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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. It must be that the enemies in the game are called Tenno.



    That description was the first thing I read, I was like "What am i supposed to see here? DE screwing up their game description? That's...uh, kinda interesting i suppose." Then I looked down and saw the tags.

  2. AFAIK Europa is the only planet (besides Earth) where it is certain to contain water. I love the idea of an underwater base tile set on Europa. I could see this working on other "new" planets, since many asteroids are thought to contain water. 


    A slight tangent, but, I've always been puzzled by the Phobos tile set. It looks badass, and it feels *just* like what my imagination produces when I read the Dune books. But this is what a terraformed Mars should look like. The real Phobos is basically an oversized asteroid, -it has no atmosphere to speak of. Mars on the other hand, it has (some) air, water, deserts, rocks, dunes, caves, maybe even wildlife, basically all the things you see on the "Phobos" tileset...

    Well this IS just sci-fi, the Warframe universe doesn't necessarily have to follow the same logic as real life. Hell, the Warframe's solar system is called the "Sol System" instead of the Solar System, and planets like Phobos, Ceres and Eris are closer to Earth than Pluto, which isn't how it works in real life. It would be acceptable to ignore real life science and actual planet terrain and properties.

  3. Aeronaut seems like a Corpus re-skin of the Grineer Hellions. Corpus has Ospreys already, there's no reason to give crewmen jetpacks.


    Demolitions would be massively OP, it'd be like a Bombard that can arc projectiles and spam harder.


    Moas aren't built for support, they're built for offense, support is what Ospreys are for. It'd be better to add rarer and tougher Vanguard Ospreys that can generate impenetrable shields for up to 3 targets (excluding other V Ospreys), making them a must to destroy before the protected units can be damaged. As balance they can move slower than regular Ospreys and fly lower. Meanwhile, Techs can be given the ability to deploy Energy Barriers (like Volt's Electric Shield without the damage buff).


    Alert Ospreys would be nothing but an annoyance for stealth players, and won't add much to the faction's challenge. Better to make cameras actually alert nearby enemies upon spotting a player instead of just turning on the door lasers and turrets.

  4. I like a concept for an underwater base, but maybe not for Europa.


    I'm more for a Crystal Caverns set. Imagine, an icy tundra under an eternal night, colorful auroras dancing across the sky; icicle-filled caverns with colorful yet volatile Antimatter Crystal clusters; underground research bases built to harvest and research these crystals; floating islands (like on Pandora in Avatar) connected by Corpus-built light bridges and rails; and occasionally, destroyed bases hinting at failed experiments that reduced entire facilities to ruin-ladened craters. And of course, the boss encounter on a large tundra atop the mountains against an overhauled giant Raptor.


    I'd love to see an underwater base on a new planet though, containing a raid boss (to contrast a volcanic planet set for Grineer's end-game raid boss planet).

  5. Well i really consider the whole "blueprint" thing as game mechanics and not part of the immersion. It's like, why would BOSSES randomly drop blueprints? Materials and components salvaged from their corpses, sure, but a blueprint?? It's just a mechanic, not something justifiable within the canon universe.


    As for the "change of pace", I believe that with Warframe, while it's alright to make the player feel threatened, for this particular game and its theme such threatening encounters should focus on inducing excitement and an adrenaline rush over simply terror and fear. Players will already get their fair share of fear from encountering the unknown for the first time. Regardless of how strong it ACTUALLY is, wouldn't you be terrified randomly running into a giant reptile in the middle of a forest when you were just curbstomping grineer grunts a few seconds ago? But i suppose that's just a difference in headcanon for what the game is about, and i can see where you're coming from.


    Regardless, this is a great concept that definately would spice up the game, wish i'd see more of the sort on the forums :D

  6. I don't like that it's "nigh unkillable" and you're supposed to run away like a wuss. It should be threatening, but by no means simply a force that you must avoid, this isn't Amnesia -_- Making it tough is one thing, making it an ultimate bullet sponge as you implied is another.


    I can see this as a rare mini-boss of the forest tileset, a chance to be found in some secret area in slumber, a slightly smaller chance to be out hunting like the giant beasties in Monster Hunter.


    As for how it fights, I'd imagine it'd be something like the Rages in DmC (minus the quill shots and buzzsaw spins), claw swipes, pounces, bites, 180 degree tail swipes and so forth. The petrifying spit starts being used when the Basilisk is on half health.


