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Posts posted by (PSN)Unstar

  1. 3 hours ago, Grigerbest said:

    Also I think that... The guy who was playing warframe for such a long time just must have at least some basic understanding of what you should not do, when you play with others.

    When you assume what other players know, you put yourself at risk of being wrong and coming to faulty conclusions.  If you live in the world long enough, you'll eventually learn how easy and common it is for other people to go through life without learning things that you take for granted.

    My earnest recommendation is to do both yourself and other players the kindness of not making assumptions.  Assume other players are operating in good faith unless you have solid evidence that they aren't.  I've found that when I remind myself that other people may not know what I know, I'm much less likely to get frustrated.  Being frustrated isn't fun, so that makes my life better.

    When you start a random match, expect that you're going to be matched with players who have learned literally nothing in all of their time playing Warframe.  That way you'll never be disappointed, and most of the time you'll be pleasantly surprised.

    Hope this helps!

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  2. People have so many different ideas of what "fun" is that it would probably help to clarify what you mean by that.

    Personally, I find it stressful to use the kill-based Arcanes like Deadhead and Merciless, so for awhile I had trouble finding a Primary Arcane that was both enjoyable and effective.  Eventually I was able to farm a full copy of Primary Frostbite, which works great for me because I always have my Sentinel spreading Cold procs (which build and sustain Primary Frostbite).  However, if you don't play like that, there isn't a great alternative like Cascadia Flare to use.

    That's just my tastes though.

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  3. Unfortunately, it is against the Terms of Service to have multiple accounts that interact via trading, so this is not something you can do.

    Rather than starting over, I'd recommend watching some videos to get back up to speed.  A YouTuber named Brozime does a "Free-to-Playthrough" of Warframe every year where he starts a fresh account and plays through most of the game with it.  His vast knowledge of the game means that it goes pretty quickly, and while he's playing he talks about why he's making certain decisions in an effort to get new players up to speed.  So I'd recommend watching the videos of this that he has on his channel, because not only will it get you back into the game, but it will get you there quickly and you won't lose access to any of the stuff you've spent so much time farming.  And unlike playing yourself, you can skip past anything that doesn't seem like you're getting anything from it.

    If that sounds like something you'd be interested in, here's the link to the most recent one:

    • Like 3
  4. Yep, it's unfortunate.  You can use every tip and strategy listed in this thread, and sometimes you still can't get enough reactant.  The fact that most of the time you can get enough reactant doesn't make every round feel any less like Russian Roulette.  Fissures stress me out every time until I get that last reactant.


    16 hours ago, latetier said:

    after a year away, im stepping back into warframe and i find that the void fissure system is still utterly broken for endless missions like survival.

    It's the same for non-endless missions as well.

    • Like 1
  5. 28 minutes ago, yoritomosomori said:

    Then I ran into that mirror defense and lost in about 20 seconds. A few tries later I thought I'd intentionally turn on public matchmaking for the first time ever.

    And I still end up having to solo the mission again. Repeatedly. Is there really no number of players scaling on these hazards?

    One big factor might be that generally speaking, once you unlock Elite Deep Archimedea there's no reason to ever play normal Deep Archimedea again.  The difficulty difference between DA and EDA isn't very significant, so it's quite possible that majority of players interested in end-game-ish content said their permanent goodbyes to DA weeks ago.

    While I haven't done normal DA since week 1, my experiences with EDA suggest that timing is also going to be an important factor.  You're a lot more likely to get a group (either by automated matchmaking or Recruiting) on Sunday afternoon.  After that, it seems to sharply diminish, though playing during peak hours certainly helps.


    17 minutes ago, PublikDomain said:

    I'm not sure if DA actually has public matchmaking.

    I can confirm that both DA and EDA do have public matchmaking; I've done full runs with both of them.

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  6. 2 hours ago, Merkranire said:

    Didn’t expect to actually learn stuff from this topic

    This might be the most valuable post in this thread for me personally; it's genuinely refreshing to be reminded that even when it might feel like our words are having no effect on their intended audience, there are others who can read them and get some manner of benefit from them.

