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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. DAMN, it's almost as if it's because Invasion Missions are boring as hell, so no one bothers running them if the rewards aren't really good, and that's why they're stuck in permanent stalemates!

    But it's not like DE will ever rollback anything they release, or even overhaul them within 5 major updates, so i'm not even gonna bother complaining about how stupid Invasions as a whole is. Let Sedna and Europa stay that way, it's kinda funny anyway, just imagining the Grineers and Corpus having a british tea party together for the entire duration of it.

  2. ...........can I have some of what you're smoking?


    You're trying to tell me that standing ontop of a cryopod blowing up infested with an ogris for hours is fun? Oh, I guess on Cyath you had to run between OMG THREE COMPUTERS instead of just a cryopod, right?


    No, people did Xini and Cyath because they were easy and because they gave ridiculously awesome rewards for how hard the missions actually were(n't). XP, Neurodes, and the Defense Rewards. That's why people did Xini and Cyath.


    They DIDN'T, however, do Xini and Cyath for the compelling gameplay of standing there pressing the 4 key over and over again.

    The same could be said of ALL Defense and Mobile Defense missions, no? This just shows the fundamental flaw of Warframe: Its MECHANICS aren't fun. The gunplay is generic sans a minority of high-end special gear. Melee consists of spamming charge attacks and nothing more. Enemies lack actual variety, intelligence and challenge. Many ults trivialize most content. The line between playing for fun and playing for grind is so fuzzy that many players don't even know WHY they're playing anymore.

    Either DE should be applauded for making such a successful Skinner's Box, or gamers nowadays have WAY too low expectations.

  3. Huh, I thought by "theme" you meant relating them to their Frame drops and faction lore theme. Quite frankly while cinematics and stuff are also important, focus should be placed on making the gameplay fun and merging bosses with lore. I mean, look at Vor and Kril, they both die on their respective planets, yet somehow show up again on Phobos, which screws up consistency; or the fact that Vor speaks Grineer, yet Sargas Ruk and now Vay Hek both speak relatively fluent English.

    More importantly, none of the bosses even have clear personalities to speak of, particularly the Grineers, who may as well be carbon copies of each other (though considering they're clones...). They have no influence on the player other than short-term global events, and even then they're little more than a "mastermind" for the event, and they occasionally yell at the player throughout the event missions. No amount of cool cutscenes or OST is going to make players feel anything about the bosses other than "oh look another mob to farm" unless there is proper lore intertwined with the bosses through regular gameplay and not just limited time global events that new players will never experience.

    I really should be caring about boss development and their future rework designs, but the decision of making Vay Hek a bland "propaganda machine" that's more Corpus proxy than Grineer marine instead of building upon what already existed (Corrupt diplomat with equal wits and skill, laid back and cocky with confidence in his power, unpredictable in combat) has made me stop giving damns. It's clear DE has no plans whatsoever and just follow whatever whimsy happens to cross their mind at the moment. Rather disappointing.

  4. As much as I despise the changes to Infested, DE will never go back no matter how much people hate it. They've never rolled back anything major before no matter the outlash, and they're not about to stop now. They're really stubborn and frustrating to players that way.

    Of course, a win-win situation would have been to allow Phorid and the Infested to stay as the constant on Eris (and possibly new planets when they decide to expand on the faction), and then have 1-2 nodes on every non-mercury planet be invaded by Infested, like nightmare modes except players have to clear them out like current invasions. Every time a node is cleared, another on the planet gets Infested a few hours later. Boss nodes are exempt as the bosses are strong enough to fight off Infested by themselves. This keeps Infested dynamic, yet allows them to be reliably played/farmed in an area that doesn't require a goddamn key to access every round.

    But no that might actually make EVERYONE happy, can't have THAT around here.

  5. So wait... if you scan anything and abort you lose the things that you scanned right? Any idea on how well this method actually works? I scanned all morning when I got off work and only found cones and a couple of lilies.