    To make it tough to kill, its entire body can be covered in armored scales that reduce damage, with patches of particularly armored areas that are completely immune to damage (these spots are covered in stone-like exo-skeleton. while they provide more protection than scales, they're also less flexible, so enough firepower can shatter them to reveal unprotected patches of flesh). Its unarmored weakspots are its eyes (you can blind it temporarily with enough eye damage, destroying its aim but also making it attack faster and more unpredictably), its mouth when it's open (to spit or to roar), and the exo-skeleton armored spots after destroying the armor.


    Killing one gives Basilisk Scales (a material) and, on the first kill, a guaranteed Basilisk Scale Syndana blueprint (bp drop becomes chance based after first kill, much like the Cronus for Vor), which requires basilisk scales (about 2-3 Basilisk drops' worth) and some other mats.


    How does that sound to you?


    Wait, the Corpus maintains and operates the Solar Rails (trade routes) and regulates all traded goods, right? If they get disbanded or removed, I have a good guess the market's not the only one that's going to fall in chaos.


    Thinking about it, perhaps siding with the Grineer is beneficial to the lore, because personally, I'd like to see an event where the Corpus are seriously weakened/almost disbanded and the market is nearing a collapse; there's shortages on ammo, resources, health restores and various other products and/or services, including those essential to Tenno and Grineer.


    Then we have to make sure the trade routes and market doesn't collapse by helping the Corpus gain back a bit of control, since they are the experts in that field and without them, trade lines would close. Remember, they're a Merchant Cult; I have a good guess not all of them are weaklings with boxes on their heads. This would be a good time to bring back Frohd Bek and/or Darvo. Heck, they're the only NPCs from an enemy faction who aren't actively hostile towards the Tenno, excluding the Grineer/Corpus whom we help on Invasions, of course.


    I'd really want that kind of event to happen; just to see the looks on our faces.


    EDIT: Fixed typos. My fingers are clumsy today.


    And that's just putting aside actual mechanical reasons why the Corpus must stay (does anyone REALLY think removing the Corpus from the game is going to do it any good?), but I guess we're talking lore so I'll keep it to lore.


    I'd really like to see Darvo expanded upon (screw Frohd Bek). As it stands he's just this strange Tenno-friendly Corpus merchant who came out of nowhere and is kinda this random comic relief that we very occasionally hear from. I feel like he needs to play a more significant role. Imagine if he's just ofuscating stupidity. On the outside he's a Corpus diplomat, just someone on the middle levels of the Corpus heirarchy, but in reality, he has greater ambitions. He wants to take over the Corpus, but he knows he's not powerful enough to do that, and that's why he's getting close with the Tenno for that needed assistance. The difference between him and the other Corpus is that he actually has personal honor, he's someone you can trust (though HE never fully trusts anyone). Someone who initially appears to be just a rather silly character who happens to willingly help the Tenno, but later on shows hints of greater intellect and ambitions. I'd like to see something like that.

  8. Wow, a thread originally about how the invasions system is making one of the main factions extinct has somehow turned into a thread about lore discussion. WF forums in a nutshell. Well at least it didn't devolve into a flame war, so we have that going for us, which is nice.


    On the subject of the lore, I'm not invested enough to really "take a side" on the matter, though I did support the Corpus during Gradivus, partly because i like their sleek aesthetics, partly because i like intelligent scientists (even if any one of them will stab me in the back the first chance they get) over war-mongering brutes.


    The lore just isn't set right yet. Excluding Alad V and Sargas Ruk, I don't even think any of the bosses' lore are properly decided. I can't tell whether Vor is supposed to be a calm proud commander (trailer) or just another angry brute (in-game), and am I REALLY just killing him because he has Orokin Tech and Lotus is jelly? Tyl Regor's supposed to be this scientist working to reverse the genetic deteoriation of his people, yet all he does in-game is spout $&*&*#(%& "jokes" and insult your fashion sense while swinging around a skana. Nef Anyo's supposed to be managing these "Solar Rails", yet they're never genuinely mentioned in any part of the lore other then "Anyo manages them". What IS Kela De Thaym? Vay Hek SEEMED to be something, yet DE has decided to ruin him and replace him with this flat "propaganda machine" (as if the Grineer clone army even has use for propaganda). They say Corpus have civilians (Gradivus lore says that if Grineer wins they'll enslave the Corpus colonies), yet they are NEVER mentioned anywhere else.


