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Posts posted by xveganrox

  1. Rank 6 is +105% damage, which is only a ~40% damage increase when you have full Serration. Bane is 30%, an extra element is 28-32% depending on whats on there, and neither of those has any accuracy loss. HCal is kinda one of those go full or go home kinda mods.


    Either max it out and accept the acc loss or use something else, imo.


    I think it's worth maxing out on Soma, but I'd rather have a rank 6 heavy cal on a weapon than bane or an element. Bane only affects specific enemies, and half of late game content is against mixed enemies. .3*.3333 means that in void missions bane is only giving you an extra 10% damage, so HC is adding four times bane's damage even when HC is only at rank 6.

  2. I already have the karak, its a great weapon, and I like Rhino but I would like to steer away from tanks like him and Frost.  I am actually in the process of creating Volt or Nova.  I cannot decide which seems could even though both seems like a formidable Warframe.  What does prime do different than the actual counterpart?  And I need more credits to increase my weapons, it takes forever lol.


    Thanks again for the help you guys.

    Go with Nova. Volt is cool for late game farming, but Nova is a powerhouse - sort of like Ember but much better at killing.

  3. Bane. A Third 90% Element is 32% damage increase, a 60% is only like 22%. Depends whats already on there. Given that the LP uses crit mods, I would only use HC if not using crit mods and already rocking Bane and at least 3 elementals.

    Except Bane only works on specific enemies, elemental damage is resisted by many enemies, and the accuracy trade off is marginal, and 40% is still > 30%. If you're soloing and taking your time or you haven't gotten Heavy Calibur yet your alternatives make plenty of sense, but if you have the Formas and Heavy Calibur that will do significantly more damage and be more versatile.

  4. Personally, I used my Legendary cores on a fresh Hornet Strike and a fresh Redirection, mostly because the the optimal mods that I could use it on, I had already done a lot of work on them (got Rank 9 Serration, Rank 7 and a half Heavy caliber-one I need at 8 and the other I need at 4, Narrow Minded was rank 8, but it sounded too wasteful using a once in a lifetime Legendary core on a mod 2 away from the top, among many others).


    Hmm.. Hate to break it to you, but the cost to bring Narrow Minded from 8 to 10 is much, much higher than the cost of bringing Redirection from 0 to max.

  5. Absolute first thing you need to do before buying a credit booster and spamming T3's is acquire Master Thief and max it out.


    Then get in the habit of running up to each locker and hoping it will turn green.

    Unfortunately, if you're trying to collect credits, that will reduce the amount you make dramatically, so definitely don't do that.

  6. Restricting to one account only might make sense on the surface, but you'd be screwing over people who had multiple leveled steel charges.  It's altogether possible, I myself retain serrations and a few other mods at multiple levels.

    I agree with most of your post, but this comparison is incorrect. There is a reason to have serration at multiple levels: lower level serration has a lower cost. There is no similar reason to have multiple leveled Steel Charge mods, because there is no benefit - ever - in using a lower level Steel Charge mod.

  7. You're playing it wrong - the game isn't about that at all. It's about playing Vauban in a PUG ODD and vortexing people off of their perches into the hordes of infested ;) Just see how well that max rank heavy caliber on their Penta serves them when they get pulled into the blast radius....

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