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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. I've stuck with Corpus on all the nodes so far regardless of rewards. Unlike most people I stand by my ideals and don't just go after short-term rewards :/ I'll probably stop at 25 points though, unless there are some significant battle pay for corpus side. As it stands, the Battle Pay Bandwagon has already decided that the Grineer will win, and I have no interest in their pistol that literally looks like sh*t anyway.

  2. Elite Crewmen are a cakewalk if compared to the Napalms, Scorches and Eviscerators on the Grineers, combined with the stunlocking powers of Rollers, Scorpions and un-dodgable heavy shockwaves. But seriously, are the player's AI allies always vastly weaker than the opposing faction? Because my horde of Elite Crewmen ALWAYS get insta-gibbed by a single Napalm every time they show up, yet here i read that one could go up against a Heavy Gunner. Which they can't for me.

  3. I love how people just seem so satisfied with the fact that personal choice does not matter in this event because the majority of the playerbase decides whether your effort was worth jack sh*t.


    It's not about which faction wins, it's about recognizing and validating player choice. If you played 100 runs for the Corpus, you should be recognized for that even if the Corpus lose, such as by giving you the BP of the Detron instead. However under the current system, you could run 300 runs for Corpus and it won't matter if the community just bandwagons to the Grineer. Regardless of your effort, if it just so happens you made the "wrong" choice, ALL of your effort is invalidated by NOT giving you a reward that you were working towards, under no fault of the player himself because he has no control over the choice of the majority.


    Under this system, your choice doesn't matter. Your effort doesn't matter. YOU don't matter. Is this really something you would consider "healthy" in game design? Do you really think this is acceptable?

  4. Wow, it was on 16% remaining FOUR hours ago, and it still hasn't been taken by Corpus? Meanwhile, more and more people are bandwagoning over to the Grineers due to better Battle Pay and them starting with the upper hand. With the reward system as it is, it's all-or-nothing, so players won't risk supporting a potentially losing team (Corpus). Oh well. If the Grineers are winning any further i'm just gonna stop at 25 points. The Grineer pistol quite literally looks like sh*t anyway, I have no interest in it.

  5. I don't think it really is a typo. Alad V currently holds those Tenno hostage. If we fight for him, we stay on his good side and he probably won't harm those captured cryopods yet, giving us a chance to find out where he's keeping them and rescue them later. If we fight for the Grineer, there is a very high possibility that Alad will destroy those cryopods in revenge, especially since neither the Grineer nor the Lotus know where he's keeping those cryopods. As such, if we fight for the Grineer, in a way we do leave these Tenno at the mercy of Alad.


    I'm still fighting for the Corpus. The Grineer are just simple-minded war-mongers anyway. May as well keep the Corpus alive, considering they actually have a constructive purpose in the solar system, managing the Solar Rails transport system as well as local trade. Plus, the Grineers made Rollers, Scorches and Napalms. They must die for that.

  6. Except Warframe is a PvE game. There is no true "win" condition other than just completing a mission, and that doesn't exactly require the most powerful god-tier weapons like Soma. Warframe does require balance to a certain degree, because that is the best way to give players variety and keep them interested.

    Without balance, DE can only pump out increasingly powerful weapons for anyone to be interested in them, as anything less powerful than something that exists in-game will be ignored. For example, with Soma around, EVERY OTHER RIFLE is now obselete, if DE releases any new rifles, they MUST either be even MORE powerful than the Soma or have a very unique gimmick in order to raise interest in it, and thus get sales. And under this system, the game will suffer from a severe case of powercreep. The game will become increasingly easy as players faceroll through everything, and they will get bored and demand more "challenge". DE will thus have to raise enemy stats to balance out this powercreep, thus rendering all lesser gear NON-VIABLE instead of just obselete. The increasingly steep difficulty curve to balance powercreep will also soon become too much for new players to handle, and new players will leave because of it.

    Sure, it's fine to have tiered weapons, reward player effort and give them things to work for, but this tiering must be as flat as possible, the curve must be made as low as possible to provide players with variety and choice. There are two ways of doing this. Balance, and gimmick weapons, a.k.a. "differences in kind". When it comes to balance, a powerful weapon must be equally difficult to obtain. Everything within the same tier, which require approximately equal effort to obtain, must as such have near equal power. For example, if Soma is to remain as Mastery 3, it must have power equivalent to other Mastery 3 weapons, which means a heavy nerfing. If its power level does not change, its Mastery requirement, its tiering, must be raised significantly, such as to Rank 8 (it's stronger than SUPRA, so that makes sense).