    Hell even the TENNO'S nature isn't set properly. We STARTED as supposedly these "ancient warriors" from the Orokin Era who are fighting to survive and rescue the few remaining brethren we have. Then we switched to being some sort of self-proclaimed "keepers of balance" who keeps the balance by slaughtering all non-Tenno indiscriminately. And NOW we're mercenaries working for the highest bidder (Invasions)? WUT?


    DE has either completely neglected lore or is just REALLY bad at writing lore, or BOTH. Any discussion on lore based on existing content just seems pointless to me.


    And on the subject of mechanics, invasions in general just need to be removed. They bring nothing new to the table and are just alerts that you have to farm 5 times which also mess up the starmap. Actually having random faction invasions IN THE MIDDLE OF A MISSION resulting in a three-way fight between two factions and the players would have been far more interesting.

  9.  I suppose, more then anything it is simply a style choice. I'm a fan of the Infested aesthetic and the idea of this creature being something more sinister then Wildlife. To me, it is more believable in the game world that an entire base would get completely wiped out by the Infestation.


     Besides that - I'm a fan of DE rolling the idea of 'Infested Hot Zones' in. Places in the corners of the system that have been so heavily tainted by the infestation that all that you can do it contain it. It is too far-gone to cleanse. Imagine if higher level planets each got a few mission nodes that weren't actually connected to the main web. These Infested Hot Zones would unlock only after finishing every normal mission node once. The disconnected hot zone maps would have some of its own special tiles and an alternate boss. So now Phobos, Eris, Pluto. You name it. These places all get a new boss on top of what is already there. 


     This is the direction my train of thought went while musing about the boss.


    If we're going to do Infested hotspots, I'd rather just have a planet dedicated to the Infested. Y'know, like bringing Eris back as an Infested planet (with its own Infested Cluster tileset which is basically multiple Grineer and Corpus ships meshed together with ancient advanced Infested goop). I've got a BRILLIANT idea for an overhaul for Phorid :D Though I am kinda liking the idea for Infested "hotspots" on various planets as you stated. Sure beats the stupid invasions right now.

  10.  It could be cool - but there is a pretty significant scale difference between Red Eye and my Centipede beastie. I'd save something like a cannon like that for a bigger, even badder boss.



     I chose infested because in doing so it gives me a little elbow room to mix and mash together themes. If it were just a subspecies of Sand Skate then it isn't likely that it'd also share traits with a Centipede or Lamprey. Infested are this vile mish-mash of different things. They're malleable. Able to be what they want/need.


     Exploring the world of infested wildlife leaves a lot of elbow room for craziness in the sense of both bosses and normal enemies. Sharkbears? Hawkvelociraptors? 


     And in my case here, Sand Skate/Centipede/Lamprey.


     I think aside from that, you've got pretty good ideas for the kind of combat abilities a beastie like this would/should have. I like them.


    Well it IS space biology. Who knows what space creatures can grow up to be, infested or not? Sure it would share some characteristics with regular Skates, but that doesn't mean it can't be vastly different in other areas. An elongated body that makes it more eel-like while still having the manta ray flaps (longer and less wide), a pointy nose with a massive jaw underneath (more angular than the lamprey, but just as many teeth), several pairs of legs to support itself above ground (regular Skates do have legs anyway, the Matriarch can have more, like a centipede). Hell I think i'm almost inspired enough to draw a rough sketch :o But the point is, it's an unknown alien creature in a sci fi setting where real life biology need not apply, it doesn't HAVE to be Infested for you to get creative with its appearance :D

  11. Must it be Infested? I think it'd be fine if it's not Infested and replaced the dumbass Vor+Kril boss as the Phobos boss, being the first Feral boss. Instead of eating Infested it could eat Grineer or something, and everything else about your concept still stands. The Desert Skate Matriarch :D


    As for lore, the original goal of the Tenno attacking the area may be to fight some Grineer high value target. You land, and within a few tiles you already reach a "boss room". Opening cutscene, the Grineer target taunts you as if about to begin the fight, and then suddenly the ground shakes violently. Then BOOM, the Skate Matriarch bursts out of the ground from under the Grineer, eats him up instantly and crashes back into the ground. Now the real "don't touch the sand" mission begins as you make your way to the real boss room to fight the Matriarch before your ship can extract you. Like the setting?


    Since you came up with most of the details for the journey TO the boss fight, I think i can give writing its abilities during the boss fight itself a try.


