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Posts posted by xveganrox

  1. True enough, but this could be stopped by only allowing a single Snowglobe at a time. Trying to place another would yield a "Power is in use" message. Because honestly, why would you need more than one Snowglobe?


    Thank you for bringing that up though as it's something I overlooked while writing this up, I'll edit a small line in to cover that.

    Hmm, good point - that would make your solution much more realistic, and might also justify having a Snowglobe with panels that could take a reasonably high amount of fire before breaking.

  2. Acrid is very usable. everyone says it sucks because it doesn't have 999,999,999 DPS. but it certainly has a purpose.

    now, that being said, it's Status Chance feels a bit low for a clantech Weapon. but other than that i think Acrid serves the purpose that the Weapon exists for. backloaded Damage.

    however, the last i knew, the DoT ticks on Acrid were broken, i don't know if that was ever mended.

    The DoT ticks are broken. So it doesn't serve that purpose. It actually does suck very much. It's slightly better than a Lato but much worse than a Bolto.

    People don't like it because it's no longer the easymode gun it used to be, but I find that it's still effective and fun.Mod it for Viral damage, and the 100% poison proc will make short work of most things.

    Afraid not - the toxin hits for single digit ticks, and the status chance is 10%, making it subpar at delivering viral procs. Currently the Acrid is a very poor choice for killing things.

  3. I'm just going to pretend like those Oxium prices don't exist and that within the next day or two they're going to be drastically reduced...


    Either that or all the members of my clan's heads are going to collectively explode since we have 34 members and are in a storm tier...


    In my clan chat red text says they will be reduced shortly.

  4. It's pretty great. You'll kill yourself with it a lot though.


    it's a fun weapon but for the love of god don't shoot the slimeballs on ur allies :)


    had a guy kill 3 out of 4 on an a Nightmare alert mission today by just spraying slime on us (we had no shields)


    They added "friendly fire mode" to Nightmare? Must've missed that.

  5. Streamline, of course. It's just better in every situation (except possibly when leveling low level frames).


    For examples, Vauban using Bastille:


    Cost: 75 energy (or 53 with streamline)

    Duration: 30ish seconds, depending on how you mod it

    Vauban's Power: 225 (or 450 with Flow)

    Power regen: 2.4 /sec


    If you've got Streamline, you'll regen a Bastille's worth of energy every 22 seconds. If you have Flow, you'll regen a Bastille's worth of energy every 31.25 seconds. That means with Streamline, you can keep a Bastille up at all times without drops without it costing you any energy. In Warframe end-game content (currently), gameplay is a marathon, not a sprint. If that changes, Flow will be better than Streamline. For the moment, though, Streamline is much more useful than Flow, especially due to the importance of CC and support abilities.

  6. Yeah, Banshee is sort of good at super high levels. Wooooo. Yeah, you sure told us. She is a complete handicap until people are facing level 60+ enemies, and then, finally, she can start to pull some weight. Meanwhile up to that point, if she is built to maximize her Sonar range and/or strength she is a delicate snowflake that has to fear even level 20 enemies.


    Sonar is not that good, because sometimes it can highlight enemy parts that can't even be hit because it is a leg blocked by cover, or an arm blocked by cover, etc. And since it takes almost 3 seconds before it can be recast it is not nearly as on demand as it should be if it highlights body parts that are blocked. Sonar would be a thousand times more useful at all levels of play if it only highlighted their weak point; rarely is an enemies head not able to be shot even if they are behind cover, a leg or arm are often blocked.


    Sonic Boom is a joke. The majority of the time all it does is shove the enemy back, it does not even knock them down. That means they are instantly in the fight and melting Banshee's face, unless the player properly stood behind a wall, but then the chances they hit all the enemies they wanted to, giving a half-second interruption to their attacking, is low. I went out of my way trying to make this ability useful when I was leveling Banshee, and it is unreliable and not even worth trying to maximize in any form.


    Silence... Yeah, we all know about Silence. Banshee has the wonderful distinction of being the only frame with a completely useless ability unless people build around comboing Silence with Excalibur's Blind. Silence is useless even for solo stealth play because the game is not built around it so a simple line of sight detection can render Silence moot, and players would be better served by using one of the many silent weapons or getting a silence mod for their weapon of choice.


    And as for her Bass Cannon ability: It's trash. It does not even guarantee it will knock down enemies, mostly it just staggers them for the duration of its cast, and even the enemies that get knocked down are more spry than Tenno, because they are up again in about 1.5 seconds. Meanwhile poor Banshee is locked in place and completely vulnerable for 8 seconds, yet her dub step sound system only plays for 6 seconds. Yeah, that means that if a heavy gets knocked down it is almost back on its feet again by the time Banshee can move. Brilliant CC ability guys! Totally! This is without pointing out the major problem that if an enemy is just half a centimeter outside her little rave they can kill her because she is completely immobile and vulnerable for those 8 seconds of partying hard. So, that means a Banshee player purposely has to place themselves in sub-optimal places to safely use it. It's trash. It will continue to be trash until DE rebalances Banshee.


    And that is something every Banshee player needs to be calling for. Banshee needs rebalanced. She is in a worse place than Volt was prior to damage 2.0 (where now his abilities are reliable stuns on every faction), and in a worse place than Mag was prior to her changes.


    A group would be better served comboing a Rhino and Nova than a Banshee with anyone else, including said Rhino and Nova. A frame that is only useful when enemies are taking 1 point of damage is not that useful. Having a Banshee in your group is like having a group of only 3 players until you hit the 50 minute mark. There are vastly superior CC options than what Banshee can offer. There are decent damage increasing options, and while they do not reach the same level as Banshee they have something more valuable: flexibility.


    Make Banshee's Sonic Boom have a slightly better range and shoving enemies 15-20 meters away while reliably knocking enemies on their keesters (and take several seconds to get up if they are knocked down) and it would be a good CC ability. Make Sonar highlight enemy weak points and increase those damage multipliers instead of randomly making a body part a weak point and it would be a good, reliable, damage increasing ability. Make her subwoofer mobile, like Ember's World on Fire, just instead of damage it does long lasting knock downs, or at least make Banshee invulnerable during her use of it for the 8 seconds of the animation, and it would be useful again as well. And for the love of the RNG Elder Beings that dream in their ancient cities beneath the oceans, make Silence actually useful, and then, Banshee would be a good frame.


    Until then she will be a niche, under powered frame.


    Yeaaaaahh so about that wall of text...

    11x damage. Think about it.

  7. Explain why no one wants banshee in recruiting channel?

    While it was most popular during update 7, 8.


    People running T1 and alerts might not want Banshee. Anyone who's played for more than a week and knows that she's hands down the highest DPS frame in the game is going to want her for higher level content, though. 11x damage is just crazy.

  8. There are now two toxic mods that can be used:








    Cicero Toxic




    That will give you the maximum toxic damage + dot (which ignores shields btw)


    Doesn't really matter if it ignores shields when it's doing like 2 damage a tick. Acrid just needs a scaling DoT like it used to have, then all will be well. Currently Acrid is garbage.

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