degree, I believe. 


    Oh and you could make different colors for both the frame halves. I would love being able to design them separately, but would want to design the combined Equinox separately, as well. As the combined colors might not work well for whatever reason. There should be buttons to copy one of the other two "Frames" with the menu for design and color for any other two frames, also, so you can just go with one design if you want to.

    in the concept of the warframe each form get a different gender (the day was the male) but they changed that just before the release of the warframe (but they don't really change the model soo...)

  8. I already did it couple of time, their is two majors methods


    The corosive projection one :

    -Everyone take a cp (so 4 cp)

    -Take slash statue weapons like tigris and put viral in it two

    -Take banshee sonar

    -Take trinity

    - Take nova slow


    (basicly it's cut by 2 the health of the corpus (who have alredy nothing in it) and they don't have any armor left and the slash ignore the shield so it's one shot even lvl 250 with banshee)

    The other one is the same but for shield distributor but it's less effective

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