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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. You know what's the funniest/saddest part? Fixing this grind wouldn't even be hard or require some complete remake.

    Step 1: Make bait bps reusable so the standing cost is one-off.

    Step 2: Make each bait last longer (and the dyes too while we're at it), like, 1 minute per bait, 4 minutes per dye

    Step 3: Heavily improve bait-related spawnrate so players are 99% guaranteed to get at least one rare fish per bait.

    That's all DE has to do to make the grind reasonable. It would still be heavily time-gated and ensure players can't do everything in a week, but at least effort would be sufficiently rewarded. If we throw time into it, we know we're going to get the results we're looking for and possibly better. Any sane developer should know, just from common sense, that player time must be RESPECTED and player effort must be REWARDED in order to keep them engaged.

    ...Instead we have the current situation.

    ...Why are we spending our time on this game again?

  2. Just now, krc473 said:

    But your claim was:

    This is not, and has never been, the case for me. My claim and your claim are substantially different. I do not mind if the mission randomly fails 1% of the time. It is annoying, but perfectly acceptable to me.

    If it fails 50% of the time, that is far too much. I could not play it like that.

    Yeah well your experience is not the same as my experience. I've attempted bounties 3 times today. Twice it glitched, plus one more for a random on-plains event failing to give rewards. And regardless, as long as it's not 100% then it's a glitch that requires fixing. No sane dev should think "oh it's okay for our players to get shafted 1% of the time", unless they're going to change the bounty text to something like 'will give rewards sometimes if npc feels like it', and I don't think I need to explain how stupid that would be.

  3. The game still fails to move on to the next objective 50% of the time. Like, the objective is completed, but there's no banner saying it's done, and I'm not given the next objective, thus effectively making the bounty unplayable. Would you kindly fix this sooner? I refuse to play anymore bounties when there's a very real chance I'll have sat through multiple defenses and an escort in a row for nothing, and I'm sure I'm not the only one of this opinion.

  4. The very concept of Warframe is based around grind to artificially extend game time and coerce players into forking out real currency. If anything that's the nature of pretty much any MMO, it's not a regular game where you'd expect 10-20 hours of gameplay, this is something meant to last and keep you coming back to play (and hopefully pay), done in a way that makes you replay content over and over and over to min-max dev time vs game lifespan.

    If you're in a situation where you can't afford large amounts of time into gaming, I'd recommend simply not playing MMOs. Play normal games, singleplayer with all content compressed into 10-20 hours of gametime so you're getting tangible progress with each session, or maybe pvp where you can just drop in, play a match or two and leave (as long as it's not a MOBA). Asking if Warframe is 'too long' is like asking if Call of Duty has too much shooting, it's just a fundamental aspect of the game and the general genre.

  5. Corpus: A legion of Eximus Nullies, Combas and Scrambus combined with a Tech army, all huddled inside the bubbles of course. Throw in some sapper ospreys for good measure.

    Grineer: Set up an ambush of Napalms, Bombards and Noxes... and four Commanders. Wait for Tenno to get in range, don't even need line of sight, switch teleport -> Profit

    ...Or, y'know, just bait the Tenno into a dead end room and shut down power to the door. For all their destructiveness they just can't seem to so much as dent the ship itself.

  6. They are incredibly annoying compared to all the other death squads, it's like DE desperately wants you to hate the space Nazis New Loka. Though death is generally a slap on the wrist in this game it's still annoying having to deal with them.

    I personally recommend bringing at least one maxed 'meta' wep on you at all times while leveling other stuff. It's good not just for getting rid of death squads but also in case Stalker/G3/Zanuka spawns. If all else fails, run away, they can tank forever and kill you with AoEs but they're incredibly slow.

  7. Problem: Certain player abilities are too overpowered

    Common sense solution: Give a balance pass to player abilities and energy regeneration, so players can continue to use unique powers as part of their diverse arsenal (one of the major selling points of WF) but it's no longer a mindless "I win" button

    DE solution: Slap on enemies that completely shut down player abilities with next to no counter-play, because what's the point of abilities anyway?

