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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. God was this update a total disappointment. Seriously DE, what the hell?

    From the livestreams and stuff, I was led to believe that the Orokin Derelict tileset was going to replace the Jupiter tilesets, and that the new Golem was going to replace the old Golem. And of course there's the new frame, and the new Infested weapons, even an infested sentinel! I was totally hyped for this update. And then I found out about the keys.

    I thought the whole point of these tiles being Derelicts was that they WEREN'T hidden away in the void! SO WHY DO WE STILL NEED KEYS?! Hell, they left Jupiter completely untouched! Now there are TWO Golems! WHY? Not only that, but they even removed Mutagen Samples from the Jupiter and Eris resource drop lists and hid it all in the Derelict! This means even the new infested lab gear require non-stop grinding of the Derelict!

    In other words, the only things we even got out of Update 10 that's NOT hidden behind the pay/grind wall that is the Derelict or the Void, is the Conclave (which isn't very good neither), one gun, one sentinel, two melee weapons, and some vanity items for the dojo. Oh and the stamina nerf anti-"rushing" thing, because god knows this game is about being space marines not space ninjas.

    Seriously, I don't even care about Nekros, I just want to fight the new Golem (which looked BADASS) and have some exciting fun and challenge, but I can't even do that without grinding RNG for navs to access normal derelicts, and then grind THOSE derelicts for Golem navs, and wasting a bunch of resources and THREE HOURS of crafting time! I might have put up with this when I was still having my summer holiday, but I'm in my first year of college now! My time is seriously valuable now, and I don't think this shady grind-fest is worthy of my time anymore!

    Well, I suppose all we can do is express our disgust at this new key system and hope DE takes the high or mid road soon, because otherwise, I am through with this game.

  2. Grineers: Liked the ideas except the Engineer, that seems more a Corpus thing. I really like the Hunters/Handlers though.

    Infested: Not really liking the Sprayers, the Infested really shouldn't use firearms (though some advanced units should have ranged projectiles).

    Corpus: The Mercs should completely replace the crewmen, though they should have a higher ratio compared to the normal crewmen as the levels rise. Kinda "meh" on cultists.

  3. Give the cloaking tech to the Corpus. The Grineer already have teleportation tech anyway, and Scouts could cloak, so it would make sense.


    I'd say the cloaking unit should be an Advanced-tier unit that completely replaces the Sniper Crewman. The Corpus Marksman, has cloaking tech and uses the Lanka, along with flashbangs that act similar to Radial Blind in the form of a grenade. Spawnrate similar to Seekers/Shield Lancers, has personal shielding, health slightly lower than the Tech. However, the way enemy cloaking works ought to be changed. Unlike the current cloaking (i.e. Nef Anyo's cloak), the Marksmen's cloak is semi-visible, leaving a faint silhouette (similar to the Stalkers in Killing Floor). They can shoot while cloaked, and can also be shot while cloaked. I think that would make an interesting addition to the Corpus.


    @Khaos: I'd prefer if Scouts would replace regular Corpus capture targets on higher levels, with varying tiers. For example, you'd get the basic Spectra Scout starting from level 20 missions. Starting from level 30, you get Elite Scouts who can throw freezing grenades to slow you down as well, and from level 40 onwards you get Scoutmasters who can also cloak (with the Marksman's cloak style). It'd be silly to have Scouts as normal units.

  4. Yes I would prefer they bring back the old Sawmen, and that means having buzzsaws and being non-shielded. The sounds of their saws increased the atmosphere, and it also made them seem a lot more threatening, both due to the sound and because they had their hand amputated to fit a saw on instead. The switch to cleavers was a bad move, it made the Sawmen much more generic, and also lost that gameplay effect of warning players of their presence. With the addition of personal shields, they became even worse, as they're now incredibly hard to stealth kill (shields block stealth attack bonus damage) and even tankier than Lancers on low-mid levels!


    Seriously, just bring back the old Sawmen (though they could have a damage buff) and give the cleavers to Flameblades (potentially with added fire element effect :D)

  5. Honestly I would prefer weapons with differences in kind than differences in scale, basically more weapons with different abilities that make them fun and unique to use even if they aren't "optimal", rather than just different stats which fails to redirect attention from their optimability.

