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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. 11 hours ago, (XBOX)Flarefox Ravina said:

    Amalgam mods shouldn’t be exclusive

    On the contrary, they most definitely should be exclusive.  Allowing Amalgam Body Count to be used on any melee weapon would be an obscene amount of power creep.  A mod that strong cannot exist without restrictions.


    11 hours ago, (XBOX)Flarefox Ravina said:

    Amalgam mods have been in the game for a while at this point and I’ve heard most players aren’t using them.

    Setting aside the questionable validity of something you "heard", most players not using something is in no way a problem.  My good faith interpretation of why you're bringing this up is that you think that something is only worthwhile/successful if most players are using it.  If that's indeed what you think, you have it backwards.

    There are so many mods, so many weapons in the game, and if the game had an ideal level of balance they would all be equally viable and enjoyable and would thus be used equally.  When hundreds of weapons and mods are being used equally, there's nothing that most players are using.


    11 hours ago, (XBOX)Flarefox Ravina said:

    Since when is anyone using the Furax or the Daikyu?

    We actually have data on this.  The Furax Wraith was in the top 30 weapons in 2022 (we don't yet have stats for 2023), and all Furax incarnations accounted for 1.6% of melee weapon usage — which by Warframe usage standards is pretty high.  For the Furax Wraith alone, the top 3 MR's are all above 3% usage, which is pretty high.

    As for the Daikyu, it had a 0.30% usage rate, which places it slightly above average relative to all weapons or roughly in the middle of the pack if you account for weapon variants.  Considering how much of usage is absolutely dominated by the top 10 weapons — which account for around 50% of weapon usage — 0.30% seems like a good place to be: there are some people who use it, but it's not such a small percentage as to suggest there's a problem.  In fact, at MR32 (L2) it sees 0.36% usage, meaning that of high-end players who stray from the meta, the Daikyu still sees more than its fair share of usage.

    So if you intend to suggest that nobody is using these weapons, you're suggestion is incorrect.


    That said, luring even more players to use these weapons is the whole point of these modsThese mods offer compelling benefits that can only be accessed when using a particular weapon, thus performing two tasks at once:

    1. Buffing the weapon.
    2. Giving players additional incentives to use these weapons.

    And at the time that these mods were released, this had a meaningful impact.  There were people who put down their (insert meta weapon here) and discovered these weapons; and some of them are still using these weapons today.

    Of course, that was 5 whole years ago, so naturally in the ensuing years there's been a solid amount of power creep and some strong competitors have arrived on the scene.  And that's fine; weapons don't need to be the meta, or even popular, to be powerful and worth using.

    Again, a diverse spread of weapon usage is the ideal.  50% of your players using the same 10 weapons is something that DE puts intentional effort into avoiding.

    • Like 1
  2. I love Amalgam Serration so much that I almost never use shotguns anymore.  And shotguns are very fun.  But that extra movement speed feels so good.

    And Amalgam Organ Shatter is on nearly every melee I own, and definitely all the ones I use regularly.

    • Like 1
  3. 14 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    I also prefer to use Neutron Star over the M Prime augment. You don't have to level the augment if you're short on capacity but more importantly it gives you full control over your count which you keep more often because they only have a 4m range.

    I enjoy that there are two augments that aim to tackle the same challenge in different ways!  Personally, I love to get up close and melee, so even with my low range I regularly lose orbs.  With this play style, Neutron Star would mean I'd have to recast every few seconds to maintain 90% DR (going from 18 to 16 orbs results in taking twice as much damage), while Molecular Fission keeps me topped off (especially since it triggers off of teammates kills as well as my own).  So that works better for my needs, though I in no way want to suggest that either is objectively better than the other; they both have their pros and cons!

    Since I discovered that Molt Efficiency can lock-in my orb cap, I've been toying around with a 21 orb build (which also uses 4 Tau-forged Duration shards), and while the extra 3 orbs don't provide additional DR, they do act as a buffer so that I can lose 3 orbs before having a DR drop, which is pretty comfy.  Not sure if I'll stick with it long-term, but it's a different vibe.

  4. Verglas is for when you want your Wyrm Prime to be able to kill enemies.

    Helstrum is for when you want your Wyrm Prime to debuff and prime lots of enemies with status effects.

    Notably, making the most of Verglas can sometimes require that you use Mods like "Fired Up" and "Momentous Bond" on your Sentinel, so if you've already got a build you're settled on for Wyrm Prime, the Helstrum would be the easier setup to go with because it doesn't need any Sentinel mods to function.