    Why put thought into it when you can just shut it down, right? I mean, it's not like WF powers are almost the only thing that differentiates frame from frame. It's like removing the special ability of each character from Borderlands, it TOTALLY doesn't defeat the purpose of having multiple characters to choose from, it's FINE.

    We already have magnetic procs that can literally take anyone from full energy to zero instantly (which is BS but that's beside the point here), why do parasitic/energy leech eximi even exist? And even if you kill them fast, they'll still have drained some energy despite the player doing nothing wrong, not to mention that their auras have huge range, can reach through walls, and can STACK. AND these enemies are supposed to be much tankier and harder to kill! This is not 'challenge', this is 'fake difficulty', because it can punish players despite them doing nothing wrong.

    DE doesn't even necessarily have to remove them, just make it so that they can only drain your energy with melee attacks, make it scale with enemy level and make the energy drain HURT per hit. Now you have an enemy that is high priority and dangerous, but only punishes you if you screw up. Also eliminates the whole stacking problem, and reduces the FX clutter that would result from a visible aura effect. It's really not that hard to come up with a workable solution.

    'B-B-But player powers are op and shouldn't be allowed to use them!' You say? Well, here's an idea: FIX THE @(*()$ POWERS! I mean, they're still just as op when there's no band-aid enemy around, you do realize that, right?

  8. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)Chel-El said:

    Last week out of frustration in getting kavat codes, I put my kubrow to stasis and bred a new puppy 

    Turns out, puppies don't consume resources at all and are forever cute and loyal 

    Theyre permapuppies until you manually mature them. 

    No worrying about bleeding or a dying pet leading to growling. (they can't wear armor or get recolors though) 

    My sentinels are good with missions, on boss battles I leave my pet anyway because their risk of dying is very distracting. 

    Try a perma puppy. I sold mine for a helminth now but it was fun playing with it and knowing it's always safe in the ship 

    Problem is that people don't just want a cute ornament, they want something they can actually use on missions. Problem with that is that combat pets suck compared to sentinels and are way higher maintenance. Pets in general need a massive overhaul to make them just as viable as sentinels, either by heavily reducing maintenance or heavily increasing effectiveness. At the very least they could be given certain immunities just to make up for their horrid AI, like being immune to Sapper fields so they don't commit suicide the second one shows up. Also give them a vacuum mod, obviously, if DE is so intent on never making universal vacuum a thing.

  9. Just because it's a co-op game doesn't mean EVERY gamemode is best done in public. I mean, you wouldn't do a Raid with randoms now would you?

    One rule to live by: Always assume the worst when it comes to randoms. If even the slightest actual skill, nuance or knowledge is required, only trust yourself and people you know can handle it. It's like, people shouldn't be burgling your house but no sane person leaves their door unlocked. Muggers shouldn't exist but you wouldn't walk down a quiet alleyway in the middle of the night. Griefers shouldn't exist and newbs should educate themselves and listen to veterans, but if you expect randoms to just stop ramming their face into a laser and then leaving you to clean up the mess, then you're just being naive. It's not going to stop happening, no matter what you do or say, hence the most common response here: Play solo if you're running spy vaults.

    I mean, there's really no co-op element to a spy mission anyway, other than doing multiple vaults simultaneously, in which case you're just trying to go fast anyway. Better to just do it yourself and at least guarantee success.

  10. Ah, the Grineer Commanders, possibly the WORST designed enemy type in the entire game. People have complained about them for as long as or even before they have ranted about Nullies, and still nothing has been done at all. I mean, at least Nullies got their drone that you can shut down now, so that's some semblance of counterplay, and even before that, Nullies could still be shut down with rapid fire weapons or close-range combat, if you're willing to recast buffs or don't use buffs at all. Commanders on the other hand have only gotten WORSE since they were initially released.

    No, I'm not kidding. Back in the days of yore, as another guy said already, Commanders didn't have their post-teleport stun. The 'problem' was that the victim would just press 4 and wipe whatever ambush was waiting for them. Some might say this is stupid, but is that not a form of counterplay? I'd still have to spend the energy to ult afterall, and have that energy in the first place. It's not that different from me throwing myself into the enemy horde manually to ult. Or I could choose to NOT use an ult and just run back to an opportune position. I retain the ability to act and choose, to respond to the situation.

