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Posts posted by Madotsuki

  1. 2 minutes ago, nerfinator6 said:

    Well, I did, but you keep sending me notifications.

    Just unfollow the thread then, or if that's not possible, ignore the notifications. Just because it pops up doesn't mean you need to click it.

    You're really only getting notified because I'm quoting you, and you're still on the thread page. Just stop posting and get off the thread and you'll be fine.

  2. Just now, nerfinator6 said:

    See, the thing is, I'm not disagreeing with everyone, everyone's disagreeing with YOU

    And that's cause for censoring someone? There's already been replies that agreed with me that the system is flawed, just not necessarily agreeing with the proposed solution, and if you really don't care, just quit the thread, it'll die if no one replies and I'm not bumping my own comments, m8.

  3. Just now, nerfinator6 said:

    Please shut up, you're giving me a headache...

    Or maybe you can stop reading the thread if you have literally nothing to contribute to the topic instead of telling everyone you disagree with to shut up on a forum dedicated to giving feedback about game content?

  4. Just now, AdunSaveMe said:

    The problem is NOT that it cycles from A to C, and the problem of ignoring time spent in missions is not solved by making almost every rotation C.

    It's not "utterly pointless" to go beyond round 4, either.

    Going beyond round 4 leaves me with tougher and more numerous enemies, yet all I get is the exact same rewards with the exact same drop rates from Round 1. How is that not pointless? The only practical reason anyone would do that would be to farm exp (and by wave 20 you should've gotten plenty of exp already anyway), or farm mutagen masses in ODD.

    And again, by changing the reward pools so C includes the significant drops of A and B, changing the cycle DOES fix the problem, because by going beyond Round 4, I am effectively saving time by skipping three pointless rounds that won't give me anything I'm looking for! It is the difference between having to roll once every 4 rounds, to rolling once EVERY round as long as I can bear with scaling enemies!

  5. Just now, AdunSaveMe said:

    What's risk-reward about actually being forced to restart the mission for the second rotation, which will also by default be the second easiest?

    The only problem with the current rotation system is that it ignores time spent in the mission, not that it cycles from A to C.

    Point ->

                    Your head

    That is literally the argument I've been making. The current cycling system ignores time spent in the mission, thus making it utterly pointless to go beyond Round 4, and this is a problem that can be fixed by CHANGING the cycling system! That is literally the point of arguing for a change in rotations!

  6. 3 minutes ago, PoisonHD said:

    So, prime parts in the old void didn't count as important drops?

    I sort of wasn't here for most of the old void system, and even when I was there I never bothered to farm void seriously, hence why I only have a Frost Prime and Latron + Reaper Prime prior to my 3 year leave.

    Just because I didn't know about the system though doesn't mean it's not still stupid.

  7. 5 minutes ago, PoisonHD said:

    I'm just wondering how you've played for so long and did not know this .-.

    There was never a reason to care about rotations until important drops were exclusively locked to the most tedious tier to get to, i.e. Nidus parts. Prior to that it didn't really matter that much.

  8. 5 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    But then there might as well not be A and B, and you can farm the one rotation at regular intervals instead of working for milestones of a sort.

    There is, by restricting certain high tier rewards to B (lower chance) and C, so you can't just constantly rerun the baseline. It's about having to put in the bare minimum time to make it to C, then your farming efficiency will be affected by how high level you're willing to deal with. Basic risk-reward.

  9. 4 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    Why would it make sense for A and B to only happen once? How are you going to have proper loot tables if you have ONE repeated rotation?

    That's simple, don't have exclusive drops in rotations A and B, excluding trash-tier drops like bronze mods being completely filtered out by C. It's like buffing your relics with traces, 'junk' drops get lower chances, but are still there, while you get better access to higher tier drops because you invested traces/effort into it.

  10. I'm sure most of you know about Rotations in endless missions, A-A-B-C and so on. Up until this point, I've always assumed that the Rotations went like this: A-A-B-C-C-C-C-C... and so on. You know, because it'd actually make sense. Except, while farming Nidus for the first time today, I found out the rotations DON'T work that way. Instead, they rotate back to A after C, so you only get C rewards every 4 waves.