  5. I would recommend making a bug report.  Also, if you can, upload a video of you trying to equip your pet.  It's impressive how much information is in a video, and so often someone else will see something that's an important clue that you wouldn't have even thought to mention.  I do this by uploading videos from my PS5 to YouTube and then linking the YouTube video in my bug report in the forums, but there may be other ways to do it on Xbox.

  6. I think Nova is an interesting frame to build because I can never truly get everything I want with her; this means that in any given build I have to make strategic decisions about what to give up, and this results in builds that feel truly personalized to my tastes.  The other day I found a new build option for her that I personally hadn't seen before, so I wanted to share it with the community.

    Some quick setup to get everyone on the same page:

    • Nova's Null Star ability gives her a number of orbs determined by her Duration.
    • When you get close enough to an enemy, you lose orbs at a fixed rate as they leave your body to attack enemies.
    • Each orb gives +5% damage reduction up to a cap of 90%, so having more orbs is appealing.
    • Nova has an augment for her Molecular Prime ability (Molecular Fission), which makes it so that the death of an enemy primed by the ability dynamically generates 2 Null Star orbs.
    • While it doesn't explicitly state this on Molecular Fission, players have noted that this dynamic generation of orbs cannot result in a total orb amount greater than the amount from a Null Star cast.

    So I wondered: if Nova's Duration changes after a Null Star cast, will that affect the amount of Null Star orbs that I can generate from Molecular Fission?  (If you want to play along at home, note what you think the answer is now!)

    Personally, I hypothesized that while Nova would never be forced to shed orbs due to decreases in Duration, whether Molecular Fission would generate new orbs would be determined by her Duration at the time of any given kill.  It was a bit tricky to determine because the only tool I had to test this was Molt Efficiency while Shields are Active, gain 6% Ability Duration per second, up to a maximum of 36%  but the result was clear and consistent: my hypothesis was wrong, and the maximum amount of Null Star orbs is locked-in at the time of the Null Star cast.

    This means that temporary buffs that enhance Duration like Molt Efficiency and Ris Invocation can be used to cast a high-orb Null Star, and then Molecular Fission can be used to maintain that same number of orbs even when such buffs are lost.  This provides Nova players with some ways to free up Warframe mod slots while still reliably maintaining a high-DR Null Star.

    I'm not sure if this has ramifications on any other frames or abilities, but I thought this was worth sharing, especially since it wasn't recorded on the wiki.  At the very least, I hope inspires some folks to try new things!

    • Like 2
  7. 9 minutes ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    Besides... Who even uses melee these days, aside from a couple Incarnons as stat-sticks

    FWIW, melee is the bulk of my combat in Warframe.  It's really fun and effective, especially with Tennokai.  Dealing !!! crits has become a casual occurrence now that I've got Tennokai and Melee Animosity.  And...I'm using the Bo Prime, which is hardly meta.  I strongly encourage you to give the new melee tools a try, I'd be surprised if you didn't have fun!

    • Like 2
  8. 2 hours ago, _Kit_Kat_Cat_ said:

    Can't charge it even with a single precision headshot (let alone get a single stack of that headshot-based arcane), when all enemies are instantly dead split second after they spawn out of a fissure

    With respect, I think at least part of your problem is that the use-case you are focusing on is the strength of AoE weapons: a cluster of weak enemies.  This is the exact time when having an AoE weapon is supposed to be beneficial, because that's where AoE weapons shine.

    Or actually, it might be more accurate to describe this use-case as a weakness of precision aiming tools.  Because it's not like AoE booms are the only good tool in this situation: you could also just dive in with your melee weapon and take the group out just as fast with no aiming required.  Anything that lets you punish all of those enemies for being so close to each other will get you more mileage in this scenario than a tool that is better at killing one enemy at a time.

    As for the impact of the AoE nerfs, since then I've noticed a drastic decline in players killing every single enemy with AoE weapons.  With the reduced ammo economy, it is generally not sustainable to use AoE weapons on single targets; you have to pick and choose your shots, and you want to get the most bang for your buck, so most of the time these players don't waste ammo on individual enemies.

    In regards to your struggles getting kills, one additional thing to consider is the type of mission you're in.  If you're in an Exterminate mission, 95% of the time you're in a kill race and the fastest killer is going to be getting most of the kills; that's simply the unfortunate nature of the game mode.  But in endless game modes like Survival where enemies appear and replenish from every angle, you won't be starved by AoE allies.  Or at least, it's something I'm simply not experiencing.