    Sandstorm: The Matriarch opens its jaws and breathes a sandstorm at a targeted Tenno in a conical attack for a few seconds. Fast continuous damage while target is within but the Matriach can't change direction while attacking, so the targeted player must run out of the sandstorm quickly.


    Matriarch Roar: Rears its head and roars, staggering all players. It doesn't do damage and is simply a disrupting move. Summons 3-4 Skates.


    Death from Below: Sinks back into the ground to attack from below. The targeted location will have sand clouds erupting from below before it lunges up as a tell. Attacks 3 times in a row, each attack can target a different Tenno. Struck Tenno get launched into the air for massive damage, but isn't eaten.


    Death from Above: The entire Matriach lunges high into the air to crash down on a target, jaws first. Getting hit by this attack is an instant-kill.


    Lunge: Arcs its body back before lunging at a target like a snake. Medium damage and knockdown.


    Meanwhile, dumbass Grineers will occasionally wander into the arena. They'll shoot at both players AND the Skates. If a living Grineer is on the field, the Matriach will target him first and will attack him with Lunge, except the lunge will result in gobbling him up instead of just a strike. Eating a Grineer will heal the Matriach a small amount.


    Like regular Skates, the Matriach has natural thick armor on its back, while its underside (the side that's usually facing the player) is unprotected. Also the fight only has one phase, because i'm counting the journey to it as well as the activating of the Thumper (or whatever machine is used to keep it above ground) as "phases" already due to introducing special mechanics.


    So, thoughts?

  12. Well first off they ARE allegedly working on more tilesets, and they claim to be aiming for one tileset per planet. Considering how much spare time the art team has to pump out shovelware weapons every week, I'm surprised the tilesets aren't coming out faster instead. And yes, enemy vehicles as enemies would be pretty cool, for example a Grineer dropship mini-boss on Phobos. We see those ships everywhere docked and ignored, why can't we fight one?


    As for planets, we don't need more planets yet. What we need is making each planet feel more unique. Planet-specific story tracks, planet-specific tilesets, planet-specific enemies, overhauled bosses, etc. Quality over quantity, my friend.


    Aesthetically the Corpus Boxheads are pretty cool actually, it's become a signature design choice for the faction, being geometric and sleek while the Grineer design is based on being round and crude. I just don't like how you can't hit through them. At the very least if the heads are fully armored, the body needs to take more damage, or at least give us some sort of other weakspot to compensate. Headshots are just supposed to be SATISFYING, y'know?

  13. No you're not the only one who thinks this game isn't what it should be. I dream every day of a Warframe that's a mixture of Devil May Cry (melee action), Dishonored (stealth and parkour), Borderlands 2 (gun variety and humor) and Ninja Gaiden. But that's not really going to happen is it. No we're just going to get generic shovel-ware weapon after generic shovel-ware weapon every week so DE gets their profit from fanboys with too much disposable income, where grinding skinner's box is the be-all-end-all.


    I suppose it's not that we want this game to be a mindless farming simulator (though of course there will be those FILTHY CASUALS that want it to stay this way), it's just that as it stands it IS a mindless farming simulator and there's no sign it's ever changing. I know I've given up at least.

  14. lol your drawing isn't crap, it looks cooler than anything I could draw at least XD


    Now, unlike most forum-goers, I actually have the time to read walls of text (and yours is already significantly shorter than Nugget's Destroyer), so here's some of my own thoughts.


    While a mid-air boss fight is certainly fitting of the Corpus, we do already have the Raptor. And since the Raptor is heavily in need of an overhaul anyway, it would be interesting to combine your Aegis idea with that, basically a massive upgraded osprey with Aegis attacks. I'm thinking of a giant osprey (twice the size of Jackal at least) with two pairs of levi-wings that switches between vertical hovering and horizontal speed flight. Think a vastly better looking version of this: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/98838-raptor-revamp-concept-with-image/ mixed with BL2 Bunker.


    As for mechanics, I would say that getting rid of ground mode would be appropriate. For one, I can only imagine that if people can shoot down its wings, which will vastly decrease its mobility,defensive AND offensive capabilities, 90% of the fight is going to be spent on the ground for Aegis. Then there's the fact we already have Jet mode (normal horizontal flight around the arena) and Bulwark mode (vertical hovering defensive mode). Two modes should be enough for a boss like this.