    Well it's been working for just about everyone in the clan. I myself had the luck to have 2 Jadeleaves spawn on the first tile today while hunting at night, so it's entirely possible to find them within the first two tiles. But yes, if you abort, you lose everything you scanned in that mission, so if you do find Jadeleaves, you have to finish the run, otherwise abort+retry, simple as that.
  6. To your "in a perfect world" statement, to me, "in a perfect world" Warframe would have:

    A stealth system on par with Dishonored, the fluid mobility and parkour of Assassin's Creed, the gun variety of the Borderlands series, a melee system as satisfying as Devil May Cry, and a fair business model akin to Team Fortress 2, with the skins and customization to boot.

    Sadly, that's not going to happen, because DE's problems extend far beyond trying to rush out content. To me, DE lacks decision-making skills, they lack organization, they don't think over the potential consequences of their actions, they are detached from the general playerbase, and they lack the one thing that all good developers need: AMBITION. I'm sorry but when I look at most of the DE team, or at least the decision-making ones who show up on the streams, I don't see a bunch of eccentrics who want to make the next big timeless classic no matter how much effort it takes. I see a bunch of casuals with as much enthusiasm in their work as Homer Simpson and simply wants to make a quick buck. The only exceptions are the art team, who i hold the utmost respect for, and Rebecca, who clearly tries her best to do her job as a community manager.

    I've had my days of hardcore forum posting, when I had hopes that DE would listen, and would spend hours upon hours writing threads or private messages giving feedback on everything. Those days are over for me now, but yours aren't, and I hope you and others like you will actually be able to make a difference.

    Also is that supposed to be a Grineer Doge, Letter?

  7. Btw - Didnt find any Jadeleaf either. I don't even know how they look like, maybe that's the thrill..

    You can check the wiki if you want, images have been uploaded. And honestly, you CAN'T miss the night version. The day one though, bleh.

    By the way, a common strategy right now is to enter a mission, search the first two tiles, and if there's nothing, abort and try again. It's kind of an exploit, but hey, when something's this reliant on RNG you don't really have to play fair.

    OR, if you have a clan, it's entirely possible to have clannies play invite-only and post on the clan chat whenever they find a Jadeleaf, then have 3 others join. That's how I got my Day version.

  8. There has been NO event that's based on skill so far, perhaps excluding the Survival Event. Everything else did little other than test your patience and the amount of time you can afford to waste on grinding. However, Cicero IS the first event to be COMPLETELY reliant on RNG. Which sucks. At least if you're lucky as hell you can complete the entire event within 3 runs (day, night, defense), which is nice in its own way.

    As with many of DE's decisions, great concept, horrendous execution.

  9. I prefer to think of it as a biology field trip of some sort, prancing through lush green forests, gathering flower samples and all that.

    You know what kind of gardening WOULD be cool though? If after the event they allow the plants to stay, and players can still collect extracts, and then be able to use those extracts to plant the actual plants in the dojo gardens. Could even be expanded to other outdoor tilesets.

  10. Well the entire game's drop tables are garbage. Considering DE's rap sheet it's no surprise they'd destroy OD drop tables too.

    You know what DE SHOULD have done with Infested? Keep Infested and Phorid as the constant faction on Eris (makes sense that some regions be completely taken over by the Infested, they ARE supposed to have been a serious threat that swept the Sol System), bringing back hotspots for Infested games like Xini and making Nyx farming not a completely random pain in the &#!.

    Meanwhile, have random Infested invasions pop up on 1-2 nodes of each non-Mercury planet. Works similar to Nightmare Mode, but instead of disappearing on their own, they need to be kicked off by players like the current invasions. Every time a node gets cleaned, another on that planet will get Infested after a few hours. Boss nodes are excempt, because the bosses are strong enough to get rid of the Infested on their own.