    If there's anyone stealing my kills, it's my own Dethcube; that little auto-aimer is nasty with a Verglas!

    • Like 7
  9. 5 hours ago, SDGDen said:

    TLDR: assuming you can make a sandwich in under 90 seconds, you *can* get mesmer skin to last long enough with actually not that much setup to make a sandwich. 

    I like this.  Two possible (and easier) side-grades of this would be:

    • Inaros with Arcane Grace.
    • Hildryn with Arcane Aegis and Arcane Barrier (provided you're not in a mission with toxin-dealers)

    Statistically, you can AFK with these frames for just about any length of time and be fine.  However, the downside is that unlike Revenant, there are no guarantees, because you can get unlucky rolls.

    Of course, if you're actively playing, then you'll definitely be fine.  But I do love it when frames are durable enough to survive a bathroom break.

  10. 16 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    Inaranon Head-Shots = Too Many. Body Shots = Too Few.

    I actually interpreted this differently.  I think there are too many Incarnon weapons that require headshots, and not enough that require body shots.  I think greater variety in this area would give players more options and more ways to play the game in a way that suits their needs and playstyle.  I'd also love to see other methods of generating Incarnon juice besides these two.

  11. With respect, I think you're taking a one-off joke from our goofy Creative Director too seriously.

    You can have nearly unlimited energy, but you have to build for it.  And those build choices come with sacrifices, because to get that you're giving up something else.  That's a good system that engages players.

    • Like 2
  12. 5 minutes ago, Voltage said:

    Or some people just get bored with a story that has no stakes....Teshin for example, was rendered insignificant.

    I'm guessing I might not be following you because the above feels like a contradiction.  Teshin's removal from the Operator's timeline and being trapped in Duviri seems like evidence of stakes, right?  Though let me know if I'm misunderstanding you, as I have no desire to twist your words.

    • Like 4
  13. I miss Limbo not being able to be affected by enemies that weren't in the same plane as him.  Back when I didn't understand most of the game's systems, that was how I survived when things got too hot.

    Also, I miss the old Corpus tileset puzzles that blocked canisters for Sabotage.  There was one where there were 2 or 3 tiers of toggling laser grids blocking access to a terminal in a small space, and you had to either turn them off or time it so that you accessed it when they were all toggled off.  There was another where there was a wall with a few oddly shaped holes at different heights, and you had to find which one was safe to go through (because there were lasers and sometimes blockages) to get to the other side.

    • Like 1
  14. Would an auction house or market board be nice?  Yep!  It would increase liquidity and access to goods for the majority of players.

    Do I expected DE to implement this?  Absolutely not.  Not only would it cost DE resources to engineer and maintain such a system, but the system's existence would probably have the effect of reducing platinum purchases to some extent.  Higher liquidity and greater access to markets would likely result in more competition for sellers and thus lower prices.  Lower prices means that 100 platinum can get you more value from player trades than it used to, and this has two ramifications:

    • players need less platinum to get the things they want from players
    • players can get an increased amount of value from players relative to the value gained if they spent that same amount of platinum on goods in the official market

    While non-earnable goods in the official market like skins would likely add some stability to the value of platinum, player exchanges of platinum for goods at lower prices would likely result in a lowered frequency of players feeling like they should purchase more platinum, and that affects the game's bottom line.

    To be clear, I don't want to frame this as greed: as a free-to-play game, DE needs to sell things like platinum to stay profitable and continue paying their staff and developing further content.  It's simply an unfortunate reality that the current platinum and trade systems means that increased liquidity and access to trading would have a negative effect on DE's ability to run a profitable business*.

    *at least, presuming I didn't make any errors in my analysis.  If you feel like I did, please kindly let me know!

    • Like 2
  15. I'm generally pretty anti-Riven, as I think it's a bummer to attempt to address balance issues between gear with double-randomized mods that most players don't have reliable access to.  That's why in 99.9% of cases, I don't use Rivens.

    But if you find an under-performing weapon that you really and truly love, I agree that that's the time where Rivens are a good choice.  I did this with my Bo Prime Incarnon, and it helped turn an under-performing weapon into a reliable tool.  With the worst disposition possible, my Bo Riven in effect takes a single mod slot and jams 3 good mods into it.  Did the Riven make it as strong as my Riven-less meta weapons?  No.  But it's closed the gap enough that I don't feel like I'm at a meaningful disadvantage from using it, so I bring it to basically every mission and have myself a good time.