    As for differences in kind, this is done by producing weapons with unique mechanics that seperate them from other weapons in terms of purpose or playstyle. For example, both Glaive and Kestrel are thrown melee, yet they have entirely different purposes. Glaive is more powerful in terms of damage, but Kestrel can ragdoll enemies as a support weapon. Neither is truly better than the other objectively, as they have different playstyles. There's also gimmick weapons, such as the Miter, or the Flux Rifle, or Torid. These have unique mechanics, making them fun to use despite not having the best stats.

    There's also the fact that Warframe has the whole Forma and Supercharging thing. DE wants to sell these things, but people will only use Forma/Potatoes if they decide they'll be using a weapon for the long term. This isn't going to happen with powercreep present, where your current favourite gear can become redundant and pointless within a week when DE throws out something that plays the same but has twice the damage. Powercreep is bad for DE's income, it is an especially poor business decision due to the Forma and Supercharge system.

    As such, not all weapons need to be balanced, there CAN be power tiers (Frames should ALWAYS be balanced though, it's like classes, none must be objectively better than the other), but it must be done right and kept as less steep as possible. This is a must for Warframe's success in the long run, both for player enjoyment and DE's profit.

  7. Except grineer don't speak english and people rush to the forums asking why decoy got nerfed because they don't know why its not working anymore.

    Wouldn't be a problem if DE briefly explains the Commander re-work in the patch notes. Also, the Grineer speak an altered version of English. Even now, you can comprehend certain phrases, like "ATTACK" or "TENNO SCUM". Their command lines simply need to be comprehensible, such as having the word "grenade" in the throw grenade command, i.e. "SICTA TOR GURNADE!" or something like that.
  8. Why do Commanders even HAVE a switch teleport? Like, what was the thought process behind this?


    "I am the Commander of my squadron, and it is up to my superior intellect and skill over my lesser brethren to lead them to victory! OH I KNOW! I shall switch places with one of the invading Tenno! *poof. now he's in the middle of 3 Tenno with their Somas pointed at him while the teleported target is in the midst of his squad with an ult ready*"


    Just get rid of his switch teleport and make him actually command. Make him have this area of influence where other Grineers will listen to commands he shouts.

    Example commands:

    "THROW GRENADES!" All affected Grineers throw grenades at target in unison. Run, Forest, run!

    "CHARGE!" All Grineers ignore cover and zerg rush the Tenno.

    "That's a FAKE you dimwits!" Response to Decoy/Moult. Makes Grineers ignore the decoy.

    "TAKE COVER/CEASE FIRE!" Response to defensive skills such as Snow Globe or Absorb. Grineers will stay in cover and cease fire, making it harder for players to shoot them from the safety of a Globe, or stop feeding an Absorb.


    Unlike general AI behaviour, which is hard to code, semi-random commands such as throwing grenades or responsive commands to skills would be much less harder to code. It would also show that the Commanders are smarter than other Grineers, and actually hold a commanding role amongst the Grineers. Much less BS than a switch teleport spam.

  9. And this is why i solo primarily despite the obscene spawn rates of enemies (i have to stick to below level 30 for casual play due to this). I usually enjoy using precision weapons over rifles. I enjoy the challenge of lining up that headshot and watching my enemies' heads explode into red mist from a few clean precise shots instead of just lulzing things with a spray-and-pray wall of bullets. I like projectile weapons for the same reason of skill.


    However, as Warframe goes right now, there is no way you're gonna get any good number of kills with precision because the Soma/Strun Wraith users can insta-gib anything and everything by pointing in their general direction. Throw in stuff like Nova and you can just go grab a cup of coffee while your team facerolls the map with the press of a button.


    That CAN be solved if Armor 2.0 makes it so that weakspots like heads NEVER have armor scaling, making precision increasingly viable compared to spraying at higher levels (there's still AP, but that's another story i guess). Either way, if you want to use bows and other precision weapons currently, you'll just have to play solo so the mainstream people won't disintegrate everything before you get to pull back the bowstring.

  10. The one time DE SHOULD be locking a thread and they're not doing it? Come on now.


    Y'know, if Forma wasn't needed for bloody EVERYTHING nowadays i wouldn't care about them at all. I don't believe in polarising my gear, I LIKE using different weapons with different mechanics (more weapons with unique mechanics please, DE. We don't need any more generic guns/swords that just dominate in stats alone i.e. Soma/Galatine), and personally I consider polarising as a huge amount of powercreep anyway, and hope the game's difficulty is never balanced upon requiring polarising.