    And suddenly BOOM. Infested becomes consistently playable/farmable while still being dynamic, no longer relying on OD which needs goddamn keys for every trip. Everyone's happy. But we can't have THAT, can we.

  11. This is the first time many people in my clan have resorted to exploiting abort resets due to the sheer amount of RNG involved in this.

    Would've been better if they ensured there'd at least be one Jadeleaf somewhere on the map each run. Or, better yet, you know how the map makers really like putting in secret loot areas? Why not make Dragonlilies and Jadeleaves have a high (<33%) chance of spawning in one of those secret nook and crannies? It'd encourage exploration too. But no, that might actually NOT be frustrating, can't have that.

    Oh well, i got my 100 points and I am out. Maybe if I'm REALLY out of things to do I can go look for a few more jadeleaves and make some antidotes to sell for dosh.

  12. It's really just false complexity to create the illusion that Warframe has "depth".

    IMO They should've set up enemies into 4 different health types.

    FLESH - Health of all biological enemies.

    MACHINE - Health of all robotic enemies.

    ARMOR - Non-regenerating shield type.

    SHIELD - Regenerating shield type.

    And then make these health types consistent on factions across the board. Regular Grineers all have Armor and Flesh. Corpus Crewmen all have Shield and Flesh. Corpus Proxies all have Shield and Machine. Regular Infested only have Flesh. Elite-class enemies (such as Heavies) for both Grineer and Corpus have Shield AND Armor over their regular health, Elite-class Infested can have Armor, but never Shield.

    Then, elemental resistances can be based on the HEALTH TYPE instead of the individual enemy. For example:

    FLESH - Weak against: Slash, Fire, All poison sub-types. Strong against: Impact, Magnetic, Shock.

    And so forth. This creates a complexity that's CONSISTENT and also makes common sense, and does not need to be re-learned repeatedly. Why can't DE just do this?

  13. Faction - Grineer

    Name - Tensarg

    Description - Heavy chainsaw melee. Slash and Impact damage. Charge attack has unique mechanic where the user holds down the melee button to keep the saw revved up and positioned in front of him/her, and then can run into enemies with it to deal continuous damage. Charge attack uses self-regenerating fuel, so it can't be kept up forever.


  14. Warning: This is a significantly long post, and there is no tl;dr. If you’re not fond of reading, leave now.


    Inspired by Zamboni’s thread to completely rework Warframe’s foundation mechanics (which you can read here: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/137875-a-complete-rework-of-the-foundation-of-warframe/ ), I decided to write my own thread about a not-so-radical overhaul of absolutely everything, instead to build upon what DE has already made and improve it from there. Depending on the reception of this thread, I might be making this a series, where I discuss the Mods System, Damage mechanics, Movement, Stealth and Melee.


    For this starting thread, I’ll focus on the Mods system.


    As it stands, the mods system theoretically allows for a lot of room for customization, yet in reality fails to do so due to the presence of “mandatory” mods like shields + health + max energy for frames, damage + fire rate for weapons etc. Meanwhile many “optional” mods are utterly useless such as the Elemental Resistance mods for Frames. With the addition of Double Mods and Corrupted Mods, customization takes another nose dive as now people can stack multiple “core” mods like weapon damage on a single gun, and who wouldn’t do that?


    Here I will try to overhaul and build upon the existing Mods system to fix these problems. I call it:


    Mods 2.5


    Let’s begin.


    Frame/Weapon Leveling

    First off, upgrading of basic stats of frames and weapons will be based on leveling it, not modding. So for example, frames will be getting more shields/health/energy per level up, reaching a total of 400% of base shields+health and 250% of base energy by level 30. For example, a frame that starts with 150 shields, 100 health and 100 base energy will end up with 600 shields, 400 health and 250 base energy by level 30. Health, shields and max energy mods will have their powers halved, and be an optional mod to buff yourself up further instead of mandatory.


    Same goes for weapons. Their base damage, fire rate and reload speed are doubled by Rank 30 of the weapon. Damage, fire rate and reload speed mods will thus be nerfed as they are no longer mandatory for progression.


