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Posts posted by Wind_Blade

  1. I see you miss some red text from the list and by searching on the web i find some of them:

    23.0.6 :











    23.4 :








    23.4.2 :





    I don't get more time to find the rest when i will get time i will post more

  2. Ok so now i take only the redtext image (i cute the rest)

    So see the


    Hotfix  24.0.3 :



    Hotfix 24.0.5 :



    I take the screenshot myself .. so i miss the 24.0.4 and the only one i can find are on reddit but miss the 3 minute (it's partials)


    (Hotfix: 24.0.4 is coming is 3 minutes! You thought you could go a Monday after launch weekend and not hear from me? No way, I'm not my ex. I won't do that to you.)

    Src: I'm a beautiful butterfly.

  3. We all know inside us that fondators pack will never comeback (yea go drink some salt and comeback after you accept it)

    But what do you think about DE remove the fact fondators get more master points because i know that a lot of players because of the miss of theses mastery points.. it's not even go against the law because they don't release excalibur prime/lato prime/skana prime against.. so it's fine

    Personaly i don't care but i want to hear your opinion did you think it's will calm down some players ?

    (fondators mastery points can be removed or gained for nomals players by some ways basicly)

  4. Hum, i don't see where take inspiration from an god or something to create your own characters for your game/story ... i mean it's not like they said it's the true one.. their are lot more movie that take characters from religions to explains the story.. but that not because they become A****** in theses story that you need to be offended it's inspired character and their personality don't forcely match with the creator intention but with what the story want to say..

  5. Conversation is fun, i really appricate them.. but we really lack of differents animals .. We only have 4 differents.. Yea each one have 3 differents race but it's basicly the same.

    We need more animals (why their is no animals in the tier 3 reputation of solaris)


    And it's will very cool if they gameplay was differents.. Why not put a predator that can only be called with sensor of smelt of an killed prey, exemple you kill a pobbers and it's attrack an special predator that can't be finded in other way (he can be agressive toward the player or not) (yea that not really conservation friendly but you get the point, we need different way to capture somes animals than the classic way (the fact the pobers is an 3 packs is cool because it's change how you hunt to catch them all (you need to call your friend if you don't use cc ability))


    Another problems (that is small) is the fact we never see theses animals anywhere except in tracks.. i mean why .. it's the ecosystem.. why we don't see rarly some of theses animals in the wild nature when you do bonty and others.


    And the biggest problems is the lack of rewards.. standing are good but it's not enough to do them. Flur are realy cute but after get them all you don't do them anymore.

    A gamemode can be very fun but if their is no good rewards nobody will play it (arcwhing missions for exemple)

  6. Il y a 8 heures, trankhanhduyh a dit :

    i been drilling for 2 days and i got 99 travoride, 91 axidite, 37 noctrul, 33 goblite, 179 venerol, 25 amarast, 60 hesperon, 10 zodian, 5 thyst but only 8 fcking phasmin

    Why you put that in conservation categorie ?

  7. Some warframe need to ask high reputations to be get.. i mean you can get teroid after 20-50 minutes of farmings.. all rest is the reputation locked that ask like 4-5 days for high mr .. yea it's not for newbie and if everything was for low reputations you will finish fortuna to quickly

  8. Il y a 15 heures, DJVoxel a dit :

    I was unable to find redtext for 24.0.2.

    Please post it here if you have it!

    I don't have screenshot and it's imcomplete but for now i have :

    - Hotfix: 24.0.2 is coming in 3 minutes! We have over 3 pages of Hotfix notes and Changes, which for some of you is great news, and for others more reading to neglect. We all read your book report, Michael. It's clear you didn't read the book. See me after class.

  9. Lol my arguments is not invalid i litteraly say it's was not my arguments but lol


    And the economy of warframe is really special it's not because it's work in another game it's will work here ... And no DE donesn't change plat prices .. so yea it's will be player.. What happend if actual 100 connected in website players sell ammo drum for 50-150 pl (yea it's just for the exemple) .. It's will stay arround the price because people will get offline and need to get the website on.

    now if they are an auction house.. people will not need to open the website so they will more people that sell ammo drum.. and his price will go down because people will put the lower price to sell it faster and because their are more player that sell it it's will go down.. Without speaking that everyone that don't brother to sell little thing that newbie can sell to gain like 20 pl because it's anoying to use the website just for that will do it because it's will be more easy so the supplie wil increase and the price will drop again and newbie will have no chance against the veterans that have already everything and sell the same thing but in 10 exemplery and will have not their warframe/weapons slots.


    Now imagine you can put your order offline ... NIGHTMARE


    It's simple economy

  10. il y a 4 minutes, Fenrir121 a dit :

    Not even remotely true. Purchase prices for plat don't change on either end.

    Whut .. did you know something called supplies and demans.. if auction house is comming the supplies will go higher than the demans and naturaly every prices will fall down, newbie will have no way to gain platinum and rich players will make even more platinum because they will monopolise the entre are items auction

    It's not a speculation we already come into this conclusion like 10k of time in each auction house topic.
    It's not for nothing that DE still don't have implements an Auction house in  5 years, it's because they know it's will destroy the economy (and no it's not my arguments or way of thinking it's literraly what EVERY conclusion of theses auctions house topics.. just search "Auction House" in the research topics and you can find youserlf)

  11. If you go out of the game only because some tweak of rivens you don't really love the game..

    Even if the rivens are removed i will still playing the game.. i mean yea it's less platinum and lost of some stats  (and hours) on my rivens but not even actual gameplay .. and are only here for maximum your weapons that you don't really need to maximum in our nodaw contents..

    So yea leave the game only for that mean you don't want to play the game

  12. Nop the insane jump are neither fake or true .. we don't know nothing about it stop saying your theory like a fact

    ARGrata has been discution (myself including) and nobody came to the same conclusion


    And we are not sure it's semi-rigged to.. we know that our hack are accounted but we don't know if the hack go up alone to.

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