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Posts posted by ZarTham

  1. 16 hours ago, SquireAngel said:

    ou seem to have little to no experience on the lower end of Eidolon hunts.

    You know what? You're right, I really don't have much experience on tridolon hunt, as I have only recently started hunting them, wanna know what I am doing on the meantime? Getting my other warframes ready for it, getting my builds ready, I can't do 3x3 or 5x3 like many parties do, 1x3 or 2x3 suits me very well for starters as I am still learning, even had 1x3 runs that were so S#&$ty that when we noticed it was day time already and the eidolon had escaped, I have been rejected and schooled plenty of times, even for other non eidolon related stuff, I also had public runs where people were friendly enough to give me instructions while we were hunting, did I complained it was too difficult, or that I was being rejected? No, I started working on that goal. This topic is about eidolon hunt, but it also applies to other things on WF.


    16 hours ago, SquireAngel said:

    You raise the point of clans, but not every clan has a community that is large enough to have multiple groups at various stages of experience to run the hunt religiously. 

    But that's what clans are for!!! People keep complaining about DE not making clans appealing nor interesting, when that's the job of the players, our job, not DE's, if you join a clan because memes are fun, then it's on you when no one from that clan is available to help you and you should find another one. Actually you don't even need a clan, just find some folks from your time zone and start organizing hunts with them.


    16 hours ago, SquireAngel said:

    As for the difficulty, there is literally nothing that changes difficulty wise in the fights if they become more available, and it sounds incredibly ignorant to raise this as a point in general.

    What I meant with difficulty was that people can't expect to get from 8 to 80 in an instant, if you fail your hunt today or even if you can't find a party, try again later or even tomorrow, or better yet, instead of spamming recruit chat with LF Tridolon until the timer runs out, start working on building a squad for consistent hunts, hence why I said it requires patience from them.

    Understand that, this is my mindset, I come from games where you'd have to wait 1 hour for the boss to spawn, no trackers, not a single beam of light pointing towards the boss location, and it was pvp, that meant that, sometimes our party would be unlucky that another party had found the boss already and we could either PK them to try to get the boss for ourselves or wait 1 hour again to hunt it, rinse and repeat. It was hard and that's what made it fun, it was hard and we had to rely on each other, we had to organize ourselves.

    I see where you're trying to get, and I get your point, you say that this time gate is an issue, but I simply don't agree with you. I reinforce that new players should get in a clan that can help them, find people that can help them, instead of just being around Recruit Chat spamming LF Tridolon until the timer runs out. But my mindset might not apply to WF and maybe DE should just start handling players the eidolons on a silver plate. Even with a very S#&$ty public squad people can do 1x3, now if players expect to do 4x3 or even 5x3, then they should know what's to be expected from them.

  2. As much as I love my rivens, I honestly think DE should just remove it, any boss becomes trivial, any node becomes trivial, I mean, we can solo bosses..... Pop, pop dead...That's how easy WF is, but if they remove it, they'll have a serious monetization problem ^^ on the other hand, we could have some pretty rough bosses that wouldn't rely on phases. Now the problem may not be only rivens, but certain skills also. But removing rivens would be a good start.

    I really don't like nerfs, but....

  3. I really don't understand this mind set.

    If DE makes Eidolons spawnable, they will become trivial (as if they weren't already), drop rates cut in half, and then you'll see players complaining about the reduced drop rates.

    As for the Elitists mindset, you have that many issues with Recruit Chat? Then why are you even in a clan? For the memes?

    It's not hard for new players, it just requires patience from them, you do realise that new players have plenty of stuff to do before an eidolon fight, if they go un-prepared to an eidolon fight they should get schooled, sorry but that's how it is, and the fight isn't that hard, sure they won't be doing 5x3, 1x3 is doable in the time one has and it's a nice achievement for starters.

    There will always be elitists and meta players in every game... There are clans to avoid that.

    • Like 3
  4. KRGtiQR.jpg

    Would something like this be better? Keep the hover to see other purchase offerings (catalyst, weapon slot text and icon) and hover to see crafting requirements. This is with the interface scaling set to full. I'll do a mock-up on a smaller screen, minimum I can go is with a 1366x768 screen, gonna check with lower resolutions. 

    Edit: I know this can get cramped when dealing with a weapon with both Primary and Secondary stats, and with even more stats, your department can do a much better job than I did, but this would be much better, if I'm looking for a weapon, the first thing I check is stats.

    Edit2: When viewing related, it could replace the stats view with the related weapons view.

    Edit3: The old UI we had was much better than what we currently have


  5. IQGzQ5G.png


    I really dunno how or why you'd think Disruption would be sustainable content. Hell, Empyrean will, supposedly, be sustainable content, and even I am a bit sceptic about it, but I wasn't surprised with Disruption.

    1. The rewards still suck.

    Have played it only in Kuva Fortress, and I was disappointed with the Kuva rewards. Can't comment on the other nodes.

    2. There's no reason to keep playing once you acquire what you want.

    I mean, aside from greedy people who want more and more, that's usually how it works, you get what you need and you're out, or you can find some other reason to farm disruption, maybe endurance runs? That is a challenge, defende all 4 conduits, there's probably a way to cheese this, but still....

    As for the rest of your points, DE should just concentrate on making Empyrean actually replayable and good, and maybe even more modes like Elite Star Chart, customizable difficulty level, instead of pumping out new cosmetics, cosmetics aren't content, game modes are.