    Now, will this work with Twin Vipers Wraith?  I'm not sure.  But because I want you to have a good time, I hope it will!

    When rolling your weapon, one tip I have is this: don't make your goal be to get the perfect Riven that has the precise set of stats you want.  Instead, consider your Riven to be "done" when it has any 3 stats that you already use.  So for example, you're looking for punch-through, but if your Riven rolls any 3 stats that you already have modded onto your weapon like +damage, +fire rate, and +an element that you use  then consider that good enough.  Now you can remove one of the mods you were already using to get one of those stats and replace it with a Punch-through mod.

    Good luck, Tenno!

    As for the actual universal Incarnon, I'm not a fan for reasons others have already said, so I wanted to make my focus giving this little piece of advice that might help.

    • Like 3
  16. All of this is my subjective opinion, but I think Warframe is currently better than it's ever been.  Does it have blemishes, things that could be improved?  Oh honey yes.  But the last two years of content have been superb in terms of quests, activities, and refinement of the overall game's systems.

    I will agree that something needs to change with the Arbitration system; I'd recommend adding your thoughts to the existing feedback thread about that.

    • Like 10
  17. 2 minutes ago, Tiltskillet said:

    Personally out of all the frames the OP listed, I only would have said Vauban was "doing great".  Hildryn I would have considered, but I can't get around the fact she's got two pretty bad abilities and one really dull one, and is propped up remarkably well by Pillage her passives, and the Helminth system. 

    OTOH, out of the ones in the OP "in desperate need of help" I only really agreed with Inaros  and Chroma.  Though Trinity and Ember I don't feel I know well enough to have an opinion, and a couple of others I believe are in desperate need of a rethink (Limbo) or bugfixes (Caliban) rather than what I think the OP meant by "help".  And all of them (and many more) could use some help, just not "desperately".

    So...words and opinions and opinions on words are interesting!  Or maybe not, YMMV, etc. :P

    Yeah, it certainly is interesting to see such a variety of different opinions on frames.  And on reflection, I assume the conversation is inherently fraught because we all engage with the game and its balance in truly diverse ways.  Some folks are Steel Path, some normal, some endless level cap.  Some consider balance to be what the frame itself brings to the table devoid of other tools, some consider it to be what combos and loadouts you can make with it.  Some consider augments to be evidence of flaws in the core design, others consider augments to be worthy of the slots they use.  Some players are more focused on the in-game effectiveness of a frame, others are more focused on the holistic design.  There are varying thoughts on to what extent it matters if an effective build relies on certain abilities while rendering other abilities less useful or arguably useless.  And of course, the missions a Tenno likes to do will definitely impact their perception as well; exterminate makes the game a kill race, while modes like survival are more lax, etc.  All of which will shift the lens through which a given player views the nebulous concept of balance.

    So in hindsight, I was probably a bit hasty in casting doubt on the veracity of OP's claims merely because it differed from my experience and the experiences I had seen others having.  It would have been more thoughtful to simply note my experience and how it disagreed with theirs.

    • Like 2
  18. 1 minute ago, (PSN)FrDiabloFr said:

    Huh, how has Leyenda moved the goalposts?? That statement makes zero sense.

    If this thread was about how literally every frame could be improved in some way, and I said frame X was "doing absolutely great right now", I think it would be fair to interpret my statement as meaning frame X "doesn't need even the slightest revision".

    But that's not what this thread is about.  This thread is about which frames are in dire need of help.  And in that context, interpreting my statement that frame X is "doing absolutely great right now" as my saying frame X "doesn't need even the slightest revision" warps my words.

    Because no frame is perfect, they could all use some slight revisions.  You can be doing great and not be perfect, as is the case for every frame that validly gets labeled as A-rank.  Ergo stating that a frame is doing great does not imply that they couldn't use even the slightest revision, and should not be interpreted as such.

  19. I'm just guessing here, but I'd hazard that adding dedicated host servers to Railjack would actually be one of the less effective and less efficient ways to solve Railjack problems.  Because Warframe wasn't made to function with a host server, so everything related to dedicated host servers would be entirely new code and functionality.  That new code would have bugs.  So you'd have to make this new code, buy, install, and maintain dedicated servers, and also debug this entirely new system.  I would personally be surprised if you wouldn't get greater returns out of that same budget if it were instead allocated to addressing issues with host migrations in the existing code base.

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