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Posts posted by ZarTham

  1. 36 minutes ago, Sajochi said:

    I'll add you to the list of "not gonna play in my squad" as well. 

    cry me a river, in my 20 years of online gamming I have never ever had any issues with games that had a vote kick system.

  2. 9 hours ago, Jygxz said:


    sry, wont happen, people fear it will be abused........ I'd love for DE to implement a vote kick system, but seems fear has overtaken the majority.

  3. On 2019-06-30 at 2:55 AM, nokinoks said:

    3.) Why are there still holes?

    Just plug the holes! Enemies falling in the middle of the map, players falling in the middle of the map, everyone is falling in the middle of the map!

    lol this currently my main issue with the Simulacrum, I want to test how my damage goes, not how fast I can throw enemies off a cliff........

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  4. With the amount of pads we use nowadays (Eidolon, Tridolon, Profit-Taker) can we get some x100? Even if we have to use more resources in proportion... and even if it would take a higher amount of time..... Say, 20 minutes? More?

    Yes, x10 takes a minute to craft, still, I rather play the game than having to stand at the foundry looking at it.

    Yes, crafting parts is also considered "playing the game" but jesus...

    Yes, there's a mobile app in which you can craft restore pads, unable simultaneously log-in on both the app and the game, also, RIP data plan when I'm not on wi-fi.


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  5. On 2019-08-08 at 6:41 AM, Monstercatinabox said:

    But, at the same time I think it's unfair to make people like me paranoid all the time because of an event that no longer has no significance to the games story as of right now.

    I was gonna reply with something within the lines of "why should they cater to you, go play something less scary" but then I saw what you written (quote bold text) and yeh, this joke has gotten old, it really has no significance, there's no point on it still showing up every once in a while. Take my upvote.

    And for those wondering, yes it still appears, although very very very rarely, but still does.

  6. I share some of the opinion as the OP, NW is making me try other stuff like Conservation, which I never bothered to do because I really didn't see it as something necessary and still don't, I'm not here for the floofs, and now I had to just go and try it, it was fun, but it's not something I will be running just cuz...

    Same goes for tridolon, I had only made 1 tridolon run months ago, and I didn't knew much about the required builds so I got carried pretty much, and now, got an Harrow build and ran it, was pretty lucky as I went pub and had a folk giving me instructions on what to do and when to do so we ended up doing 3x3, which for someone that only did 1 tri-run, it was pretty cool, next step, get the rest of the tridolon meta ready.

    Oh and I finally crafted my first kitgun ^^ something I have been postponing for a long time.

    Now, the issue with NW that I share with others is that I'm still doing the game modes that I have been doing for years, and I think this is currently the main issue with WF, it's the same game modes over and over again, for rewards that, considering how long I have been playing (and it isn't much, 1559 hours since 2016 on this acc), really aren't much appealing, but this is just me, I'm not here to have everything the game offers, I don't care about decorations, noggles, floofs, for me this isn't content, for me content is a game mode that is hard, that gets me pissed off and makes me want to improve myself and with some good rewards. For me NW was just added to keep us occupied until Empyrean arrives, and I hope it delivers, because Empyrean is what I call content, not floofs, not decorations, not weapons, not even warframes, but new game modes.

    Edit: from my POV when NW was implemented I saw it, and I think this is what DE had in mind, as an achievement mechanic, that I would be doing my regular missions and I would win some achievements while doing them, sort of like steam achievements, the problem is that I'm so thirsty for new game modes that I started to see NW as the main thing, so I started to see myself being forced to do stuff that I already had done, just to have some illusion of progression. Dunno if anyone else shares the same opinion as me but this is just my thing.

  7. Honestly, cryotic is one of those resources you dedicate a week to farm to never farm again, there aren't that many gears that require cryotic.

    After sibear I don't recall when I had farm cryotic... oh wait, I deleted it for the slot, guess imma have to get 30k cryotic again....

    Jokes aside (I actually deleted it), only sibear is that one gear the requires a lot of cryotic, leave it for later, I currently have 20k cryotic and I don't even run excavations anymore, except sorties/arbitrations, although I think mobs in orb valis should drop it.

  8. Have my support, auto-block is a pain the a**, and like many others said, a simple option toggle for quick melee is WELCOME.

    Can you DE? Please? Add an option to toggle quick melee on/off? 

  9. 51 pages and we still have to deal with the auto block annoyance.... I tend to use mostly Wukong and his exalted weapon and it's really annoying to have auto-block triggering every single time when meleeing, especially with a bunch of mobs, auto-block gets in the way blocking any user input, can't even jump most of the times and when I finally regain control over the character I'm pretty much with low hp, less 1 revive or dead. Quite honestly this has been one of my main gripes with melee lately and I'd love this to be reverted.

    • Like 5
  10. Current defy is good enough if you play well with him, previous Defy was just boring and dull the only concern one had was energy, and there are pizzas for that, currently the user has to be more aware which for me is a plus.

    Still, I think Wukong's immortality should have a way of recharging, his exalted weapon is really good now, and DE could put it to good use, reduce the immortality thing to 1 instead of 3 per mission but let us recharge it by using Wukong's exalted weapon, every x kills with his exalt gives us 1 immortality charge, non stackable, so once you have 1 charge you'll have to use it before you can recharge again. I'm trying not to make things too easy, hence the limitations.

    Nullers and Eximus energy drain make me think they should be stackable but this might turn the run into something trivial, on the other hand it would be good for long endurance runs, stacking like nidus.

    I'm disregarding the passive's buffs because honestly I don't see anyone expecting them, you might be lucky and get invisible/invulnerable so you can pull back safely otherwise the rest of the buffs are plain useless, +300% elemental damage sounds pretty good, but it's dependant on RNG and for only 1 minute, extra drop loot (?!?!for what!?!?), orbs 4x more effective (ok....) and I don't see why would anyone die purposefully to get 1 of 5 buffs that are RNG dependant. Now with immortality being chargeable these buffs could be manipulated, so it would be a reason to limit the charges.

    The armor buff could be shared with the squad (disregarding range) and cloud walker could heal teammates within range this would be beneficial for the squad.

    Yes, the armor thing is an issue, there will be a point where we just get 1 shot, nullers still debuffs us, and eximus still drains our energy like a thirsty bastard, but honestly I don't expect Wukong to last for long on his own, despite him being a lone wolf of sorts.

    just my thoughts...

  11. Add rivens to SO & ESO drop tables.

    Lower roll costs to 1/2

    Increase Kuva drop amount by x2

    Now everybody has rivens! You get a riven! Hey! You also get a Riven! And you too get a Riven! Now let us marvel ourselves as we watch the market crash into oblivion.

    Now on a serious note, DE should increase Kuva drop amount, 200 is just....... -_-

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