    However, considering the HUGE amounts of Forma needed for Dojo building (25 Formas for ONE room? REALLY?), and the slowly climbing forma costs of lab weapons (all future lab weapon will probably take at least 2 formas if the new Infested lab gear was anything to go by), we need as much as we can get! Not everyone wants to grind T3 all day every day as the only means to get forma, additional sources are always player-friendly, and Forma alerts are already rare enough as it is for them to be a reliable source.


    Seriously Mak, as if attempting to derail ever single criticism thread wasn't bad enough, now you're going to make TOPICS? Even DE took the time to reject your opinion, and god knows how often they actually reply to threads about the subject matter instead of just a lock threat.

  11. Welcome back pdx, however momentary it is.

    I wouldn't really agree that Warframe is a "sandbox" game, as much as it is just an empty shell. At least by my definition, a sandbox game would be something like Minecraft, Terraria, Garry's Mod. Games where it is mostly up to the PLAYER to build whatever they want and do whatever they want with a foundation that has been given to them. Sandbox games are ones where you can build inside it, whether it be using in-game material to build towering treehouses or a floating island, to bringing self-made material into the game, a.k.a. modding. It is the immense modding scene that has made Minecraft and GMod some of the most successful games on the market, afterall.

    You don't see that kind of thing going on with Warframe, everything is extremely restrictive, and you don't really get to control anything other than what level of enemy you want to fight, what faction and, to some degree, what tileset. You cannot create anything within, and DE won't let anyone even so much as glimpse their game code. Considering their encryption of drop tables lately, they will never even consider letting anyone mod in a billion years.

    Warframe is not a sandbox game. You may get the feel that it is a sandbox game due to its lack of content and how players often have to make their own fun (personally i set personal challenges when i play some missions for fun, such as all melee or stealth), but it is not a sandbox game. It is simply an empty shell of your generic PvE shooter, without the lore, without the enemy variety, without the iconic gimmick weapons, and with more grind reminiscent of MMORPGs.

    And that is all Warframe is right now. Unfulfilled potential.

  12. Finally, some real information instead of vague statements and promises.



    Could we get more details about what can be traded and whether there are any additional restrictions? For example, would I be able to sell or buy a mod from a friend using credits, or must I trade back a mod? Must the two traded items be of similar value (a restriction implemented in Runescape trading. Yes I actually played that game.), can be of vastly different value (i.e. unranked point strike for a multishot), or no restriction (I can give away mods for free to friends)?


    Also I find the decision of requiring a clan room to trade strange, even if it does seem to make sense. Sure, due to the invite system neither you nor your trade partner needs to be in a clan long as you have someone WITH a clan as a medium to invite you two into his/her dojo, which gives a lot more freedom and isn't really forcing people into clans, but in such a case why not just allow players to freely trade from the lobby screen via friends/clan list or something? Not saying I don't agree with the idea, I do find a "Trading Post" inside dojos as a cool feature (please do not overprice it -_-), just found the decision a little strange.


    New Warframe

    My slots tell me I shouldn't even dream of getting any new Warframes, so I won't. However, I am curious as to where we would acquire the parts for this new Warframe. From what I can tell, you guys are changing Jupiter into the Corpus Gas Planet, so I assume Alad V will drop the Volt BPs (I'm surprised Alad isn't an end-game boss due to lore reasons, though maybe you guys will change the planet levels or something. But then that messes with the whole "levels increase as you leave the sun" thing you guys wanted going on when you changed/upped all the planet levels in a previous update). So will you be introducing yet another planet + boss when you release her? Or do you have other plans? I honestly hope it won't be something similar to Alert-based like you did with Vauban.


    Mission Types

    Sabotage is one of my least favourite gamemodes next to Defenses (I solo primarily, so Defense is way absurd for casual play), due to the possibility of the ship self destructing, forcing me to rush. It seems you guys decided to make the gamemode even more of a chore, with shield-zapping fuel rods and guaranteed self destruct on the ship. However, admittedly Sabotage was the one gamemode that I could not come up with an improvement proposal to, so I'll see how it's actually implemented. I do very much like the concept of adding hazards to the map after destroying the reactor though.


