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Posts posted by xveganrox

  1. The most I've seen anyone get was 38 - although they were lucky enough to have heard about the Steel Charge changes right away. Knowing this community though I'm sure there are people out there who did a whole lot better. Did anyone break 100? What's the record? Who is the new richest person in Warframe? Bonus points for screenshots to back up your crazy claims :p

    And if you didn't get any, don't be a buzzkill - it's not an exploit, it went just the way DE said it would.

  2. Rhino is a great all around choice, and will affect boss battles. So will Trinity - she can keep the entire party invincible for boss battles, which is great for Raptor (and everything else). Vauban isn't a boss focused frame, but if you're buying a frame with plat he is the clear choice - the other frames can be made easily without spending plat. Also, if you have a Vauban you'll always be able to find a group. Bastille and Vortex won't affect most bosses but they'll rock everything else, especially infested.

  3. Games are less fun for me when they have elements that are instant if you pay cash. I don't know the exact justification for that, but a LOT of people feel the same way, and I don't think it has anything to do with "jealousy" or whatever. Diablo 3 was the same way - constantly having the option just to pay instead of grinding makes the grinding more miserable.

  4. I didn't rank up more than one Steel Charge just to abuse this at the last minute but it does kinda' suck that people just did it at the last minute just to squeeze more out of DE it's not morally correct maybe but it was resourceful.


    ... are you suggesting that somehow whether or not you chose to rank up virtual mods by adding virtual fusion cores to them in a video games about space ninjas is a moral dilemma?

  5. You want to boycott Prime sales and trading? Use regular Ember and regular Frost instead of the prime version.


    You want to boycott clan tech? Don't build them. That's what I do.

    I'm not boycotting anything. I already have almost all the prime items farmed out, and I probably won't build the new clan tech items for a long time (and when I do it won't be with plat). It doesn't really affect me, but when I look at a F2P game and notice that everything in it can be bought with cash, it's generally a red flag.


    Hey look another thread

    I appreciate your contribution. I'm sure it took you a lot of thought to come up with that.

  6. When I introduced this game to people before they would often be suspicious of the cash shop, but I always used to be able to say, "Yeah, you can buy all of the basic equipment with money, but for the best stuff you actually have to play the game." I didn't expect Prime items to be purchasable with platinum, but I guess when they threw up Prime Access I should have seen this coming. Oh well - it doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the game anymore, but it does seem like Warframe is sliding a bit more to the evil side of F2P, especially with all the new weapons coming out as Clantech + Market.

  7. I'll sit for hours pondering whether to use one mod or the other. I always have to tell myself that it really doesn't matter, because both will work fine anyway.


    But then it keeps nagging me in the back of my mind that it might have been better the other way.


    warframe is giving me stress because i have issues

    You should take a week off...

  8. The problem isn't about money. It's that the effort, time, and patience that goes into researching and building a clantech weapon is utterly invalidated by the fact that some scrub with 8 dollars and no brains can blow it all on a single weapon because they can.


    I have said this since day one and I will say it as much as I have to to get this point across:


    I want to feel like I EARNED my weapons. I don't want to boot up the game and feel like it's work because there's no fun to be had. Monster Hunter, for example, does virtually the same this this game does in terms of resource gathering, killing the same enemies over and over to get loot drops, etc. But you know what that series has over this? The core gameplay is FUN and CHALLENGING and goes beyond Wave 50 Grineer garbage.

    Then don't buy weapons with plat. I have a one person dojo and I've only spent plat on cosmetics, but I don't mind clan weapons being available for purchase. I'm not going to buy them, but if someone does, good for them. I don't feel like the enjoyment I have in playing is invalidated by someone else being able to buy weapons. Besides, I have enough Warframe trophies nobody can buy already, as do you if you've been around long enough to play the events.

  9. Soma's pretty high up there on DPS lists. 


    Primary-wise you've got:


    Synapse, which is a lot like Soma in use but has a low maximum range and costs far more resources, and takes a lot longer to build.

    Ogris and Penta, both of which are explosive weapons, have unlimited ammo, and can be very effective, though they have lower single-target DPS and can kill you.

    Paris Prime/Dread if you're into stealth/sniping, but even with the buff they're just never going to be as fast and effective at killing as Soma is.

    Ignis has a much lower DPS, but can hit an unlimited number of targets - if you play Vauban, check it out.

    Burston Prime/Latron Prime are both effective weapons, though they have slightly lower DPS when properly modded than Soma.


    Secondary choices are fairly limited:


    Brakk and Detron are two of the best. Brakk was event only and Detron is difficult to farm.

    Stug is probably your best choice - very high DPS (hint: don't charge it) and easy to make.

    Embolist has a decent damage potential and like Ignis can hit unlimited targets.

    Bronco Prime can be used as the poor man's Brakk, but it's a lot weaker DPS-wise.


    Melee weapons suck. Get a Galatine if you want to be able to do any damage at all, get Dual Zoren for mobility - everything else is just for experience.



    Thx,Any of these better than soma? No you can list event weapons dxcept brakk :D

    None of them have better single-target DPS than Soma, but in a lot of cases Ignis or Penta would be a better choice.
  10. It's not just Embolist.. Flux Rifle underperforms compared to pretty much any other primary, Dera is terrible, Supra is average at best - basically all the clan weapons got needed hard with damage 2.0. Synapse and Ignis are still good, but still out damaged by the easy to get Soma.

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