    For example, the Miter is clearly less optimal compared to the Acrid or the Supra, but I like to use the Miter anyway because it's just damn fun to launch piercing sawblades at people. In the same way, while the Glaive or Kestrel is clearly less optimal than something like the Orthos, I would still use them over the Orthos because it's more interesting to spartan-kestrel someone into a bottomless pit or use the Glaive's return trip to hit someone from behind a wall. These weapons have differences in kind, which redirects attention from their non-optimability.

    While it's okay to have tiered weapons (as long as the power creep remains reasonable and decelerates over time in favor of differences in kind within the same tier) as that gives players something to strive for, that doesn't mean that lower tier weapons should be neglected and be utterly redundant. The problem right now is that too many weapons simply differ in stats and not usage, thus resulting in a truckload of completely redundant gear and causing players to cry out for buffs to many weapons to increase variability in high level play. Afterall, who would ever use the Machete when the Orthos is just as easily attainable, yet has a much better power level?

    tl;dr It's okay to have tiered weapons since the game would become boring if all or most weapons and gear were perfectly balanced, but DE should focus on introducing differences in kind over differences in scale, basically giving more weapons unique abilities and usage, which would make them fun to use despite their non-optimability. Weapons within the same tier should be relatively balanced both in terms of power and availability, while higher tier weapons should not be so powerful that it trivializes most gear in the lower one or two tiers.

  6. I agree with the OP, Phorid is just a horribly designed boss that needs to be re-designed, probably as much of a priority as Nef Anyo. The homing spikes are bollocks considering how perfectly they home and how fast they are, and the scream is outright unavoidable, frustrating if you don't have the shields to tank it all, and plain annoying even if you do.

    Though for now, I would suggest using Frost to fight Phorid. Since Phorid is a charger, it also takes 3x damage from sharp melee. Use a heavy sharp melee like the Hate, throw down a Snowglobe on Phorid and cut away. From personal experience it also seems that it rarely uses the spikes if you're close enough to it, so circle-strafing it up close with a shotty does wonders for keeping you alive, simply because it keeps it from triggering the damn spikes in the first place. Make sure to put Ice mods on your main weapon too. For the scream attack, the only thing you can do is get enough shields to tank it, which is easily achievable with Frost, because the scream is completely unavoidable.

  7. The pulling effect on other players for the Vortex had little to no value other than for teh lulz. As funny as it was being dragged towards a teammate's Vortex for the first few times (the change was made by the time I got my own Vauban, so no I never got to "troll" anyone myself), I can see how this would annoy people in most games, so while I personally miss the effect, i don't think it was a bad idea.

  8. Considering that the prime versions are already outright better than the normal versions in every conceivable way thus making the non-primes obselete, they may as well make a Rank 30 version of the non-prime weapon/frame a necessary component for crafting the prime version. Actually turn it into an upgrade system and all that.

    As for Catalysts/Reactors, I'd much prefer that it be kept upon upgrading to a Prime version, or at least release a new tool for removing catalysts/reactors from weapons/frames.

  9. Well first off I wholeheartedly agree that the game relies way too much on RNG. However, there is also the fact that RNG is RIGGED to begin with. For example, it has actually been proven that DE significantly reduced enemy spawning on survival if you're soloing. In THEORY this was to make sure solo players won't get overwhelmed by enemy numbers balanced for 3-4 players. In reality it makes solo non-viable for getting past the 20 minute mark because you simply don't get enough enemy-dropped oxygen tanks, especially since for whatever reason DE decided to put a limit on how many oxygen tanks the Lotus would give you. Basically, if you want to get past the 20 minute mark, you are forced to go co-op to increase enemy spawns to a viable level.

    It's bizarre why DE decided that players should rely on the RNG-based enemy-dropped oxygen primarily instead of the Lotus-dropped oxygen tanks. Afterall, if the Lotus tanks were dropped at fixed time intervals, and were balanced so that they would become the primary source of oxygen with enemy-dropped tanks as bonuses, then RNG would have been minimized for this gamemode and make it more of a test of skill than luck.

  10. It is an averages system.


     If every single member of your clan had exactly 1 hour as their best time then your clan score is 1 hour.