    But no, DE decided that they don't want that. They want enemies to be a threat, but can't be asked to figure out HOW to in the face of overpowered players, so instead of putting effort into rebalancing the game, they just... don't let you react, period. Now not only does the teleport happen instantly without requiring line of sight or any way to avoid it, but you're also not allowed to do anything afterwards, you can only stand there and let the braindead AI legion wail on you for a few seconds, because that's the only way they'll ever kill players. As if adding insult to injury, it isn't just a regular stun animation neither, you're not dropped on your &#! or anything, no, your frame stands there 'DUURRRRRRRRR'ing like a confused child. You know, the legendary space ninjas who've fought a thousand battles and slaughtered a thousand times more enemies, who apparently have a slower reaction time than a 3 year old and the complete lack of common sense to start running when thrown in front of 20 space marines with no cover. It's like DE's saying "You see this? This is what you're supposed to be, slow and stupid. Now start dying more so we can call our game challenging without having to do anything."

    Literally all they have to do is remove that stun animation at the end, that's it, nothing else. Like, I don't even expect them to ever give Commanders the actual ability to command and bolster troops like, y'know, a COMMANDER, just change a few lines of code in less than an hour and BAM, presto f-ing majesto, problem solved. Or at least, 80% of the problem solved. But you know they're not going to do even that, if the comba/scrambus situation is anything to go by, or the absurd damage that Techs can churn out, or the exponential increase in effective health brought about by how enemy armor works currently, or how much low effort wide area CC/autokilling skills still exists. Why bother refining the game when you can churn out more weapons, skins, frames and primes for that sweet sweet moolah, right?

  11. 13 hours ago, Bowbie said:

    I have a question about this event.

    What about if I stream myself playing warframe (I will probably have zero viewers), will I still get twitch drops (minus partner's sigil since i'm not one) when doing own achievements?

    Can we "watch" (mute & minimize) multiple streams at once to get more loot?

    Only "approved" streamers count for rewards. I don't know if having multiple streams on at the same time would give more loot though.

    The others have already explained how utterly stupid this Twitch event is so I'm not going to repeat their words. All I know is that when PoE hits I'm going to be loading up multiple streams on my computer and just leaving them there mute and minimized for the next 72 hours. Which, funnily enough, defeats the purpose of trying to drive players towards streamers because now the vast majority of 'viewers' will only be 'viewing' for the rewards while they actually play the game. Maybe DE just wants to brag about how much of a success PoE is using inflated viewer numbers, who knows?

    If anything, toxicity in the stream chats are going to be increased tenfold over this. Isn't that wonderful?

  12. As with any thread complaining about any enemy, the 'git gud' squad is already here trying to shut down all discussion. Ermergerd, someone thinking that the enemy mechanics aren't perfect on a FEEDBACK FORUM??! SHUT UP, I'M GOOD YOU'RE BAD, NAHNAHNAHNAHNAH.

    I mean, would it kill the game if Comba/Scrambus have a little more indication of their effective ranges and a little more leniency in power shut down? Would the game drop dead if these units have, say, an Octavia-style outward sonar visual effect indicating their presence and range, as well as color based on what they nullify? Would the entire playerbase leave if these units only drain active ability durability/duration at a fast but gradual rate instead of instantly cancelling it, giving players time to escape or fight back, especially in indoor situations with comba/scrambus having such a large effective radius?

    Is it just the most unreasonable thing in the world to ask that Juggernaut dart hitboxes actually match their visuals, or that juggernauts actually drop something worthwhile beyond one-time quest prerequisites?

    Well? Is it?

  13. It always amuses me how hard white knights will defend DE no matter what. Even if it's just a request for a minor AI fix that wouldn't even change the game for 99% of players and simply fixes a rare annoyance akin to a glitch, that wouldn't take a single programmer more than an hour if even that to fix, there will always be white knights shrieking how nothing's wrong, boast how they're oh so elite and omniscient, and just scream at all naysayers to shut up and 'git gud', or imply that just because a band-aid mod exists it means everything's fixed and nothing needs to be improved. I mean, we may as well take it to the logical extreme and say that any enemy melee attack should one-shot players, if you get hit at all then it's your fault and you just suck and you need to get on MY LEVEL, RIIIGHHTTT??!!