    For Heavy Artillery mode (I prefer just calling it Ion Cannon and describing it as an attack instead of a full-on mode), I really like the concept, a sustained death beam seems interesting as a sort of "ult" attack. A few minor alterations though. For one, there will need to be a warning as to where the laser begins, as it'll probably be really difficult to judge just by trying to look at the cannon. Having energy crackling at the initial lock-on point would be enough. It shouldn't be able to move the initial lock-on point once the attack initiates, though the lock will be on a random player. This is to make up for a wide beam (think 1.5 rhinos as a radius), which would also add to the spectacle. Also when the laser impacts it should release a shockwave (jumpable, of course). The Ion Cannon should be an attack used only when Bulwark Mode is activated.


    For regular attacks, it should have dual Supras as its main assault guns (due to this being a flying boss, the fight will mostly be mid-long distance, so the spread of the guns will make it reasonably dangerous without being rediculous). And of course there's the homing missile barrages, and I think it should add osprey deploying to its arsenal. Also during Jet mode it should do "bombing runs" where it drops a line of Raptor energy mines (these expire and auto-explode after enough time if not stepped on).


    All in all, a pretty solid concept, though perhaps not quite at "end-game raid boss" level like the Destroyer. I was thinking one such raid boss for each faction, with the Corpus one being a massive 3-headed robot hydra.


    Prior to reading this thread I already had my own Raptor overhaul concept in mind (it's far upgraded from that ancient thread I posted above), and this has given me even more inspiration :D If you want to read the new concept I'd be happy to write it down here.

  15. Get rid of Invasions outright, they are nothing but grindier alerts that also happen to screw up the star map, they add nothing to the game yet take away much.


    It would have been far better to just increase more random IN-MISSION events, like having the possibility of another faction invading in the middle of a mission (i don't mean a stupid faction swap, i mean actually having a three-way fight between the original faction, invading faction and the Tenno), having actually unique mini-bosses appear (not f-ing rehashing a boss like Harvester/Zanuka), things that you can't predict that spice up the gameplay and get players' adrenaline running. Not this idiotic "Grind 5 of the same mission on the same map for a little bonus reward while occupying nodes and screwing up the star map" bs.

  16. 9zan.jpg

    Out of sheer boredom, I decided to write some overhaul concepts for Warframe's mechanics. This is going to be an ongoing series of entries, in each of which I’ll write down related concept ideas, either be it overhauling existing content or adding new content, plus some scribbles, because plain text is too dull nowadays.
    For the first three entries, I’m going to start with the 3 enemy factions in the game, first of which is the Grineers, the space marine clone army. Their technology seems to revolve around bullets (hitscan, impact-based), explosives, fire and teleportation. They also rely on various “human” soldiers as units, with very simple drones as support.
    But before going into detail, I’m going to sum up my method of unit classification.
    Units are classified into one of 3 categories:
    Basic: Typical cannon fodder, such as Lancers.
    Advanced: Tougher and less common enemies, such as Shield Lancers.
    Elite: Toughest of mooks, few but powerful, such as Heavies.
    The spawnrate ratio of each class is about 14:4:1. In other words, for every 100 units, you get about 70 basic mooks, 20 advanced units and 5 elites.
    Also I’m going under the assumption that counters to the existing stunlock have already been implemented. Rolling out of staggers, quick recovery from knockdowns, etc, to balance out certain movement-interrupting attacks that enemies have.
    As for elements, each unit only gets one of the three damage types (impact, pierce, slash), and thus can only proc one of them. They can have additional elements however.
    One additional adjustment: Armor becomes its own seperate health bar, akin to a non-regenerating shield over Flesh. All Grineers have Armor as well as Flesh, though some advanced units have shields above their armor. Unless otherwise specified, all units below are armored but not shielded.
    Now let’s begin~
    (If a unit’s name is colored red, that means a major re-work of mechanics is required. A green name means a new unit. If a unit is not on the list, that means no overhauling is necessary.)
    General changes:
    Ø  Change grenades from existing plasma grenades to frag grenades. Orange-red explosion, deals 0.75x damage to shields and 1.25x to health. Impact damage. (While we’re at it, make grenades more visible and increase explosion delay by one second. This applies to both Grineer and Corpus grenades)
    Ø  Make them aim at a player’s location 0.3 seconds previously (slower reaction time basically), making it possible to dodge bullets through parkour despite them being hitscan.