     Players who don't participate at all have an best time of 0 - I believe they actually drag your score down.

    Nah i'm pretty sure it doesn't take into account players who don't participate at all, otherwise my clan's scores would be much lower than what it is right now, lol.

    I agree with St0l3n, the only fair way of doing this event's clan leaderboards would be to use its best time achieved instead of any kind of average, otherwise it'd be biased towards small clans.

  11. I've posted this thread a loooooong ago, just decided to update the image a little (added a background etc.) and re-post.

    A re-design for the Raptor boss on Europa:


    Defensive System

    This design is partially inspired by the Jackal's weakpoint-based damage system, but upgraded to increase challenge and reduce annoyance. The Raptor will have a large shield generator inside of it, creating an impenetrable shield around the Raptor's main body until the generator is disrupted by significant damage, similar to Jackal's legs. UNLIKE Jackal however, the Raptor itself does not rely on the reactor to function and will continue to fight while the generator slowly fixes itself, though it can now be damaged. The generator takes one minute to re-activiate after disabling it.

    Offensive Systems


    A total of 4 mini-guns fitted into its top wings. The Raptor's primary weapon, each minigun can target a different Tenno. These guns have the same fire rate as the Braton with slightly lower accuracy.

    Quad-guided missiles

    A total of 4 missile hatches fitted into its bottom wings. These missiles function similar to the Hyena's, though they can be shot down by gunfire. The hatches will open for a second before the missiles can be launched, giving the Tenno a chance to prepare for the barrage. Each missile can target a different Tenno.

    Shotgun grenade launcher

    A grenade launcher that can fire a barrage of 8 grenades at the targeted Tenno's general location. The grenades have bright red light trails (similar to the grenades in Half Life 2), and explode a second after hitting the ground.

    Eye laser

    Starts being used once Raptor's health reaches 75%. The eye laser functions similar to Nef Anyo's railgun. The eye glows with the Railgun Moa's charge effect before firing.

    Ion cannon

    The Raptor's ultimate weapon. Starts being used at 50% health, it has a 2 second charge where a ball of light starts forming within the cannon along with a loud charge noise. It will lock onto a single target and fire once charged (without leading the target). On direct hit, it deals over a thousand damage, almost always an insta-kill. The laser also creates a shockwave with a very large range that will knock down all Tenno that it hits though it deals no damage. Shockwave can be jumped. The Ion Cannon takes up a lot of energy to fire, and requires 45 seconds to recharge after usage.


    The mission takes place on a regular Corpus Outpost, though at night to give it a sense of unique-ness. The arena itself consists of a very large outdoors plateau, with multiple large boulders and icebergs laced around the arena to provide cover.

    Other details

    The design IS intended to have double wings despite the fact that normal Ospreys have only one pair of wings. The Raptor is supposed to be slightly larger than the Jackal. Upon destruction, the Raptor will crash into the ground instead of exploding in the air, leaving the loot in a semi-neat pile for collection.

    So, thoughts?

  12. We really do need the ability to see at least the ONLINE members of other clans within the Alliance so we can invite more conveniently :/ I suppose everything else has been addressed by Rebecca. Man, organising these Alliances is going to be complicated as hell -_- I'm even wondering if i should make an alt just for moderating my clan's 2nd Division (I'm head of Lone Rangers btw, was just above 1000 members so we got split).

    While we're at it, I hope DE improves the UI so we can expand the contacts window. That would make it so much less of a pain to attempt to remove extreme inactives from a 1000 member-strong list.

  13. Quicksand has been REALLY annoying in every game i've played that has it, and Hellion's are spongy and numerous enough to be dangerous without having quicksand to screw with the player. At most, if you want something "terrain" based, there should be random sandstorms that obscure vision in outdoor areas, or certain areas where the sand will summon feral creatures if tread upon, like Skates or Sandworms (such as the Antlion Beach section of Half Life 2).

  14. It just seems to break the lore to have Vor be the first boss and die on Mercury, and yet reappear on Phobos without explanation. Same for Lech Kril, being on two planets. Sure they could be clones, but then why don't they just make an entire army of boss clones to send at us?

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