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Posts posted by xGryphus

  1. Well, dojo system is still in alpha stage so changes are inevitable. Old pieces are beautiful but fit poorly into grid leaving a lot of designs impossible to complete. New pieces are far better designed in terms of functionality although they look a bit plain (although new art is far more Tenno, while old was rather Orokin). For now only options are:

    A) demolish whole dojo and start from scratch to avoid problems in future

    B) leave dojo in current state if you don't plan to expand it any future

    C) despair

  2. 9.5 patch notes: Older versions of these rooms are no longer available for creation but remain if you own them

    was there a reason to remove this? i really wanted to build these older rooms. thats not to say i dont like the new ones. but your just removing content from the game.

    Removal was necessary because old rooms don't fit new grid system.

    • Dojo Construction Upgrade Phase 1: “On the Grid”

    5 Halls, Power Room, and all connector pieces updated to fit new grid system for improved layout options.

    Older versions of these rooms are no longer available for creation but remain if you own them.

    Older versions of these rooms will not fit the new grid system.

    Older versions can be destroyed for a  full 100% refund allowing you to reconstruct with the new versions. All Platinum used to rush rooms is included in the Clan Vault.

    New versions fit a grid system that will eventually allow you to loop pieces with more than one entryway.

    New versions look better!

    All other room pieces not listed have updates in progress to fit the grid where necessary.

    Rooms that have not been updated retain their functionality,

    Rooms that have only one entrance are largely unaffected by the grid change (because they can’t be looped anyway)

    Older version of the Clan Hall can be converted to the new Clan Hall instantly with no cost, if it is the only room in the Dojo (destroy all other rooms first). You must remove all Decorations in the Hall before converting.


    I assume that this brings answers to all your questions. Personally I just finished demolishing my whole dojo - I higly advice you doing the same if you don't want to have problems in future - you won't loose any resources invested. New art is less Orokin and more Tenno although clan hall is a bit empty.

  3. If you think for one second that they will actually hold back a large chunk of content that they have been working on (ie: spending money/resources on) just because enough players didn't do the event....then I'm really sorry but you're completely and absolutely mistaken.

    See above. Guess what? they lied. If they said that, then they "bent the truth" because they obviously can't come out and be like "yeah we don't have a reward, and there's no way we're just going to throw away all the work we did, so do whatever, because you'll get to go to the new maps anyway"

    Unless you have some proof you are just to throwing unsubstantiated accusations - and this, sir, it's trolling. DE clearly stated that Grineer outpost will be delayed if we fail to complete event.


    I don't need to know how they code the alerts to know that unless they manually input the event alerts separately from the "normal" ones, that it will increase the rng, and seeing as how they will admittedly probably input them manually, it still doesn't remove the incredibly annoying element of them being alert items in the first place.

    Unless you know exact way event alerts are implemented you have absolutely no right to form similar implications. Credits alerts and rare rewards alerts are spawned separately - it's shouldn't be tough to expand this system with another component for event.



  4. -The icing on all this is that there is no reward. I'm sorry, but if you expect anyone to think that you wouldn't release the content you've been hard at work on because enough people don't jump through these "event" hoops, then you're mistaken.

    Sometimes you are forced to take actions not to receive reward but to avoid punishment (in this case new tile set delay).


    Just curious, how long is the actual craft time? If it's 12 hours like most alerts then that's just a disgraceful money grab.

    It's 60 sec. Craft cost is 1,5k.


    Oh I didn't catch that part. That adds another layer of "bad" to this whole thing. Now the rng riddled alert system is going to be with even less efficiency for 6-7 days, and the event won't be over for a week, which means that the "reward" of the new maps won't be coming any time soon.




    I'm really starting to think that this was just an excuse to keep us "patient" for the new maps....

    Actually it's pretty easy to notice that event alerts spawn independently from regular ones.

  5. Some great ideas here.

    We surely could use some alternative weaponry for our sentinels.

    It would be awesome if sentinels could be awesome if sentinels could be equipped with Thief's Wit or Enemy Radar.

    Somewhere on forum there was a thread with some interesting idea that enemies could drop items that would be "fed" to our sentinels to give them affinity.

  6. Screw all-a-yah, My vabaun with Bastile gets pretty much no kills on wave 30+ xini but is still the biggest credit to team. Why? UTILITY. It's not all about kills people.

    Great point. After all does tank in WoW complains about being low in dps table? Does support in LoL complain about adc taking all kills?

  7. First of all: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Experience_Mechanics - there is no true reason to QQ about MP in terms of affinity gain. This means that the only point of all those nova-is-so-op-pls-nerf cries is people egos being hurt.
    Furthermore all warframes got some more or less empathized role and role of Nova is to dish out as much damage as possible. She have no cc, no escape mechanics, no buffs - just damage. Killing stuff is her purpose and she serves that purpose quite well.

    P.S. Some time pre U9 people were complaining about Ember's World on Fire completely dominating low level missions.

  8. Lets be fair now, this is the classic evil Genie problem.  


    Ask for water -> get drowned

    Ask for immortality -> get turned to stone


    You get the picture I'm sure.  Resource alerts are a good step forward yes, but the way they implemented it is perhaps not so good. This is why we give feedback :D

    Only we have no idea how they exactly were implemented. You assume that they share pool with rare rewards while they can share pool with credits alerts. At this point it's like asking Eskimo to give feedback about cotton farming ;)

  9. Those that track forum know that resources alerts were requested multiple times and this concept was mentioned in one of livestreams so their addition shouldn't be such a surprise.

    We have no idea how they work. There is high chance that they share pool with credit alerts while rare rewards alerts go at their own peace. But of course it's easier to QQ...

  10. The best part is the journey? obviously not for everyone. That's just how YOU feel about it. It's fine that you like the event more than the reward, but people like different things. There is no default settings in us that tells us that "THE BEST PART IN THE JOURNEY, IS THE JOURNEY ITSELF". As I said before, we are all different. If we all liked the same things, the world would be S#&$.

    Well, if you watched last livestream you should know that Steve used exact same proverb to present his point of view so basically that's what you can expect from game.

    Oh and typing half of text in caps won't prove your point right.

  11. So because you like the event more than the reward, everyone has to feel the same way? People are different, deal with it.

    No, I'm saying that people are forgetting that the best part in the journey is the journey itself rather than the destination.

    Additionally we don't even know how reward mods will work so it safe to assume that half of people crying out loud about how they didn't get ALL the mods will be later raging how the very same mods suck just because they won't like them.

  12. Why? And how do you know that the people that are looking forward to the reward (such as myself), didn't enjoy the event?

    Outstanding number of post are either people QQ that they didn't reached cap or people asking when will they receive reward (because they want it so eagerly that they didn't even noticed that mods will be hand out at 12 PA EDT) - people care more about reward then just having fun.

    For me the event would be equally entertaining if there were no rewards (only consequences of failure).

    BTW 12 PM EDT was our deadline and the funny fact about deadlines is that you can complete your task before it.


  13. Fist of all calm down - throwing @%$#s at other users is rather primitive and will not prove your point.

    Episodes are coming in near future - hopefully they will provide hours of game-play as well as tons of lore although it would be rather mid-game then end-game. Also probably achievements will be introduced - if well balanced they will provide long term goals for endgame players.

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