    But seriously, I've only been stunlocked by a shield lancer like... once, as far as memory serves, and I didn't even die from that, but that doesn't stop it from being a problem that exists and ought to be fixed, especially when the fix would be incredibly simple and not affect regular play. Little more than a QoL change. It would be far better if players in general have a 3 second cooldown between getting knocked down though, considering shield lancers aren't the only enemy units capable of CC, in fact their CC is some of the weakest in normal situations. High wave infested endless can get pretty awful, with multiple moas chain-stomping while fire eximus throw map-wide flame walls and Ancient hooks are flying all over the place, and that's just one scenario. Players getting juggled and losing agency for prolonged periods of time over a single mistake is a bad design choice, plain and simple.

  14. While Kuva dropping from regular kuva fortress goons doesn't make much sense and would be very hard to balance the droprate between making siphons obsolete and being worthless, maybe an Oxium style system could work? The occasional eximus-style unit that's high on Kuva, with a buffed movement speed, health, damage etc. that you can kill for a small 8-12 kuva. It could build up to a respectable amount on survival/defense farm, and give us a somewhat interesting enemy type at nearly no cost to development time.

    Having special missions with kuva as rewards there would work too. Excavation-style where you attach pumps to kuva storage instead of drilling, hijacking kuva transports, or even just having kuva as rewards for stuff like spy, just to give people more variety. Anything's better than forcing players to farm the exact same clunky siphon minigame, and this is coming from someone who doesn't even use rivens and thus barely has to farm at all!

  15. At this point, it's never going to happen. Either coordinate with your friends to temporarily quit and join generous clans with Hema researched, accept the member cap and downsize, grind like everyone else, or... y'know, just stop caring and ditch the research. It's a mediocre gun among a vast sea of better choices, the only real reason to research it is for clan exp and mastery. There are other ways to get the weapon itself for mastery, and as for clan exp... That's kind of completely useless right now, especially when the whole thing about a Clan Nemesis system just disappeared off the radar entirely, and even then the exp for one research isn't much.

    Ask yourself. It's just one gun in a sea of guns in a video game. Is this truly worth the time cost? If yes, then suck it up. If no, then... stop.

    Edit: inb4 future Infested research is locked behind Hema prerequisite. You know how much DE respects your time then.

  16. I'd rather we completely abandon Operators from relevancy really.

    Operators, as they are, are the antithesis of what makes Warframe unique and fun. Fast parkour-filled movement; vast selection of weaponry and abilities; Operators have none of these. Instead of being a warframe bullet-jumping high into the air, raining down mortars then sliding down to kick someone in the face and cleave everyone else in half with a spinning greatsword, you're a wuss who can barely sprint at half the speed of a warframe, has nothing but an underwhelming beam/push/cloak that all share the same energy pool that takes years to recharge, and die if someone so much as sneezes at you in a HORDE SHOOTER. Anything a hipster starchild can do, a warframe can do ten times better, and the only way DE has been able to make us use Operators is by forcing completely arbitrary immunities on enemies, creating nothing more than speedbumps where you have to switch from golden god to baby for a few seconds before continuing on.

    Sure, maybe with extensive overhauls to Operators to actually make using them viable and FUN beyond bypassing arbitrary immunities, Operators would deserve some more development beyond lore, but as it stands, why waste effort on it when that time can be spent enhancing the main game?

    I mean, just imagine if Kuva Guardians were designed without Operator usage in mind. An actual polearm-spinning animation to show they're deflecting bullets, requiring the player to either shoot them in the back or attack when they're winding up/recovering from an attack, letting us stun them by melee-parrying or gun-parrying (i.e. shoot their foot out when they're winding up a slash dash) etc. with their health adjusted to mini-boss level accordingly. They could've been so much more than just another trash mob that I need to press 5 on first before oneshotting them like everything else.

    tl;dr Operators are bad in the gameplay context and should either be massively overhauled in nearly every aspect first or be completely forgotten.