    Either way, glad to see some news on development. I'd rather have more information on Armor 2.0 though. Something as fundamentally game-changing as a complete re-make to the armor and elemental system of the game should be released to the entire playerbase, not restricted to the Design Council (yes I know you guys have a draft and showed it in DC, it looks...promising, i guess)

  13. I DON'T know that feel bro, because i never rank anything past Rank 5 :D Honestly though, I consider Rank 5+ on mods as "overcharging", and not really meant for anyone but the most hardcore of players. Seriously, if DE specifically designate Rank 5+ on mods to be an optional overcharging of a mod and will not be balanced upon, WITHOUT actually changing the costs or the mod's stats from what they are currently, would anyone really be complaining about them?


    I just hope DE doesn't really expect everyone to be maxing mods in order to have the gear level for late-game though >.>

  14. Read this.


    "Braton is not Tenno made. It is reverse engineered Orokin tech (Hence it has a Prime version which it is based from). The ones who reverse engineered it are the Corpus so they are still the manufacturers.


    http://imgur.com/IV5OwOC Source: Fansite kit.


    Writing text with a mouse is difficult. But I didn't have my Intuos within reach."


    What Tenno use is also reverse engineered Orokin technology but done by the Tenno. The Braton is an exception having been reverse engineered by the Corpus it's why the weapon uses bullets since it is reverse engineered from an Orokin bullet weapon. There is a reason why there is Corpus text on it.



    Except the Corpus still don't use BULLETS. That is the official lore that DE has decided upon as of current, though not necessarily when they first made the game (braton is one of the first guns to have been put in this game). It's the same reason why Snipetron WAS officially a "Corpus" weapon, despite its use of bullets. However, DE then decided that the Corpus should NOT be using bullets, they should be using entirely energy weapons, and so they outright RETIRED the Snipetron for lore reasons (only returning it during an event due to popular demand, though still somewhat lore-breaking), and also replaced the Braton that Crewmen originally used with the Dera, which is an energy rifle. It's simply that DE made an oversight about the Braton's description and design, as they were too busy pumping out new content.

    While the lore when the Braton was first conceived may not be this way, the fact remains that as of CURRENT, the Corpus officially do not use bullet-based weaponry, and as such the Braton needs to be updated in terms of its description AND its visual design. Plus, the Braton is an iconic weapon of the game, it is pretty much the first weapon that newbies will use. It makes no sense for our first weapons to have been corpus-made, when the Lato and Skana are clearly Tenno-made, as shown clearly by their design.

  15. Don't agree. Instead of balancing in-game content DE should polish the game itself. PS4 release is at hand, game should look good, content can be fixed later.

    Game DOES look good, aside from some performance issues in OD (that they really do need to fix, but with the whole tesselation option they added it seems they ARE trying to fix it). Hell, DE released yet another UI update lately. Visually, Warframe is looking just fine, it is its content that needs to be updated. Warframe balancing, weapon balancing, more enemy variety, less RNG, unique mission types, better bosses, better upgrade system, armor 2.0 etc. etc.

    Doesn't matter how good a game looks if its content is poor.

  16. The whole point of Grineeer's Workshop is to give us regular information and very loose discussion about important decisions and progress on important topics, like Armor 2.0 for example. I highly doubt that they didn't get any progress on Armor 2.0 in an entire WEEK.

    And really, even if he doesn't have time to type a post on the forums during the weekdays, why not take an hour or two to do so on the weekends? It doesn't even have to be long, just a status brief so we know their direction. For a dev diary, a post a week is NOT too much to ask for, especially since communication IS STILL DE's biggest weakness. If Grineeer had talked about the Derelict Vaults and how they worked earlier with the community, maybe certain aspects like the Hobbled Key or shafting soloers wouldn't have happened, and the corrupted mods wouldn't be so dumb.

    Or how about the retirement of the friggin' GORGON? Why couldn't he have asked us in a Workshop entry whether we mind if these items were retired? Or at least give us a REASON why they're being retired instead of "oh we're just going to make these items exclusive to old players suddenly"?

    Stop being DElusional, people. DE does need a lot more communication than what we have now. Is a few hours on the weekends typing a status report and discussing on the forums REALLY that unthinkable?

  17. If they focus on balance, the art team and everyone else can simply get to work on skins (for weapons, for sentinels, non-helmet warframe cosmetics etc.) or, oh I dunno, MORE TILESETS? Not everything they make has to go towards completely new weapons and frames y'know.

    For starters, why not re-make the skin for Braton/Strun? They're supposed to be Tenno/Grineer weapons, yet look like Corpus gear in terms of design. While the programmers and balancers re-work old gear, they can spend that time doing these sorts of things. There's ALWAYS things they can do, it just depends on whether they are smart enough to find these things to do.

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