    Edit: Regarding the last points, shouldn't they work on the armor scaling issue? Rather than giving out rare mods to buff damage, and by rare you mean 1.5% / 3% drop rates? People will complain about that and they did with ephemeras.

  6. Not gonna read all replies, but if you think WF went p2w, then you probably don't know what a p2w game looks like xD

    In the last 2 weeks, maybe more, I have been receiving so many booster from the login reward, credits, resources, affinity, sure you can go the easy way and just buy plat to buy boosters and farm or just buy the item right away, also, you can trade stuff for plat, something that you will not find in most games, where that special currency is bound to the player.

    • Like 1
  7. And you should expect people to act dumb, specially on forums where we are behind a monitor, it's easy for us to talk sh*t xD

    On the subject of making the game more interactive, with us being able to navigate throughout the system, this sounds cool, but the required resources for this...... DE's latest additions to the game make me think they do not have the required power to support this. Pumping out warframes/weapons because players will buy them with plat, not touching rivens because it's a whole market on its own and brings DE money, having to cut back on certain things to be able to implement others (getting rid of raids, limit friends list).... It would be cool, but I don't think they could do it in the next 2~3 years. I really dunno, just my thoughts.

  8. Desperate for someone to bark at? So you want to give your opinion, which you did, but won't take other's opinions? It Doesn't work like that.

    I agree with your position on the forma subject, It can be a real pain in the ass, as I have to constantly take screenshots before I forma something, when it could just de-activate the mods that were gonna be removed.

    As for Saryn changes, I've always wondered how controler players could play a fps game, how would they aim, until I've found out they had auto-aim/aim assist, maybe DE could improve aim assist for controller users for specific abilities? Because making Saryn throw spores at the closest enemy without having to aim is just being lazy....

    As for the camera, sure, why not.

    • Like 2
  9. Seriously.... can't you just slap that thing on the main screen? Tab to see secondary stats? really? As if having to hover a button to see stats wasn't already annoying now I'm faced with this... Why do we have to deal with this annoyances...... Because of the Switch tiny screen? Can't you make a layout specific for the Switch? is this even because of the Switch? I'm a bit puzzled as I don't recall why DE were gonna implement these changes, I remember watching that devstream but I do not recall the reason for this change, does anyone knows?

    I know there have been many posts about this, this isn't my first complain about these absurd changes as I had posted other About related complains and it sure won't be the last.


    • Like 2
  10. Isn't that what Wisp does? Haven't played much with her besides getting her to r30, but that's the kind of gameplay she has from what I've seen. Do we really need another frame with the exact same gameplay? Even worse, Scarcrow will have to worry about taking care of the crops, while Wisp doesn't have that issue... She boosts and heals HP, boosts speed and CC's enemies....

  11. Just now, Xepthrichros said:

    Well technically if you don't like TC's suggested augment, you don't have to use it. No slot sacrificed. Just like how most people don't use the current Cloud Walker augment anyway.

    Enveloping Cloud has more use now than what OP's suggesting, being able to make squad invisible is very useful, I would accept the suggestion of improving the current augment than making something that will benefit only Wukong, and the benefit he's proposing isn't useful at all.

  12. And sacrifice a mod slot for that? That's useless, on small corridors you don't want to be out of control when in cloud walker, and that would make you smash against walls, and on PoE/Vallis you have archwings and even the Operator to dash if you want speed.

    Also, you want to keep on holding 1 and what would you use for directional movement? Mouse only? What if you need to suddenly turn back, you have to make a (at least) 180 degree turn with your mouse... If with keyboard (in the case of PC players) you're gonna hold 1 and with the same hand use WASD?

    Why does Wukong now has to copy cat Gauss, they're not the same, Wukong needs good maneuvering capabilities, you want to be able to move around quickly with high control over your movement so you can go from one spot to another without losing time smashing against walls ,falling into pits or even getting stuck in corners.

  13. So, what does Gauss contributes to SO/ESO/Profit-Taker/Eidolon/Tridolon when compared to volt?

    Volt still has its benefits, stop whining.

    Also, why is this on feedback?

    • Like 1
  14. 8 minutes ago, (PS4)Double991 said:

    Based on all the feedback I'm seeing on the low kuva drops in disruption I'm hoping that gets a boost

    It's gonna get the same boost as survival did (200 placeholder)

  15. I'm gonna post-pone Gauss for a month or two, did a couple of disruption modes on the Kuva fortness to see the kuva drop values and compare it to survival.

    Better wait for Empyrean to arrive, and see how it goes.

    Way too much hype around Gauss and the fat guy imo.

  16. 1 minute ago, Umquaptovis said:

    Rather than a kick system they should allow for a way to report leachers. And it the reports are reliable and consistent enough then the offender gets placed in solo que for like a week, or you can only squad up with other players marked as leachers. 

    Kinda like what happened in old monster Hunter but not as sevier. Do anything but leaching in monster Hunter kids, or they will hate you.

    You can report them, but you have to take a screenshot or record it and send it through support.

  17. 1 minute ago, Sajochi said:

    I'm not crying. I'm letting you know that I'll abuse it. Cause I have in other games and will do so when if a kick system is added to Warframe. It's the dumbest thing to ever have been added in any game simply because players, like me, can't be trusted with it.

    Well in that case, thank you for letting me and every other forum user know that you're a despicable player.

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