  17. Easy solution: Have a small tab on players' equip screen where they can simply select which syndicate they want to earn points for. Actual emblems become optional and only for fashionframe. The exp-to-rep % becomes based on the player's rank in the syndicate, since there's no reason for someone to purposely gimp themselves on rep gain once they buy the 15% emblem anyway.

    Why DE hasn't done this already I have no idea.

  18. Never got invested into his character, but I doubt he was that different than usual. He's your standard Corpus chairman, profit GROFIT is always his number one priority. While he's less keen on ticking off the Tenno too much, if he sees an opportunity to make some serious bucks then he'll take the risk, trying to let bygones be bygones when his plans get foiled, maybe passive aggressively getting revenge later. I doubt he's ambitious enough that he'd warrant elimination, and he's helped us numerous times before.

    Basically we treat him like lawful evil, in a system largely populated by neutral and chaotic evil. If it benefits us, we work with him. If he gets in our way, we kick his &#! back in line and let it go, because there's worse people to keep alive.

  19. MR19 test gamebreaking bug, same as always. Enemies have a completely glitched visual range where they can alert from across the map when their model is the size of a pixel. People have been talking about this glitch for ages, why isn't it fixed yet?

  20. While enemy CC is mostly fine right now, there's definately certain things that should be changed, because seriously, getting combo dragged by 3 Eximi Ancients when their hooks are almost hitscan with no telegraphs and lead the target with 100% accuracy is pretty damn BS, and no one should have to be FORCED to use a certain mod in a game that's all about customization just to mitigate getting stunlocked to death, because stunlocking shouldn't be happening in the first place.

    For Ancients and Scorpions, an easy solution would be to simply change how the hook works. Rather than knocking the player down first, it simply drags you in a split second yank to the unit while you're still standing and in control of your frame, at least the shooting part, and you regain control instantly after the hook. Think getting hooked by Roadhog in Overwatch, it's fast and instant, and you don't get disabled for several seconds every time it happens.

    Stompers like Moas need a better audio cue so you can hear one charging up a stomp from behind you, but that's about it, you can just jump over their shockwaves after all, and they do have a long wind-up. Grineer Heavy ground pounds need to be restricted to ground only instead of spherical AoE like they do right now OR have a longer wind-up similar to Moas (I actually prefer they have a shorter range but non-ground restricted CC, but it has practically no warning right now).

    Really, the biggest offender to "unfair CC" in this game are Grineer Commanders. Don't need line of sight, no telegraph, LITERALLY impossible to avoid once it triggers, and stuns you in a forced animation for several seconds while enemies wail on you freely. There ought to be some kind of LoS requirement and telegraph, like say, a light tether connected to the target Tenno that you have 2 seconds to break by breaking LoS with the Commander, after which you get switch teleported but do NOT have the forced "OMG I IZ CONFUSED SPACE NINJA" animation.

    In the end, Warframe is a mindless horde shooter with tons of content and almost zero depth, a knee-deep ocean if you will. I've long since given up hope of any complex AI or interesting enemy types, they'd just die instantly to overpowered player gear or be forced to become bullet sponges, and imbalance is just a thing that's going to stay, because it's far too late to remodel the game to fit any form of complexity. All we can hope for are small quality of life changes that make the annoying parts of the game slightly less annoying, and just find ways to tolerate or bypass the rest.

  21. Can confirm, the first part of the wall-jump room was glitched for me, where when I latch onto the second wall, it activates the first instead of the third, making it impossible to progress. The normal exit portal for the one with the rotating floors and the lasers is also missing.

  22. This is somewhat minor, but seeing as there doesn't seem to be any threads on the topic I figure I'll post it.

    As the title suggests, Elite Crewmen have lost their blue outfits and reverted back to the same model as regular crewmen. While mostly an aesthetic problem, it does make differentiating between them and regular crewmen much more difficult, and I doubt it'd take more than 5 minutes to link them back to their own colored models, so just so you guys know. Thanks!

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