    (in no way assuming my words were the ones that taught you, but it's a good reminder all the same)

    • Like 7
  7. 32 minutes ago, Jivy said:
    55 minutes ago, Birdframe_Prime said:

    Well, considering they were directly quoted on the DevStream as saying 'Jade Shadows will be how you get Jade' you can consider that the case there.

    Then why is the event giving out the whole JADE set then? that statement contradicts what is happening ingame

    These aren't mutually exclusive; there's no reason players wouldn't be able to pick up their first Jade BP from the quest and get a duplicate for Helminth via the event. The same item can be procured from any number of sources DE wants, and DE has demonstrated a prodigious tendency towards experimenting with new things.

    • Like 3
  8. 6 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    Life exists on a bell curve. The majority is the norm. What I don’t like is people today acting like the people on the ends of that curve are right at the top of the bell.

    Pretty sure we can label anything that prevents you from functioning normally can be considered a defect. Be it physically or mentally.

    Sure, you can label whatever you want...but you do so subjectively.  Deciding what's "normal", deciding where the "majority" ends and the "minority" begins, deciding what counts as "functioning"...all of that can only be determined based on subjective opinion.

    • Like 6
  9. 6 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    Kind of a false equivalency dontcha think.

    Slaverys a relatively modern invention. What you’re suggesting is that somehow all the gender ideology stuff flew under the radar for 5,000 years of documentation.

    History being written by the victors generally means that they don't include the narratives of those they're undermining, oppressing, or dismissing.  Especially when for most of history, common folk didn't have access to reading or writing.

    But in spite of that, we do have historical accounts of people who we would nowadays refer to as trans.  I'm not an expert on those accounts, but if you look for them in earnest I'd be surprised if you were unable to find them.

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  10. 9 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    You know what you call Chimeras and Intersex? Birth defects

    From an objective standpoint, how do you tell the difference between natural variation and a defect?  The answer is that you can't.

    If you believe in evolution, then there's nothing that can be objectively called a defect; all life is the result of random variation, and via the process of survival of the fittest certain variations become more common while others become less common or even go extinct.  There is no right, there is no wrong, there's only what's passable enough to still be in play and what lost the game.

    If you believe in some kind of creationism, then a defect would be something unintended by the creator.  So if "God" (or whoever) didn't intend for people to be born with moles, then that's a defect.  But of course, as humans, we can only guess at the intentions of gods.

    So if we're honest, we have to admit that anything labeled as a "defect" has been labeled that way because of someone's subjective opinion.

    • Like 6
  11. 37 minutes ago, Letter13 said:

    It's probably not much worse than actual sexual biology is (which is profoundly complicated, believe it or not). The core of it is 'Things are not always X or Y, they can sometimes be W, Q, Z  or V'. You're not being asked to know every single facet and nuance of it... you're just being asked to acknowledge that they exist and deserve the same rights as everyone else.

    It reminds me of a story I once heard where a group wanted to legally make the value of pi "3.14".  They thought that the current pi (3.14159, etc) was too complicated and they wanted to make it easier to work with.  Naturally, a bunch of folks in the physical sciences pointed out that sanding the edges off of pi would have real-world consequences.

    And that's kind of what we have going on here with sex.  When we're kids, we're taught that there are boys and girls.  And like pi being equal to 3.14, that's a functional enough estimation early on.  But the reality is much more complex, and when you sand off the edges of reality to make it easier to grok, that causes real-world problems.

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  12. 1 hour ago, Venus-Venera said:

    that's not true at all. please don't present the whole thing in such a mean and false way.

    besides, I don't want to have anything to do with someone who intentionally writes such mean and lying things about me!

    please think about it seriously and think again seriously and honestly about what you want to achieve with the provocation...

    what you are doing is definitely very unhealthy for the discussion and you seem to be doing it intentionally. why do you want to intentionally destroy the discussion? nobody wins from it...

    First off, I'm genuinely sorry if my comment came across as a provocation; that is the exact opposite of what I intended.  Communication is complex, and it sucks when our genuine attempts at expressing good intentions are interpreted as negative.  It sounds like that's something we may have in common! ^^;

    Let me tell you a story that will hopefully help clear up this misunderstanding:

    When I was younger, a co-worker dropped by my desk to talk about a work project.  After they left, a friend who sat next to me told me, "I'm guessing you don't realize this, but you sounded pretty rude back there."  And I was mortified, because I don't want to be rude to anyone; I want people to know that I genuinely care about them.