    Basic, Double or Corrupted, choose 1 not all

    Right now you can stack multiple of the same mods by using their dual-stat and corrupt versions as well. This heavily reduces build variety as people will just stack as many “core” mods like damage or shields onto themselves, and results in some rather overpowered possibilities.


    As such, under Mods 2.5, this system will be changed as such. Double and Corrupted mods now become ALTERNATIVES to the basic version of a mod, and you can only equip one of them. Numeric values of the mods will be altered accordingly.


    For example, a Basic Damage mod gives 10% damage per level. A Double mod would give 5% damage and 5% fire rate per level. A Corrupted mod would give 20% damage and -10% fire rate per level. All three have the same mod energy cost.


    Using the same example, if the Double mod is equipped, Basic and Corrupted mods that boost damage or fire rate cannot be equipped. However, if the Corrupted mod is equipped, mods that boost fire rate but NOT damage can be equipped, to offset the fire rate penalty at the cost of additional mod energy and a slot.


    Underclock and Overcharge

    Underclocking: Upgrading a mod will “unlock” a rank instead of putting it at that rank forever. You can freely reduce and raise the rank of the mod, and thus change its energy cost and power for more convenient build alteration. Of course, you can’t raise the mod’s rank over the highest rank you’ve unlocked on it.


    Overcharging: For mods that can go beyond Rank 5, Rank 6 and beyond is now considered as “overcharging” the mod. Starting from Rank 6, mod power increases at 1.5x the original rate per level. For example, a damage mod increases by 10% per level from Unranked to Rank 5. At Rank 6 and beyond, it increases by 15% per level instead. Basically its power at Rank 4, 5, 6 would be 50%, 60%, 75% respectively. This overcharging is completely optional and will not be significantly balanced upon, and it will act as an optional credit/core sink where you can overcharge mods to increase power further at the cost of huge amounts of credits and cores.


    Overhauling some old mods

    Certain optional mods currently are extremely useless, or overtly useful. For example, elemental “resistance” mods for Warframes are absolutely useless garbage right now. They should be buffed to 20% resistance for their respective element, with 80% at their max Rank 3.


    Puncture will be buffed in terms of distance.


    Meanwhile, something like multishot will be overhauled from its omni-potent double damage. Max percentage becomes 60% at Rank 5 for pistols, 30% for rifles and shotguns. Upon multishot triggering, two shots will be fired like right now, but accuracy is also halved on that shot.


    Hopefully this will potentially solve most of the existing problems of the modding system. So, feedback, positive, negative and otherwise? I’d love a more thorough discussion on the subject.

  15. What bug me the most about these nerfs, is that alot of ppl, have gone and spendt time and sometimes plat on multiforma theier fav. weapon, and then it gets nerfed beyond use..(RIP. my 5 formaed Acrid)


    I understand this is just a beta, and changes are prone to happen down the road

    but ppl do tend to feel somewhat "cheated" when theier fav. are heavily nerfed..


    I cant help to get the feeling, that DE`s  thinking along the lines of,

    "this weapon/Frame/mod is quite fun to play with,.. we cant have that,... lets nerf the s.h.i.t out of it"

    Elemental mods were quite fun to use, because of all the cool FX they created and the power feeling they gave the user,

    now, even on a weap. moddet for high status proc chance (15.5%) you hardly ever see these FX take effect anymore...

    the fun factor of using elementals just went down by 500%, same with the Brakk/Acrid etc. etc.

    That's just due to lazy weapon design. As evidenced by this "nerf", the only thing that made Brakk/Acrid "fun" to use was their sheer op-ness. They had no defining mechanics other than that. The moment you put their stats back at a more reasonable level, they lose that op-ness and their generic-ness is revealed to the world.

