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Posts posted by Castron

  1. I think this only becomes a problem when you get to the "end" of the game and your frames are max as well as your weapons.

    I dont play the game a lot so i am not that deep in that i need to worry about this, and by the time i get a second frame to max i think if i put away one dollar a week i would have enough to pay the 5 bucks needed for the cheapest plat package which will give me enough to expand this stuff.

    The first thing you folks NEED to remember and have on the top of your heads when discussing stuff like this is to remember that these folks have to make money. The argument of "you should give people more cause it would probably make them spend more cash," doesnt even stand on it's own because in that argument a player got to the point where the limitations became a factor by not paying for anything, so why would they suddently end up paying for something if stuff becomes less limited?

    There are a ton of free to play games with similar buisness models then this. Generally the ones with the least limitations are the ones who become the most popular and will bring in the most money. League of Legends being propably the ultimate example. The developers need to make money true but making a good and popular game with a huge playerbase is a FAR better way of doing that then making a awesome limited game with a small player base

  2. Why limit inventory slots at all? If anything having to buy additional slots makes me less likely to buy additional warframes/weapons as i either have to invest a further amount of money (real or ingame) or kick out one of my old space ninjas or murder tools. That's why i don't spend 'that much' on Blacklight, as i have to also invest into quick-select slots if i realy want to take advantage of my newly bought toys and that's why i heavily invested in War Thunder, as i never have to buy any slots to keep expanding my hangar, and can actually fit all available (non-premium) warmachines in my hangar without ever paying a dime.

    Exactly this.

    Digital Extremes should change this quickly because it might even cost them money in the long run.

  3. Weapon and warframe slots should be available for purchase with credits.

    The ''F2P players get a lot already'' arguments only comes from people with a badge underneath their forum name if anything that would make your opinion on this subject biased. Limiting free players to only 2 warframes will if anything only hurt Digital Exremes' income because Warframe is designed as a free 2 play game so it's majority will be free to play players. The highest income source will be from people who buy some platinum now and then when they are really into the game. Limiting the progression will cause a ''screw this I'm going to play LoL'' reaction. Which, lets face it. has a FAR superior f2p buisness model at the moment. It is possible to unlock and play every champion in that game without paying a cent given you put enouge time into it.

    In my opinion the platinum costing items should be limited to low and mid tier weaponry (skipping the progression curve), Experience and credit boosters (same as before), Revives (same as before) and cosmetic items such as the excalibur prime warframe. Blocking off a part of your free to play game to free to play players is insanely stupid and will cause more harm then good.

  4. The best melee class is by far the Rhino as it features as gap closer like the excalibur and also has damage reduction and 2 AoE skills making him excel in melee range. Also it /Should/ feature more health and shield boosters in the mod tree sinse it is a durable frame which will help a lot as well when fighting. Cant confirm the last one though

  5. Etc?

    We ain't dancing on Mars, kiddo, our shields collapse if there's a little sleet in the hallway and our soles burn up the second someone spilled their coffee. Earth would probably the only planet we could go down. On. To. You know what I mean. But what about space stations instead of spaceships? Dyson spheres, hubs, shipyards, observation posts, fleet hangars, etc.

    Perhaps ground levels are possible within artificial atmospheres. We are in the future remember.

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  6. The iteam Neurodes it says it's an organ harvested from infested. Yet when i farm infested mission's i get neural sencor witch says it locks like grenier decine why is that ?

    Item drops are not based on which enemy you kill but on which planet you are. Check the solar system map and hold your mouse over each planet to see which items will drop there.

  7. I would want to help out but my german grammar is just not good enouge.. I have a friend who is native Italian though. I'll see what I can do

    Edit: If you ever consider dutch I'll be available

  8. I have like 16 Enemy radars that I can select before a mission.

    I've also seen one where you loot more rifle ammo.

    How do I obtain more of these?

    By my knowledge the best way to optain these are to look for alerts and click on them on the left part of the screen when viewing the solar system. Some of them will say ''mystery reward'' in the rewards tab. These are usually artifacts

  9. I got my beta key today because I happened to check my E-mail.

    TB's video just happened to pique my interest, otherwise I would

    probably just ignored this great game.

    Well that means you are propably one of the first of the TB wave.


  10. He did point something really important in the youtube comments... The tutorial never mentions that you can bring out your gun mid air, or that you can do a air flip by jumping while sliding on the ground.

    So what? It also doesn't tell you how exactly you need to kill each boss. Sometimes you just have to find things out yourself

  11. I've learned one thing in life: if you are humble, you're not getting anywhere.

    It reminds me of a visit to the emergency room with a broken wrist.

    They asked me:

    On a scale from 1-10 how much does it hurt?

    Do you need pain killers?

    I told them it didn't hurt much and I wouldn't need pain killers.

    I waited 8 hours that day to get treated, only to see people with lessor injuries than me get treated faster....

    Just solved it.

    You got a point there but lets not go philosophical here :P

  12. A help section would be welcomed, so far most of the "novice" questions come in the introduction section though, already helped out quite a few people.

    Ah. you.. ಠ_ಠ

    The amount of times i see you on these forums make me doubt you are not a bot.

    Just kidding :P Nice to see somone helping out so many people

  13. Can we make 2 forums for these things? A general chat forum is generally where people can talk about anything game related which is now being put in the off-topic forum because the rest is all bug report and feedback forums.

    Also a forum where new players can put their questions about the game and not have them scattered all around the forums would be great. Just to keep the forums more organised

  14. The devs have noted this and are looking into it they said.

    If you bring your feedback in a proper mature way without raging and a good backing I recon they will usualy listen to what you have to say.

    Try to enjoy the game,. It's still in closed beta so nothing is set in stone and everything is subject to change

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