    So I talked to my friend, and they explained how aspects of my phrasing, my tone of voice, and my body language could be interpreted as rude in the context of that conversation.  And it sucked to hear...but I was so glad I heard it.  Because knowing what was giving people a negative impression of me allowed me to make changes to the way I communicated.  And the result was that the interactions I shared with others became more positive, because my communication no longer contained the specific aspects that were being interpreted as hostile.  I'm extremely grateful to my friend for helping me in this way.  (and to be clear, that didn't solve all my communication issues; like everyone, I am still a work in progress)

    What my friend did for me back then is what I want to do for you now.  You said you didn't understand why you received an emotional reaction, and I'd like to help you better understand that...especially because your reply to me makes it seem like you genuinely want to have positive, conflict-free discussions with others. If people are misunderstanding you, that gets in the way of your goal.  Thankfully, there are plenty of strategies to help mitigate misunderstandings.

    To be clear, none of this is a criticism of you as a person.  Every one of us makes mistakes and is part of misunderstandings, and that doesn't make us bad in any way.  Communications is incredibly complex.

    Anyway, if you would like a hand with that, I'd be happy to help.  If not, that's fair, too.  I'll leave the ball in your court; I just hope I've been able to communicate that I mean all of this in a friendly and respectful way.

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, Dexmaster said:

    My question is, for those who have engaged with this system, do you feel like it works?....Do you feel like they are a necessary part of certain builds?

    After having used them for a few years, I think the best way to summarize Arcanes is that they are just a different kind of mod.  They don't cost capacity and have to be leveled differently (combining instead of endo), but other than that they are just mods.  And once you realize that, I think it really helps your buildcraft, because you can think of them less like this totally alien thing and more like Aura mods; they're a special mod that can go in some slots and not others.  Both mod slots and arcane slots can be used to meet your build goals, and each kind of slot is competing with a different set of mods for your attention.

    For example, let's say you're trying to increase your Duration.  You use Primed Continuity and Narrow Minded but you still want more Duration.  You could go with Constitution to get 28% more...but you could also use Molt Efficiency to give you 36% more as long as you have shields.  And if you're playing a frame with Overguard or a Shield tank with Adaptation, you can probably depend on your shields being up, making Molt Efficiency a better choice for your Duration needs.  Similarly, you could try to address your energy sustainability needs by spending a mod slot on Equilibrium, or you could instead spend an arcane slot on Arcane Energize.  Or you could skip them both and use Zenurik, or the Grimoire with the Xata mod.  Because yeah, just like mod slots and arcane slots and aura slots, your School and your Secondary are also slots that you can spend to meet your goals.  Everything you can change is a slot, and the more you play around with things like Arcanes, the more you'll just see them as another tool in your arsenal that can be min-maxed to meet your goals.


    1 hour ago, Dexmaster said:

    Is the grind for a max rank Energize really as bad as it seems?  Do you think it was worth it?

    Personally, I dislike Eidelons, so I can't speak to that grind.  There was a temporary event a few years ago called Operation: Orphix Venom where players could gain currency during the event and then spend them to buy Arcanes.  I went hard and got the Arcanes that I most wanted, including Energize.  For me personally, I think it was worth it, because the Arcanes I accumulated have opened up some great build possibilities for me.

    There's a new event coming up in a few weeks that will have a similar system, so if you end up liking that event, that would be another way to get Arcanes.

    That said, you no longer need Energize.  I've dropped it from a lot of my builds because there are just so many different ways to build a sustainable energy economy, and sometimes Energize isn't the best way.  Make no mistake, it's an absolutely great Arcane and it's one of my go-to Arcanes if nothing else stands out for a build, but there are so many other viable options that I can comfortably say you don't need it.  Want?  Sure.  But not need.

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  14. 11 minutes ago, Venus-Venera said:

    I don't understand your emotional reaction at all.

