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  1. Bro really said just farm and keep everything and you're good. If you didn't do that, blame yourself. Is this really the mentality of players? This restricts the content for no real reason outside of time gates and collection. What is the point of an elite mode where the best reward potential comes down to how much you can hoard? Nothing to do with skill, and not something to be defended as it clearly is a form of FOMO to make players spend money/plat. Are players meant to grind the whole game before playing Deep/Elite Archimedea in your world? The game should just give the player the weapons to use if they do not own it, so they can fill the requirement and not be locked out for silly reasons like 'should have started XYZ years ago and just farmed everything on release'.
  2. In future, would it be possible to have the next one begin on the same week as the old one ending? Or end one on a Sunday and have the next one go live on Monday? I am not really sure what the point of a week-long gap is at this stage to be honest.
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