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Posts posted by Aeon94

  1. 5 minutes ago, Proxykon said:

    Now how is that supposed to work? I am seriously interested.

    So far, the only Void 1.0 keys you could get more than one reward from was Interception, Defense, Sabotage and Survival. I agree, DE needs to do something about the Void 2.0 endless missions, but how is using four relics for one part you need different from doing a keyshare in Void 1.0? You would effectively use four keys in the end, of which three aren't even yours. You would only loose one key. Same with the relics.

    You're mistaken. The random void traces reward given out at the opening of a relic lies between 6 and 50 void traces per relic. I have had many runs with more than 20 void traces.

    Earning more void traces should be integrated into endless missions somehow. Endurance should be rewarded.

    Are you kidding me? Nekros didn't even release 24h ago and I needed to farm all relics for myself, but I already have 3/4 parts. If anything, the system is much quicker. How long would you need for a vauban prime chassis in T4 Def Rotation C?

    Warframe has NEVER been pay-to-win and will NEVER be pay-to-win. This game is PvE. I find it very funny that people mistake spending money in a game for paying for better ingame statistics. You are not winning in Warframe if you are paying real money for it. You are just circumventing longer waiting times. And some people just want to support DE and the development of Warframe, so who can blame them.

    And the last clause is just straight up dev bashing.

    pretty much everything u said + 1

  2. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)adrian80 said:

    Warframe is grind. If that's not your cup of tea, then this game might not be for you.

    Like someone else said, at least the scenery changes while you're doing it with the new system.

    yes this is it exactly , wonder why they complain. parts have higher drop chance in new system and u can choose 1 from 4 damn rewards ( i love this part ) only thing is relic farm but u know there are many places for farm them

    new system can be adjusted but complaining or raging about it or bashing DE wont make anything easier

    and for grind complainers , pls guys not everyone gets everything in day one -.-

  3. 12 hours ago, clemza said:

    I am already tired of farming Nekros Prime and his weapons and i don't even have "One Part" of anything yet ...

    And by the way i had no fun at all while farming for the relics ... It will be even worst when i will have to use them later X_x


    dude Nekros Prime and other stuff came yesterday , why do u even rush ? wait for a bit , u dont need to get everything in day one unless it drops easily or u r willing to pay for it  -.-

  4. Do Agility Drift and Aviator work on Titania?

    Did anyone test it ?

    Edit : Tested it and i think they work , did sortie and never got shot by bullets

    Edit 2 : I guess Aviator's and Agility Drift's damage reduction work too , didn't die by a lvl 80-ish bombard missile (no shield or health mods)

    Edit 3 : There was no accuracy debuff on enemies (Dust Debuff)

    Need more testing :D 


  5. Not sure if its belong here but I bought pack for 240p and now its 190p , we have been told that one of parts had wrong price and we will get refund for it but I got nothing. Can u help me DE?


  6. Just now, Vesiga said:

    magnetic isn't that great of a stat though v:  how about electricity based so then it can at least scale to a high corrosive or radiation viral. 

    I don't care which element as long as its an elemental hammer ;D

    must admit electric could be awesome tho

  7. Making synoid heliocor a magnetic based melee like rest of synoid family weapons will make it different than regular heliocor ( too bad it's physical )

     also we lack of elemental hammers  Q3Q

    What are your thought guys ?

  8. 20160728204225_1.jpg

    As u can see in pic above Dark-Split Sword shows Fang icon


    and there are duplicates ( include Dark-Split Sword dupe )

    also on 2nd pic there is rank 24 Dark Hybrid Sword - Single and doesnt get maxed ( God knows how did it get there , didn't see it on other ppl's profiles ) or disappear

    can u fix those DE ?

  9. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Frozenfunk79 said:


    u guys can hate all u want i really dont care but as nova gos she has never had a timer on her last ability ,,,, so hate on all u want i think its funny



  10. 1 minute ago, RunningFox said:

    wait, the new event is tomorrow? Any news on if the Volt and Mag rework is dropping at the same time? 

    Still, can't wait for the new event. If only I had Covert Lethality...

    no, reworks will be in u19 (or b4) but not in u18.10

  11. 13 minutes ago, Tesseract7777 said:


    Have you been gone a long time? You seem to be referring to Nova changes but the last major ones happened years ago... and what's more some people are saying you are mistaken and it was never how you think it was. I am not being insulting... I am guessing you took a long break, the face of the game changed and now you are trying to make sense of the huge amount of changes? 

    Because Nova has not been touched in a very long time. 

    Like all frames she will get a cool passive soon, and perhaps the fourth round of augments will hit before too long, but apart from she hasn't and probably won't be touched in a long time. 

    he joined in 22 march 2015 so there are no changes since that date. he can't see a change even he took a long break. I'm sure he is just trolling , his last thread got locked cuz of this

  12. 1 hour ago, (XB1)Frozenfunk79 said:

    WHY WHY WHY . did novas las abilty get put on a timer ....... thoughts are welcome


    dude stop it, one of your threads got locked cuz of this nonsense , there is nothing changed with nova in last 2 years !

    Mods can u lock this thread ?

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