    In fact, the same kinda goes for elements. They actually never did anything other than pop an fx effect when you shoot something (excluding ice, and shock on crewmen). Now they proc less, but actually do something, but what they do is REALLY minor and insignificant, so it's really just like before but without the fx effects, so it seems like it's less fun.

    Imagine if they gave Brakk an alt-fire mechanic, where you can charge the gun to condense the frags into a solid slug for high accuracy long-range shots. However after the 25% point of charge time, if you release pre-maturely the gun malfunctions and does some damage to the user instead. Even if Brakk's damage was nerfed to 100 IN ADDITION to the existing addition of fall-off for normal shotty blasts, the Brakk would STILL be fun because it has a unique mechanic, that makes it useful both short-range and long-range but REASONABLY!

    So yeah, I suppose what's REALLY to blame is DE's laziness. Again.

  16. Y'know, all these posts about "no such thing as stealing kills" actually made me realize a VERY slight flaw in the argument.

    Perhaps it is the term "STEALING" that is being mis-used. Because the term indicates that someone is taking away something that is rightfully yours, for example, playing a MOBA, you were fighting Roshan or whatever and then some jackass from the other team waltzes in, steals the last hit and the item drop or something. THAT is a "steal". In Warframe, kills do not technically belong to anyone until it's been made, and xp is evenly shared along with loot, so TECHNICALLY, you can't "steal" a kill.

    HOWEVER. This does not change the fact that having someone who has game-breakingly overpowered gear like the Brakk ruins the experience for all other players. It's like trying to play with a Nova on Infested ED (any ED actually). Considering the sheer room-clearing capability of Mol Prime, you could literally go AFK and casually grab a cup of tea because you're not going to be able to do anything anyway as the Nova will obliterate every possible target on the map before you get to do anything. It's the same logic with pre-nerf Brakk, except it's even MORE powerful than Mol Prime. By having such rediculously powerful gear available, everyone who DOESN'T have it on the team essentially don't get to play. The only one allowed to play the game is the smug asshat with the super op weapon proudly carrying the team by one-shotting everything with his I-WIN button of +9999 skill, and that's not very healthy for a game that's supposed to be focused around co-op teamwork, not three people watching one person play.

    So in other words, perhaps the term "stealing" kills is mis-used, but the point still stands. All we need is a slightly better phrased term that can't be nitpicked.

  17. Tenno are actually Orokin who were denied access to the void and fought the Sentients in the Old War.

    Well according to the Stalker's Codex Entry, the Tenno were revered warrior servants of the Orokin until something caused them to revolt and slaughter their masters.

    Meanwhile, from what I gathered, I put together a bit of "headcanon" lore for Warframe so far.

    The Tenno were once warrior servants of the Orokin, who fought for them during and possibly before the Old War. Something triggered a revolt, and the Tenno slaughtered their Orokin masters. The Stalker was a Tenno who was not notified and did not take part in the revolt, and considers the Tenno traitors, which is why he hunts them now. Either way, the Tenno were put into stasis somehow afterwards, either on their own or by the Orokin to stop them, and have now been awoken by the Lotus to serve her currently unknown agenda. The Lotus herself appears to once have had relations with the Corpus, but turned traitor for some reason.

    The Grineer are an offshoot of humans, who overwhelmed and destroyed most of normal humanity through sheer numbers. The vast majority of them are clones, though certain members like the bosses may be normal humans, or aberrant clones who managed to survive and develop skills/tech that allowed them to rise above the rest of their kind. Due to imperfect cloning technology, their clones are suffering from genetic deteoration, relying on technology and robotic implants to offset their physical weakness. They are war mongers who seek to take over the Sol System.

    The Corpus are also an offshoot of humans, though they are not clones. The Corpus in general are a massive lawful-evil corrupt cult-corporation who manage many of the systems (such as the solar rails) and trade in the Sol System, and possibly beyond. Most of their members are indoctrinated/brainwashed, though there does seem to be regular civilians, as indicated during the Gradivus Dilemma. They also worship technology, having far superior tech than the Grineers, and rely on robotic proxies and powerful energy weapons to offset the frail-ness of their human crewmen. They seem obsessed with Orokin technology, and try their best to capture and dissect Warframes to obtain their tech.