    Ø  Advanced, Slash
    Ø  Uses the Grineer Tensarg, a chainsaw.
    Ø  Chainsaws release a constant moderately loud whirring noise, notifying players of their presence.
    Ø  Upon sight of a Tenno, they will sprint towards them with their chainsaw held out, dealing continuous contact damage if they successfully run into their target. While sprinting, they have max Loki speed. Can sprint for 10 straight seconds before requiring a 3 second break, during which they move slower and attempt to swing their chainsaws like normal blades.
    Ø  Medium shields, medium health, low armor, fast and heavily damaging.
    Ø  The chainsaw will be available as clantech, but we won’t go into detail here.
    Ø  Starts appearing from Level 10+.
    Ø  Basic, Slash
    Ø  Replace single cleaver with dual cleavers. Double attack rate.
    Ø  Advanced, Slash + Heat
    Ø  Red armor
    Ø  Replace out-of-place stunstick with dual flaming cleavers (i.e. cleavers with fire mod effects).  FlameBLADES with corpus stunsticks, wut. Actually, giving them a new blade weapon would be better, since Butchers have cleavers already. Maybe overhaul the Heat Sword into a Grineer weapon.
    Ø  Teleporting behavior does not need changing.
    Ø  Has a chance of igniting players.
    Ø  Advanced, Impact + Shock
    Ø  Speed up their charge speed significantly (i.e. 1.5 second charge time, excluding swing). They are the equivalent of a joke right now.
    Ø  When charging up their “powerfists”, the fist will light up from electricity effects and release a crackling sound.
    Ø  A successful hit will knock down the victim. Always inflicts shock.
    Ø  Advanced melee, Impact + Shock
    Ø  Dark Violet-armored female Grineers
    Ø  Wields the Amphis. Shielded.
    Ø  Upon spotting a Tenno, they can cast Volt’s Speed on themselves (not to other units) and rush the target in a zig-zag pattern. The Speed boost lasts for 15 seconds, doubling movement speed and attack speed.
    Ø  Has a longer range than other melee units due to their weapon. Can jump and use ground pounds with the Amphis to make lightning shockwaves (staggers and induces shock, jumpable). Always starts a fight with the ground pound, 7 second recharge time.
    Ø  Starts appearing from level 20+.
    Ø  Elite, Slash
    Ø  Re-work appearance, mostly the “helmet”. Also add a visable hook cannon to their arm.
    Ø  New hook behavior: On successful hit, the hook knocks down the victim and drags them to her. The hook DOES NOT release unless 1. Scorpion is dead, or 2. Hooked target has not reached Scorpion in 5 seconds (i.e. stuck on terrain). While hooked and on the ground, the victim Tenno can use their sidearm to continue fighting, akin to being downed. (If out of pistol ammo, flailing with melee by mashing the melee button works, though not very effectively) When victim reaches the Scorpion, she will slash madly at the target in a killing frenzy dealing quick damage until killed, either by a teammate or by the victim. It’s like the Smoker from L4D except you can actually fight back while smoked.
    Ø  If hook misses, same behavior as current (faster recovery from a missed hook shot of course).
    Ø  Due to upgrade to Elite status, lower spawnrate but higher health + armor. Still no shields.
    Non-heavy Ranged