    I'm guessing you don't realize it, but the precise way you phrase your comments often reads as hostile/aggressive to a native English speaker.  I have no idea whether that is your intention, but that's how it can come across.  Assuming it's not your intention, hopefully this can serve as the friendly, constructive feedback it's intended to be.

    (And if that's something you could use a hand with for any reason, I'd be happy to help you with it)

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  15. There are a lot of reasons that I like Warframe: the movement, the customization, playing with my fellow Tenno.  I don't always need to be my Warframe, but if DE wants me to play as something other than my Warframe it needs to be really fun.

    The Teshin gameplay during The New War didn't come close to clearing that bar for me.  I found it mediocre and tolerable in the context of the story they were telling.  I would not want to experience it again.

    For what it's worth, I liked Kahl's New War gameplay much better because it told a better story and had a distinct cluddy feel.  But then they brought it back into its own game mode and it immediately became stale because Kahl lacks fun movement, lacks meaningful customization, and you play as him all alone.  I hope DE learns from that.

  16. 2 hours ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

    I'm sure you have 5 or 6 times more resources, but unlike you I experiment with helminths every time i play the game.

    I commend your dedication to experimentation!  For me, the cost is just way too steep, so I agonize over just about every use of my Helminth.  I do all the experimentation and research I can before doing any Helminth; that generally doesn't account for everything, but it generally gives me a much better idea of whether doing the actual Helminth will be "worth it".

    My genuine impression of Helminth is that DE doesn't want players experimenting with it; if they did, the cost to use it wouldn't be so steep.  If it cost resources like Bile to switch out my mods and arcanes, I wouldn't experiment with them, either.

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  17. I've played on the same network as my spouse for 5+ years, both trading and gifting, and never had any issues.  As long as you're a different person than your wife and you both play on your own distinct accounts, you should be fine.


    16 minutes ago, LordLoki96 said:

    that is all fine and well but im not exactly sure what would count as "suspicious activity"

    There are probably lots of examples of suspicious activity, but a big one I can think of would be if inputs from your account and your wife's account never happen at the same time...which might suggest that both accounts are actually being controlled by a single person.


    18 minutes ago, LordLoki96 said:

    to me this would seem kind of suspicious since she wouldn't be giving me any plat for any of the prime parts or mods but probably an ammo drum or something

    This won't seem suspicious; DE has made it clear that they understand that people give their friends stuff for free all the time.

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  18. 12 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

    We already have this type of pay to fast in the game from the beginning so it would not be anything new

    I understand why you would think that, but unfortunately that's a dangerous mindset to have in business due to something called the "trust thermocline".  I wouldn't be able to do it justice with a summary, but here's a great and short thread that explains how it works: https://mastodon.social/@garius/109279394369832433


    21 minutes ago, CosoMalvadoNG said:

    I have almost all the warframes with shards it would take me months to be able to make changes and weeks for a warframe only.

    I'm truly sorry you've ended up in this situation, and you have my genuine compassion.  The design of the Archon Shard system is specifically designed to encourage thoughtful, long-term planning by discouraging change.  And there are both pros and cons to the exact way they decided to implement that discouragement.  I've written about this in greater detail before, but to try to sum it up, the current system on average costs players less resources, while making undoing feel worse.  And that's the situation you find yourself in now: you made some choices in the past that you now want to undo, and it feels bad.  And yeah, that sucks.

    The most constructive and compassionate advice I can give is this:

    • Remember that there's no challenge in the game that requires Archon Shards.  So while you won't have the perfect build that you desire, you can still play the game with all of these frames and succeed.  I'm sure it's easier said than done, but do what you can to accept that and move forward.
    • Remember that just by playing over time, you'll naturally accumulate the resources needed to change your Shards.  So whether you farm or don't, you'll eventually be able to get your perfect builds.
    • Finally, take this as a learning experience.  When inserting Archon Shards in the future, remember that there's a cost you don't want to pay associated with taking them out, and only insert a Shard if you're willing to commit yourself to paying that cost in the future.

    I'm guessing this isn't what you want to hear, but I genuinely hope it helps.  And I'm sorry that this feels so bad right now.