    The Infested are a bio-weapon developed by the Orokin to fight against the Sentients in the Old War, but the virus went rogue, driving the surviving Orokins into the Void and now run rampant in the Sol System. They're basically the zombies of the WF universe, and every faction wants them dead and gone.

  18. Personally, I don't even have a Brakk (i took part in the event, but refused to farm the 100 points just based on principle), and I play solo exclusively so i don't get Brakk users or Novas nuking the map while i sit there having nothing to do, so I technically I don't really feel the difference, but I really support this nerf.

    Everyone knows the Brakk was &#036;&amp;*&amp;*#(%&amp;ly OP. I know it, you know it, even your mom knows it, and so does mine. A shotgun sidearm with zero fall-off that has better base stats than every single other shotgun in the game and starts with 2 polarity slots, being an instant room clearer both close and far that can be more efficient than an ULT, if you think that's not game-breakingly OP you're just delusional.

    "It's PvE there's no such thing as OP" is a stupid argument. For one, when you give players a rediculously powerful weapon that out-powers every single piece of content in the game with ease, people will soon get bored after the initial high from the power fantasy and demand more "challenge", yet considering the weapon's stats, the only possible way to increase this "challenge" would be to buff enemy/boss health+shields+armor sky high so they don't die in one hit (or add invuln states/damage gates, and we all know how people feel about THAT). And suddenly everyone who DOESN'T have that power level can't play the game anymore because it's now balanced at that power level. Thus begins the vicious cycle of power-creep.

    "There's no such thing as kill-stealing" WRONG. Yeah, we play games for fun, that's kinda the point. However, in order to actually get fun in THIS game in particular, which is a third person SHOOTER, you have to, *gasp*, SHOOT AND KILL STUFF. We don't play Third Person Shooters to race through a map just to reach the end and then start over, we don't play TPS so we can sit there and get free exp to level items, we play so that we can take a gun, point it at a grunt's head and blast them open. And I can't exactly do that when someone on the team is holding a weapon that can clear the room in seconds at any range before i even have time to aim. If I wanted to sit there doing nothing and just watch someone play, I wouldn't be playing a game, I'd go watch Youtube!

    Hell, the Brakk didn't even get that big a nerf, the only difference is that now you actually have to get close to an enemy to do optimal damage. Gee, it's almost like it's a SHOTGUN or something. If the Brakk was released in its existing state, would anyone even have complained? In fact, the only defining factor of the Brakk is its sheer op-ness, it has NO SPECIAL FEATURES other than just being op. Says a lot about DE's weapon design philosophy.

    Basically, the Brakk got what it deserved, and it still isn't enough neither.

  19. On the subject of "swag", I actually don't mind the use of it under the meaning of "loot", like "I got a whole bunch of swag at the convention" or "check out all this SWAG i got from the boss". When used to mean "swagger" though, it's on par with YOLO in terms of utter stupidity.

    On the subject of the actual unit, NOPE.avi. It's honestly shoddily thought out. Dual rapid-fire shock torids really don't add anything to the game, it's practically a buffed Napalm. Machete Wraiths painted green? Why mention it as a Wraith at all then other than theoretical cool points? And Decoys, that's just a boss-class ability honestly, and not even fitting for a heavy unit to have a stealth-based ability. Not to mention that Shock-based weapons and units should be restricted to Corpus mostly. Amphis as an "experimental" weapon is already enough for Grineers, who should be based on Fire and Blast in terms of elements considering their nature.

    All in all this seems like a really shoddy attempt to randomly stitch together properties to make a unit.