    Elite Lancers
    Ø  Basic, Impact
    Ø  Does NOT completely replace normal Lancers upon high enough level. Instead, starting from level 5, 10% of normal Lancers will spawn as Elite Lancers. Percentage increases by 2 as level increases by one, up to a cap of 90%.
    Shield Lancers
    Ø  Uncommon, Impact
    Ø  Make the shield slightly larger, enough to cover the tip of the head from a completely horizontal angle, not enough to cover the feet.
    Ø  Fix the goddamn hitbox on the shield bash.
    Ø  AI upgrade: Stop moving their shields aside to shoot when another unit is taking cover behind them.
    Ø  Uncommon, Impact
    Ø  Give them teleportation powers: Will teleport away from Tenno if one is within a certain distance. Due to imperfect mass-produced technology, they can only teleport once every 20 seconds.
    Seekers + Rollers
    Ø  Uncommon, Impact (Seeker) Slash (Rollers) Blast (Latchers)
    Ø  Rollers no longer spawn naturally on their own. Instead, each Seeker comes equipped with one Roller that they will deploy on sight of a Tenno. (Solves: Rollers ruining stealth runs with their 360 degree vision, roller spam resulting in stunlocks, Seekers being a one-trick pony)
    Ø  Rollers will be destroyed if respective Seekers are killed before deploying them.
    Ø  Rollers take damage as well upon impacting a player. 10% health per hit, meaning they will self-destruct (explodes for bonus damage) after 10 hits.
    Ø  Seeker AI upgrade: Will attempt to hide in cover while continuously deploying Latchers, only resorting to the Kraken if found (i.e. took damage from a player or line of sight to one within a certain distance). Tenno have to hunt him down.
    Ø  Latcher damage increase.
    Ø  Uncommon, Heat
    Ø  Add 1 second warm-up period before their Ignis can fire. Ignis nozzle lights up and releases unique hissing noises during period. This gives time for players to react, solving the issue of players getting insta-gibbed by ambushes.
    Ø  Slight decrease to their damage scaling on higher levels.
    Ø  Helmet change (Gas mask is more fitting).
    Ø  Uncommon, Impact (Gun) Blast (rockets)
    Ø  Remove guided feature to missile barrage, making the barrage akin to a shotgun rocket launcher instead of 12 Bombards firing in unison, and thus dodgable without forcing players to cower behind cover or die instantly.
    Ø  Make their jetpacks explode when shot, damaging the Hellion (and potentially players) and staggering them instead of fizzling away anti-climatically. Jetpacks destroyed mid-flight results in a ragdoll instead of a stagger.
    Ø  When the jetpack flies off after Hellion death, give them a delay of 2 seconds after impacting a surface before exploding (will be stuck onto said surface unless it’s a player/enemy), so players can actually avoid them.
    Ø  Elite, Impact
    Ø  Remove Switch Teleport ability
    Ø  Allow Commanders to shout orders to nearby Grineers, i.e. COMMAND them. Orders are classified into two types, Random-triggered and Ability-triggered.
    Ø  Random-triggered: Randomly shouted orders. Examples: THROW GRENADE (all affected Grineers throw grenades in unison, not necessarily at the same target), CHARGE (all affected Grineers ignore cover and zerg rush the Tenno). These orders will provide some variety to enemy behavior, forcing players to react accordingly. Particularly effective at flushing Tenno out of cover.
    Ø  Ability-triggered: Triggered when a player uses an ability. Commanders only register said abilities if they can see them. Examples: THAT’S A FAKE YOU DIMWITS (response to Decoy/Moults. Grineers will ignore said Decoy after command), KEEP YOUR DISTANCE (response to traps such as Vauban skills. Grineers will attempt to stay away from said traps instead of rushing in like lemmings.), CEASE FIRE/TAKE COVER (response to defensive skills like Snow Globe/Absorb. Grineers will stop shooting and take cover, thus not feeding an Absorb/making it harder to shoot them from within a snow globe.)
    Ø  Give them a different gun maybe?
    Ø  Elite, Slash
    Ø  Give them two firing modes, a reverse to our Miters.
    Ø  Normal mode: Fires blades at half the current fire rate. Blades do not bounce.
    Ø  Charged mode: 2 second charge time (makes clanging sounds of blades being loaded up). Upon fire, releases 6 consecutive blades at twice current fire rate. Blades bounce, but have halved damage per blade.
    Ø  Due to upgrading to elite status, reduce spawn rate but up health + shields.
    Ø  Elites
    Ø  Make shockwaves jumpable, like that of Shockwave Moas.
    Ø  CC resistant: Immune to stagger attacks. Knockdown attacks are reduced to staggers.
    Ø  Blast
    Ø  Reduce rocket homing capabilities (seriously, those things can do friggin’ u-turns right now).
    Ø  Increase rocket flight speed.
    Ø  Heat
    Ø  Fix the goddamn hitboxes.
    Ø  Decrease explosive range of napalm shots.
    Ø  Knockdown shockwave replaced with a Ring of Fire (same method of trigger).
    Ø  Blast
    Ø  Wields a pipebomb launcher (will be available as clantech). Pipebombs differ from normal grenades in that they can bounce off surfaces instead of sticking to them, and can roll slightly on the ground from momentum.
    Ø  Bombs activate after impacting a surface. 3 second count down before explosion after activation. Exception when bombs directly impact a Tenno, then they explode instantly. High damage explosions (i.e. 250 damage per bomb by level 20).
    Ø  3 shots per clip, Lex firerate.
    Ø  Role: Flush players out of cover, arcing and bouncing grenades mean less hiding places for the Tenno and more for the Grenadier.
    Ø  Starts appearing from level 20+.
    That’s about it for now, it’s not like the Grineers are in need of a lot of new units considering they kinda have double the unit variety of the other factions right now, it’s just that their existing units aren’t very good. There ARE other units I have in mind, but those are tileset-specific, so they’ll be in a later chapter dedicated to planet-specific tilesets.
    That’s it for Chapter 1. Any comments? Write them down below and let's get some discussions going :o I’ll start writing Chapter 2 for the Corpus some other day.
    Until then I’m going back to bed.