    ...I can't even begin to describe how utterly stupid this is. WHY would anyone, outside of farming exp on Akkad, EVER go past the fourth reward? The whole point should've been if you kept going against tougher and more numerous enemies, you get to keep rolling the C pool and skip the first three rotations, that's the risk-reward trade, you're fighting tougher enemies to save time. It makes absolutely zero sense for it to switch back to the A pool, and makes going past round 4/wave 20 completely pointless! Not to mention this makes C-pool exclusive rewards absolutely cancerous to farm, as if this game isn't grindy enough as is.

    DE, seriously, you're clearly capable developers to have made a game that lasted this long and still has a huge playerbase, you've made enjoyable (if seriously flawed) content, so WHY can't you get even the BASICS right when it comes to anything involving farming?!


    Edit: Alright, adding a little explanation to counter generic questions. "B-b-but my A rewards!" You say? The answer is, again, simple. Don't have exclusive rewards in the A and B pools, excluding trash-tier drops like bronze mods being completely filtered out. Think of it like buffing Relics with Void Traces, low tier rewards have lower chances of dropping, but are STILL THERE, meanwhile you get better chances at high tier rewards because you invested traces/effort into it.

    Alternatively, taking something like Infested Salvage as an example, the Rotation could be changed to A-B-C-B-C-B-C, where B has low chances of Nidus parts but high chances of Relics, while C has low chances of Relics and high chances of Nidus parts, since theoretically you'd only need one set of Nidus parts for life anyway. Honestly things would be a million times simpler if DE just put the parts in the quest itself like every other frame quest, but it's too late for that now. I'd still have reason to keep going further past the first C, because I'd still be skipping all the As!

    Really, if you want to argue, give me a practical reason to ever go past the first Rotation C under the current system.

  11. An easy fix would be removing the initial explosion damage and reduce their fire rate by one-third so they're not nearly as spammy. Also remove the fire proc so you're not instantly doomed just because your toe grazed the hitbox. Under these conditions the lingering fire hazards themselves should do high damage, so grazing or dashing through it for half a second would be ill-advised but not lethal, while still letting Napalms be effective area denial units, instead of being unfun cancer that procs fire on you through walls with double the visible fire radius and DoTs you to death with no counterplay possible.

  12. 12 hours ago, chainchompguy3 said:

    Well, to be fair, Lephantis is just a basic Boss monster type #:6574-"Invulnerable except for weakpoints that open when it attacks".

    It's less of an "enemy" and more of a gameplay-filler while something plot-dramatic is happening (Which, due to Warframe's lack of any significant plot, is kind of meaningless).


    And as for balancing and adding interest to normal enemies: again, this is a hordeshooter. They are uninteresting cannon-fodder for a reason: and that reason is power-fantasy.


    But I also agree with part of what you have to say: It'd probably be better to balance pre-existing things, rather than adding new stuff.

    Just because Warframe's a horde shooter doesn't mean it can't have interesting enemies with unique behavior. Manics for example are well done, and personally while Bursas have a few problems when it comes to their attacks they do spice things up in a relatively unobnoxious way. It's about mixing in engaging mini-bosses that don't rely on unavoidable abilities (i.e. draining eximi) or horrible invuln gimmicks (Juggernaut's waiting-based one, invuln eximi's tiny hitboxes + erratic movement) or stupidly high damage mixed with spammable fire rate (Bombards/Scorches/Napalms, Toxic Ancient's breath/Mutalist osprey/sapping osprey stack), while keeping the swarms of fodder goons to rip up at your leisure. Break up the monotony.

  13. You have problems with Sealab Spy? What? I mean, maybe it's just me having played it like 100 times to get my Ivara BP, but it's really not that hard.

    Tower room: Probably the hardest of the bunch, but just play Loki. Open the hatch and go down to the bottom. Cloak, and bullet jump to the first level right from the entrance. Go left towards the locker room, turn around and bullet jump to the ledge on the second level. To your right is a laser gate, make sure it's down before going in. If you're doing it right and you have at least the standard duration mod, your cloak should run out about this time. Jump up to the top, cloak again, double jump onto the top floor. Kill the Elite Lancers at the top as needed, hack.

    Underwater room: Facing the glass wall, go right after opening the grates. Go right again, and just follow the path, destroying fan batteries when you can. Easy.

    Corridor thing: Stealth kill the first guy, he always start with his back towards you. Or just cloak and skip. Go down the stairs and go through the door to the three moving laser gates. When the first one's up, walk under it and crouch, be careful not to slide or you'll mess it up. Then just time it so you're moving while the second's going up and slide under the third. Go through the grates and wait for the two guards to look away, hack.