  20. These lazy generic weapons that are constantly being churned out is what's turning me off from touching the game anymore. So many generic weapons with little more than a change of stats, why can't we get something remotely interesting? Stop pumping out new weapons, and re-vamp the old ones already!

    Here's a few ideas just for starters!

    Hek: Alt-fire: Charge the gun to fire all four barrels at once, dealing quad-damage but emptying your entire clip. Can only be charged when clip is full. Clip size mods do not work on this gun.

    Brakk: Regular fire: Very large spread, quick damage fall-off shotgun for close range combat. Alt-fire: Charge to condense shot into a slug for long range fire.

    Lecta and whips in general: Completely different charge mechanic: Hold melee to lash out the whip, release melee to crack it. Time the release right so you crack it right when the whip reaches the target.

    Gorgon: Starts with near pin-point accuracy and low fire rate. The longer the fire button is held, the lower the accuracy and the faster the fire rate.

    Galatine: Decrease charge speed and swing speed even further, buff normal swing damage to at least 75. Make it into a true broadsword with heavy all-round damage but low all-round speed.

    Spectra: Beam has 75% range as Flux Rifle, but damage varies with range of enemies. At furthest, half damage of flux. At point blank, twice damage of flux.

    As for new weapons, why not swords that can shoot shockwaves on charge attacks? Pistols/snipers with infra-red scopes to see through (but not shoot through) walls? A corpus gun that sprays liquid nitrogen? Corpus energy swords that ignore enemy shields and armor? Grineer pipebomb launchers? Grineer chainsaw that you hold down the melee button to keep activated and run into enemies with it? The possibilities are ENDLESS!

    But I guess quality over quantity doesn't rake in as much cash off gullible kids, does it now.

  21. As harsh as the review was, it was, in all honesty, fair. Many of the negatives mentioned in the review have been pointed out by players on the forums for months, yet DE continues to do little to nothing to address them. Controls are still clunky, boss fights are dull and uninteresting, there's barely any unique gameplay elements (parkour, quick flow of gameplay and a fluid mix of guns, melee and powers could have been WF's selling point, yet DE ignored all these, or even attempted to reduce them, in favor of pumping out more and more generic gear for players to grind the same content for), and i give the enemies a 10....on the pH scale because they're basic as hell.

    For everyone who said "oh he just didn't play long enough, this game needs weeks before it shines brightly like the beautiful star it deserves to be called", I quote one of my favourite game reviewers on this: "First impressions matter." If a game can't captivate the player within the first few hours of gameplay, why should they stick around? WF is not the only game on the market, there are tons of other shooters out there to play. There is no justification for new players to dump weeks of their free time into a game that they're not even having fun playing, just to hope that it MIGHT get better.

    And for everyone saying "oh it's beta, that means it's not critiquable since it's not a complete product", just because it's "not complete" doesn't mean people can't review it. It has a cash shop, which means people CAN sink money into it, and people have the right to know whether this game is worth sinking money or time in. The fact that DE released WF as an Open Beta means that they think this game is already in a phase where it can be shown to the public, and be judged by them. Not to mention WF is a release title on the PS4, of course it's going to get attention from reviewers.

    This is the harsh reality of the industry, regardless whether the fanboys will accept it. DE needs to step up their game quickly if they ever hope for WF to even have the chance to survive on the PS4, much less be a groundbreaking success story, and quite frankly every game developer should at least have that sort of ambition and passion in their work.

  22. Sorry, OP, I think I should have made my position clear: Alad and Zanuka, IMO, in terms of durability and their ability to take a beating, are IMO fine - you don't expect a used car salesman to be as tough as a SEAL. But improving the combat AI and the stuff they do? I agree, that would make it more fun.


    Okay NOW we're on the same page. I never said anything about making them tankier (aside from reasonable scaling with their level, if they get such a level buff), just making their attacks more original and thus making their behaviour more interesting, presenting a challenge beyond "kite". Taking overpowered gear like the Brakk out of the equation, their durability is reasonable for their position in the game.

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