  17. *snip*

    I'm of the mind that the Tenno just aren't supposed to be siding with any of the enemy factions, but that's just lore. On the subject of actually increasing build diversity I whole-heartedly agree that something needs to be done, though even I don't know a concrete way of going about that right now. A start would be a Mods 2.5 system, where modding becomes, well, MODDING, instead of it being the be-all-end-all of build progression.


    As for the whole "faction weapons" thing, it would be simpler to have each faction follow a theme in their weaponry, other than just aesthetic design. Assigning elements to each faction that their weapons and enemy units adhere to for example, making factions MEAN something in terms of loadout building other than "oh this thing looks cool".


    But all that is probably for another thread, lol.

  18. woah woah woah slow down. The weapons aren't shovelware, they are getting better with each update. Everything else I agree on.


    Stuff like the damage 2.0 and the droptables are somehow still issues but I wouldn't mind them if they ever made gameplay additions aside from the weapons, or stopped working to break any unintended fun. It feels like powercreep is just another tool to sell weapons, which is clever but a shame.


    It's strange how everyone is just making the same threads over and over, but nothing ever changes. The games never end.

    Tysis is Acrid with a more fitting appearance (Acrid looks Orokin, not Infested). Every whip so far has been equal to regular swords other than animations and skins. Cernos should have been a Paris skin. Drakgoon is just a projectile shotgun (Detron) which's charge mechanic should've been on Brakk. Magnus is a Vasto skin. Aklex is an abomination that shouldn't exist. Karak is Soma. The only new weapons that were remotely acceptably fresh were Penta, Tigris and Stug (two of which's faction choice I disapprove of). So yes, they are shovelware.

  19. Dude if you hate the company so much why play? Why even take the time to come to the forums?


    I love this game because the developers actually communicate with the playerbase unlike most games (don't try to say they don't you delusional/lazy). That communication makes the game so much better because I feel like the community has input.


    What communication? You mean the bi-weekly livestreams where the devs sit around making random chit-chat and giving vague answers to important questions, making vague promises that may or may not be fulfilled, and insulting the playerbase when they feel like it? (Dojo release, small clans complain of absurd building costs, Steve brushes it off as wanting "instant gratification". Gradivus Event, Corpus supporters got ripped off due to terrible reward system, devs make jokes about the Detron blueprint to stomp all over their faces, just as two examples.)


    In case you haven't noticed, we practically have no say in anything important, and the devs rarely ever share any information even regarding critical mechanics changes until it's already been released. The only times when the community has had any effect on development was when practically everyone went up in arms and the stability of the game was threatened, like with how armor worked, and even then with armor/damage 2.0 the problem's still barely been solved. Stop DEluding yourself. They don't listen, we want them to listen, that's the problem here.

  20. Totally agree. I think that there is a sudden and sad end to this. An end where there is no more Warframe, and the corporate fat-cats of DE walk away with bulging pockets. Perhaps they will sell it to EA - which is a fate worse than bankruptcy liquidation. When I see lipstick on a pig, it doesn't take too much for me to figure out that this pig is going on the market.


    Maybe the big plan is to collect money enough to make some other game - maybe even their old one? This IS a beta - which means they can sucker-punch us at any time and shut everything down because it didn't "meet their goals or expectations". They can claim hat they felt it was "respectful" to shut it down rather than deliver a "flawed experience" (flawed by design - but hey, who's going to know that when the server shuts down?). As long as they keep it in beta, and keep it broken, they will always have an out - and I wouldn't be surprised if they took one of those outs in the near future...


    I didn't think i'd see an outlook more pessimistic than my own XD And the scary thing is I can see this happening. Though looking at where Warframe is heading right now if it keeps following the current path, it may as well be shut down for all the good it does anyone.

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