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  19. My subjective take is that being able to undo a shard placement with their paid currency has bad optics, as it would quite reasonably look like DE is trying to make money off of people who want to respec. If it were my game, I would very much want to avoid that.  With it costing resources to undo, there's still an incentive to thoughtfully consider what permanent upgrades you give to a frame, but without feeling like it's milking anyone's wallet.

    It sounds like you don't have much time to play, so my recommendation would just be to farm 3 Argon Crystals every time your Helminth is super hungry for them again.  That shouldn't take much of your time, and over time you'll be able to remove any amount of shards that way.

    Hope this helps!

    • Like 6
  20. Hey there fellows and allies, I genuinely love the effort y'all are putting in.  Because I respect your time and energy, I have a short, contextually relevant video to recommend.  I hope you enjoy it <3

    • Like 9
  21. 2 hours ago, Terroriced said:

    I feel hopeless and angry. It hurts to be mistreated, but I'm not in a position of power and the Warframe reddit moderators are not accountable to anyone. T

    I've been where you are before, and I'm so sorry you're feeling that way.  You genuinely have my compassion.

    There are numerous reasons I don't spend time on reddit, and most of them are related to how the implementation of reddit's systems make "silencing" an all too common phenomenon there.  Whether it's a mod with next-to-no accountability who just doesn't want to see something, or a majority of users who want to bury a differing opinion, it's just far too easy to have a bad time on reddit.  Not to say that good reddits don't exist, but they manage to exist in spite of reddit's design.

    My genuine recommendation would be to find less risky place to be social than reddit.

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  22. 45 minutes ago, ToastyGrimlock98 said:

    I don’t think you can really cry discrimination anymore when Corporations, Media, and Governments support you.

    Ok, and how does parading around in places you’re already accepted help further your interests in those other countries?

    As a queer person living in America, I want to clarify that queer people still lack safety in America.  We're still discriminated against, we're still attacked, we still face economic and systemic repercussions for just being who we are.  In many places in the U.S. we have no legal protection against discrimination, and even in places where we do have those protections, discrimination still occurs at a statistically significant rate.

    So yeah, we're unfortunately still at a place where queer activism in America is needed.

    Feeling like you have to hide the fact you're in a committed relationship with your spouse in order to keep your job and housing and bodily safety really really sucks, especially when the straight folks around you can talk about the weekend they spent with their spouse without worry.  I'm hoping you see that kind of disparity as something that's worth changing.

    • Like 10
  23. I just came from a thread where a player seems to have (quite reasonably) interpreted a section of the new Heirloom Collection page as saying that the Mag and Frost Heirloom Collections will be available in the future.  Based on what was said on the Devstream, it sounds like that is not your intention, so I wanted to point it out so that hopefully it can be adjusted the prevent additional confusion.

    This is in regards to the final section on this page: https://www.warframe.com/news/heirloom-collections-faq

    The wording here is very unfortunate as it contains two consecutive sentences that are can reasonably be interpreted as suggesting that Mag and Frost Heirlooms will be purchasable.  I watched the Devstream and came away with a very clear impression that the Mag and Frost Heirlooms were in the past, but upon my first reading of this section I was confused and thought that DE might have genuinely decided to bring them back.  I had to re-read these sentences several times to find both possible interpretations and thus clarify the miscommunication.



    While purchases of the Mag and Frost Heirloom Collections were halted after December 31, 2023, we will be permanently extending the availability window going forward.

    The availability window of what?  The structure of this sentence would lead many to believe that "availability window" refers to "the Mag and Frost Heirloom Collections".  It would be much better if DE was more explicit here, because I assume they mean "future heirloom collections".



    Platinum purchase paths for both Heirloom Collections and individual Heirloom items will live on forever through the in-game Market (Heirloom Collections purchasable via real world currency will remain time-limited, however).

    This sentence directly follows the last one, and thus the word "both" here can be interpreted in two ways:

    • both (Heirloom Collections and individual Heirloom items)
    • (both Heirloom Collections) and individual Heirloom items

    In the latter, "both Heirloom Collections" could reasonably refer to "both the Mag and Frost Heirloom collections".


    Overall, the point is that the wording is ambiguous enough to be ripe for confusion, and that's definitely something DE will want to avoid after last year.  Hopefully they can address this!

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