    Either way Loki will make any spy a lot easier, so I recommend using that and bring some energy restores.

  14. No no NO, don't make a thread like this! Don't buy Nidus just because you couldn't farm it! It's telling DE this is how to make all future frames and content, by putting it behind a massive grind wall that makes players give up and fork out cash! The answer is to just NOT GET IT! NEVER reward bad development decisions with money, ever. Nothing good will come of it.

  15. Much as I despise conclave and wish there's a PvE alternative, as long as the requirement for PvP isn't high I won't complain too much. Only 6 points for the reward isn't too bad (and I cheesed it with 'friends' anyway), I just wish the points on loss was 2 instead of 1, and the time per match was shrunk down to 5 minutes.

  16. You can deactivate the quest and still progress it methinks, just deactivate it, scan the required plants, make the potion, then reactivate it. That said, repeated dialogue IS incredibly annoying, I'm just glad I already had a stash of plants before taking the quest so everything went smoothly.

  17. They could have one Acolyte for a day every 3 weeks during the weekend, sort of like Baro, so there's some hope of getting their exclusive mods outside of rare events like this. As it stands, things like Argon Scope or Maiming Strike are too uniquely useful yet too hard to get when you're not even allowed to farm really low RNG for them on a semi-regular basis.

  18. Hardcore farming and RNG leads to super-fast player burnout. Nothing new here, even if DE will never learn.

    If it's any consolation, Maiming Strike is only good if you're trying to make meme weapons like Atterax or Telos Boltace. It's good for things like whip weapons which have huge reach on slide attacks, but there's plenty of weapons that don't need it, and from experience of having a Blood Rush (you can get that from Lua Spy) Atterax, and having seen Miragemulors in action, you really don't need MS to faceroll high level content.

    Let this be a reminder to you about Warframe's end-game: Ramming your face and time against RNG to collect digital items. Is it worth the effort? That's for you to decide.

  19. It'd be cool if Kuva Guardians could pop up in regular Fortress missions like Bursas (i.e. once or twice a mission if you raised the alarm) and drop 50-100 Kuva on kill. DE should really change the arbitrary invuln though, just give them 75% damage resist (and give them a polearm spinning/parrying animation) until you knock the weapon away. Smaller caches of 200-300 Kuva can also be Rotation C mission rewards. Would actually give me a reason to go back there >_>

  20. 4 hours ago, n4g4m4ki said:

    I am merely alone in our clan. One friend still plays the game with me, 3 inactive, ( yes very small clan, but that's also a way there is :)

    So if i would have left my clan to purchase the HEMA in another clan, I would not have known how to get back into my clan, since our Clanleader is not active anymore. And I kind of decorated the entire Dojo myself and didn't want to leave it - i kind of enjoy jumping and climbing around in that monkey-cage I built xD.

    I just did the math: Playing every syndicate mission a day and searching for all the pickups eventually got me spending less time actively "investing" for the HEMA, than wasting time in the orokin derelict would have. I ended up selling enough special weapons that I got for the points, and ended up buying the HEMA for that plat I recieved. Now i have an orokin catalyst installed, *yippie*, but at least i wont waste any forma on it, considering what I just read about the HEMA. (It's just a bad weapon, not even considering the costs)

    So maybe this is another strategy to deal with that sh*t, allthough I'm pretty sure another fellow Tenno had the same idea and maybe already shared the idea in the Forum, i just wanted to repeat it in that case :D 

    Just wait until it becomes prerequisite to future infested research :^) You KNOW it's going to happen.


    1 hour ago, dany2945 said:

    Q:What this huge cost accomplished?

    A:Selling and buying clan invites with plat

    I am Mastery Rank 22  with over 1000h played and i only have 1600 mutagen sampels and i didn't use many.The cost is unreasonable

    Increas the drop chanche or lower the cost, the only way to fix this mess

    The drop rate on ODD isn't the problem (though it could be higher), increasing that much further than what it is would imbalance all the other infested research. The problem is, besides the completely absurd Hema cost, that OD is pretty much the ONLY place you can get mutagens. Even if there comes a Corpus or Grineer research that takes just as many detonites/fieldrons, I doubt the outcry would've been that big, because you can get healthy amounts of that through REGULAR PLAY. I could be a completely new player roaming Earth or Venus and I'd still pick up those mats just playing random missions and progressing. Meanwhile, mutagen is only accessible if you SPECIFICALLY farm for it, on a single mission type (ODD is the only one with reasonable efficiency), on a single tileset (a single room in fact), and it's high level content only. You can't get that on any other infested mission, you can't even get that on ERIS despite it theoretically dropping there because the drop rate is so utterly abysmal! Which means no Akkad farming of course, can't even farm some spending credits while we're at it. This means casual players who don't want to burn themselves out of the game in a day's time won't even have anything to contribute, newbies can't contribute neither, and farming for it is like ten times more tedious than usual because of monotony. All of this culminates into the complete fustercluck we have today.

