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Everything posted by hqz_

  1. Good catch. Thanks for pointing this out. It all makes sense now.
  2. I have the Primal Rage mod when I look it up from the Mods inventory: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3141807544 But then in the Arsenal with Wukong Prime equipped, I can't find it: Searching for "Wukong": https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3141807589 Searching for "Primal": https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3141807568 What am I missing?
  3. I just tried Arquebex and it destroys the Teralyst parts. Perfect. 😎 Thanks everyone for all the advice.
  4. Thanks for these answers. Good to know that I don't need a sniper rifle for this. So far I've been using a Rattleguts primary modded for Radiation damage. It's not super fast but it's reasonable. I'm wondering if there's a Tenet or Kuva weapon that could be decent for this, especially with the innate element damage bonus. For example the Tenet Detron has 100% Radiation damage and an alt-fire that unloads all bullets at once (so potentially good curst damage).
  5. I only recently started getting into Eidolon farming (I just need some Eidolon shards to rank up the Quills). I was looking for a reasonable weapon and most guides I saw recommend a sniper rifle like Rubico Prime. I'm MR 29 and I am sitting on a lot of weapons in my arsenal, with some of them really trivializing Steel Path. So I am wondering why snipers are considered better for Eidolons specifically. I initially thought it was about the ability to do high burst damage. But is there an important mechanic with Eidolon parts that I am not aware of? Note: I am really after Teralyst kills at the moment as I already have the arcanes I need from the others.
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