    I once had really high hopes for WF y'know. DE has proven time and time again they are CAPABLE of making good content and decisions, they are capable of listening to feedback and changing things. Yet for some reason, more often than not they just choose not to do that, and the game is worse off for it. Considering Index Gambit, Grindus, Hema, and now invulnerable eximi, I can only see WF rapidly going the way Destiny did.

  21. I thought the quest would be fun at the start when we got to visit an actual colony and help them. I was wrong.

    Index Index Index Index, every day until you like it, plus a hefty price tag for any mistake made. If Secura Lecta wasn't still 'bugged' back then I wouldn't even consider continuing that quest. And the worst part is, I have SEEN good quests in this game, and not just the story quests, Sands of Inaros was damn fun, Silver Grove was interesting, you guys are clearly CAPABLE of making warframe acquisition quests with good lore and unique gameplay. So why did you feel the need to make a quest that was 15 rounds of Index that doesn't even award the Nidus parts? This kind of unimaginative slog can only be comparable by Limbo Theorem, and at least THEN I was actually getting the parts themselves (and, subjectively speaking, the writing was actually amusing there).

    Even in terms of the index the quest wasn't well done. There's many players going in that've never played Index before, they don't know the points system or what to expect, and odds are they're going to fail because there's no explanation at the start. Boom, 100k credits gone. Third game, learned how to play now, wracking up points for those bonus points on cash in. Go back to score, LOL RIGGED, enemy takes the points, boom, 140k credits gone. As if the grind itself wasn't bad enough, the player stands to LOSE their own stuff too due to things out of their own control, which only makes it more stressful and unenjoyable. Why isn't Glast at least funding the first attempt each time?

    The quest could easily have been reduced to one round for each session, with a set broker team for each, so for the first 4 games you're facing different opponents each time, that'd at least feel fresher. The first game should've started with a brief explanation of the game mode, either by the Cephalon to fictional new viewers, or by Glast himself. Glast should've funded at least half of the stakes himself too, he's the one asking for your help. The rigged BS on the third game should've deleted the points instead of scattering them for the enemy to take (I play solo so the bots are completely useless as anything but a distraction).

    Finally, the quest should've led to Infested Salvage missions in the end, maybe when asking where the Colonists got that Nidus BP from, where it functions like Limbo Theorem, you do special Infested Salvage quests with high chances for parts instead of this random grind right now. There's not even an in-game indication of WHERE you get the Nidus parts, you just get the main BP and it's over.

    All in all, extremely disappointed in this 'quest'. You could've done so much better, but didn't.

  22. I just wish the infested room could be accessed at any time to cure the cyst at any stage of growth if I don't want it. Make the frame immune to further infection for like a week before it can get another cyst again. That'd fix everything.

    For now though just get a frame you don't use and get that infected, maybe two or three frames just to be safe. I doubt the cyst will be for anything other than the infested doggo, but if you can't get the cyst again after being cured then it's best to have some on hand.

  23. Being in friggin' Asia, the lag in conclave only adds to the cancer. WF was never built to have PvP, have it as an optional thing sure, but locking critical PvE rewards like Orokin Reactors/Catalysts behind PvP, not even counting stuff like exclusive ship decorations? Even if the "everyone has same loadout" reduces the imbalance somewhat, it's still a complete pain and an unenjoyable grind. And before you PvP elitists start jerking your e-peen to 'mad cus bad', having played the bare minimum amount of games needed for the rewards and never having touched Conclave before, I've placed top 3 EVERY SINGLE TIME except once, while hating every second of it. So no, I'm not bad. CONCLAVE is bad.

    If you're going to force people to play PvP in a PvE game, either make the points participation based rather than win based, or make all rewards entirely PvP based so normal players can just avoid it like the plague. 8 minutes of stressing over not getting top three multiple times in a row while there's teams and hardcore PvPers rolling around is NOT FUN.

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